
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | free art
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The first two are a couple, and I left ideas for individual and general pics for inspiration, but feel to do them however, as long as they're SFW and in character. If no one suits you, please don't ping me, or I'll feel dumb. As someone who frequents this part of the site, I get very excited when getting a notif from art boards but feel dumb when it's a rejection. However, let me know if you are curious about my humanoids; I'd have to link tabs due to the amount of them I have, however. Senzo and Darklord are semi-humanoid from this selection; You just can't see any actual humanoid features. [img][/img] [img][/img] Xero and Destructo are married. They love to share dances and meals together, as well as just lounging on the same couch. When with Destructo, Xero's expressions are way more chill and romantic, so his eyebrows wouldn't look so menacing. I have some examples of these expressions on his dragon profile (first tab in my lair, but lower down on his profile; The first ones don't count as they're concept art and with another character, or you can also go to Destructo's dragon and find them there since I put the art on both, lol). If together, they can be drawn as spicy as you want, provided it's in your comfort zone and abides by FR rules. [b]Personalities + Ideas for them alone:[/b] [b]Xero:[/b] He enjoys scraping his claws against things and crushing other kingdoms under his boots. He is the God of Darkness and his powers give him the ability to grow taller than a skyscraper. He's most likely seen smirking as he is always taking over new worlds; When he does this, he's basically grinning and flashing his inner fangs. He thinks very highly of himself due to his immunity against mortal attacks. [b]Ideas:[/b] Seeing him scraping his claws against something, or sitting in a dark throne looking smug/confident would be awesome. [b]Destructo:[/b] Despite being in a kingdom of darkness and married to the cold and cruel Dark Lord, Destructo is rather calm, kind, and classy. He's even been called timid by the mechanical army he once controlled (he still has control over them, but basically handed them over to someone else) due his disliking toward fighting. He was originally a superweapon and soldier, but after confessing his feelings to Xero, was given the opportunity to remain by his side instead. He also cares deeply about his looks - partially due to being married to Xero, but also, he wants to be prepared for any fancy occasion. [b]Ideas:[/b] He's normally seen laying on a couch, getting his hair fluffed and his claws polished, but also enjoys practicing his dance moves. He's very graceful and surprisingly skilled with dancing. [img][/img] Xac, the most brutal Commander anyone could ever meet. Hotheaded, strict, and a huge perfectionist, everything has to be done by his high standards and if they're not, there's a huge punishment waiting. Xac is the new leader of Xero's army, given the position after showing his worth and gaining his first promotion. Destructo was more than pleased to give him control, but also still warned him that despite this, Destructo was still the superior leader, and could take back the army whenever he wanted. Xac sees himself as a weaker version of Xero - Not a god, but with incredible power. He proves his point every time he goes into battle, conquering entire worlds with hardly any problems and returning without a scratch. He also intimidates others by scraping his claws against things, especially before entering a battle. He also motivates his army by eating and sleeping in front of them as they work. However, he will know when they're not doing their job due to his keen senses. [b]Ideas:[/b] Definitely him scraping his claws against something as he enters a battlefield. Or he can be sitting in a metal throne, or looking at a hologram as he analyzes his next move. [img][/img] Dark Xac, AKA: Xac's Inner Demon. While he normally remains in Xac's mind, he is able to reveal himself when the situation demands it. Other times, he likes to play with Xac's emotions and shows himself just for amusement or just wanders the world they live in, since no one else is affected by his presence. However, someone may panic if he's nearby; When he walks, his claws scrape the ground, and they can be heard despite not being visible to anyone but Xac. His claws also leave red sparks and they - along with left over scratches - can be seen by anyone. If he's in Xac's mind or wandering alone, he would always be in Shadow Form. Unlike Xac, Dark Xac despises the usage of swear words and vulgar language, and if used against him, he'll actually be tempted to let Xac "cool down" before engaging further -- And he'll tell this straight to Xac's face. A demon's gotta have his priorities. :P Dark Xac can be in the same pic as Xac. However, Xac sees him as a threat and they'll never be in a positive scene. Sometimes, Dark Xac may hold Xac close to himself, but in reality, he's trying to take over his mind and is thus holding him in place so he can't move, and his claws would be vanishing into his armor, or scraping it as Xac tries to fight back. [b]Ideas:[/b] Him walking along a dark pathway would be perfect, or him standing against something with one hand against it as he challenges Xac to come get him. He may also be seen sitting in a throne-shaped shadow, awaiting his next move. Also, please note that the world they live in is covered in darkness, so there would not be any light colors in his pics in particular. Think colors such as red, gray, silver, and black. Maybe hints of dark purple. [img][/img] The Temptlord, Dark Xac's true form. He's very bitter about having his power used against himself and losing his position as the next God of Darkness. While he is vengeful, he doesn't act on bloodthirst and relies on emotionally tormenting others who follow the traitor, usually by invading their dreams or leaving messages around the kingdom with his claws (the main ones being "HE IS COMING" and "I'M WAITING FOR YOU" in all caps). He also will not use swear words or vulgar language. If he's angry or threatening somone, his stance and claws being extended are more than enough to showcase those emotions. He hates what he had to go through as Dark Xac, and may be seen watching himself through a window showcasing various visions. Otherwise, he's normally seen in his own realm of darkness, sitting in a throne and pondering on his next move. [b]Ideas:[/b] Just like Dark Xac, the Temptlord is known for using his claws to terrorize others. He can also be seen glaring at a window showcasing past visions of himself as Dark Xac, with his claws scraping against it. Otherwise, he'd be great to see in a shady throne. His realm would also only be dark colors, same as Dark Xac. [img][/img] [img][/img] Darklord is from the kingdom of Voidominion, in which he made his home after being cast aside by the demon and vampire kingdoms. While he originally wanted peace between the two rivaling kingdoms, he turned to darkness and then wanted them both to be destroyed after rejecting his offer. He is cold and cruel to everyone, except his beloved: Senzo, of whom he had summoned while practicing dark magic. The two have a deep bond, and Darklord entrusted her to spy on the other kingdoms, promising to avenge her if something happened (which nothing does). In his Anniversary outfit, Darklord is way more relaxed and even almost timid due to showcasing his bond with Shenzo. The event is in honor of the two getting married and only followers of Darklord can attend. While he doesn't actually use his weapon, Darklord keeps Deathbringer close by, in case anyone tries to intrude (according to some, others say he just wants it nearby to look powerful). In this outfit, Darklord is not seen in a threatening way, and prefers to share his time with followers. He and Senzo are normally seen dancing or sharing a drink together while others bring them gifts to honor not only their greatness, but the deep bond they clearly share. [b]Ideas:[/b] (normal form) He is almost always seen sitting in a dark throne covered in torn material, either pondering on his next scheme or polishing/sharpening his blade. He can also be seen eating a thick piece of meat or drinking something that's specifically from his kingdom (a liquid mixed with hues of dark red and dark - almost dusty - grey; It's referred to as "Death's Revenge", due to his referring to himself as Death and getting revenge on the kingdoms). His helmet is a part of his face (think General Grievous from Star Wars if you know him) and while there's no visible movement from the "mouth", he is in reality eating or drinking. (formal attire) Usually seen standing around with either a drink in his hand or sharing a dance with Senzo. His wings are optional, and he prefers to not have them revealed when he's around other people, lest they question him about the feathered ones in particular. [img][/img] Senzo, Darklord's beloved. She is a mysterious being summoned by Darklord, and no one knows her true identity. Her face is always hidden from view, and how she sounds varies from person to person - One could say she sounds like a beautiful angel, and the next could destribe her as a raspy witch with a voice that could make their skin crawl. Senzo was sent to spy on the vampire and demon kings, and always comes back with new info for her beloved. She's been able to trick both kings into thinking she had a fascination with them and uses her entrancing magic (as well as a lot of irresistable flattery) to make them give valueable information. Her one true love is Darklord, however, and the two eventually got married. Sometimes, they will hold an anniversary event that only those loyal to the Kingdom of Voidominion can attend, and no one else has any hopes of making, lest they be destroyed by the many guards who await them at the kingdom's entrance. [b]Ideas:[/b] Senzo is hardly seen alone and is usually seen with Darklord or one of the opposing kings. However, when she has that rare alone time, she's usually working on her spells or reading the future for her kingdom and the others. When with Darklord, she's normally seen sharing a drink with him or dancing. She may also be sitting on his lap, relaxing. While the last one in particular is a rare sight, she really enjoys being close to Darklord after having to deal with those irritating fools from the other kingdoms. [b]NOTE:[/b] If Xero or Xac is done, please avoid using a lot of blood, or if you add blood, please have a version without. If given permission, I'd like to post the pieces offsite as well, and one site is a petsite where Xero and Xac are hosted. That site has strict rules against blood and such. If you don't want them posted offsite, then go ahead and add a little if you want, but not too much so I don't get in trouble with FR staff (and because I can get a little squeamish around blood, especially if it's realistic). Dark Xac and Temptlord do NOT act on bloodthirst and therefore don't have blood in their pieces so please don't add any to theirs; Their targets are also in a world filled with machines, so therefore wouldn't have any blood showcased. While Darklord is in a (basically) grim and spooky scene, please don't add too much blood/gore. Again, I want his art to still remain FR safe. If the couples are done together, draw them however, since I'm wary of posting most couple art on the pet site anyway, lol. If anything, they'll be going on my Neocities page, where I post every piece I got permission to post. I ALWAYS give credit.
The first two are a couple, and I left ideas for individual and general pics for inspiration, but feel to do them however, as long as they're SFW and in character.

If no one suits you, please don't ping me, or I'll feel dumb. As someone who frequents this part of the site, I get very excited when getting a notif from art boards but feel dumb when it's a rejection. However, let me know if you are curious about my humanoids; I'd have to link tabs due to the amount of them I have, however. Senzo and Darklord are semi-humanoid from this selection; You just can't see any actual humanoid features.

Xero and Destructo are married. They love to share dances and meals together, as well as just lounging on the same couch.
When with Destructo, Xero's expressions are way more chill and romantic, so his eyebrows wouldn't look so menacing. I have some examples of these expressions on his dragon profile (first tab in my lair, but lower down on his profile; The first ones don't count as they're concept art and with another character, or you can also go to Destructo's dragon and find them there since I put the art on both, lol).

If together, they can be drawn as spicy as you want, provided it's in your comfort zone and abides by FR rules.

Personalities + Ideas for them alone:

Xero: He enjoys scraping his claws against things and crushing other kingdoms under his boots. He is the God of Darkness and his powers give him the ability to grow taller than a skyscraper. He's most likely seen smirking as he is always taking over new worlds; When he does this, he's basically grinning and flashing his inner fangs. He thinks very highly of himself due to his immunity against mortal attacks.

Ideas: Seeing him scraping his claws against something, or sitting in a dark throne looking smug/confident would be awesome.

Destructo: Despite being in a kingdom of darkness and married to the cold and cruel Dark Lord, Destructo is rather calm, kind, and classy. He's even been called timid by the mechanical army he once controlled (he still has control over them, but basically handed them over to someone else) due his disliking toward fighting. He was originally a superweapon and soldier, but after confessing his feelings to Xero, was given the opportunity to remain by his side instead.

He also cares deeply about his looks - partially due to being married to Xero, but also, he wants to be prepared for any fancy occasion.

Ideas: He's normally seen laying on a couch, getting his hair fluffed and his claws polished, but also enjoys practicing his dance moves. He's very graceful and surprisingly skilled with dancing.

Xac, the most brutal Commander anyone could ever meet. Hotheaded, strict, and a huge perfectionist, everything has to be done by his high standards and if they're not, there's a huge punishment waiting.

Xac is the new leader of Xero's army, given the position after showing his worth and gaining his first promotion. Destructo was more than pleased to give him control, but also still warned him that despite this, Destructo was still the superior leader, and could take back the army whenever he wanted.

Xac sees himself as a weaker version of Xero - Not a god, but with incredible power. He proves his point every time he goes into battle, conquering entire worlds with hardly any problems and returning without a scratch. He also intimidates others by scraping his claws against things, especially before entering a battle.

He also motivates his army by eating and sleeping in front of them as they work. However, he will know when they're not doing their job due to his keen senses.

Ideas: Definitely him scraping his claws against something as he enters a battlefield. Or he can be sitting in a metal throne, or looking at a hologram as he analyzes his next move.

Dark Xac, AKA: Xac's Inner Demon. While he normally remains in Xac's mind, he is able to reveal himself when the situation demands it. Other times, he likes to play with Xac's emotions and shows himself just for amusement or just wanders the world they live in, since no one else is affected by his presence.

However, someone may panic if he's nearby; When he walks, his claws scrape the ground, and they can be heard despite not being visible to anyone but Xac. His claws also leave red sparks and they - along with left over scratches - can be seen by anyone. If he's in Xac's mind or wandering alone, he would always be in Shadow Form.

Unlike Xac, Dark Xac despises the usage of swear words and vulgar language, and if used against him, he'll actually be tempted to let Xac "cool down" before engaging further -- And he'll tell this straight to Xac's face. A demon's gotta have his priorities. :P

Dark Xac can be in the same pic as Xac. However, Xac sees him as a threat and they'll never be in a positive scene. Sometimes, Dark Xac may hold Xac close to himself, but in reality, he's trying to take over his mind and is thus holding him in place so he can't move, and his claws would be vanishing into his armor, or scraping it as Xac tries to fight back.

Ideas: Him walking along a dark pathway would be perfect, or him standing against something with one hand against it as he challenges Xac to come get him. He may also be seen sitting in a throne-shaped shadow, awaiting his next move. Also, please note that the world they live in is covered in darkness, so there would not be any light colors in his pics in particular. Think colors such as red, gray, silver, and black. Maybe hints of dark purple.

The Temptlord, Dark Xac's true form.

He's very bitter about having his power used against himself and losing his position as the next God of Darkness. While he is vengeful, he doesn't act on bloodthirst and relies on emotionally tormenting others who follow the traitor, usually by invading their dreams or leaving messages around the kingdom with his claws (the main ones being "HE IS COMING" and "I'M WAITING FOR YOU" in all caps).

He also will not use swear words or vulgar language. If he's angry or threatening somone, his stance and claws being extended are more than enough to showcase those emotions.

He hates what he had to go through as Dark Xac, and may be seen watching himself through a window showcasing various visions. Otherwise, he's normally seen in his own realm of darkness, sitting in a throne and pondering on his next move.

Ideas: Just like Dark Xac, the Temptlord is known for using his claws to terrorize others. He can also be seen glaring at a window showcasing past visions of himself as Dark Xac, with his claws scraping against it. Otherwise, he'd be great to see in a shady throne. His realm would also only be dark colors, same as Dark Xac.

Darklord is from the kingdom of Voidominion, in which he made his home after being cast aside by the demon and vampire kingdoms. While he originally wanted peace between the two rivaling kingdoms, he turned to darkness and then wanted them both to be destroyed after rejecting his offer.

He is cold and cruel to everyone, except his beloved: Senzo, of whom he had summoned while practicing dark magic. The two have a deep bond, and Darklord entrusted her to spy on the other kingdoms, promising to avenge her if something happened (which nothing does).

In his Anniversary outfit, Darklord is way more relaxed and even almost timid due to showcasing his bond with Shenzo. The event is in honor of the two getting married and only followers of Darklord can attend.

While he doesn't actually use his weapon, Darklord keeps Deathbringer close by, in case anyone tries to intrude (according to some, others say he just wants it nearby to look powerful).

In this outfit, Darklord is not seen in a threatening way, and prefers to share his time with followers. He and Senzo are normally seen dancing or sharing a drink together while others bring them gifts to honor not only their greatness, but the deep bond they clearly share.

Ideas: (normal form) He is almost always seen sitting in a dark throne covered in torn material, either pondering on his next scheme or polishing/sharpening his blade. He can also be seen eating a thick piece of meat or drinking something that's specifically from his kingdom (a liquid mixed with hues of dark red and dark - almost dusty - grey; It's referred to as "Death's Revenge", due to his referring to himself as Death and getting revenge on the kingdoms). His helmet is a part of his face (think General Grievous from Star Wars if you know him) and while there's no visible movement from the "mouth", he is in reality eating or drinking.

(formal attire) Usually seen standing around with either a drink in his hand or sharing a dance with Senzo. His wings are optional, and he prefers to not have them revealed when he's around other people, lest they question him about the feathered ones in particular.

Senzo, Darklord's beloved.

She is a mysterious being summoned by Darklord, and no one knows her true identity. Her face is always hidden from view, and how she sounds varies from person to person - One could say she sounds like a beautiful angel, and the next could destribe her as a raspy witch with a voice that could make their skin crawl.

Senzo was sent to spy on the vampire and demon kings, and always comes back with new info for her beloved. She's been able to trick both kings into thinking she had a fascination with them and uses her entrancing magic (as well as a lot of irresistable flattery) to make them give valueable information.

Her one true love is Darklord, however, and the two eventually got married. Sometimes, they will hold an anniversary event that only those loyal to the Kingdom of Voidominion can attend, and no one else has any hopes of making, lest they be destroyed by the many guards who await them at the kingdom's entrance.

Ideas: Senzo is hardly seen alone and is usually seen with Darklord or one of the opposing kings. However, when she has that rare alone time, she's usually working on her spells or reading the future for her kingdom and the others.

When with Darklord, she's normally seen sharing a drink with him or dancing. She may also be sitting on his lap, relaxing. While the last one in particular is a rare sight, she really enjoys being close to Darklord after having to deal with those irritating fools from the other kingdoms.

NOTE: If Xero or Xac is done, please avoid using a lot of blood, or if you add blood, please have a version without. If given permission, I'd like to post the pieces offsite as well, and one site is a petsite where Xero and Xac are hosted. That site has strict rules against blood and such. If you don't want them posted offsite, then go ahead and add a little if you want, but not too much so I don't get in trouble with FR staff (and because I can get a little squeamish around blood, especially if it's realistic).

Dark Xac and Temptlord do NOT act on bloodthirst and therefore don't have blood in their pieces so please don't add any to theirs; Their targets are also in a world filled with machines, so therefore wouldn't have any blood showcased.

While Darklord is in a (basically) grim and spooky scene, please don't add too much blood/gore. Again, I want his art to still remain FR safe.

If the couples are done together, draw them however, since I'm wary of posting most couple art on the pet site anyway, lol. If anything, they'll be going on my Neocities page, where I post every piece I got permission to post. I ALWAYS give credit.
I'd love to have any of these guys drawn!

I'm also open to gijinkas of any of my dragons!
I'd love to have any of these guys drawn!

I'm also open to gijinkas of any of my dragons!
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