
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Plaguelight Public Library
[center][font=cambria][size=7][color=990000][b]Plaguelight Public Library[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=5][b][url=][color=990000]Map Location[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=990000]Add Your Lore[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=990000]Info For Necromancers[/color][/url] [url=][color=990000]Guestbook[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=990000]Art Credits[/color][/size][/b][/url] [font=cambria][size=4][color=990000][b][url=][color=75240c]Books A-D[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=75240c]Books E-H[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=75240c]Books I-L[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=75240c]Books M-P[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=75240c]Books Q-T[/color][/url][color=4a0d0d] • [/color][url=][color=75240c]Books U-Z[/b][/color][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][font=cambria][size=4][color=381d17]The Plaguelight Public Library is a dragon-curated library at the edge of the Abiding Boneyard. This Library is open to all visitors who can survive the travel to get there, and books are freely available for anyone to read. No payment is required, although the expected gift of a new book before entry is considered polite. The building is pocked stone, half-submerged in writhing brambles and dirt, and kept under guard by Necromancers and their allies. The more deadly, secret tomes are kept in guarded inner chambers, accessible only to Plaguelight members. This library is a project of the [url=]Plaguelight[/url] faction of [url=]Necromancers[/url]: envoys, diplomats and researchers of the Plague flight who seek to share knowledge among all flights to better prepare against the Shade. That being said, the knowledge they gather is eclectic, spanning all topics and types, from adventures to cooking recipes. One never knows from where useful information might come. [/color][/size][/font][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=4][color=381d17]This thread is intended to serve as a [b]repository of in-character lore, stories and research that might be available publicly for dragons to read.[/b] [url=]See below[/url] on how to have your texts added to the Library list. [b]Feel free to have anything whatsoever included,[/b] so long as it could reasonably have been written about for other dragons to read. The Library can include everything from obscure research notes to alchemical and cooking recipes, or from tales of your dragons' adventures to fictional stories passed from dragon to dragon. You will find a form below that you can use to add your works to the Library's book list. Please feel free to post in this thread—either as a full post, or a link to another thread—about your dragons' visits to the Plaguelight Library. Use the Library as an RP resource, writing prompt, and so on. Go wild![/color] [color=transparent].[/color][/size][/font] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]
Public Library
The Plaguelight Public Library is a dragon-curated library at the edge of the Abiding Boneyard. This Library is open to all visitors who can survive the travel to get there, and books are freely available for anyone to read. No payment is required, although the expected gift of a new book before entry is considered polite. The building is pocked stone, half-submerged in writhing brambles and dirt, and kept under guard by Necromancers and their allies. The more deadly, secret tomes are kept in guarded inner chambers, accessible only to Plaguelight members.

This library is a project of the Plaguelight faction of Necromancers: envoys, diplomats and researchers of the Plague flight who seek to share knowledge among all flights to better prepare against the Shade. That being said, the knowledge they gather is eclectic, spanning all topics and types, from adventures to cooking recipes. One never knows from where useful information might come.
| 3j5iUha.png

uwJbdLq.png | This thread is intended to serve as a repository of in-character lore, stories and research that might be available publicly for dragons to read. See below on how to have your texts added to the Library list. Feel free to have anything whatsoever included, so long as it could reasonably have been written about for other dragons to read. The Library can include everything from obscure research notes to alchemical and cooking recipes, or from tales of your dragons' adventures to fictional stories passed from dragon to dragon.

You will find a form below that you can use to add your works to the Library's book list.

Please feel free to post in this thread—either as a full post, or a link to another thread—about your dragons' visits to the Plaguelight Library. Use the Library as an RP resource, writing prompt, and so on. Go wild!

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7][color=990000][b]Map Location[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [center][map x=2274 y=1843 view=land width=480 height=240]Plaguelight Library[/map][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=4][color=990000]While open to all visitors, the Plaguelight library can be difficult to safely reach. A dragon's best bet is to fly northwest from Flotsam Town, although the way will be long and over water with few places to stop and rest. Alternatively, the courageous might brave the shadows of Foxfire Bramble, or pick their way through the edges of the Abiding Boneyard. Once the Library is reached, guests are generally expected to provide a book, scroll, tablet or the like as a gift. Those who do not won't be denied entry, but their lack of generosity may be frowned upon. The Library itself is an old, fortress-like structure of pocked stone half-sunk into the arid waste, with writhing brambles and mucus-like growths constantly cleared from the outer walls. Within, the chambers are dry and cool: perfect for the preservation of ancient tomes. Dim light and open spaces allow for dragons to pick through the shelves and read at their leisure.[/color][/size][/font][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]
Map Location
Bf96mCc.png | While open to all visitors, the Plaguelight library can be difficult to safely reach. A dragon's best bet is to fly northwest from Flotsam Town, although the way will be long and over water with few places to stop and rest. Alternatively, the courageous might brave the shadows of Foxfire Bramble, or pick their way through the edges of the Abiding Boneyard.

Once the Library is reached, guests are generally expected to provide a book, scroll, tablet or the like as a gift. Those who do not won't be denied entry, but their lack of generosity may be frowned upon. The Library itself is an old, fortress-like structure of pocked stone half-sunk into the arid waste, with writhing brambles and mucus-like growths constantly cleared from the outer walls. Within, the chambers are dry and cool: perfect for the preservation of ancient tomes. Dim light and open spaces allow for dragons to pick through the shelves and read at their leisure.
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[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7][color=990000][b]Add Your Lore![/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=4][color=990000]Help us fill the Library! To have your lore posted to the Library, please use the form below. All you'll need is an in-character name for the work, an in-character author name ("unknown" is fine if the author would not be listed), a brief description of the contents (from a line up to a very short paragraph), and a link. If the description is too long, it may be shortened/summarized for the purposes of its listing. If you have a preferred item icon you'd like used, just name it! There's a visual list of icons below to choose from. Otherwise, one will be chosen for you. Please note that your work's link should be to a Flight Rising post. If the work is hosted off-site, it should be linked to from a Flight Rising thread or post, so that the FR link can be used for the Library thread. This is for two reasons: first, non-FR content can't be moderated, and the Library thread as a whole might get into trouble if something against FR's TOS is added. Second, and just as important, link rot can be avoided by having a direct FR link; this means that links to outside sites might eventually stop working (like Discord images have), whereas internal links will remain functional. You're also welcome to [b]post your work as a comment in this thread, and then link to it.[/b] Expect your work to be added within a few days. I am subscribed to the thread![/color] [/size][/font] [color=transparent][/color] [/columns] [code][b]Library Addition[/b] [b]Title of Work:[/b] [b]Author (if known):[/b] [b]Brief Summary:[/b] (a few lines max) [b]Link:[/b] [url=]Title[/url] (must be a Flight Rising link) [b]Preferred Icon:[/b] (if any) [/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=6][color=990000][b]Icons[/b][/color][/size][/font] [item=Aged Tome][item=Battered Book of Fables][item=Book of Urban Legends][item=Mith Spellbook][item=Mith Lorebook][item=Scary Storybook][item=Owlcat Journal][item=Forest Field Guide][item=Toridae Mythology][item=Pressed Moonflower][item=Pressed Morning Glory][item=Coral Basilisk Field Notes][item=Grouse Basilisk Field Notes][item=Intact Parchment][item=Inkwell][item=Dirt-Covered Tile][item=Mysterious Relief][item=Scroll of Eternal Youth][item=Scroll of Maturity][item=Lurching Tome][item=Tales of Terror][item=Historical Text][item=Long Form Poetry][item=Scroll of Renaming][item=Battered Scroll Case][item=Scroll Case][item=Shackled Book of Myths][item=Shackled Book of Fairytales][item=Shackled Book of Mysteries][item=Shackled Book of Legends][item=Weathered Grimoire][item=Forgotten Poet's Tools] [font=cambria][size=4][color=990000]If you know of any book-related icons I'm missing, let me know and I'll add them![/color][/size][/font][/center] [font=cambria][size=4][color=990000]You may also request one of the gorgeous custom book icons from [url=]Northwyrm's Dragon Books,[/url] or [url=]Serpy + Natron's Bio Buttons![/url][/color][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center]
Add Your Lore!

MsqafMK.png | Help us fill the Library! To have your lore posted to the Library, please use the form below. All you'll need is an in-character name for the work, an in-character author name ("unknown" is fine if the author would not be listed), a brief description of the contents (from a line up to a very short paragraph), and a link. If the description is too long, it may be shortened/summarized for the purposes of its listing. If you have a preferred item icon you'd like used, just name it! There's a visual list of icons below to choose from. Otherwise, one will be chosen for you.

Please note that your work's link should be to a Flight Rising post. If the work is hosted off-site, it should be linked to from a Flight Rising thread or post, so that the FR link can be used for the Library thread. This is for two reasons: first, non-FR content can't be moderated, and the Library thread as a whole might get into trouble if something against FR's TOS is added. Second, and just as important, link rot can be avoided by having a direct FR link; this means that links to outside sites might eventually stop working (like Discord images have), whereas internal links will remain functional. You're also welcome to post your work as a comment in this thread, and then link to it.

Expect your work to be added within a few days. I am subscribed to the thread!

[b]Library Addition[/b] [b]Title of Work:[/b] [b]Author (if known):[/b] [b]Brief Summary:[/b] (a few lines max) [b]Link:[/b] [url=]Title[/url] (must be a Flight Rising link) [b]Preferred Icon:[/b] (if any)

Aged Tome Battered Book of Fables Book of Urban Legends Mith Spellbook Mith Lorebook Scary Storybook Owlcat Journal Forest Field Guide Toridae Mythology Pressed Moonflower Pressed Morning Glory Coral Basilisk Field Notes Grouse Basilisk Field Notes Intact Parchment Dirt-Covered Tile Mysterious Relief Scroll of Eternal Youth Scroll of Maturity Lurching Tome Tales of Terror Historical Text Long Form Poetry Scroll of Renaming Battered Scroll Case Scroll Case Shackled Book of Myths Shackled Book of Fairytales Shackled Book of Mysteries Shackled Book of Legends Weathered Grimoire Forgotten Poet's Tools

If you know of any book-related icons I'm missing, let me know and I'll add them!

You may also request one of the gorgeous custom book icons from Northwyrm's Dragon Books, or Serpy + Natron's Bio Buttons!
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7][color=990000][b]Additional Info for Necromancers[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][font=cambria][size=4][color=990000]Do you have a dragon of the [url=]Necromancer subspecies?[/url] If so, the Plaguelight Library affords you additional creative writing or roleplay opportunities! Plaguelight is run by Standing Councilor [url=]Ossua,[/url] and its purpose among the Necromancers is to gather and categorize of all forms of knowledge, along with cultivating diplomatic links to gain more. The group's icon is a red lantern: a symbol of a light to drive back the Shade, lit by the power of Plague. Its core founding concept is that the Shade is the greatest danger to every Flight, and that knowledge shared is power gained. To that end, Plaguelight members are those Necromancers and their allies who travel Sornieth to trade information and bring it back to the Plaguelight Library. Plaguelight's membership is loose and unstructured. Though made up mostly of Inculcators and Ambassadors by nature of its goals, any Necromancer may join. Even trusted outsiders may aid in the society's mission, though they'll never be granted access to the more secret chambers of the Library. Official envoys of Plaguelight will often bear red lanterns as a symbol of their mission, and this symbol may become respected as a neutral, or even friendly declaration to other clans. As such, you are welcome to have your Necromancer (whatever subtype they may belong to, bar Liches) aiding Plaguelight in any form: as a collector, a diplomat, a researcher, a Librarian or Library guard, etc.! These dragons are also allowed access to the secret, guarded back chambers of the Library, which house any information that may be deemed too dangerous for non-Necromancers to peruse. [/color][/size][/font][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][font=cambria][size=6][color=990000][b]Member List:[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=4][color=990000][b]Ossua[/b] - Necromancer[/size] [size=3]Director of Plaguelight[/color][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=4][color=990000][b]Nevea[/b] - Necromancer[/size] [size=3]Sage and Researcher[/color][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=3][color=990000][b]Alastrim[/b] - Wraith[/size] [size=3]Rare and Dangerous Books Section[/size][/color][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]
Additional Info for

Do you have a dragon of the Necromancer subspecies? If so, the Plaguelight Library affords you additional creative writing or roleplay opportunities!

Plaguelight is run by Standing Councilor Ossua, and its purpose among the Necromancers is to gather and categorize of all forms of knowledge, along with cultivating diplomatic links to gain more. The group's icon is a red lantern: a symbol of a light to drive back the Shade, lit by the power of Plague. Its core founding concept is that the Shade is the greatest danger to every Flight, and that knowledge shared is power gained. To that end, Plaguelight members are those Necromancers and their allies who travel Sornieth to trade information and bring it back to the Plaguelight Library.

Plaguelight's membership is loose and unstructured. Though made up mostly of Inculcators and Ambassadors by nature of its goals, any Necromancer may join. Even trusted outsiders may aid in the society's mission, though they'll never be granted access to the more secret chambers of the Library. Official envoys of Plaguelight will often bear red lanterns as a symbol of their mission, and this symbol may become respected as a neutral, or even friendly declaration to other clans.

As such, you are welcome to have your Necromancer (whatever subtype they may belong to, bar Liches) aiding Plaguelight in any form: as a collector, a diplomat, a researcher, a Librarian or Library guard, etc.! These dragons are also allowed access to the secret, guarded back chambers of the Library, which house any information that may be deemed too dangerous for non-Necromancers to peruse.
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Member List:
92955541.png | Ossua - Necromancer
Director of Plaguelight
72171933.png | Nevea - Necromancer
Sage and Researcher
808975.png | Alastrim - Wraith
Rare and Dangerous Books Section
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7][color=990000][b]Library Guestbook[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [columns][font=cambria][size=4][color=990000]This section will provide links to stories written about dragons interacting with the Library. [font=cambria][size=6][color=990000][u]Guestbook[/u][/size] [url=]Ancksunamun[/url] Thank you for your hospitality, and I hope the manuscript copy of the Ancient Carvings of the Wavebreak Dunes will fare well. The librarians were most helpful while I was visiting to cross-reference some of the more complex dialects in recent Marren trade treaties. Name Guestbook Message Name Guestbook Message Name Guestbook Message [i]coming soon[/i] [/color][/size][/font][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=cambria][size=3][color=990000]If you'd like to have your dragons' Library visits linked here, whether they were in a solo write-up or an RP post, just post the following form! The stories will not be "public knowledge" in-character, but rather, add some fun for others to read through. Necromancers securing new tomes, visitors entering the Library in search of hidden wisdom, authors selling a copy of their new book to the Library... any related creative works can go here![/color][/size][/font] [code] [b]Guestbook Sign![/b] [b]Guest Name:[/b] (dragon or dragons visited) [b]Guestbook Message:[/b] [url=link to post!]Message or Post Title[/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center]
Library Guestbook
This section will provide links to stories written about dragons interacting with the Library.


Thank you for your hospitality, and I hope the manuscript copy of the Ancient Carvings of the Wavebreak Dunes will fare well. The librarians were most helpful while I was visiting to cross-reference some of the more complex dialects in recent Marren trade treaties.

Guestbook Message

Guestbook Message

Guestbook Message

coming soon
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If you'd like to have your dragons' Library visits linked here, whether they were in a solo write-up or an RP post, just post the following form! The stories will not be "public knowledge" in-character, but rather, add some fun for others to read through. Necromancers securing new tomes, visitors entering the Library in search of hidden wisdom, authors selling a copy of their new book to the Library... any related creative works can go here!

[b]Guestbook Sign![/b] [b]Guest Name:[/b] (dragon or dragons visited) [b]Guestbook Message:[/b] [url=link to post!]Message or Post Title[/url]
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=cambria][size=7][color=990000][b]Art Credits[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [font=cambria][size=3][color=990000] [u]Plague Dividers[/u] - [url=]Osiem's resources[/url] (see dragon's bio for more) [u]Plague Sidebar, Bookends, Bookshelf[/u] - [url=]Poisonedpaper's Art Assets[/url] [u]Book Banners[/u] - Edited from [url=]Scene: Enchanted Library[/url] [u]Bookshelf's Red Lantern[/u] - Edited from [url=]BetaOrionis' F2U Image Assets[/url] [u]Custom Bookshelves & Items[/u] - Created from [url=]dreamingcity's pixels[/url] Thanks so much to these players for making their incredible work freely available! [i]If I've accidentally missed a credit somewhere, let me know which resource I didn't credit and I will add it asap! If you have a resource used and you'd like me to alter the credits in some way, just let me know.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center]
Art Credits

Plague Dividers - Osiem's resources (see dragon's bio for more)

Plague Sidebar, Bookends, Bookshelf - Poisonedpaper's Art Assets

Book Banners - Edited from Scene: Enchanted Library

Bookshelf's Red Lantern - Edited from BetaOrionis' F2U Image Assets

Custom Bookshelves & Items - Created from dreamingcity's pixels

Thanks so much to these players for making their incredible work freely available!

If I've accidentally missed a credit somewhere, let me know which resource I didn't credit and I will add it asap! If you have a resource used and you'd like me to alter the credits in some way, just let me know.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]A[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Book of Urban Legends][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]B[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Aged Tome][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]C[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Mith Spellbook][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u][url=]Chronicle of Aronia, Book One[/url][/u][/b] - Julianus[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]The history of the origin of Aronia, the kingdom of Carnosmancy.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [columns][item=Mith Spellbook][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u][url=]Chronicle of Aronia, Book Two[/url][/u][/b] - Julianus[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]The history of the origin of Aronia, the kingdom of Carnosmancy.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]D[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Battered Book of Fables][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u][url=]Doubts[/url][/u][/b] - Neveah[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]In this short (now non-canon) lore blurb, the young aspiring Oracle Neveah reflects upon her lack of Sight.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center]


Book of Urban Legends | Book Name - Author

Description goes here..


Aged Tome | Book Name - Author

Description goes here..

Mith Spellbook | Chronicle of Aronia, Book One - Julianus

The history of the origin of Aronia, the kingdom of Carnosmancy..

Mith Spellbook | Chronicle of Aronia, Book Two - Julianus

The history of the origin of Aronia, the kingdom of Carnosmancy..


Battered Book of Fables | Doubts - Neveah

In this short (now non-canon) lore blurb, the young aspiring Oracle Neveah reflects upon her lack of Sight..

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]E[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Mith Lorebook][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]F[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Book of Urban Legends][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u][url=]Fundamentals of Carnosmancy[/url][/u][/b] - Unknown[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]The fundamentals of Carnosmancy, the craft of flesh and bones. It is one special school of magic created in Aronia, the kingdom of Carnosmancy.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]G[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Coral Basilisk Field Notes][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]H[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Aged Tome][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center]


Mith Lorebook | Book Name - Author

Description goes here..


Book of Urban Legends | Fundamentals of Carnosmancy - Unknown

The fundamentals of Carnosmancy, the craft of flesh and bones. It is one special school of magic created in Aronia, the kingdom of Carnosmancy..


Coral Basilisk Field Notes | Book Name - Author

Description goes here..


Aged Tome | Book Name - Author

Description goes here..

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]I[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Owlcat Journal][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]J[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Intact Parchment][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]K[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Forest Field Guide][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]L[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Battered Book of Fables][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center]


Owlcat Journal | Book Name - Author

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Intact Parchment | Book Name - Author

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Forest Field Guide | Book Name - Author

Description goes here..


Battered Book of Fables | Book Name - Author

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[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]M[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Owlcat Journal][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]N[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Intact Parchment][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]O[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Forest Field Guide][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Baskerville][color=990000][size=7][b]P[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [columns][item=Battered Book of Fables][nextcol][color=transparent]|[/color][nextcol][font=cambria][size=5][color=990000][b][u]Book Name[/u][/b] - Author[/size] [size=4][font=cambria][color=990000]Description goes here.[/color][/font][color=transparent]. . .[/color][/columns][/size][/font] [center][img][/img][/center]


Owlcat Journal | Book Name - Author

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Intact Parchment | Book Name - Author

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Forest Field Guide | Book Name - Author

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Battered Book of Fables | Book Name - Author

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