
Creative Corner

Share your own art and stories, or ask for critique.
TOPIC | The Zephyr: Issue 37
[center]Hello, dear readers! Have you enjoyed the Trickmurk Circus? We definitely hope so! The windies among us will probably have enjoyed the extra gathering turns, too. [img][/img] The normally silent Tangled Woods were filled with awesome activities last week, including various contests, games and riddles (well, that’s what Shadow is known for, right?) and giveaways. Let’s not forget their amazing raffle! In fact, the clans serving the Shadowbinder have done such a marvelous job at creating events that it’s hard to list them all. Instead, you can relive the memories in the festival gathering spot. [url=]here[/url]. Don’t forget to check out the tents of the contests especially, the results may be out soon! [img][/img] ...but that’s not all. Gathering pinecones to swap with Joxar for cool festival items has become a little easier this year thanks to a venue that doesn’t look very welcoming at first, but proves to be very rewarding for those who dare to explore the long forsaken ruins. There are many items to be found, but be sure to watch your back at all times… it’s said the place is haunted, and there might be exposed skulls and swirling spirits hiding in the shadows! ~written by Vulpes, representing Foxofwonders [img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Economy[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [/center] [center]Today’s Economy section will be on some of the Trickmurk Circus items. Although the festival has unfortunately passed, here’s your chance to get the last items you missed during the Circus. G:T Ratio: 1:593 Calculated from the Wind Sales thread. Shimmering Pinecone - 997t - 2g [i]Recommendation: Don’t buy for any more than 1000t and 2g.[/i] Shady Emblem - 41.8kt - 72g [i]Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 40kt and 70g.[/i] Gloomwillow Guide - 71.3kt - 129g [i]Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 77kt and 130g.[/i] Insubstantial Illusionist - 48.6kt - 71g [i]Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 50kt and 75g.[/i] Tangled Trickery - 87.3kt - 278g [i]Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 90kt and 278g.[/i] Wispwillow Magician - 63kt - 98g [i]Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 70kt and 100g.[/i] As always, apologies for any mistakes that may have been made. Calculators are hard to use and the Auction House isn’t notorious for being accurate. [i]Written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg[/i][/center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Squall Stories[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Welcome to Squall Stories, the literature and poetry of the Wind Flight. If you're interested in being featured, why not check out the [url=]Weekly Windy Writing Prompt[/url], over in the Wind Forum? Or if you don't feel that's the best for you, send a PM to Ingeniousspark, and we'll work something out. This issue’s story comes from the clan of @Vengrahdiin, where dragons and familiars are settling in and meeting new denmates... ----- [img][/img][item=petalwing peryton] Munihele and his Peryton familiar are both new to the clan and are therefore making it a priority to meet all of the clan members. A daunting task since his new clan is more of a small village by its sheer size. Having been warmly greeted and accepted by the clan leaders he’s working his way to the other clan mates and has now found himself at the doorway to Aridanu’s room. Knocking gently, he hears a rather unearthly howl emanating from the other side of the door immediately followed by the booming voice of Aridanu, “Just a minute!” The howls resolved into intermittent ghostly barks as the door swung open, revealing the large Imperial and her excited Wraith Hound familiar. [img][/img][Item=wraith hound] Munihele and his Peryton took an involuntary step backward, both reeling at the sight of the hound and the carrion smell wafting toward them. The wraith hound levitated a foot or so in the air and made slobbering gestures of affection toward Munihele and his familiar. Munihele stifled a gag but reached out to pet the hound. Aridanu, unaware of Munihele’s discomfort, cheerfully exclaimed, “Isn’t he just wonderful?” She handed the hound a treat composed of some unrecognizable substance. The hound levitated a bit lower to the ground and began to chew. In horror, Munihele watched the treat make its way through the hound’s slightly transparent body. He wondered how it would be digested and unsuccessfully tried to imagine the end product. Munihele managed to speak finally and stammered, “I-I’m pleased to m-meet you and your, uh…familiar! It’s been lovely but we have lots of others to meet and I hope to see you both again soon.” Aridanu waved them on, saying, “Let’s get together for lunch sometime!” Munihele gagged again, waved back at Aridanu and her floating hound and, with his Peryton at his side, returned to his room for a nice long and very hot bath.[/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Dear Windy[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] Are you needing advice on something Flight Rising reated? Then the “Dear Windy” column is the column for you! Write to Windy to get an answer next issue about any dilemma you might be having! Please send Windy questions by PMing Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275)![/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Glitz ‘n’ Glam[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [img][/img] Welcome back to our fashion segment! Today we're covering this cycle’s festival apparel, in celebration of the Trickmurk Circus and eager, [i]eager[/i] anticipation of the Mistral Jamboree next month! A quick refresher for anyone a little shaky on this cycle's festival apparel: [Item=solar blades] [Item=mesa mechanojets] [Item=will o’ the ember] [Item=cosmologist fieldtools] [Item=skeletal chimes] [Item=bluffclamber belongings] [Item=chillspike crown] [Item=gloomwillow guide] I polled the Wind Forum, and it seems the most popular item thus far was Fire’s Will o’ the Ember! Creating little wisps of flame that float adorably around the wearer, our model for this cute and charming apparel is Intermezzo, who shows us that this apparel can also be incredibly regal! Paired with a Searing Crown and a Firebreather Cape, as well as that beautiful accent, Scroll of Pells, he’s definitely decked out fit for a king! Just look at those colors! [url=] [img][/img][/url] Coming up a very close second was Shadow’s Gloomwillow Guide! A couple of my own denmates have these little cuties, and wow are they precious! Lumen here I'd our model, and I think you'll agree that the spooky and still cute thing is totally a go! Lumen’s also here to tell you that sometimes less is more! Paired with a Shady Emblem and the new Bramble Juggler accent, this is really understatedly delightful! [url=] [img][/img][/url] Neck and neck for third place was Ice and Plague! They actually tied, and I love talking to you all about this, so I chose to do both! Plague’s big apparel was the Skeletal Chimes, and showcasing them for us is Shiitala! She’ paired them perfectly with the equally macabre Bone crown, and in a fit of Plague-inspired aesthetic, threw in the delightfully radioactive-looking Mossy Maze colony. With her coloring and the Veteran’s Eye Scar thrown in for good measure she definitely fits the Plague theme! [url=] [img][/img][/url] Last but not least, we take a look at the frozen South in the form of Ice’s Chillspike Crown. Frostmyth here takes the frozen finery and makes it more approachable by utilizing some Gossamer Silks, and a pretty little Aqua Neck Bow. A chilly gust of Winter Wind sets it off beautifully, and the Frigid Emblem leaves there no doubt where her aesthetic hails from. [url=] [img][/img][/url] Honorable mention goes to Arcane and Light, who got one mention each, and my heart goes out to Lightning at Earth, whose apparel apparently isn't so popular. Maybe next year, right? That's all for this issue! Happy shopping! Written by Venus, representing Ingeniousspark.[/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Birthday Section[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] “Parties are a whirlwind of fun, so let’s celebrate with our fellow Windbros!” [img][/img] Hi there, everyone! As February draws to a close and the snows start to melt, the time to celebrate March birthdays approaches! Please join me in wishing these wonderful Windies the happiest of birthdays! 1st: Noctis, Kiritsu, mindlesslyanna, commenter, inconocible, Lomedraug, leylining 2nd: jstar27, Ajaklis12, axdrive, Sereniti, DobbyDobby, Myrellis 3rd: wonknevetnod, Syllusionist, jkirkpatrick, MagicMythMayhem, Misaki0728 4th: Zynaeri, okamiryu4, Watery21 7th: Azurite, MissOphelia, Prongsie, Eliundar, jurobii 8th: Dragonweaver 9th: Insomnia, Amariel, condonzack, Aoiki 10th: zorramala 11th: Emery, Sylphium, lilduu 12th: moomargh, MelodicMistral 13th: airitari, skoomacat 14th: Herudito, therealmoosey, smallswingshoes 15th: Frig, Dessan 16th: Kouji, Inishia, Barredrock 17th: rianimare, SpringsSongs, Hidd3nstare 18th: Dainty, Kizmetto, ophia 19th: Whimseeker, galacticpink 20th: WanderlustDragon, cheeseboytyrell, Stormhawke, JeanDescole 21st: Thessur 22nd: necrophiliac, MarquiseCat, Malokia, sabreslove9 23rd: Kroo, bleeze, VonSchweets, pyrakitt, KaiTheQueer 24th: KnightOwlKayla, summerpd 25th: Blueskys, retrobird, Meroei 26th: Dawnflower, navigational, hathnofury, Blackwingedmedic, chilope, ellace, WitchOfTheWind 27th: Hummbirds, Lae, silvercatshadow, Aidaen, Canbeezy, rentacles, LewdAwaken 28th: Riiji, Cyberspace, Ruurin, Feniiku, swiftshade007 29th: napdragon, Aurum, Gurrero 30th: OnionGrump, lee, Nashisame, GhibliLove, Sethwolf 31st: jasbo, emaira, nehima, MessengerDragon Have a wonderful day, all of you! Windies, if you have a March birthday but weren’t mentioned in this issue of the Zephy, message my postmaster Toothless (#4275) saying so, and we’ll get you in next issue! Until next time, party on![/center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Comic[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Opinion Column[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] Last time, we asked you how quickly you liked to collect familiars, and good news for the critters: nobody dislikes befriending them! However, there were still some differences between clans. Among the clans who voted, there were two who were really devoted familiar collectors who would give almost anything to collect familiars as quickly as possible, but the majority (a little over 60%) would prefer to wait until they are a little easier to obtain, and go for it then. “I love familiars a lot! They may even be my favorite part of flight rising. However, I'm not keen on losing large amounts of money to fill my collection. Patience is key!” ~ anonymous. The rest of the voters, a third of you, voted they didn’t bother too much. They like to receive them, but don’t mind not getting them. [img][/img] Next time, to go a bit deeper into this subject (and thanks to a reader suggestion!) we’d like to ask you what you collect here on Flight Rising. Anything goes! If there’s something specific you’re collecting, feel free to add it in the comments! (And maybe add your clan’s name too, it might be nice to show the list next issue, so you can perhaps help each other’s collections a little. [url=][size=6]Click here to answer the next question![/size][/url][/center]
Hello, dear readers!
Have you enjoyed the Trickmurk Circus? We definitely hope so! The windies among us will probably have enjoyed the extra gathering turns, too.


The normally silent Tangled Woods were filled with awesome activities last week, including various contests, games and riddles (well, that’s what Shadow is known for, right?) and giveaways. Let’s not forget their amazing raffle! In fact, the clans serving the Shadowbinder have done such a marvelous job at creating events that it’s hard to list them all. Instead, you can relive the memories in the festival gathering spot.
here. Don’t forget to check out the tents of the contests especially, the results may be out soon!


...but that’s not all. Gathering pinecones to swap with Joxar for cool festival items has become a little easier this year thanks to a venue that doesn’t look very welcoming at first, but proves to be very rewarding for those who dare to explore the long forsaken ruins. There are many items to be found, but be sure to watch your back at all times… it’s said the place is haunted, and there might be exposed skulls and swirling spirits hiding in the shadows!

~written by Vulpes, representing Foxofwonders 3330212p.png


Today’s Economy section will be on some of the Trickmurk Circus items. Although the festival has unfortunately passed, here’s your chance to get the last items you missed during the Circus.

G:T Ratio: 1:593
Calculated from the Wind Sales thread.

Shimmering Pinecone - 997t - 2g
Recommendation: Don’t buy for any more than 1000t and 2g.

Shady Emblem - 41.8kt - 72g
Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 40kt and 70g.

Gloomwillow Guide - 71.3kt - 129g
Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 77kt and 130g.

Insubstantial Illusionist - 48.6kt - 71g
Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 50kt and 75g.

Tangled Trickery - 87.3kt - 278g
Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 90kt and 278g.

Wispwillow Magician - 63kt - 98g
Recommendation: Don’t buy for more than 70kt and 100g.

As always, apologies for any mistakes that may have been made. Calculators are hard to use and the Auction House isn’t notorious for being accurate.
Written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg


Squall Stories


Welcome to Squall Stories, the literature and poetry of the Wind Flight. If you're interested in being featured, why not check out the Weekly Windy Writing Prompt, over in the Wind Forum? Or if you don't feel that's the best for you, send a PM to Ingeniousspark, and we'll work something out.

This issue’s story comes from the clan of @Vengrahdiin, where dragons and familiars are settling in and meeting new denmates...

21177133p.png Petalwing Peryton
Munihele and his Peryton familiar are both new to the clan and are therefore making it a priority to meet all of the clan members. A daunting task since his new clan is more of a small village by its sheer size.

Having been warmly greeted and accepted by the clan leaders he’s working his way to the other clan mates and has now found himself at the doorway to Aridanu’s room. Knocking gently, he hears a rather unearthly howl emanating from the other side of the door immediately followed by the booming voice of Aridanu, “Just a minute!” The howls resolved into intermittent ghostly barks as the door swung open, revealing the large Imperial and her excited Wraith Hound familiar.

21143258p.png Wraith Hound

Munihele and his Peryton took an involuntary step backward, both reeling at the sight of the hound and the carrion smell wafting toward them. The wraith hound levitated a foot or so in the air and made slobbering gestures of affection toward Munihele and his familiar. Munihele stifled a gag but reached out to pet the hound.

Aridanu, unaware of Munihele’s discomfort, cheerfully exclaimed, “Isn’t he just wonderful?” She handed the hound a treat composed of some unrecognizable substance. The hound levitated a bit lower to the ground and began to chew.

In horror, Munihele watched the treat make its way through the hound’s slightly transparent body. He wondered how it would be digested and unsuccessfully tried to imagine the end product.

Munihele managed to speak finally and stammered, “I-I’m pleased to m-meet you and your, uh…familiar! It’s been lovely but we have lots of others to meet and I hope to see you both again soon.”

Aridanu waved them on, saying, “Let’s get together for lunch sometime!” Munihele gagged again, waved back at Aridanu and her floating hound and, with his Peryton at his side, returned to his room for a nice long and very hot bath.

Dear Windy

Are you needing advice on something Flight Rising reated? Then the “Dear Windy” column is the column for you! Write to Windy to get an answer next issue about any dilemma you might be having!

Please send Windy questions by PMing Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275)!


Glitz ‘n’ Glam


Welcome back to our fashion segment! Today we're covering this cycle’s festival apparel, in celebration of the Trickmurk Circus and eager, eager anticipation of the Mistral Jamboree next month! A quick refresher for anyone a little shaky on this cycle's festival apparel:

Solar Blades Mesa Mechanojets Cosmologist Fieldtools Skeletal Chimes Bluffclamber Belongings Chillspike Crown Gloomwillow Guide

I polled the Wind Forum, and it seems the most popular item thus far was Fire’s Will o’ the Ember! Creating little wisps of flame that float adorably around the wearer, our model for this cute and charming apparel is Intermezzo, who shows us that this apparel can also be incredibly regal! Paired with a Searing Crown and a Firebreather Cape, as well as that beautiful accent, Scroll of Pells, he’s definitely decked out fit for a king! Just look at those colors!


Coming up a very close second was Shadow’s Gloomwillow Guide! A couple of my own denmates have these little cuties, and wow are they precious! Lumen here I'd our model, and I think you'll agree that the spooky and still cute thing is totally a go! Lumen’s also here to tell you that sometimes less is more! Paired with a Shady Emblem and the new Bramble Juggler accent, this is really understatedly delightful!


Neck and neck for third place was Ice and Plague! They actually tied, and I love talking to you all about this, so I chose to do both! Plague’s big apparel was the Skeletal Chimes, and showcasing them for us is Shiitala! She’ paired them perfectly with the equally macabre Bone crown, and in a fit of Plague-inspired aesthetic, threw in the delightfully radioactive-looking Mossy Maze colony. With her coloring and the Veteran’s Eye Scar thrown in for good measure she definitely fits the Plague theme!


Last but not least, we take a look at the frozen South in the form of Ice’s Chillspike Crown. Frostmyth here takes the frozen finery and makes it more approachable by utilizing some Gossamer Silks, and a pretty little Aqua Neck Bow. A chilly gust of Winter Wind sets it off beautifully, and the Frigid Emblem leaves there no doubt where her aesthetic hails from.


Honorable mention goes to Arcane and Light, who got one mention each, and my heart goes out to Lightning at Earth, whose apparel apparently isn't so popular. Maybe next year, right? That's all for this issue! Happy shopping!

Written by Venus, representing Ingeniousspark.

Birthday Section

“Parties are a whirlwind of fun, so let’s celebrate with our fellow Windbros!”
Hi there, everyone! As February draws to a close and the snows start to melt, the time to celebrate March birthdays approaches! Please join me in wishing these wonderful Windies the happiest of birthdays!

1st: Noctis, Kiritsu, mindlesslyanna, commenter, inconocible, Lomedraug, leylining
2nd: jstar27, Ajaklis12, axdrive, Sereniti, DobbyDobby, Myrellis
3rd: wonknevetnod, Syllusionist, jkirkpatrick, MagicMythMayhem, Misaki0728
4th: Zynaeri, okamiryu4, Watery21
7th: Azurite, MissOphelia, Prongsie, Eliundar, jurobii
8th: Dragonweaver
9th: Insomnia, Amariel, condonzack, Aoiki
10th: zorramala
11th: Emery, Sylphium, lilduu
12th: moomargh, MelodicMistral
13th: airitari, skoomacat
14th: Herudito, therealmoosey, smallswingshoes
15th: Frig, Dessan
16th: Kouji, Inishia, Barredrock
17th: rianimare, SpringsSongs, Hidd3nstare
18th: Dainty, Kizmetto, ophia
19th: Whimseeker, galacticpink
20th: WanderlustDragon, cheeseboytyrell, Stormhawke, JeanDescole
21st: Thessur
22nd: necrophiliac, MarquiseCat, Malokia, sabreslove9
23rd: Kroo, bleeze, VonSchweets, pyrakitt, KaiTheQueer
24th: KnightOwlKayla, summerpd
25th: Blueskys, retrobird, Meroei
26th: Dawnflower, navigational, hathnofury, Blackwingedmedic, chilope, ellace, WitchOfTheWind
27th: Hummbirds, Lae, silvercatshadow, Aidaen, Canbeezy, rentacles, LewdAwaken
28th: Riiji, Cyberspace, Ruurin, Feniiku, swiftshade007
29th: napdragon, Aurum, Gurrero
30th: OnionGrump, lee, Nashisame, GhibliLove, Sethwolf
31st: jasbo, emaira, nehima, MessengerDragon

Have a wonderful day, all of you!

Windies, if you have a March birthday but weren’t mentioned in this issue of the Zephy, message my postmaster Toothless (#4275) saying so, and we’ll get you in next issue!

Until next time, party on!




Opinion Column
Last time, we asked you how quickly you liked to collect familiars, and good news for the critters: nobody dislikes befriending them! However, there were still some differences between clans. Among the clans who voted, there were two who were really devoted familiar collectors who would give almost anything to collect familiars as quickly as possible, but the majority (a little over 60%) would prefer to wait until they are a little easier to obtain, and go for it then.
“I love familiars a lot! They may even be my favorite part of flight rising. However, I'm not keen on losing large amounts of money to fill my collection. Patience is key!” ~ anonymous.
The rest of the voters, a third of you, voted they didn’t bother too much. They like to receive them, but don’t mind not getting them.
Next time, to go a bit deeper into this subject (and thanks to a reader suggestion!) we’d like to ask you what you collect here on Flight Rising. Anything goes! If there’s something specific you’re collecting, feel free to add it in the comments! (And maybe add your clan’s name too, it might be nice to show the list next issue, so you can perhaps help each other’s collections a little.
Click here to answer the next question!

Whee! Thanks to everyone who helped me out and let me show off their dragons!

@vengrahdiin, @lomedraug, @ewspirit, @temmith, @sbslink!
Whee! Thanks to everyone who helped me out and let me show off their dragons!

@vengrahdiin, @lomedraug, @ewspirit, @temmith, @sbslink!