Hello! I am bored, so I ask kindly for you to give me some dragons to draw
1. You don't pay anything unless you want to, and if you do want to I ask that you wait until after I sent the drawing to you because,
2. I am not guaranteeing any dragon that gets posted here will be drawn. I will draw a dragon based on my mood, it is Not first come first served.
3. Preferably no complicated apparel or skins/accents. If you do send one in and I want to draw the dragon it will most likely be simplified, so be aware of that.
4. Keep editing of my drawings to a minimum, rotating the image and using it as part of a gif is fine, but no major changes please.
5. You can use it anywhere you like, but please credit/link back to my fr account.
6. I am bad at drawing a lot of dragons. So uh... keep your hopes down.
7. Most dragons will most likely be drawn in MS Paint. There is a small chance it will make it to an actual art program.
Other questions answered!
1. You don't pay anything unless you want to, and if you do want to I ask that you wait until after I sent the drawing to you because,
2. I am not guaranteeing any dragon that gets posted here will be drawn. I will draw a dragon based on my mood, it is Not first come first served.
3. Preferably no complicated apparel or skins/accents. If you do send one in and I want to draw the dragon it will most likely be simplified, so be aware of that.
4. Keep editing of my drawings to a minimum, rotating the image and using it as part of a gif is fine, but no major changes please.
5. You can use it anywhere you like, but please credit/link back to my fr account.
6. I am bad at drawing a lot of dragons. So uh... keep your hopes down.
7. Most dragons will most likely be drawn in MS Paint. There is a small chance it will make it to an actual art program.
Other questions answered!
Art examples, Fully rendered pieces are first, then Ms paint examples:
This will most likely be a one time thing, but here is a pinglist if I open again after closing |