
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Draw The Dragon Above You [Remade]
@irrelevant [img][/img] If you claim me, here are some dragons! [b]Ridgeback:[/b] [url=]Alzrius[/url] [b]Tundra:[/b] [url=]Trish[/url] [b]Pearlcatcher:[/b] [url=]Joseph[/url] [b]Spiral:[/b] [url=]Narancia[/url], [url=]Mista[/url]


If you claim me, here are some dragons!
Ridgeback: Alzrius
Tundra: Trish
Pearlcatcher: Joseph
Spiral: Narancia, Mista
mx5 #339872
· he/she
· fr time +3
· avatar dragon
Claim! @abra Sorry if it’s not the best, this was mostly a new lineart test as well as a highlight and shading practice. I think it turned out ok anyway though! [img][/img] For the person below me, whoever sparks your interest is fine! If your up for a challenge, some dragons near the front of my lair have bios that mention other dragons, and you could do those two interacting! @mochifantasy I love it thanks so much!
Claim! @abra

Sorry if it’s not the best, this was mostly a new lineart test as well as a highlight and shading practice. I think it turned out ok anyway though!

For the person below me, whoever sparks your interest is fine!

If your up for a challenge, some dragons near the front of my lair have bios that mention other dragons, and you could do those two interacting!

@mochifantasy I love it thanks so much!
!claim @Equinox6667 Sorry it doesn't have color and just a sketch I was in a rush when I made it and I'm willing to do it again if you want ^^ [img][/img] ----- @GuacamacaYT :00 you did amazing are you alright with me putting that in his summary/description?
!claim @Equinox6667

Sorry it doesn't have color and just a sketch I was in a rush when I made it and I'm willing to do it again if you want ^^
@GuacamacaYT :00 you did amazing are you alright with me putting that in his summary/description?
@MochiFantasy done :D [img][/img] np: any dragon with apparel is ok!
@MochiFantasy done :D

np: any dragon with apparel is ok!

XGjmQSM.png -fake achievements collection
-In-game wishlist
-pls buy my dragons
sebEy.gif SEJJy.gif gxMny.gif
[font=georgia][size=4]@GuacamacaYT Here you go! Sorry it took me such a long time. His skin was also really complex so it's not the best [img][/img] ----- [font=georgia][size=4]Next person: you can do any of my dragons (just avoid [emoji=hourglass size=1], [emoji=gear size=1], and the 3rd page of [emoji=coliseum team size=1] if there is one) Hibden is open as well. Please check for scries though! ----- [font=georgia][size=4]@Arinys I love it ^^ Your lineless style is amazing
Here you go! Sorry it took me such a long time. His skin was also really complex so it's not the best

Next person: you can do any of my dragons (just avoid , , and the 3rd page of if there is one) Hibden is open as well. Please check for scries though!

@Arinys I love it ^^ Your lineless style is amazing
5BIQtmc.png xxxx

- Wishlist
@IBeeJuliana I chose Beech because I liked his color scheme. And the name. I hope you will like him! [img][/img] For next person: Someone of them [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] [url=]4[/url] @SerpentOfLight Thank you! Raynell looks really cool in your drawing. I like it. Your brush strokes look so neat and accurate, I love that. These shadows and shades, - wow. [emoji=prismatic meditate size=1]
I chose Beech because I liked his color scheme. And the name. I hope you will like him!

For next person:
Someone of them
1 2 3 4

Thank you! Raynell looks really cool in your drawing. I like it. Your brush strokes look so neat and accurate, I love that. These shadows and shades, - wow.
Claim @Arinys I hope me playing around with and getting heavily inspired by his Moodboard was okay? ;; [img][/img] ___ Still the same selection :) [Url=]These 2 Pages/This whole Tab[/url] is looking for art. @Abra awww super cute, thank you <3
Claim @Arinys

I hope me playing around with and getting heavily inspired by his Moodboard was okay? ;;



Still the same selection :)
These 2 Pages/This whole Tab is looking for art.

@Abra awww super cute, thank you <3
Claim! @SerpentOfLight [img][/img] ----- For the person below me, anyone who sparks your interest is fine, just please avoid the last 3 tabs of my lair! :D
Claim! @SerpentOfLight

For the person below me, anyone who sparks your interest is fine, just please avoid the last 3 tabs of my lair! :D
mx5 #339872
· he/she
· fr time +3
· avatar dragon
claim! would love to see a drawing of my bumblebee!! [url=][img][/img][/url]----- @Abra, due to my endless love for fluffy tundra buns, i chose Kune! hope you'll like it! [img][/img]

would love to see a drawing of my bumblebee!!
@Abra, due to my endless love for fluffy tundra buns, i chose Kune! hope you'll like it!
Candy Stars lorem ipsum Stardust Sap Lamp
claim! @kennybruiskovn I only did a bust, I hope that’s fine! [img][/img] Np: Any dragon you like is fine! Some of the dragon have interactions in their bio if you feel like drawing 2! @glowstorm I love it!
claim! @kennybruiskovn

I only did a bust, I hope that’s fine!

Any dragon you like is fine! Some of the dragon have interactions in their bio if you feel like drawing 2! @glowstorm I love it!