
Creative Corner

Share your own art and stories, or ask for critique.
TOPIC | The Zephyr: Issue 42
[center][size=5][url=]If you'd like to read this issue on a google doc (formatted like a newspaper, with columns) instead, click here![/url][/size][/center] ----- [center]May is finally here and it’s brought sunshine and plenty of blossoming plants along with it! Prepare your allergies and get ready to be cleaning pollen of every inch of you lairs because Spring has truly Sprung! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] A new gene has been spotted in Sorienth! Give you dragon a more refined, outlined look with Contour! Pick one up for yourself from the treasure marketplace! The skin/accent contest for the Greenskeeper Gathering has started! [url=]Be sure to submit your entries[/url] for a chance at them becoming official site skins/accents! And last, but certainly not least, a registration window has just ended! Please welcome all of the new players with open arms and warm hearts.[/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Juju’s Findings[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Greetings everyone! Juju here. This time I’ve found something quite remarkable… a coliseum drop challenge! Now this challenge was created by the user [url=]Sigiele[/url] of the Wind flight, and it adds an extra layer of difficulty while you battle. Click [url=]here[/url] to read about the challenge! There is also a tracker you can utilize linked on the thread to make your organization and tracking of your challenge more efficient. Has anyone participated in a similar challenge? What was it like? Do let me know as I’m curious to find out. See you all next issue![/center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Economy Section[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [center]Hello, Zephyr readers! Sorry the Economy section has been gone, but it’s back, and hopefully making up some of the lost ground. This issue’s section is going to be on Wavecrest Saturnalia (in case you missed some of the items) and Contour. G:T Ratio - 1:710 Contour - 205g - ???kt Recommendation: ?? Giant Sand Dollar - 1g - NO DATA Recommendation: Don’t buy for any more than 1g per dollar. Diver Emblem - 21g - 17kt Recommendation: Don’t pay more than 15kt or 20g. Warmwater Wanderers - 51g - 38kt Recommendation: No more than 37.5kt, or 60g. Seawater Savior - 35g - 23.5kt Recommendation: No more than 24.5kt and 35g. My Tears - 57g - 40kt Recommendation: No more than 40kt and 57g. But the average prices match pretty closely. Tender Grasp - 109g - 98kt Recommendation: No more than 110g and 100kt, and that’s only because treasure prices are significantly inflated above the gem ones. As always, apologies for any mistakes. Calculators are hard to use when you’ve got claws! Written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg.[/center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier][color=purple] Interview By Ghosty [/color][/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [center]Hello Flight Rising! I was given the opportunity to do an article for the best newspaper in Sorneith! I didn’t know what to do, until I thought of a perfect topic! So many players on this game have family on here! So I thought I would interview a few. I hope you enjoy! [quote=Mage] Well, thankfully nothing bad has happened (Like being banned for multi accounting), and it's actually pretty nice! I can ask for a bit of treasure to get that lair expansion I really need (Provided I send something in return sometimes) and sometimes I get to pick one of the dragons she breeds! We both kinda joined when we learned about the site awhile back. She reminded me to join, to I'm happy about that. That's really all I can say. [/Quote] Mage has a good point about not being banned! That’s a fear I trade every time me and my family share. [quote=daughteroflight] Well, I don't really have lots of notable experiences with my family on here. None of them are as addicted as me lol. I got all of them to play, but only my girlfriend and brother are ever on. That a lot of my girlfriend's dragons I held for her until she could join. I got in in October 2013, and there was a HUGE gap in reg windows. The next one wasn't until April 2014 so that's why I had to hold them for her. She couldn't play. None of us are active in dominance, and my brother didn't even actually choose Earth flight. He took too long and defaulted but hasn't cared enough to change it. My girlfriend is nature for aesthetic reasons (she LOVES flowers), my sister is in water flight but lol I have no idea why.) My mom is also water and I also don't know why, but it's possible my little sister convinced her to be there with her. My little sister is super proud of water flight XD No one else really cares about flight differences. We're all just happy where we are.[/quote] @daughteroflight ‘s POV both match and contrasts @Howitzersfriend ‘s, don’t ya think? [quote=Howitzersfriend] I'd probably say that the best part about having family on FR is being able to get dragons from some other flights more easily. For me, I don't really have any want or need for dragons from other flights, if their eyes work with their colors then that's good, but I don't go to other people just to get pretty eyes. The thing that I'd say is the worst about having family on here would be that, if you use the general forums, they can see the posts you make. Or maybe the worst thing is when you're willing to pay a lot of money for a dragon they bred, and they still won't let you buy it because they don't sell to family - or really at all. I got both my sisters playing FR by showing them how great it is! My older sister, and the one that joined in the same opening as me, she's in Light. I showed her what FR was like, and we both like these types of games, so she joined and has been going strong for over a year now! The younger of my sisters is in Nature, she joined long after me and my other sister. For the longest te she didn't really seem to care at all about FR, or maybe that's just because there weren't any openings and she didn't have access to an email account. But she's really nice, she has a lot of great dragons too, so I'd say she's a great player to know. Maybe a little inexperienced, but still good. [/quote] @VeiledOverdose has some comments! [quote=VeiledOverdose] Well. It's been pretty good having them here! I haven't had any bad experiences, in fact it's been pretty fun! I have fun gift-bombing them for sure, and I'm glad I convinced my older sister to hold a dragon for me |D In fact I'm working on a plot with my younger sister, the one I got to join, that we'll hopefully roleplay out soon hehe, which was also inspired by having a dragon held for me, though he's in my lair now unlike the other. It has also made it easier to do certain things, like my older sister usually has a lot of gems, so I can do treasure for gems things with someone I trust, and so on |D My younger sister was the one to get the other two family members join, but I got her to join. She had to wait months, but I think my talking about it to her a lot and showing her my dragons are overall what made her want to join |D [/quote] @UserofShadows ’s comments remind me of my family experience! [Quote=UserofShadows]Hi Shadow friend~ <3 Oh, alright! Let's see... It was a slow process. I joined up first, and made my brothers join a few months after that, but they never really played. About a year later I made my mom join just because I wanted to see what kind of Progen she would choose, and a couple months after that, my dad for the same reason. What I did NOT expect, was for my dad to get kinda... Hooked. Then he started talking to me about it, learning about all the things you can do with Baldwin, etc. And then everyone else decided they wanted to start actually playing. As for experiences... Only one of my brothers ever uses the forums as of right now, and he sticks to Forum Games, so I don't speak to them often in-game. IRL, however, now I have four people constantly trying to get me to teach them how to play, all at once. Questions like "How many Arcane familiars are there and what are they!?!?" And "Do these materials do anything?" Seem to be the most common as of right now. I guess you could say it's been fun. :D [/quote] And last but not least @Skychickens ‘s POV! [quote=Skychicken] Alrighty. My little brother I asked if he wanted to play a new petsite game with me I was trying out, so he joined a few hours after me. I am actually kind of surprised he didn't get in trouble...most sites like this we have joined as long as an adult relative is also playing they can be under 13...and he just turned 13 this April. We misread the rules! He barely plays anyway, so I doubt it's much of a problem. After quite some time of playing, my mom ended up having a surgery on her neck, leaving her to be out of work for awhile. Then her job was being difficult allowing her back, which turned out to be alright. Her lower back ended up herniating and she needed yet another surgery, so now she is going for permanent disability. My little brother and I thought that she would like it, as she used to play these sorts of things with us all the time. She loves dragons too, so we hoped it would give her something to do since she is stuck at home all of the time. She was pretty inactive for awhile, and now is really crazy about it. I get really humorous text messages and things all the time nobody else would understand. As for my girlfriend if she counts, she actually got ME involved! I feel like I knew about the site from old dragon petsite games but since I was so unhappy with them I didn't bother. Then when I found out that it was a lot different, I decided to give it a try. Actually ended up joining on my birthday! I was attracted to the high quality art and hoped it would give us something to do together since we are so far apart right now. I like having people I am related to and all on here. We all help each other get things and can talk about it with our silly jokes and things and we all understand. My mom and I often get into squabbles over who has a better flight/deity, and my little brother and I get into pun battles. The only not good thing I have found is when people throw their tantrums on the forums sometimes about suspected multi-accounting, it makes me a little nervous. Shared IPs happen, and we do send stuff around between us a lot. There is always that lingering fear, you know? Especially when buying gems...though it's mostly me that buys gems. [/quote] And that wraps it up for now! [b][I][font=courier][color=purple] Your friend ~Ghosty[/color][/font][/I][/b] [/center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Ask Windy[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hello everybody! Windy here, just reminding you that if you have a question or need advice on something, I will be more than happy to help you! You don’t have to follow my advice, but sometimes it’s nice to get a second opinion on things, don’t you think? ((([b]OOC Note:[/b] If you would like to send Windy a letter asking for advice, please send your messages to Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275).)) ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Artist Feature[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] Hello everyone! Today we have Rebbawskaced here with us. Rebbaw mostly sticks to digital art but sometimes dabbles in heaps of other mediums, such as photography, wire sculpture, cross stitching, and acrylic painting. As for style, she prefers a pixel art and vector art, and pretty much any art with geometrical shapes! She’s been involved with arts and crafts for about as long as she can remember, for digital art around 16 years, and now she’s in an art related career as a Multimedia developer for web-based training. After hours she does art as a hobby and gets a lot of inspiration by browsing through a wide variety on Tumblr. As a professional, she has some tips for aspiring artists! Here’s what she has to say: “Don't stop, and don't get discouraged. No one starts out loving what they do the first time they try any sort of art. The more you practice, the better you get, and the happier with your work you will become! Also, the best thing you can learn how to do is to take constructive criticism and how to use it to become better. It will sting, but ultimately you will become a better artist!” Rebbaw was inspired to get into art by her fantastic art teachers, that made her enjoy her classes when she was usually bored. And then she thought she may as well keep going with what she enjoyed! Apart from doing art, Rebbaw is an aspiring author, and she’s currently working on an original zombie novel, and the occasional fanfiction. When creating her art she mostly uses Photoshop, Illustrator, and Hexels. Creating adopts in these programs usually takes her around 1-8 hours for the bases and then it’s smooth sailing from there! It was really interesting talking to you, Rebbaw! And what a great inspiration to aspiring artists aiming to go professional with their art. Go check out her art on her Tumblr, guys!! [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [center] ----- Need food? [url=]The Meat Locker[/url] has you covered! Pop in today for some free food! ----- We raise our hands To the wind, to the sky To the leaves that bring us life We fly our kites upon the breeze, The breeze that takes us far Shout into the wind, fly your banner Hear the sky open to you Find the world that will let you in And let the sky take you anywhere It’s hard to tell, but if you can see The wind is where we live Across the globe, we determinedly sail To find our place in this world we call home Home, this place is where we go When no one else will see us thrive Home, this place is what we call Where paint lights up the sky. ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Birthday Column[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Hellooooo everyone and welcome to May! *achoo!* You know what they say about April showers, right? Well I’m feeling those flowers full-blast! My poor nose hasn’t stopped sneezing since the first of the month. *achoo!* Excuse me! Well, please join me in celebrating these fabulous Windy birthdays! *achoo!* [size=1]Aw man, these allergies really blow![/size] 1st: tera633, Matrices, pensandink, 0ops 2nd: Simplicities 3rd: applepi88 , GreylightS, Hypergold, Immo 4th: Emeraldwolf, RedCorax, Baroness, Kesler 5th: packook, Sonamae 6th: Skyhold, Silvermoon49 7th: bloodscribbler, Kriten, Chrisu, PandaDork 8th: Melis 9th: Tophie, Lenalee, PrincessNight, NorseThunder 10th: Candystar, Kythryne, charlieweasley, leafenon, miner 11th: MrsPreinz, McSnazzier, LuckyMelody, SylphOfSpace, BushyxTail 12th: treblemirinlens 13th: Shadylex, mwingzero, Maimu, Nocturne, Skylark13, LadyLyndia, Ingeniousspark, Panderz 14th: Erebei, rottenlemons 15th: CaelesteVentus, TayahNotSoShort 16th: Scraleos, Renekin , terutt, FloralFawn, youarebutt, Lynnasi, ghosty07 17th: CrimsonFringe, Ukiyo 18th: Leyatres, Talii, Howitzersfriend, desiher, Historia, trashraptor, loonaboo 19th: Ashean, Amatsu, Spicerwild, Valkeryie 20th: DDDragoni, kittydragon, HaphazardGirl 21st: cloudyworld, BramblePatch94, Dextrezom, Catniss 22nd: Ellavera, Mariazny 23rd: Maosayshi, Maholix, Howitzersfriend, DragonDawn, Sapphire235, Lunarwing 24th: Silverfeather, Hatoful, AkaFever, fabulaeantiquae, Mewyn, VorpalGirl 25th: Nordlys, Xardogn, alunbalanced, Windchaser12, DwiinDovah, JannelleSadiablo, startleddust 26th: Amarayne, taryngrenny, Aspyria 27th: kinderla 28th: PocketTheSaurus, Dodongo, tsukishima, Calibri 29th: stephrei, ninquebrethil 20th: TheTeaCoon, PorceCat, Whitefiver 31st: Risper, MistressFeo, ZephyrSkye, Xochiquetzal, Whitefang, SimpleyLogic Windies, if you have a May birthday, but weren’t mentioned in this issue of the Zephyr, please message my postmaster [b]Toothless (#4275)[/b] and we’ll get you in the next issue! *achoo!* Until next time, party on! [size=1]*achoo!* Ugh, not again![/size] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Opinion Column[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] Last time, based on a reader suggestion, we asked you what gene was your favourite. Now, [b]before I give you the results, I must offer my apologies[/b]. It turns out I may have misunderstood the suggestion a little, interpreting it too literally to the point of making the quality of the poll suffer as a result. As a (different?) reader commented, the groups of genes muddle the results, making them unreliable. In retrospect, I do believe you have a point! It looks like the somewhat swirly genes poison/toxin/smoke are the most popular with a quarter of the votes, followed by the stripey genes peregrine/okapi and tiger/stripes/thylacine, both with 18.8% of the votes. Other genes that got votes were cherub/seraph and crystal/facet, each with 12.5% of the votes, and lastly piebald/painted and iridescent/shimmer each got 6.3% of the votes. Other genes did not get any votes in our little poll. [img][/img] The contour was a gene released without any prior announcement, which means discussion about it only started just now- while it’s already here! [size=5][url=]Answer the next question here![/url][/size]

May is finally here and it’s brought sunshine and plenty of blossoming plants along with it! Prepare your allergies and get ready to be cleaning pollen of every inch of you lairs because Spring has truly Sprung!


A new gene has been spotted in Sorienth! Give you dragon a more refined, outlined look with Contour! Pick one up for yourself from the treasure marketplace!

The skin/accent contest for the Greenskeeper Gathering has started! Be sure to submit your entries for a chance at them becoming official site skins/accents!

And last, but certainly not least, a registration window has just ended! Please welcome all of the new players with open arms and warm hearts.

Juju’s Findings

Greetings everyone! Juju here. This time I’ve found something quite remarkable… a coliseum drop challenge! Now this challenge was created by the user Sigiele of the Wind flight, and it adds an extra layer of difficulty while you battle. Click here to read about the challenge! There is also a tracker you can utilize linked on the thread to make your organization and tracking of your challenge more efficient.

Has anyone participated in a similar challenge? What was it like? Do let me know as I’m curious to find out.

See you all next issue!


Economy Section

Hello, Zephyr readers! Sorry the Economy section has been gone, but it’s back, and hopefully making up some of the lost ground. This issue’s section is going to be on Wavecrest Saturnalia (in case you missed some of the items) and Contour.

G:T Ratio - 1:710

Contour - 205g - ???kt
Recommendation: ??

Giant Sand Dollar - 1g - NO DATA
Recommendation: Don’t buy for any more than 1g per dollar.

Diver Emblem - 21g - 17kt
Recommendation: Don’t pay more than 15kt or 20g.

Warmwater Wanderers - 51g - 38kt
Recommendation: No more than 37.5kt, or 60g.

Seawater Savior - 35g - 23.5kt
Recommendation: No more than 24.5kt and 35g.

My Tears - 57g - 40kt
Recommendation: No more than 40kt and 57g. But the average prices match pretty closely.

Tender Grasp - 109g - 98kt
Recommendation: No more than 110g and 100kt, and that’s only because treasure prices are significantly inflated above the gem ones.

As always, apologies for any mistakes. Calculators are hard to use when you’ve got claws!
Written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg.


Interview By Ghosty

Hello Flight Rising! I was given the opportunity to do an article for the best newspaper in Sorneith! I didn’t know what to do, until I thought of a perfect topic! So many players on this game have family on here! So I thought I would interview a few. I hope you enjoy!
Mage wrote:
Well, thankfully nothing bad has happened (Like being banned for multi accounting), and it's actually pretty nice! I can ask for a bit of treasure to get that lair expansion I really need (Provided I send something in return sometimes) and sometimes I get to pick one of the dragons she breeds! We both kinda joined when we learned about the site awhile back. She reminded me to join, to I'm happy about that. That's really all I can say.
Mage has a good point about not being banned! That’s a fear I trade every time me and my family share.
daughteroflight wrote:
Well, I don't really have lots of notable experiences with my family on here. None of them are as addicted as me lol. I got all of them to play, but only my girlfriend and brother are ever on. That a lot of my girlfriend's dragons I held for her until she could join. I got in in October 2013, and there was a HUGE gap in reg windows. The next one wasn't until April 2014 so that's why I had to hold them for her. She couldn't play.
None of us are active in dominance, and my brother didn't even actually choose Earth flight. He took too long and defaulted but hasn't cared enough to change it. My girlfriend is nature for aesthetic reasons (she LOVES flowers), my sister is in water flight but lol I have no idea why.) My mom is also water and I also don't know why, but it's possible my little sister convinced her to be there with her. My little sister is super proud of water flight XD No one else really cares about flight differences. We're all just happy where we are.
@daughteroflight ‘s POV both match and contrasts @Howitzersfriend ‘s, don’t ya think?
Howitzersfriend wrote:
I'd probably say that the best part about having family on FR is being able to get dragons from some other flights more easily. For me, I don't really have any want or need for dragons from other flights, if their eyes work with their colors then that's good, but I don't go to other people just to get pretty eyes. The thing that I'd say is the worst about having family on here would be that, if you use the general forums, they can see the posts you make. Or maybe the worst thing is when you're willing to pay a lot of money for a dragon they bred, and they still won't let you buy it because they don't sell to family - or really at all.

I got both my sisters playing FR by showing them how great it is! My older sister, and the one that joined in the same opening as me, she's in Light. I showed her what FR was like, and we both like these types of games, so she joined and has been going strong for over a year now! The younger of my sisters is in Nature, she joined long after me and my other sister. For the longest te she didn't really seem to care at all about FR, or maybe that's just because there weren't any openings and she didn't have access to an email account. But she's really nice, she has a lot of great dragons too, so I'd say she's a great player to know. Maybe a little inexperienced, but still good.

@VeiledOverdose has some comments!
VeiledOverdose wrote:

It's been pretty good having them here! I haven't had any bad experiences, in fact it's been pretty fun! I have fun gift-bombing them for sure, and I'm glad I convinced my older sister to hold a dragon for me |D In fact I'm working on a plot with my younger sister, the one I got to join, that we'll hopefully roleplay out soon hehe, which was also inspired by having a dragon held for me, though he's in my lair now unlike the other. It has also made it easier to do certain things, like my older sister usually has a lot of gems, so I can do treasure for gems things with someone I trust, and so on |D

My younger sister was the one to get the other two family members join, but I got her to join. She had to wait months, but I think my talking about it to her a lot and showing her my dragons are overall what made her want to join |D

@UserofShadows ’s comments remind me of my family experience!
UserofShadows wrote:
Hi Shadow friend~ <3

Oh, alright! Let's see... It was a slow process. I joined up first, and made my brothers join a few months after that, but they never really played. About a year later I made my mom join just because I wanted to see what kind of Progen she would choose, and a couple months after that, my dad for the same reason. What I did NOT expect, was for my dad to get kinda... Hooked. Then he started talking to me about it, learning about all the things you can do with Baldwin, etc. And then everyone else decided they wanted to start actually playing.

As for experiences... Only one of my brothers ever uses the forums as of right now, and he sticks to Forum Games, so I don't speak to them often in-game. IRL, however, now I have four people constantly trying to get me to teach them how to play, all at once. Questions like "How many Arcane familiars are there and what are they!?!?" And "Do these materials do anything?" Seem to be the most common as of right now. I guess you could say it's been fun. :D

And last but not least @Skychickens ‘s POV!
Skychicken wrote:
Alrighty. My little brother I asked if he wanted to play a new petsite game with me I was trying out, so he joined a few hours after me. I am actually kind of surprised he didn't get in trouble...most sites like this we have joined as long as an adult relative is also playing they can be under 13...and he just turned 13 this April. We misread the rules! He barely plays anyway, so I doubt it's much of a problem.

After quite some time of playing, my mom ended up having a surgery on her neck, leaving her to be out of work for awhile. Then her job was being difficult allowing her back, which turned out to be alright. Her lower back ended up herniating and she needed yet another surgery, so now she is going for permanent disability. My little brother and I thought that she would like it, as she used to play these sorts of things with us all the time. She loves dragons too, so we hoped it would give her something to do since she is stuck at home all of the time. She was pretty inactive for awhile, and now is really crazy about it. I get really humorous text messages and things all the time nobody else would understand.

As for my girlfriend if she counts, she actually got ME involved! I feel like I knew about the site from old dragon petsite games but since I was so unhappy with them I didn't bother. Then when I found out that it was a lot different, I decided to give it a try. Actually ended up joining on my birthday! I was attracted to the high quality art and hoped it would give us something to do together since we are so far apart right now.

I like having people I am related to and all on here. We all help each other get things and can talk about it with our silly jokes and things and we all understand. My mom and I often get into squabbles over who has a better flight/deity, and my little brother and I get into pun battles.

The only not good thing I have found is when people throw their tantrums on the forums sometimes about suspected multi-accounting, it makes me a little nervous. Shared IPs happen, and we do send stuff around between us a lot. There is always that lingering fear, you know? Especially when buying gems...though it's mostly me that buys gems.

And that wraps it up for now!

Your friend


Ask Windy


Hello everybody! Windy here, just reminding you that if you have a question or need advice on something, I will be more than happy to help you! You don’t have to follow my advice, but sometimes it’s nice to get a second opinion on things, don’t you think?

(((OOC Note: If you would like to send Windy a letter asking for advice, please send your messages to Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275).))

Artist Feature

Hello everyone! Today we have Rebbawskaced here with us. Rebbaw mostly sticks to digital art but sometimes dabbles in heaps of other mediums, such as photography, wire sculpture, cross stitching, and acrylic painting. As for style, she prefers a pixel art and vector art, and pretty much any art with geometrical shapes! She’s been involved with arts and crafts for about as long as she can remember, for digital art around 16 years, and now she’s in an art related career as a Multimedia developer for web-based training. After hours she does art as a hobby and gets a lot of inspiration by browsing through a wide variety on Tumblr.

As a professional, she has some tips for aspiring artists! Here’s what she has to say:

“Don't stop, and don't get discouraged. No one starts out loving what they do the first time they try any sort of art. The more you practice, the better you get, and the happier with your work you will become! Also, the best thing you can learn how to do is to take constructive criticism and how to use it to become better. It will sting, but ultimately you will become a better artist!”

Rebbaw was inspired to get into art by her fantastic art teachers, that made her enjoy her classes when she was usually bored. And then she thought she may as well keep going with what she enjoyed! Apart from doing art, Rebbaw is an aspiring author, and she’s currently working on an original zombie novel, and the occasional fanfiction.
When creating her art she mostly uses Photoshop, Illustrator, and Hexels. Creating adopts in these programs usually takes her around 1-8 hours for the bases and then it’s smooth sailing from there!

It was really interesting talking to you, Rebbaw! And what a great inspiration to aspiring artists aiming to go professional with their art. Go check out her art on her Tumblr, guys!!

Need food? The Meat Locker has you covered! Pop in today for some free food!

We raise our hands
To the wind, to the sky
To the leaves that bring us life
We fly our kites upon the breeze,
The breeze that takes us far
Shout into the wind, fly your banner
Hear the sky open to you
Find the world that will let you in
And let the sky take you anywhere
It’s hard to tell, but if you can see
The wind is where we live
Across the globe, we determinedly sail
To find our place in this world we call home
Home, this place is where we go
When no one else will see us thrive
Home, this place is what we call
Where paint lights up the sky.

Birthday Column

Hellooooo everyone and welcome to May! *achoo!* You know what they say about April showers, right? Well I’m feeling those flowers full-blast! My poor nose hasn’t stopped sneezing since the first of the month. *achoo!* Excuse me! Well, please join me in celebrating these fabulous Windy birthdays! *achoo!* Aw man, these allergies really blow!

1st: tera633, Matrices, pensandink, 0ops
2nd: Simplicities
3rd: applepi88 , GreylightS, Hypergold, Immo
4th: Emeraldwolf, RedCorax, Baroness, Kesler
5th: packook, Sonamae
6th: Skyhold, Silvermoon49
7th: bloodscribbler, Kriten, Chrisu, PandaDork
8th: Melis
9th: Tophie, Lenalee, PrincessNight, NorseThunder
10th: Candystar, Kythryne, charlieweasley, leafenon, miner
11th: MrsPreinz, McSnazzier, LuckyMelody, SylphOfSpace, BushyxTail
12th: treblemirinlens
13th: Shadylex, mwingzero, Maimu, Nocturne, Skylark13, LadyLyndia, Ingeniousspark, Panderz
14th: Erebei, rottenlemons
15th: CaelesteVentus, TayahNotSoShort
16th: Scraleos, Renekin , terutt, FloralFawn, youarebutt, Lynnasi, ghosty07
17th: CrimsonFringe, Ukiyo
18th: Leyatres, Talii, Howitzersfriend, desiher, Historia, trashraptor, loonaboo
19th: Ashean, Amatsu, Spicerwild, Valkeryie
20th: DDDragoni, kittydragon, HaphazardGirl
21st: cloudyworld, BramblePatch94, Dextrezom, Catniss
22nd: Ellavera, Mariazny
23rd: Maosayshi, Maholix, Howitzersfriend, DragonDawn, Sapphire235, Lunarwing
24th: Silverfeather, Hatoful, AkaFever, fabulaeantiquae, Mewyn, VorpalGirl
25th: Nordlys, Xardogn, alunbalanced, Windchaser12, DwiinDovah, JannelleSadiablo, startleddust
26th: Amarayne, taryngrenny, Aspyria
27th: kinderla
28th: PocketTheSaurus, Dodongo, tsukishima, Calibri
29th: stephrei, ninquebrethil
20th: TheTeaCoon, PorceCat, Whitefiver
31st: Risper, MistressFeo, ZephyrSkye, Xochiquetzal, Whitefang, SimpleyLogic

Windies, if you have a May birthday, but weren’t mentioned in this issue of the Zephyr, please message my postmaster Toothless (#4275) and we’ll get you in the next issue! *achoo!*

Until next time, party on!
*achoo!* Ugh, not again!

Opinion Column

Last time, based on a reader suggestion, we asked you what gene was your favourite.

Now, before I give you the results, I must offer my apologies. It turns out I may have misunderstood the suggestion a little, interpreting it too literally to the point of making the quality of the poll suffer as a result. As a (different?) reader commented, the groups of genes muddle the results, making them unreliable. In retrospect, I do believe you have a point!

It looks like the somewhat swirly genes poison/toxin/smoke are the most popular with a quarter of the votes, followed by the stripey genes peregrine/okapi and tiger/stripes/thylacine, both with 18.8% of the votes. Other genes that got votes were cherub/seraph and crystal/facet, each with 12.5% of the votes, and lastly piebald/painted and iridescent/shimmer each got 6.3% of the votes. Other genes did not get any votes in our little poll.

The contour was a gene released without any prior announcement, which means discussion about it only started just now- while it’s already here!
Answer the next question here!

I got mentioned! Yay! (Sorry if this is the wrong thread I'm not very familiar with the Zephyr)
I got mentioned! Yay! (Sorry if this is the wrong thread I'm not very familiar with the Zephyr)
No worries, this is the correct thread! ^^
No worries, this is the correct thread! ^^
foxofwonders.png __TDmCtlK.png __instagram-logo.png __Twitter_logo_bird_transparent_png.png __FR+9
P1YWd6F.png AgG97x3.png
@YellowFangg nice job! Can I ask one thing? On my interview, (interview by ghosty) and you change it to Interview By A Ghost

@YellowFangg nice job! Can I ask one thing? On my interview, (interview by ghosty) and you change it to Interview By A Ghost



@Yellowfangg thx and love your name!
although you did forget the word By
@Yellowfangg thx and love your name!
although you did forget the word By

Thanks!! Also, fixed again.

Thanks!! Also, fixed again.
Your interview is in this issue! Sorry, a couple of things didn't go as planned, but we're smoothing out this process now :D
Your interview is in this issue! Sorry, a couple of things didn't go as planned, but we're smoothing out this process now :D