
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme: That dragon you couldn't Exalt
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Tien here is the daughter of my clan leader and her mate. One of many, many, and like pretty much all the rest she was destined for exaltation. Then I saw her colors and fell in love. She's my perfect little ink blob and has a permanent home in my clan now.


Tien here is the daughter of my clan leader and her mate. One of many, many, and like pretty much all the rest she was destined for exaltation. Then I saw her colors and fell in love. She's my perfect little ink blob and has a permanent home in my clan now.
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[img][/img] I've been trying to get some of the breeding achievements lately and out of the three eggs from the pair that I bred recently, I saw this one and was pleasantly surprised. I [i]did[/i] consider exalting and/or selling all three of the hatchlings but I decided against letting this one go since I liked the color combination.

I've been trying to get some of the breeding achievements lately and out of the three eggs from the pair that I bred recently, I saw this one and was pleasantly surprised. I did consider exalting and/or selling all three of the hatchlings but I decided against letting this one go since I liked the color combination.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] I found this guy while Earth Flight was going for dominance back in June and I really wanted to keep him because he had been the only earth dragon in the price range. Now he's my Clan's Hoard and Vault keeper.


I found this guy while Earth Flight was going for dominance back in June and I really wanted to keep him because he had been the only earth dragon in the price range. Now he's my Clan's Hoard and Vault keeper.
[img][/img] i think i won him in a newby raffle and id feel too guilty vuv

i think i won him in a newby raffle and id feel too guilty vuv
For me, it's [b]Ashes[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I originally got him from a free thread on the Arcane forums. Someone was giving him away to be used as exalt fodder. So I took him for that purpose. But he very soon grew on me. I came up with a character for him and just took a strong liking to him. He's still very much like the way I got him but he's been ever-waiting to be gened. His eventual look will be: Ripple/Shimmer/Gembond. Since he's Obsidian/Grey/Fire, I reckon that'll be very cool. ^^
For me, it's Ashes:


I originally got him from a free thread on the Arcane forums. Someone was giving him away to be used as exalt fodder. So I took him for that purpose. But he very soon grew on me. I came up with a character for him and just took a strong liking to him.
He's still very much like the way I got him but he's been ever-waiting to be gened. His eventual look will be: Ripple/Shimmer/Gembond. Since he's Obsidian/Grey/Fire, I reckon that'll be very cool. ^^
The "dragon I meant to Exalt but just couldn't let go of" award definitely belongs to [b]Global[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She hatched from a nest between a pretty mismatched pair of mine, and I thought she was just all right, nothing special. Tried to sell her, she wouldn't go; tried to exalt, but I just couldn't click the button. Then Crackle happened. Her destiny became clear.
The "dragon I meant to Exalt but just couldn't let go of" award definitely belongs to Global


She hatched from a nest between a pretty mismatched pair of mine, and I thought she was just all right, nothing special. Tried to sell her, she wouldn't go; tried to exalt, but I just couldn't click the button. Then Crackle happened. Her destiny became clear.
Looking for Dragons in these colors
Magenta/Orchid/Grapefruit for Aether, Light/Arcane/Lightning
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] This dude decided to stay in my lair and i find it always hard to exalt his offspring too ^^' Mirrors just look so perfect with ripple and underbelly!


This dude decided to stay in my lair and i find it always hard to exalt his offspring too ^^' Mirrors just look so perfect with ripple and underbelly!
10 hours ahead of FR time 7U505Sm.png
[url=] [img][/img] [/url]

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hardly pretty or perfect, but my younger (college-aged) sister was in the room when he was hatched and I told her to name him. After confusing the underbelly for a big green tongue he went through a number of hilariously bad names (lickie, tongue, tonguebelly, tongueless) before we settled on "tungsten" as a compromise. Then I mentioned I'd be sending him to the Earthshaker and my sister did the puppy-eyes thing. It's super effective at any age.


Hardly pretty or perfect, but my younger (college-aged) sister was in the room when he was hatched and I told her to name him. After confusing the underbelly for a big green tongue he went through a number of hilariously bad names (lickie, tongue, tonguebelly, tongueless) before we settled on "tungsten" as a compromise. Then I mentioned I'd be sending him to the Earthshaker and my sister did the puppy-eyes thing. It's super effective at any age.
(hes a hatchling now, but yay for the scrying workshop) [img][/img] I sniped him off the AH for 1kT, and i was planning to just level him and exalt him, not to mention that i dont particularly care for pearlcatchers at all. But something about him stood out to me i guess... Hes so plain idek what it is but i have gene plans for him now ;u;
(hes a hatchling now, but yay for the scrying workshop)

I sniped him off the AH for 1kT, and i was planning to just level him and exalt him, not to mention that i dont particularly care for pearlcatchers at all. But something about him stood out to me i guess... Hes so plain idek what it is but i have gene plans for him now ;u;