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TOPIC | The Zephyr: Issue 36
[img][/img] [center]Last week there was an intensely fierce battle for dominance between the Plague and Light flights. Never before have the rewards for aiding flights by sending experienced fighters been so high. The fast recruiting has reached incredibly high payouts of roughly three times the usual, and there was also amazing art to be earned, as well as a chance of winning sprites -including the fabled Light sprite- in both Plague’s and Light’s raffle. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] Both flights can be incredibly proud of the legendary battle they have fought last week! [/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Wind Flight News[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Hello, my wayward wanderers and rooted souls. As you may have noticed, the air has shifted in the peaceful Region of Wind. A crazed turbulence has begun to spin out of control, but there is no need to fear. If any other flights get caught up in the whirlwinds, I must apologize on my fellow flight mates' behalf. You see, no ill-will is intended. If a dragon guided by the wind ignores you, do not take it to heart. The Mistral Jamboree will be [i]marching[/i] in next month. The preparations have been chaotic and hectic, to say the least. Yet they have also been incredibly amusing. All the stress the some of my clanmates' are feeling, or at least one in particular, will be worth it. I can guarantee that, by the looks of things, everyone will have a wonderful time when it comes time to enjoy our festival. However, I will not say too much. I do not wish to spoil the fun! Not even all of us wind dragons' know what is going to happen as each of us is a mere puzzle piece in the grand scheme of things. In other news, whispers dancing through the breezes tell sad tales of clans wishing to depart from our lands. With a most heavy heart, I bid those who are thinking of moving farewell and to enjoy whichever region you decide to go next. I won't bother trying to write down foolish words as if it'll change your minds. After all, I know that feeling well. The wind has a way of tugging at your heartstrings. Sometimes the temptation is impossible to resist. Maybe one day you'll make your way back here, or maybe one day you'll find a place to truly settle. It's possible yet also impossible. Who am I to say where your journey will end: if it even ends at all? Please know that the wind will always be by your side. If you ever need shelter, we will gladly welcome any of the clans who leave back. Other flights may label you traitors, but we encourage your free spirits. May Windsinger bless you with favorable weather and guide your paths. That is all for this article's news report from our beautiful flight. As I like to spread the wisdom of others, as I believe that is a certain kind of news even if old, I will leave you with these words from [i]"Hear the Wind Sing"[/i] by Haruki Murakami, [i]“For example, the wind has its reasons. We just don't notice as we go about our lives. But then, at some point, we are made to notice. The wind envelops you with a certain purpose in mind, and it rocks you. The wind knows everything that's inside you. And not just the wind. Everything, including a stone. They all know us very well. From top to bottom. It only occurs to us at certain times. And all we can do is go with those things. As we take them in, we survive, and deepen.”[/i][/center] [right]written by Benzaiten, representing @Leopardess[/right] ----- [center][url=][img] [/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Looking For Dream Dragons[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] "[i]Kuku[/i] here with a lisst of some poor clanss who are looking for that [i]one[/i] dragon to make them complete. Could you be the person who hass that [i]one[/i] dragon for them? Maybe, maybe not! Let'ss ssee what we got! Firsst on our lisst is @Animmai who iss looking for their perfect Sskydancer! The beaut they're lookin' for iss a female with obssidian sspeckless, Blood sshimmer, and [i]any basic tertiary gene[/i]! Now, ain't that lasst note a good one? If not bassic, a gold gembond will do, although the firsst lissted is preferred. [size=1][center](TLDR; looking for a [b]skydancer[/b] with primary [b]obsidian speckles[/b], secondary [b]blood shimmer[/b], and tertiary [b]any basic[/b] or [b]gold gembond[/b] with the former being preferred) [/center][/size] Next on our lisst is a requesst for another Sskydancer. Geez - lookss like thesse are really ssought after. No love for uss Coatlss? @GymLeaderClemont would [i]love[/i] an iridesscent lemon female with toxin azure and red thylacine! Element doess not matter. [size=1][center](TLDR; skydancer female: iridescent lemon/toxin azure/red thylacine) [/center][/size] @Emma here sseemss to having a really rough time. I mean, [i]three[/i] dragonss they’re unable to find? Yikess! Let’ss try to help them out! I’m a lazy Coatl, sso I’ll ssimply copy and passte the requesst ssent in thiss time (whew! less writing for me!): “All three are females, must be lightning Stone - aqua - gold Genes if can ridgeback, ripple, faucet, spines the second is an Imp preferably wind, water is okay navy or azure - light blue - seafoam iridescent - faucet - smoke and my last one is a spiral, imp, or Skydancer must be from wind, or fire tangerine - leaf or spring - maize or white crystal - faucet - underbelly” That’ss it for today! If you can help thesse people out, get into contact with them. What are you waiting for?! I'm ssure there'ss way more of you out there [i]dying[/i] to get that sspecial dragon. If you'd like to be featured like thiss rad persson above, hit uss up at The Zephyr! We'll get you hooked up~ [i]Kulu~[/i] [right]written by Kukulcan, representing @Leopardess[/right] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Economy[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [/center] [center]This issue’s section will be on some of the new familiars! Reminder that these are based off recent sales listings, and not exact to every sale, and the subtext is the author’s personal recommendation. G:T Ratio - 575:1 [i]DISCLAIMER: After scouring the sales forums, I couldn’t find a single G:T ratio, let alone enough to get an average, so this ratio has been pulled from the last issue’s Economy section.[/i] Petalwing Peryton - 57.2t - 99g [i]DISCLAIMER: There is a severe lack Petalwing Perytons in the AH being sold for gems, so gem average is calculated based off the G:T ratio.[/i] No more than 60kt - 150g. The gem prices in the AH are probably too high. Scarlet Serpenta - 95.2kt - 121g No more than 95kt - 130g. Dwarf Hainu Macaw - 53kt - 98g No more than 55kt - 99g. Gladeveins Needletooth - 48.7kt - 118g No more than 60kt - 120g. Yeti Brawler - 41.3kt - 60g No more than 40kt - 60g. Dunewind Manticore - 54.1kt - 54g No more than 50kt and 60g. Clouded Mith - 51.7kt - 73g No more than 53kt and 73g. Amethyst King - 29.3kt - 50g No more than 30kt and 50g. As always, apologies for any mistakes. The numbers are calculated from the Auction House, which obviously isn’t 100% reliable. Article written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg[/center] ----- [center][url=][img] [/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]SpotFlight[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Well, howdy-do there folks! My name is Iris and this is my first time on the scene as a news reporter! I'm [i]super[/i] nervous, but I'm also [i]super[/i] excited! Basically, I'm about all jumbled up as my body currently is! My clan didn't know who to send, so I kind'a volunteered thinking, [i]"Hey, why not?"[/i] Hopefully all of you readers at home enjoy this article - Oh, right! I forgot to explain the article! This is [b]SpotFlight![/b] It's my job to go around to different clans from other flights and bug them - I mean interview them! [i]Hehe.[/i] The winds first carried me to the freezing grasp of the Icewarden's rule. Boy, was it [b]cold[/b]. Capital C-O-L-D! I thought I wasn't going to make it! If it wasn't for the sudden stop in the biting winds that caused me to plummet headfirst into the rather hard snow before (I thought it was supposed to be all soft and fluffy!) I might have been forced to wander until I froze to death. Luckily, I found a kind clan who offered me shelter [i]and[/i] agreed to do an interview with me. ----- [url=]Teiron[/url] and [url=]Kirsi[/url] were the two dragons kind enough to keep me company and answer my questions, so a big shout out to them (and their roleplayer, @Sciencing! - whatever that means!)" [/center] [img][/img] "H-Holy C-C-Cold! How do you live like this- Er, I-I mean. First question! Where in the heavens are we in this.. lovely region of Ice? I kind'a got blown by the wind, so I don't even know where we [i]I[/i] am." [img][/img] "In the middle of nowhere, to be honest! We're slowly relocating, in the general direction of The Fortress of Ends, and behind us that mountain there's... well, I'm sure someone has a name for it. Our last reasonably permanent home was in the Cloudscrape Crags, and we've settled for a while here not quite a half of the way to our final goal." [img][/img] "The middle of nowhere - Well! That certainly sets you all apart. I mean, kudos to all of you! Hopefully the move brings you somewhere w-warmer. Then again, I guess you prefer the cold.. Continuing on! What- Oh! I nearly forgot, what is the name of your clan and what kind of hierarchy would you say you possess?" [img][/img] "If the cold's bothering any of our members they've not complained, that's for sure. Our clan is called clan Shard, though Sienn doesn't call it that - I think she thinks names for clans is unnecessary. Sienn's in charge, and I'm second in command, and Kirsi's pretty much in charge of herself, and no one tells the ghost what to do. I think overall that just means Sienn gets to tell me when not to be reckless." [img][/img] "[i]Clan Shard[/i]. That has a nice ring to it! Maybe Sienn will come around to it eventually. Also, did you say ghost? Geez - Flight Rising is sure filled with amazing things! Each Flight is rich in all kinds of things. Like culture and traditions! Does Clan Shard have any special traditions? Or are there any you share with any of the other Ice Clans?" [img][/img] "Not that I can think of! We've not been around for long, especially not as the group we are now." [img][/img] "We do." [img][/img] "We do?" [img][/img] "Sienn. Builds scary snow-things. And then she buries them." [img][/img] "I.....'m not sure that counts." [img][/img] "You help her sometimes. It's a tradition." [img][/img] "Aww - just think! As more hatchlings are born the tradition will grow larger and larger! Pretty soon scary snow-things will be buried by the dozens~! Are there any other stories you'd like to share?" [img][/img] "Hmmmm.... I could tell you how me and Sienn met, but that wasn't very exciting. And then when things got exciting they mostly got scary and unpleasant to hear about. Our clan, before it was us four, mostly trained dragons for the Icewarden's service, so we've met a lot of interesting dragons - a lot of little stories I suppose. Sometimes we help out other clans that are doing the same - quite a lot of dragons visited us for a while from a Wind clan once while their home was busy and there was a lot of excitement and confusion. Linyn had to be untied three times! She was our first friend and used to take care of the young ones for us, but after the last scare she's moved on to protect a less troublesome clan." [img][/img] "The last scare?" [img][/img] "Mmmm, I think Sienn would say I shouldn't say more, because someone might get ideas. But there was an attack on our clan that led us to split up so we can research the cause and how to get rid of it while the others stay safe." [img][/img] "That's terrible! If I hear any inklings in the wind, I'll be sure to let you know! Evil-doers can't just get away with their deeds! Seriously, if anyone knows anything contact me - or Clan Shard! That's enough to warm up my blood, although maybe not stop my wings from feeling like they're turning into icicles. Before I leave, is there one last thing you'd say? Perhaps a common phrase you Icelanders say or a saying that means a lot to your clan?" [img][/img] "Nothing much, only that it's ice to have met you Iris, you seem a cool dragon and 'snow doubt you're a cunning reporter to have made you way here!" [img][/img] "Aw shucks, Teiron! Your compliments are [i]blowing[/i] me away. All of your [i]altitudes[/i] during this interview were great! Forgive me if anything [i]breezed[/i] over my head! Hopefully we'll meet again, but next time on a [i]warm current[/i]." ----- [center]"I was on my way back to my clan, casually riding the breeze like I usual do, when I might have accidentally overshot my home region and ended up in the lands of disease. Yep, I found myself in the land of Plague. I was quick to by myself articles of clothing that I could wrap around my face and my body - and by that, I mean I bought a bunch of linen wraps that made me look like a mummy. What can I say? I'm a delicate, colorful little flower! Do I look like I was born to survive the harsh lands of the Plaguebringer? Still, I decided to tough it out and try to find another story. I managed to meet an interesting, albeit slightly intimidating, Imperial by the name of [url=]Olympe[/url] (roleplayed by @Clairbear). Honestly, I expected to be rejected when I asked for an interview, but I was in for a shocker. He said yes! Well.. duh. I wouldn't be writing about it if he didn't~!" [/center] ----- [img][/img] "Naturally, I already know your name, but won't you introduce yourself and your clan to those reading~?" [img][/img] "Hello, I am Olympe. My Clan doesn't nessisarly have a name at the moment, as we are simply a unnamed group of dragons, that decided to live in the domain of the PlaugeBringer." [img][/img] "Hehe - Names aren't always necessary! There's so much more that bonds clan mates together! You mentioned the PlagueBringer - what are your clans views of Her? Are there any special traditions or holidays dedicated to her plagueness?" [img][/img] "We View her as the unseen Goddess of Rot and destruction. Yet we do not fear the WyrmWound. We welcome the disease. Well. to celebrate PlaugeBringer, we usually collect bones, and corpses of animals we have stored. Usually the corpses are already smelly and rotted (and slightly chews on) We put them in a pit, and let them fester together, then after that is done we catch it on fire to bring the smell out more and dance around the fire, as a tribute to her plaugyness. This is done every month or so." [img][/img] ""O-Oh. That sounds.. lovey! I'm sure the PlagueBringer is tickled pink by your tributes (or, well, something)! Although, I wonder, you truly don't fear the new strains of diseases released by the Wyrmwound? It's said the Plague dragons are able to adapt to any disease with ease - which sure is one way to get out of going to the doctors! - but have you ever thought that this could fail? I mean, not to be a Debbie Downer or anything!" [img][/img] "Oh no, I understand. We do have many dragons from different Flights. We welcome them with open arms, they know of what the WyrmWound could do to them. With time, and if they don't die of course could become like Plauge dragons themselves and be able to handle the toughest diseases that come out of there. If one does come that we can't handle then I suppose we have to find a way to adapt, it could be going on vacation to one of the nicer places." [img][/img] "You seem very matter-of-fact about all of this. D-Do many dragons find themselves able to adapt within your Clan..?" [img][/img] "Not always we've had some youngins die from some of the diseases. Only the strongest survive in a harsh environment. Even if their plague dragons, they're not always born strong. When they do pass, we do ceremonies giving them to PlaugeBringer to take care of. Death is part of life. We have to accept that even the young die. The parents are distraught of course but they get over it quickly, as life and death go on." [img][/img] "Ah.. So the "Circle of Life" and all? Well, that is.. one way to look at it! I'm suppose I'm simply used to less extreme measures. I-I mean. Not that they're extreme or you're doing anything wrong or anything. I'm just going to put my wing in my mouth before I say anything I'll regret! Before I leave, however, is there one last statement you'd like to make? Perhaps a saying meaningful to you that you'd like to pass on to others? It can be anything, really! [i](Hopefully I'm not signing my death warrant here..!)[/i]" [img][/img] [i]laughs[/i]. "Live life to the fullest, anything can happen. If something does happen, do not fear. You will see your loved ones again, even if it is to fight for your Deity." [img][/img] "That's.. actually quite touching! Thank you very much for allowing me to ask you these questions, Olympe! I'd offer you a hug, but I'm afraid I'm not as hardy as you folks!" ----- [center]"That brings us to the end of this [b]SpotFlight[/b], my lovely readers! Hopefully you enjoyed this article, because I already have some more in store! I love traveling, so it's a great opportunity. Although, boy, it sure is hard to keep my mouth shut and let them do most of the talking. You wouldn't believe how much of the parts I had to edit out - Err. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that.. Anyway, I hope you all have beautiful days and maybe this will help you understand your neighboring flights a bit better! I'm certain we can all be lovely friends if we work hard enough together to understand our differences! Thanks for reading! Bye, bye~!"[/center] [right]Written by [url=]Iris[/url], representing @Leopardess[/right] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Squall Stories[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Welcome to Squall Stories, the literature and poetry of the Wind Flight. If you're interested in being featured, why not check out the [url=]Weekly Windy Writing Prompt[/url], over in the Wind Forum? Or if you don't feel that's the best for you, send a PM to Ingeniousspark, and we'll work something out. This issue’s story comes from the clan of Aspyria, where a new nest of hatchlings are due any day now... ----- "Empress! Empress, where are you?" A rather large Imperial sticks her head into the space, being too large to get in comfortably. "Yes?" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Celestine is nesting." The Imperial grins. She'd always been excited about new arrivals, and her love for hatchlings had only grown since her own mate had left to serve the Windsinger. She knew that she would never have children again, and thus cherished the young ones more than anyone else. "Thanks for the news, I can't wait to see them!" The Imperial turns and glides out of the cave, giddy with excitement, but feeling her eyes burn at the same time. Another group of children that she'd never see again. Empress takes care of all of the hatchlings until they're adults. Most hatchlings are usually sent to serve the Windsinger; very few ever make the choice to stay. It breaks her heart to see them leave, knowing that she'll never be able to fly with them again, but she doesn't try to stop them. She looks up at the starlit sky. "Windsinger...please. Protect me from them. Forbid me from loving them too much."[/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Comic[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [/center] [img][/img] Out of his element, this adorably awkward shadow dragon is doing his best to ask the wind dragon that’s captured his heart to be his Valentine. Should someone tell him that he has the card backward and that its spelling “evol”? Maybe it's best to simply watch from afar and “aww” where he won't hear! (Special thanks to @Fairymonsterss who was amazing enough to step in and draw this cutie! ) ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Opinion Column[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size][/center] Last time, we asked you what you thought about gem-exclusive items, and the result is clear: whether an item is purchased with ‘premium’ currency or not doesn’t make a difference to nearly all readers, at least it doesn’t make them more or less likeable to most. As I said: to most. Two readers found gem items generally more desirable than their treasure-bought alternatives. “It's always nice to show off you have funds. And some of the sets are really nice! Also, occasionally buying gems keeps flight rising going so that's one reason more to like them.” [img][/img] For next time, we’d like to hear how quickly you like to collect familiars, if at all. [url=][size=5]Click here to answer the next question![/size][/url]

Last week there was an intensely fierce battle for dominance between the Plague and Light flights. Never before have the rewards for aiding flights by sending experienced fighters been so high.
The fast recruiting has reached incredibly high payouts of roughly three times the usual, and there was also amazing art to be earned, as well as a chance of winning sprites -including the fabled Light sprite- in both Plague’s and Light’s raffle.
tumblr_o1wdnsHunj1uvkon4o1_250.png NncH0L4.png
Both flights can be incredibly proud of the legendary battle they have fought last week!

Wind Flight News
Hello, my wayward wanderers and rooted souls. As you may have noticed, the air has shifted in the peaceful Region of Wind. A crazed turbulence has begun to spin out of control, but there is no need to fear. If any other flights get caught up in the whirlwinds, I must apologize on my fellow flight mates' behalf. You see, no ill-will is intended. If a dragon guided by the wind ignores you, do not take it to heart.

The Mistral Jamboree will be marching in next month. The preparations have been chaotic and hectic, to say the least. Yet they have also been incredibly amusing. All the stress the some of my clanmates' are feeling, or at least one in particular, will be worth it. I can guarantee that, by the looks of things, everyone will have a wonderful time when it comes time to enjoy our festival. However, I will not say too much. I do not wish to spoil the fun! Not even all of us wind dragons' know what is going to happen as each of us is a mere puzzle piece in the grand scheme of things.

In other news, whispers dancing through the breezes tell sad tales of clans wishing to depart from our lands. With a most heavy heart, I bid those who are thinking of moving farewell and to enjoy whichever region you decide to go next. I won't bother trying to write down foolish words as if it'll change your minds. After all, I know that feeling well.

The wind has a way of tugging at your heartstrings. Sometimes the temptation is impossible to resist. Maybe one day you'll make your way back here, or maybe one day you'll find a place to truly settle. It's possible yet also impossible. Who am I to say where your journey will end: if it even ends at all?

Please know that the wind will always be by your side. If you ever need shelter, we will gladly welcome any of the clans who leave back. Other flights may label you traitors, but we encourage your free spirits. May Windsinger bless you with favorable weather and guide your paths.

That is all for this article's news report from our beautiful flight. As I like to spread the wisdom of others, as I believe that is a certain kind of news even if old, I will leave you with these words from "Hear the Wind Sing" by Haruki Murakami,

“For example, the wind has its reasons. We just don't notice as we go about our lives. But then, at some point, we are made to notice. The wind envelops you with a certain purpose in mind, and it rocks you. The wind knows everything that's inside you. And not just the wind. Everything, including a stone. They all know us very well. From top to bottom. It only occurs to us at certain times. And all we can do is go with those things. As we take them in, we survive, and deepen.”

written by Benzaiten, representing @Leopardess


Looking For Dream Dragons

"Kuku here with a lisst of some poor clanss who are looking for that one dragon to make them complete. Could you be the person who hass that one dragon for them? Maybe, maybe not! Let'ss ssee what we got!

Firsst on our lisst is @Animmai who iss looking for their perfect Sskydancer! The beaut they're lookin' for iss a female with obssidian sspeckless, Blood sshimmer, and any basic tertiary gene! Now, ain't that lasst note a good one? If not bassic, a gold gembond will do, although the firsst lissted is preferred.

(TLDR; looking for a skydancer with primary obsidian speckles, secondary blood shimmer, and tertiary any basic or gold gembond with the former being preferred)

Next on our lisst is a requesst for another Sskydancer. Geez - lookss like thesse are really ssought after. No love for uss Coatlss? @GymLeaderClemont would love an iridesscent lemon female with toxin azure and red thylacine! Element doess not matter.

(TLDR; skydancer female: iridescent lemon/toxin azure/red thylacine)

@Emma here sseemss to having a really rough time. I mean, three dragonss they’re unable to find? Yikess! Let’ss try to help them out! I’m a lazy Coatl, sso I’ll ssimply copy and passte the requesst ssent in thiss time (whew! less writing for me!):

“All three are females,
must be lightning
Stone - aqua - gold
Genes if can ridgeback, ripple, faucet, spines

the second is an Imp
preferably wind, water is okay
navy or azure - light blue - seafoam
iridescent - faucet - smoke

and my last one is a spiral, imp, or Skydancer
must be from wind, or fire
tangerine - leaf or spring - maize or white
crystal - faucet - underbelly”

That’ss it for today! If you can help thesse people out, get into contact with them. What are you waiting for?!

I'm ssure there'ss way more of you out there dying to get that sspecial dragon. If you'd like to be featured like thiss rad persson above, hit uss up at The Zephyr! We'll get you hooked up~

written by Kukulcan, representing @Leopardess


This issue’s section will be on some of the new familiars! Reminder that these are based off recent sales listings, and not exact to every sale, and the subtext is the author’s personal recommendation.

G:T Ratio - 575:1
DISCLAIMER: After scouring the sales forums, I couldn’t find a single G:T ratio, let alone enough to get an average, so this ratio has been pulled from the last issue’s Economy section.

Petalwing Peryton - 57.2t - 99g
DISCLAIMER: There is a severe lack Petalwing Perytons in the AH being sold for gems, so gem average is calculated based off the G:T ratio.
No more than 60kt - 150g. The gem prices in the AH are probably too high.

Scarlet Serpenta - 95.2kt - 121g
No more than 95kt - 130g.

Dwarf Hainu Macaw - 53kt - 98g
No more than 55kt - 99g.

Gladeveins Needletooth - 48.7kt - 118g
No more than 60kt - 120g.

Yeti Brawler - 41.3kt - 60g
No more than 40kt - 60g.

Dunewind Manticore - 54.1kt - 54g
No more than 50kt and 60g.

Clouded Mith - 51.7kt - 73g
No more than 53kt and 73g.

Amethyst King - 29.3kt - 50g
No more than 30kt and 50g.

As always, apologies for any mistakes. The numbers are calculated from the Auction House, which obviously isn’t 100% reliable.
Article written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg




"Well, howdy-do there folks! My name is Iris and this is my first time on the scene as a news reporter! I'm super nervous, but I'm also super excited! Basically, I'm about all jumbled up as my body currently is! My clan didn't know who to send, so I kind'a volunteered thinking, "Hey, why not?" Hopefully all of you readers at home enjoy this article -

Oh, right! I forgot to explain the article! This is SpotFlight! It's my job to go around to different clans from other flights and bug them - I mean interview them! Hehe.

The winds first carried me to the freezing grasp of the Icewarden's rule. Boy, was it cold. Capital C-O-L-D! I thought I wasn't going to make it! If it wasn't for the sudden stop in the biting winds that caused me to plummet headfirst into the rather hard snow before (I thought it was supposed to be all soft and fluffy!) I might have been forced to wander until I froze to death. Luckily, I found a kind clan who offered me shelter and agreed to do an interview with me.

Teiron and Kirsi were the two dragons kind enough to keep me company and answer my questions, so a big shout out to them (and their roleplayer, @Sciencing! - whatever that means!)"

19554788p.png "H-Holy C-C-Cold! How do you live like this- Er, I-I mean. First question! Where in the heavens are we in this.. lovely region of Ice? I kind'a got blown by the wind, so I don't even know where we I am."
14035782p.png "In the middle of nowhere, to be honest! We're slowly relocating, in the general direction of The Fortress of Ends, and behind us that mountain there's... well, I'm sure someone has a name for it. Our last reasonably permanent home was in the Cloudscrape Crags, and we've settled for a while here not quite a half of the way to our final goal."
19554788p.png "The middle of nowhere - Well! That certainly sets you all apart. I mean, kudos to all of you! Hopefully the move brings you somewhere w-warmer. Then again, I guess you prefer the cold.. Continuing on! What- Oh! I nearly forgot, what is the name of your clan and what kind of hierarchy would you say you possess?"
14035782p.png "If the cold's bothering any of our members they've not complained, that's for sure. Our clan is called clan Shard, though Sienn doesn't call it that - I think she thinks names for clans is unnecessary. Sienn's in charge, and I'm second in command, and Kirsi's pretty much in charge of herself, and no one tells the ghost what to do. I think overall that just means Sienn gets to tell me when not to be reckless."
19554788p.png "Clan Shard. That has a nice ring to it! Maybe Sienn will come around to it eventually. Also, did you say ghost? Geez - Flight Rising is sure filled with amazing things! Each Flight is rich in all kinds of things. Like culture and traditions! Does Clan Shard have any special traditions? Or are there any you share with any of the other Ice Clans?"
14035782p.png "Not that I can think of! We've not been around for long, especially not as the group we are now."
19537833p.png "We do."
14035782p.png "We do?"
19537833p.png "Sienn. Builds scary snow-things. And then she buries them."
14035782p.png "I.....'m not sure that counts."
19537833p.png "You help her sometimes. It's a tradition."
19554788p.png "Aww - just think! As more hatchlings are born the tradition will grow larger and larger! Pretty soon scary snow-things will be buried by the dozens~! Are there any other stories you'd like to share?"
14035782p.png "Hmmmm.... I could tell you how me and Sienn met, but that wasn't very exciting. And then when things got exciting they mostly got scary and unpleasant to hear about. Our clan, before it was us four, mostly trained dragons for the Icewarden's service, so we've met a lot of interesting dragons - a lot of little stories I suppose. Sometimes we help out other clans that are doing the same - quite a lot of dragons visited us for a while from a Wind clan once while their home was busy and there was a lot of excitement and confusion. Linyn had to be untied three times! She was our first friend and used to take care of the young ones for us, but after the last scare she's moved on to protect a less troublesome clan."
19554788p.png "The last scare?"
14035782p.png "Mmmm, I think Sienn would say I shouldn't say more, because someone might get ideas. But there was an attack on our clan that led us to split up so we can research the cause and how to get rid of it while the others stay safe."
19554788p.png "That's terrible! If I hear any inklings in the wind, I'll be sure to let you know! Evil-doers can't just get away with their deeds! Seriously, if anyone knows anything contact me - or Clan Shard! That's enough to warm up my blood, although maybe not stop my wings from feeling like they're turning into icicles. Before I leave, is there one last thing you'd say? Perhaps a common phrase you Icelanders say or a saying that means a lot to your clan?"
14035782p.png "Nothing much, only that it's ice to have met you Iris, you seem a cool dragon and 'snow doubt you're a cunning reporter to have made you way here!"
19554788p.png "Aw shucks, Teiron! Your compliments are blowing me away. All of your altitudes during this interview were great! Forgive me if anything breezed over my head! Hopefully we'll meet again, but next time on a warm current."

"I was on my way back to my clan, casually riding the breeze like I usual do, when I might have accidentally overshot my home region and ended up in the lands of disease. Yep, I found myself in the land of Plague. I was quick to by myself articles of clothing that I could wrap around my face and my body - and by that, I mean I bought a bunch of linen wraps that made me look like a mummy. What can I say? I'm a delicate, colorful little flower! Do I look like I was born to survive the harsh lands of the Plaguebringer? Still, I decided to tough it out and try to find another story.

I managed to meet an interesting, albeit slightly intimidating, Imperial by the name of Olympe (roleplayed by @Clairbear). Honestly, I expected to be rejected when I asked for an interview, but I was in for a shocker. He said yes! Well.. duh. I wouldn't be writing about it if he didn't~!"

19554788p.png "Naturally, I already know your name, but won't you introduce yourself and your clan to those reading~?"
7HNmJRL.jpg "Hello, I am Olympe. My Clan doesn't nessisarly have a name at the moment, as we are simply a unnamed group of dragons, that decided to live in the domain of the PlaugeBringer."
19554788p.png "Hehe - Names aren't always necessary! There's so much more that bonds clan mates together! You mentioned the PlagueBringer - what are your clans views of Her? Are there any special traditions or holidays dedicated to her plagueness?"
7HNmJRL.jpg "We View her as the unseen Goddess of Rot and destruction. Yet we do not fear the WyrmWound. We welcome the disease. Well. to celebrate PlaugeBringer, we usually collect bones, and corpses of animals we have stored. Usually the corpses are already smelly and rotted (and slightly chews on) We put them in a pit, and let them fester together, then after that is done we catch it on fire to bring the smell out more and dance around the fire, as a tribute to her plaugyness. This is done every month or so."
19554788p.png ""O-Oh. That sounds.. lovey! I'm sure the PlagueBringer is tickled pink by your tributes (or, well, something)! Although, I wonder, you truly don't fear the new strains of diseases released by the Wyrmwound? It's said the Plague dragons are able to adapt to any disease with ease - which sure is one way to get out of going to the doctors! - but have you ever thought that this could fail? I mean, not to be a Debbie Downer or anything!"
7HNmJRL.jpg "Oh no, I understand. We do have many dragons from different Flights. We welcome them with open arms, they know of what the WyrmWound could do to them. With time, and if they don't die of course could become like Plauge dragons themselves and be able to handle the toughest diseases that come out of there. If one does come that we can't handle then I suppose we have to find a way to adapt, it could be going on vacation to one of the nicer places."
19554788p.png "You seem very matter-of-fact about all of this. D-Do many dragons find themselves able to adapt within your Clan..?"
7HNmJRL.jpg "Not always we've had some youngins die from some of the diseases. Only the strongest survive in a harsh environment. Even if their plague dragons, they're not always born strong. When they do pass, we do ceremonies giving them to PlaugeBringer to take care of. Death is part of life. We have to accept that even the young die. The parents are distraught of course but they get over it quickly, as life and death go on."
19554788p.png "Ah.. So the "Circle of Life" and all? Well, that is.. one way to look at it! I'm suppose I'm simply used to less extreme measures. I-I mean. Not that they're extreme or you're doing anything wrong or anything. I'm just going to put my wing in my mouth before I say anything I'll regret! Before I leave, however, is there one last statement you'd like to make? Perhaps a saying meaningful to you that you'd like to pass on to others? It can be anything, really! (Hopefully I'm not signing my death warrant here..!)"
7HNmJRL.jpg laughs. "Live life to the fullest, anything can happen. If something does happen, do not fear. You will see your loved ones again, even if it is to fight for your Deity."
19554788p.png "That's.. actually quite touching! Thank you very much for allowing me to ask you these questions, Olympe! I'd offer you a hug, but I'm afraid I'm not as hardy as you folks!"

"That brings us to the end of this SpotFlight, my lovely readers! Hopefully you enjoyed this article, because I already have some more in store! I love traveling, so it's a great opportunity. Although, boy, it sure is hard to keep my mouth shut and let them do most of the talking. You wouldn't believe how much of the parts I had to edit out - Err. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that..

Anyway, I hope you all have beautiful days and maybe this will help you understand your neighboring flights a bit better! I'm certain we can all be lovely friends if we work hard enough together to understand our differences! Thanks for reading! Bye, bye~!"

Written by Iris, representing @Leopardess

Squall Stories


Welcome to Squall Stories, the literature and poetry of the Wind Flight. If you're interested in being featured, why not check out the Weekly Windy Writing Prompt, over in the Wind Forum? Or if you don't feel that's the best for you, send a PM to Ingeniousspark, and we'll work something out.

This issue’s story comes from the clan of Aspyria, where a new nest of hatchlings are due any day now...

"Empress! Empress, where are you?"

A rather large Imperial sticks her head into the space, being too large to get in comfortably. "Yes?"


"Celestine is nesting."

The Imperial grins. She'd always been excited about new arrivals, and her love for hatchlings had only grown since her own mate had left to serve the Windsinger. She knew that she would never have children again, and thus cherished the young ones more than anyone else.

"Thanks for the news, I can't wait to see them!"

The Imperial turns and glides out of the cave, giddy with excitement, but feeling her eyes burn at the same time. Another group of children that she'd never see again.

Empress takes care of all of the hatchlings until they're adults. Most hatchlings are usually sent to serve the Windsinger; very few ever make the choice to stay. It breaks her heart to see them leave, knowing that she'll never be able to fly with them again, but she doesn't try to stop them.

She looks up at the starlit sky.

"Windsinger...please. Protect me from them. Forbid me from loving them too much."



Out of his element, this adorably awkward shadow dragon is doing his best to ask the wind dragon that’s captured his heart to be his Valentine. Should someone tell him that he has the card backward and that its spelling “evol”? Maybe it's best to simply watch from afar and “aww” where he won't hear!

(Special thanks to @Fairymonsterss who was amazing enough to step in and draw this cutie! )

Opinion Column

Last time, we asked you what you thought about gem-exclusive items, and the result is clear: whether an item is purchased with ‘premium’ currency or not doesn’t make a difference to nearly all readers, at least it doesn’t make them more or less likeable to most.
As I said: to most. Two readers found gem items generally more desirable than their treasure-bought alternatives. “It's always nice to show off you have funds. And some of the sets are really nice! Also, occasionally buying gems keeps flight rising going so that's one reason more to like them.”

For next time, we’d like to hear how quickly you like to collect familiars, if at all.
Click here to answer the next question!

Congrats on the feature!

@wavydesertknight you should get on the pinglist! ;P
Congrats on the feature!

@wavydesertknight you should get on the pinglist! ;P
@Yellowfangg thank you for the feature <3 hopefully someone can help me <3
@Yellowfangg thank you for the feature <3 hopefully someone can help me <3
@Ingeniousspark thanks for choosing me <3
@Ingeniousspark thanks for choosing me <3
What a great issue! :D <3
What a great issue! :D <3
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Some current special interests: Dokibird, Fuwamoco, magical girls, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.. more here!
Previous usernames: MystaRias, dokidokibunni, Sylphiette, Toothless