
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Prettiest Dragon Above You!
@QhaZomb Yespar has a pretty steampunk aesthetic to her. [center][img][/img][/center]
@QhaZomb Yespar has a pretty steampunk aesthetic to her.
2VM0q.gif QD9Ys.gif
@TheQueenOfFire [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This guy! I don't normally like eyeburners but this guy is so cute! Poi/tox on him looks amazing, I like that his tert doesn't distract away from his primary and secondary! And bonus points for his matching familiar and outfit plan! He's gonna look so good in that :D


This guy! I don't normally like eyeburners but this guy is so cute! Poi/tox on him looks amazing, I like that his tert doesn't distract away from his primary and secondary! And bonus points for his matching familiar and outfit plan! He's gonna look so good in that :D
@themasterplan47 I’m always weak for purples huhu her aesthetic is stunning [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I’m always weak for purples huhu her aesthetic is stunning

@Joydom [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Those colors, that simple and yet striking apparel. Love her! :)


Those colors, that simple and yet striking apparel. Love her! :)
@Wakener [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]Lysander's colors are absolutely beautiful, and I love the dark accents of his apparel. Such a gorgeous dragon![/columns]

Lysander's colors are absolutely beautiful, and I love the dark accents of his apparel. Such a gorgeous dragon!
|| C l a n __U m b r a ||

We begin in the dark,
and birth is the death of us.

@blackcrowking [img][/img] I love his aesthetic!
I love his aesthetic!
[monotone screaming]
@GimmeThemPrimals [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I really like how soft looking she is! Her apparel matches her secondary so well and the soft browns just make her look so good! Also I just wanted to say that Nocturne on page 7 of the Ravine is awesome!


I really like how soft looking she is! Her apparel matches her secondary so well and the soft browns just make her look so good!
Also I just wanted to say that Nocturne on page 7 of the Ravine is awesome!
@CopicCrusader [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This was such a hard choice, but that accent just does it for me! What a beautiful autumn boy <3


This was such a hard choice, but that accent just does it for me! What a beautiful autumn boy <3
@ClanHeartsgleam [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm loving this lad! His color scheme is absolutely perfect and the apparel all blends right in, while adding that nice little pop! Hes so gorgeous!


I'm loving this lad! His color scheme is absolutely perfect and the apparel all blends right in, while adding that nice little pop! Hes so gorgeous!
waterlily3.png Aww yeah boi waterlily3.png
@Lavloner [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Porcelain is absolutely gorgeous. I was of the opinion that veined looked just kinda ehh, but this girl has proven me wrong. The color of her tert matches her skin so perfectly, my goodness. It's even more impressive when you realize that it's a fest skin and not a custom made one ( not that a custom would take away, but it being mass produced and so well used by you is amazing ). Also I think the pink on her feathers isn't even part of the skin, how did manage to find a dragon that fits the skin and veined gene perfectly all at once??? I'm just blown away at how all the elements of her design complement each other. I love how it's like the trees binding to her, acting like vines. I'm pretty biased about this considering my element, but I'm definitely a sucker for unique plant dragons. Over all, she's a lovely flowery gal :3


Porcelain is absolutely gorgeous. I was of the opinion that veined looked just kinda ehh, but this girl has proven me wrong. The color of her tert matches her skin so perfectly, my goodness. It's even more impressive when you realize that it's a fest skin and not a custom made one ( not that a custom would take away, but it being mass produced and so well used by you is amazing ). Also I think the pink on her feathers isn't even part of the skin, how did manage to find a dragon that fits the skin and veined gene perfectly all at once??? I'm just blown away at how all the elements of her design complement each other. I love how it's like the trees binding to her, acting like vines. I'm pretty biased about this considering my element, but I'm definitely a sucker for unique plant dragons. Over all, she's a lovely flowery gal :3