Chanterelle is so pretty, I love a combination of greens and browns, there were many tough picks in your lair for this reason! Ultimately went with them though because I like how the mushroom apparel and the colors are balanced out, and they use keel really nicely.
next person: I have SDs both in lair and hibernal den
Chanterelle is so pretty, I love a combination of greens and browns, there were many tough picks in your lair for this reason! Ultimately went with them though because I like how the mushroom apparel and the colors are balanced out, and they use keel really nicely.
next person: I have SDs both in lair and hibernal den
Kiln is really lovely. I love the black and cream colour combination and she is wearing a piece of apparel i also enjoy and love to use - daredevil cover - it can give so many neat lore ideas and it paired with the armor really makes me interested in learning more about her. I also like that the flecks looks like she was splashed in ink, she is just a really lovely SD. [/center]
Kiln is really lovely. I love the black and cream colour combination and she is wearing a piece of apparel i also enjoy and love to use - daredevil cover - it can give so many neat lore ideas and it paired with the armor really makes me interested in learning more about her. I also like that the flecks looks like she was splashed in ink, she is just a really lovely SD.
@Phoenyxx I had a really tough time choosing--so many gorgeous Skydancers, and I loved seeing so many with more "classic" genes and gene combos that I don't think I've seen around for a while! Your whole "Council" tab is [i]stunning[/i]!!
But enough preamble--
I finally chose Cedar. There's something so satisfying to me about how well you've matched all of her gray tones with the perfect colored apparel. The different stripes are so elegant and striking at the same time, and the little shimmers of color from her accent, simple though it may be, she wears so beautifully. Cedar is a dragon that would hold her own even with no apparel or accent, but you really have an eye for precisely selecting the right ones that completely bring her to the next level. [emoji=fae love size=1]
Honorable mentions (because I lied and I can't pick just one) to [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/31663444]Spring[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/28518282]Viola[/url], both are gorgeous, and again, the apparel you've selected for them is just perfect!
Phoenyxx I had a really tough time choosing--so many gorgeous Skydancers, and I loved seeing so many with more "classic" genes and gene combos that I don't think I've seen around for a while! Your whole "Council" tab is
But enough preamble--

I finally chose Cedar. There's something so satisfying to me about how well you've matched all of her gray tones with the perfect colored apparel. The different stripes are so elegant and striking at the same time, and the little shimmers of color from her accent, simple though it may be, she wears so beautifully. Cedar is a dragon that would hold her own even with no apparel or accent, but you really have an eye for precisely selecting the right ones that completely bring her to the next level.
Honorable mentions (because I lied and I can't pick just one) to
Spring and
Viola, both are gorgeous, and again, the apparel you've selected for them is just perfect!
I absolutely had to go with Shaava. I am a stickler for any gened G1, one she has a special poise and beauty that caught my eye. The accent is the cherry on top!
I absolutely had to go with Shaava. I am a stickler for any gened G1, one she has a special poise and beauty that caught my eye. The accent is the cherry on top!