
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | FR Secret Santa Art Exchange (art posted
I'll send it in very soon! For me it's pretty normal to wait until last day.
I'll send it in very soon! For me it's pretty normal to wait until last day.

Aright then! (If you're going to send it after about 15:00 FR time, I suggest sending it to Lizzi or Poly, as I will most likely be asleep due to timezones!)

Aright then! (If you're going to send it after about 15:00 FR time, I suggest sending it to Lizzi or Poly, as I will most likely be asleep due to timezones!)
@misscallierose I just got off working four 9 hour shifts back to back, I should have my secret Santa in before rollover tonight but if it's a little late I apologize profusely, I havent had time to work on it.
@misscallierose I just got off working four 9 hour shifts back to back, I should have my secret Santa in before rollover tonight but if it's a little late I apologize profusely, I havent had time to work on it.

I should have mine done before rollover. :0 Just kinda got distracted by life so that's why I'm having to send it in so late. XD;

I should have mine done before rollover. :0 Just kinda got distracted by life so that's why I'm having to send it in so late. XD;
@MissCallieRose I'm close! Just need to finish up a few things but I will get it in.
@MissCallieRose I'm close! Just need to finish up a few things but I will get it in.
@MissCallieRose i'll have mine done too! i just have a couple more things to finish up on it but it's mostly just me being a perfectionist ^^; plus i had a ton of papers and projects and tests right before break and now it's all christmas shopping and everything but i'll have mine done real soon!
@MissCallieRose i'll have mine done too! i just have a couple more things to finish up on it but it's mostly just me being a perfectionist ^^; plus i had a ton of papers and projects and tests right before break and now it's all christmas shopping and everything but i'll have mine done real soon!
ko - 19 - she/her

I'm goin as fast as my wrist can go!!!! I'm confident I'll finish by rollover QvQ

I'm goin as fast as my wrist can go!!!! I'm confident I'll finish by rollover QvQ



If mine is not done by rollover, it should be done by mid day tomorrow. Sorry for the delay s:

If mine is not done by rollover, it should be done by mid day tomorrow. Sorry for the delay s:

Mine is mostly done, but I won't have it in by the deadline- I should have it in by the end of tomorrow, but my scanner decided to break when I tried to upload my WIP earlier (just heading to bed now)

Sorry in advance

Mine is mostly done, but I won't have it in by the deadline- I should have it in by the end of tomorrow, but my scanner decided to break when I tried to upload my WIP earlier (just heading to bed now)

Sorry in advance
I'm your follower in the light,
Yet I'm invisible in the night.
At various sizes I appear,
I won't harm you, have no fear.
699.Pots150.FixeddotDice_zpsx6o5jen6.png my_banner2_by_fixed_dot_dice-d9iz56q.png
I fear, I'll not make it till rollover, and it's so late already. -.-
But I'll submit it tomorrow as soon as possible! I'm so sorry for that.
I fear, I'll not make it till rollover, and it's so late already. -.-
But I'll submit it tomorrow as soon as possible! I'm so sorry for that.