
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | I know that reference!
1 2 ... 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 ... 18290 18291
@BlueberryBlast [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My satyr boy!!!!!


My satyr boy!!!!!
@browncoatparadox It's late where I am and I really should be sleeping, which is why I spent literally a solid minute staring at Sylphrenia and going 'huh. Sylphrenia. What an unusual name. Huh. In fact, the only place I think I've seen it before is...' *dawning realization* [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rabbit trail aside, I never see cosmere dragons and I'm so happy rn.

It's late where I am and I really should be sleeping, which is why I spent literally a solid minute staring at Sylphrenia and going 'huh. Sylphrenia. What an unusual name. Huh. In fact, the only place I think I've seen it before is...' *dawning realization*


Rabbit trail aside, I never see cosmere dragons and I'm so happy rn.
more permas in my hibden!
fandragon list
@Fabro [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I was gonna go with one of your Ninjago dergs....... but then I saw Kacchan Edit: I love your fanderg of Pit from Kid Icarus as well! ([s]I haven't played KIU yet but I have a derg of Viridi[/s]) Fandragons are in the "Fandragons" tab! Challenge: Try to pick someone who doesn't have many picks, or isn't a BNHA or Pokémon fanderg! Try not to pick Spinel unless you've actually watched the SU movie![b][/b]


I was gonna go with one of your Ninjago dergs....... but then I saw Kacchan

Edit: I love your fanderg of Pit from Kid Icarus as well! (I haven't played KIU yet but I have a derg of Viridi)

Fandragons are in the "Fandragons" tab!

Challenge: Try to pick someone who doesn't have many picks, or isn't a BNHA or Pokémon fanderg! Try not to pick Spinel unless you've actually watched the SU movie!
Phantom ~ She/Her ~ Ace ~ Formerly ThePhantomWolf/Shiromori
+2 FR Time ~ Final Fantasy and Touhou are my life
Terra%20-%20Victory%20(Front).gifSabin%20-%20Walk%20(Front).gifEdgar%20-%20Finger.gif Terra%20-%20Esper%20-%20Blink%20(Front).gif Setzer%20-%20Finger.gifCeles%20-%20Wink.gifMaria%20-%20Sing.gifLocke%20-%20Laugh.gifRelm%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif
@Shiromori [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Im sorry if she's been picked a lot, but I legit stopped everything I was doing to scroll through her bio and hhhh I'm absolutely weak for Mystery Skulls, ngl


Im sorry if she's been picked a lot, but I legit stopped everything I was doing to scroll through her bio and hhhh
I'm absolutely weak for Mystery Skulls, ngl
@Boop707 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] There's no more info on her page so it might be [i]foolish[/i] to pick her but is she Franzy Von Karma?


There's no more info on her page so it might be foolish to pick her but is she Franzy Von Karma?
@CelebrenIthil [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Final Fantasy!!!!!!!! I love the comic in her bio btw Fandragons are in the "Fandragons" tab! Challenge: Try to pick someone who doesn't have many picks, or isn't a BNHA or Pokémon fanderg! Try not to pick Spinel unless you've actually watched the SU movie!


Final Fantasy!!!!!!!! I love the comic in her bio btw

Fandragons are in the "Fandragons" tab!

Challenge: Try to pick someone who doesn't have many picks, or isn't a BNHA or Pokémon fanderg! Try not to pick Spinel unless you've actually watched the SU movie!
Phantom ~ She/Her ~ Ace ~ Formerly ThePhantomWolf/Shiromori
+2 FR Time ~ Final Fantasy and Touhou are my life
Terra%20-%20Victory%20(Front).gifSabin%20-%20Walk%20(Front).gifEdgar%20-%20Finger.gif Terra%20-%20Esper%20-%20Blink%20(Front).gif Setzer%20-%20Finger.gifCeles%20-%20Wink.gifMaria%20-%20Sing.gifLocke%20-%20Laugh.gifRelm%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif
@Shiromori [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I haven't listened to hamilton in a while but your lafayette is really good!! ----- fandergs in den and to be denned tab :3c


I haven't listened to hamilton in a while but your lafayette is really good!!
fandergs in den and to be denned tab :3c
Hellen | He/him
About me
host of a DID system
fandragons here, here, and here
@Silksongs [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hollow knight! I really need to play this game, it looks super fun


Hollow knight!
I really need to play this game, it looks super fun
Hey ya, my name is O'hare, and I like dragons, I play reference games a lot; I have fandragons in my Pili fandragons, and media archives tabs, if ya can, try to choose someone with a lower count. It's okay to pick from my hibden for forum games
@TheOhareLair [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [dancing mad starts playing quietly] @SilkSongs [url=] [img][/img] [/url] one (1) goth boy ----- NOTE to next user: please do not pick any hobden dragons/please check bios bfore picking, there's hints there!


[dancing mad starts playing quietly]



one (1) goth boy

NOTE to next user: please do not pick any hobden dragons/please check bios bfore picking, there's hints there!



Were you expecting a modicum of rust?
@Amyatzu [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]I thiink this is Fire Emblem?? I don't remember much about FE from my already loose knowledge but He rings many bells[/i] [b]All references in Fandragons tab only! Challenging: Pick a dragon with 1-3 or no "IKTR" Counts~[/b] [/center]


I thiink this is Fire Emblem?? I don't remember much about FE from my already loose knowledge but He rings many bells

All references in Fandragons tab only! Challenging: Pick a dragon with 1-3 or no "IKTR" Counts~
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