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TOPIC | the fourth storm {a nuzlocke} -REVISITED
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I'm glad you like it so far~! Would you like to be added to the pinglist now, or when you get caught up with the story? :)
So the Lairmaster sounded like Mufasa? That works - I was aiming for nervous yet wise with a touch of foreboding so Mufasa fits him perfectly~!


:) I'm glad you stumbled in here too~!! Yea... it was hard killing off the Lairmaster. I kept trying to think of ways to have him win and defeat his brother and live, but I had to kill him off. I'll add you to the pinglist right away~

I'm glad you like it so far~! Would you like to be added to the pinglist now, or when you get caught up with the story? :)
So the Lairmaster sounded like Mufasa? That works - I was aiming for nervous yet wise with a touch of foreboding so Mufasa fits him perfectly~!


:) I'm glad you stumbled in here too~!! Yea... it was hard killing off the Lairmaster. I kept trying to think of ways to have him win and defeat his brother and live, but I had to kill him off. I'll add you to the pinglist right away~
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@Kinshara Hmm, probably once I get caught up, so it doesn't get buried in my notifications or something. x_x
@Kinshara Hmm, probably once I get caught up, so it doesn't get buried in my notifications or something. x_x
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@Kinshara Oh wow, this is quite impressive. Can you add me to the pinglist?
@Kinshara Oh wow, this is quite impressive. Can you add me to the pinglist?

I thought you'd wanna catch up first~ Just ping me when you're good to be added!


Impressive? :D
Oh dear thank you so much~~! I'll add you to the pinglist right away!~

I thought you'd wanna catch up first~ Just ping me when you're good to be added!


Impressive? :D
Oh dear thank you so much~~! I'll add you to the pinglist right away!~
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@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @CowardlyTank

Hello hello! Sorry for the wait - slightly shorter update here basically because I want to save all the bunches of coli loot for its own post. Stay tuned for chapter 9 coming soon~! :D

Chapter 8: Resolve

With Myrtilus, Mauro, and the injured familiars in tow, Mimryn moved slowly down into the tunnel that led to the lair below, his flock flapping overhead to soar back to their roosts. Mauro chattered incessantly to Myrtilus, clearly overjoyed to have a new friend. The Skydancer and the Tundra drifted off to one side as Mauro just kept talking.
"So you came from the Sea of a Thousand Currents? Woah!" came the open-mouthed, wide-eyed words of Mauro. Myrtilus only chuckled.
"I sure did," she told him with a smile. "It's a wonderful place - water as far as you care to see! It's kind of like the Shifting Expanse, in a way. The endless deserts of this land are as vast as the Tidelord's sea."
Mauro shuffled his feet and sat down, precious Lightning egg shifting in his tail as he sat. Before the maize dragon could get a word in, Myrtilus cocked her head questioningly at the egg.
"Is that yours?" the Skydancer asked, feathered wings rustling.

"Uhm... yes! It belonged to Saiberu first, though. Now it's my job to hang onto it! Keep it warm so that it will hatch soon!" Mauro beamed, a moment's confusion leaving him as he lifted the egg up for Myrtilus to see. The Skydancer carefully lifted the egg from Mauro's grasp, holing it firmly, but lightly, in her own.
"It's so... strange. Water eggs are much different - they give off a calming, rhythmic pulse. This Lighting egg seems to present a vast array of... impulses," mused the young Skydancer, settling back on her haunches to sit and hold the egg in her claws, mystified at the egg so different from those she was used to.
"Cool huh?" Mauro grinned, dull teeth shining in the light of the glowing crystals about the walls. "It's like holding a little spark!" he bubbled, nosing the unhatched egg in Myrtilus' claws. The Skydancer passed the egg back to him carefully.

"Your familiar is resting safely, Myrtilus," murmured Mimryn's voice from somewhere above their heads. The two smaller dragons looked up, finding the crystalline Imperial gazing down at them from where he stood just a stride away from them, the faint scent of blood seemed to hang from his scales. "My flock has gathered many twigs and such, and has created a nest of sorts for your Barry to rest in. The Timber Tender is curled up with him," Mimryn told Myrtilus, and the Skydancer sighed with relief.
"Thank you, Mimryn. Now we're just waiting on that Spiral for the herbs."
"Yes," came Saiberu's rumbling voice as she lumbered into the lair. "But for now, we go hunting. The food stores here are so very low... if we hope to survive, we'll have to fight for it."

Mauro seemed uneasy at this. "A-are you sure there isn't more food to be found buried somewhere?" he asked his Guardian as she stopped beside her clanmates. "There could be more buried!"
"Oh Mauro," Saiberu huffed. "The desert is rich in only a few types of cacti and shrubs... there are better spoils to be found out where danger lurks. Monsters hoard all kinds of food, and if we defeat them we stand to gain anything they leave behind." The Guardian's words seemed to comfort the Tundra, somewhat.

"What about our- uh, your egg?" Mauro asked, correcting himself - but not being incorrect in the first place. Saiberu turned her head to Myrtilus at this question.
"Mimryn, Mauro, and myself shall be going hunting. Myrtilus I leave you, and Mimryn's flock, with this egg. The Snarler outside should be able to warn you of any unwelcome arrivals."

"But I could be of use, Saiberu!" Myrtilus protested, taking a step towards the clan leader. The Guardian blinked her cyan eyes, looking to the smaller dragon's deep blue ones.
"I need you here, Myrtilus," Saiberu told the eager Skydancer. "After your bout with Socrates, one would think you'd wish to take a breather. I need a dragon here to keep said Spiral from simply going against his word, anyways..."
The shimmering blue Skydancer nodded, understanding, and accepted the egg as Mauro passed it to her. "I'll keep it safe," she promised, settling back on her hind feet to cradle the sparking egg.
"Good to hear," Saiberu replied, nodding. "Should Socrates return without the flowering cacti... do your best to stay out of Seek's way," she said with a brief grim look on her face. Mimryn looked to her, then tipped his head upwards, eyes finding the largest of his Seekers.

"Seek," he cawed to the resting bird, and the great eye on Seek's chest opened, followed by his main two eyes. "Did you hear that?"
The bird familiar flapped down to his master. A tip of his head as the Seeker landed on Mimryn's antlers told the Imperial that he had not heard.
"You are to prevent the Spiral and his Longneck, Socrates and Waperir, from entering this Lair if they do not possess three flowering cacti, as was my deal with him," Saiberu told the familiar. Seek squawked and nodded, wings ruffling, and flapped back up to his nest. "Now then, we'll be off, Myrtilus." The Skydancer waved as the trio left for the hunt.

As Socrates flew low over the sparking desert, a cactus decorated with vibrant pink blossoms in his claws, the world seemed to spin in a way he was unused to. As he tipped in a manner that was random to others, yet perfectly normal to him, his vision seemed to sway precariously out of his usual control. With a grunt, Socrates let go of his familiar, Waperir, and tumbled to the desert floor. The Skirmisher landed face first, not ready in the slightest for a toss to the ground.
"Master Socrates? Why have we stopped?" Waperir asked after he picked himself up off the ground, concern phasing into his voice as Socrates hit the ground and curled in the sand like he had been struck, laying like a dead thing.
If I don't get water soon, I don't know if I'll last... Socrates thought, opening his mouth to speak but finding his throat too dry to facilitate the forming of any words. Waperir ran to Socrates' side, setting his stick down to wipe the sand from where it had blown in Socrates' face.

"Master?" the Longneck whispered. Socrates' eyes met those of his follower. Too thirsty to speak right away, the Spiral worked up some spit in his mouth, wetting his throat the best he could.
"I didn't crush the cactus. Flying is not a good idea now." His words came tumbling out of his mouth, dehydration edging the coherency from his mind. "Two more. Can't fly though," Socrates said, his mouth very close to Waperir's ear as he drew his coils about him. Raising himself up like a cobra, the Spiral held the prickly cactus in his arms, two claws from each paw pinched a section where he pulled the spines from the plant earlier.
"Right of course, we want to join up with that small clan," Waperir said in affirmation, plodding along beside Socrates as the Spiral slithered along the hot sands.

Many, many cacti stood tall against the stormlit sky. All of those Socrates and Waperir came across were scrutinized thoroughly for blossoms or buds, and by the time the Spiral felt like he could simply drop, Waperir finished digging up the third and final blooming cacti.
"Finally... we can return-" Socrates' head fell as he spoke, cutting him off with a mothful of sand as he collapsed in a heap on the ground. Ragged, dry coughing followed, and Waperir just barely managed to drag his master to his paws once more - his head propped up atop the Skirmisher's stick.
"We can only return together if you don't pass out on me, Socrates. I can't carry these cacti on my own." The familiar supported his dragon with his best efforts, even offering his trusty stick.

Socrates was preoccupied by simply staying upright - forming an answer simply took so much work. With legs that felt like they were made of a fast-melting putty, the dragon's head threatened to dip and bring him crashing down into the sand at any moment. I should be used to the world spinning... shouldn't I? I don't even know anymore... A flash of pain lanced through Socrate's temples, and he was immediately grateful for Waperir - who was practically holding his spindly body upright.

"Don't bother, Waperir," the Spiral rasped in spite of silently accepting the familiar's help. "Got to get to that water... won't let this wasteland rob me of my chance at making a legacy for myself..." Socrates hauled himself to his paws and the two carried on, the dragon's muttering coming and going as they made their way back to Saiberu's lair... and more importantly - the blessed pond.
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @CowardlyTank

Hello hello! Sorry for the wait - slightly shorter update here basically because I want to save all the bunches of coli loot for its own post. Stay tuned for chapter 9 coming soon~! :D

Chapter 8: Resolve

With Myrtilus, Mauro, and the injured familiars in tow, Mimryn moved slowly down into the tunnel that led to the lair below, his flock flapping overhead to soar back to their roosts. Mauro chattered incessantly to Myrtilus, clearly overjoyed to have a new friend. The Skydancer and the Tundra drifted off to one side as Mauro just kept talking.
"So you came from the Sea of a Thousand Currents? Woah!" came the open-mouthed, wide-eyed words of Mauro. Myrtilus only chuckled.
"I sure did," she told him with a smile. "It's a wonderful place - water as far as you care to see! It's kind of like the Shifting Expanse, in a way. The endless deserts of this land are as vast as the Tidelord's sea."
Mauro shuffled his feet and sat down, precious Lightning egg shifting in his tail as he sat. Before the maize dragon could get a word in, Myrtilus cocked her head questioningly at the egg.
"Is that yours?" the Skydancer asked, feathered wings rustling.

"Uhm... yes! It belonged to Saiberu first, though. Now it's my job to hang onto it! Keep it warm so that it will hatch soon!" Mauro beamed, a moment's confusion leaving him as he lifted the egg up for Myrtilus to see. The Skydancer carefully lifted the egg from Mauro's grasp, holing it firmly, but lightly, in her own.
"It's so... strange. Water eggs are much different - they give off a calming, rhythmic pulse. This Lighting egg seems to present a vast array of... impulses," mused the young Skydancer, settling back on her haunches to sit and hold the egg in her claws, mystified at the egg so different from those she was used to.
"Cool huh?" Mauro grinned, dull teeth shining in the light of the glowing crystals about the walls. "It's like holding a little spark!" he bubbled, nosing the unhatched egg in Myrtilus' claws. The Skydancer passed the egg back to him carefully.

"Your familiar is resting safely, Myrtilus," murmured Mimryn's voice from somewhere above their heads. The two smaller dragons looked up, finding the crystalline Imperial gazing down at them from where he stood just a stride away from them, the faint scent of blood seemed to hang from his scales. "My flock has gathered many twigs and such, and has created a nest of sorts for your Barry to rest in. The Timber Tender is curled up with him," Mimryn told Myrtilus, and the Skydancer sighed with relief.
"Thank you, Mimryn. Now we're just waiting on that Spiral for the herbs."
"Yes," came Saiberu's rumbling voice as she lumbered into the lair. "But for now, we go hunting. The food stores here are so very low... if we hope to survive, we'll have to fight for it."

Mauro seemed uneasy at this. "A-are you sure there isn't more food to be found buried somewhere?" he asked his Guardian as she stopped beside her clanmates. "There could be more buried!"
"Oh Mauro," Saiberu huffed. "The desert is rich in only a few types of cacti and shrubs... there are better spoils to be found out where danger lurks. Monsters hoard all kinds of food, and if we defeat them we stand to gain anything they leave behind." The Guardian's words seemed to comfort the Tundra, somewhat.

"What about our- uh, your egg?" Mauro asked, correcting himself - but not being incorrect in the first place. Saiberu turned her head to Myrtilus at this question.
"Mimryn, Mauro, and myself shall be going hunting. Myrtilus I leave you, and Mimryn's flock, with this egg. The Snarler outside should be able to warn you of any unwelcome arrivals."

"But I could be of use, Saiberu!" Myrtilus protested, taking a step towards the clan leader. The Guardian blinked her cyan eyes, looking to the smaller dragon's deep blue ones.
"I need you here, Myrtilus," Saiberu told the eager Skydancer. "After your bout with Socrates, one would think you'd wish to take a breather. I need a dragon here to keep said Spiral from simply going against his word, anyways..."
The shimmering blue Skydancer nodded, understanding, and accepted the egg as Mauro passed it to her. "I'll keep it safe," she promised, settling back on her hind feet to cradle the sparking egg.
"Good to hear," Saiberu replied, nodding. "Should Socrates return without the flowering cacti... do your best to stay out of Seek's way," she said with a brief grim look on her face. Mimryn looked to her, then tipped his head upwards, eyes finding the largest of his Seekers.

"Seek," he cawed to the resting bird, and the great eye on Seek's chest opened, followed by his main two eyes. "Did you hear that?"
The bird familiar flapped down to his master. A tip of his head as the Seeker landed on Mimryn's antlers told the Imperial that he had not heard.
"You are to prevent the Spiral and his Longneck, Socrates and Waperir, from entering this Lair if they do not possess three flowering cacti, as was my deal with him," Saiberu told the familiar. Seek squawked and nodded, wings ruffling, and flapped back up to his nest. "Now then, we'll be off, Myrtilus." The Skydancer waved as the trio left for the hunt.

As Socrates flew low over the sparking desert, a cactus decorated with vibrant pink blossoms in his claws, the world seemed to spin in a way he was unused to. As he tipped in a manner that was random to others, yet perfectly normal to him, his vision seemed to sway precariously out of his usual control. With a grunt, Socrates let go of his familiar, Waperir, and tumbled to the desert floor. The Skirmisher landed face first, not ready in the slightest for a toss to the ground.
"Master Socrates? Why have we stopped?" Waperir asked after he picked himself up off the ground, concern phasing into his voice as Socrates hit the ground and curled in the sand like he had been struck, laying like a dead thing.
If I don't get water soon, I don't know if I'll last... Socrates thought, opening his mouth to speak but finding his throat too dry to facilitate the forming of any words. Waperir ran to Socrates' side, setting his stick down to wipe the sand from where it had blown in Socrates' face.

"Master?" the Longneck whispered. Socrates' eyes met those of his follower. Too thirsty to speak right away, the Spiral worked up some spit in his mouth, wetting his throat the best he could.
"I didn't crush the cactus. Flying is not a good idea now." His words came tumbling out of his mouth, dehydration edging the coherency from his mind. "Two more. Can't fly though," Socrates said, his mouth very close to Waperir's ear as he drew his coils about him. Raising himself up like a cobra, the Spiral held the prickly cactus in his arms, two claws from each paw pinched a section where he pulled the spines from the plant earlier.
"Right of course, we want to join up with that small clan," Waperir said in affirmation, plodding along beside Socrates as the Spiral slithered along the hot sands.

Many, many cacti stood tall against the stormlit sky. All of those Socrates and Waperir came across were scrutinized thoroughly for blossoms or buds, and by the time the Spiral felt like he could simply drop, Waperir finished digging up the third and final blooming cacti.
"Finally... we can return-" Socrates' head fell as he spoke, cutting him off with a mothful of sand as he collapsed in a heap on the ground. Ragged, dry coughing followed, and Waperir just barely managed to drag his master to his paws once more - his head propped up atop the Skirmisher's stick.
"We can only return together if you don't pass out on me, Socrates. I can't carry these cacti on my own." The familiar supported his dragon with his best efforts, even offering his trusty stick.

Socrates was preoccupied by simply staying upright - forming an answer simply took so much work. With legs that felt like they were made of a fast-melting putty, the dragon's head threatened to dip and bring him crashing down into the sand at any moment. I should be used to the world spinning... shouldn't I? I don't even know anymore... A flash of pain lanced through Socrate's temples, and he was immediately grateful for Waperir - who was practically holding his spindly body upright.

"Don't bother, Waperir," the Spiral rasped in spite of silently accepting the familiar's help. "Got to get to that water... won't let this wasteland rob me of my chance at making a legacy for myself..." Socrates hauled himself to his paws and the two carried on, the dragon's muttering coming and going as they made their way back to Saiberu's lair... and more importantly - the blessed pond.
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@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @CowardlyTank Chapter 9: [b]Fighting, Friends and Food[/b] [size=4][b]Mimryn guided the group to the areas inhabited with monsters, walking just beside Saiberu and Mauro.[/b][/size] He spoke of the times he chased those members of his flock here to catch them, and in the middle of the tale of how he found his second Emerald Webwing, two appeared before the clan dragons. Saiberu instantly planted herself between Mauro and the monsters. The battle was one of tact, and it was, surprisingly, Mauro who dealt the final blow. When the two opponents had been soundly thrashed and chased off, there was a stillness about the place. Saiberu nodded to Mauro, a smile of praise on her face directed at her charge, and the Tundra beamed. The grasses around them seemed to whisper with the hot winds blowing in from the desert around the monster area. More monsters began to drift towards the trio, appearing out of nowhere. Saiberu, Mimryn, and Mauro thrashed all those that dared show their faces. The three waited, Mauro's body enveloped with the blue glow of meditation, for the next monsters to appear. When their next foe arrived, the clan dragons were ready and waiting. A leafy moth, almost as big as Mauro, seemed to float lazily in the wind towards them. The glint in its eyes was far from a carefree sparkle, however, and that set the team of three dragon's teeth on edge. "These graceful creatures are strong," Mimryn warned. "Be wary of them, their strikes have more power behind them than those other monsters." Saiberu and Mauro nodded, and the Tundra gathered himself to spew a contuse at the moth. He hit his mark, and as the enemy reeled from the hit, Saiberu swept forward to rake her claws at the giant insect. Amazingly, it dodged, and Saiberu pulled back as it rushed forward. The moth brandished its sharp appendages and moved threateningly at Saiberu as she retreated. The giant bug slashed at the Guardian, and she turned to attempt a dodge, but failed. The insect's blow connected with the charcoal Guardian's shoulder, sharp insect-claws cutting deep into dragon flesh. Saiberu roared in pain, swatting the bug away and taking a step back. Mimryn quickly leaped forward to strike at the bug, shredding the insect and leaving it bleeding - one wing nearly torn from its body. Mauro was next to act, but rather than ending the insect, green wisps of mist wove around him. He glowed slightly, then fired the coiling mists at Saiberu. About to protest, Saiberu's cyan eyes widened as the green mists curled around her - specifically her wounds. A sweeping relief settled in her newly wounded shoulder, the torn scales and cut skin knitting themselves back together... looking as if it had never happened. The leafy moth dragged itself away, fleeing for its life. Saiberu gaped at her charge. "Did you... heal me, Mauro?" she asked, and her charge nodded. "Yea, I... I think I figured it out!" Mauro grinned. "Took a little thinking, but when you were hurt I just kind of... fixed the wound!" he managed, bushy tail wagging slightly. Saiberu only swished her tail and considered the lack of a wound on her shoulder and the only slight ache in her limbs. "Excellent work, Mauro. Let us continue to fight, we've gathered quite the haul already," the Guardian murmured, looking behind them all to the pile of food. "There's more where this came from, too." [img][/img] "Is that a bag... made out of leaves?" asked Mauro, his fur all fluffed up as he examined the leafy pack in front of him. "Well, open it," Mimryn prompted, and the Tundra didn't waste too much time [i]munching the lid right off[/i]. "That's one way to do it-" "There's food in here!!" Mauro squealed, cyan eyes lit up with happiness as he bent and nipped the leaves from the pack. He tucked into the food before him, tail swishing contentedly, Mimryn and Saiberu on the lookout as he ate. When the fluffy dragon finished, he looked up with a silly grin on his face. "There's even some left!" he said, smiling and holding up some of the ivy leaves he didn't finish. "Good then, let us add it to the pile, cover it all, and move on. There are yet more areas here - I think we are ready for them." Mauro nodded at Mimryn's words, depositing his leaves into their foodpile and watching as the great blue shining Imperial covered it and led his clanmates onwards and into a dense wood. Almost at once, monsters leaped out at the dragons - the ferocity in their eyes completely different from those of the training grounds behind them. Mauro got the first hit this time, covering one the the strange blue quadrupeds in contuse. The beast stumbled, allowing Saiberu to score a strike with her dangerous claws right to a weak point - knocking it out. "Excellent shot, leader," Mimryn rumbled, throwing up a shield around Mauro as the remaining Bluefin Charger flared its vibrant fins and lunged at the new shield, attempting to smash right through it and injure Mauro, but the Tundra swept backwards and dodged the strike. He bent his head and summoned his blue glow - perfected by a tireless afternoon of practice. The Charger screeched at the dragons, furious, and Saiberu dealt the noise right back at him, loosing a roar that nearly broke Mauro's concentration. The Bluefin Charger stamped its hooves, snorting at Saiberu, hesitant. [img][/img] "Is it done attacking?" Mauro asked, glancing between his clanmates and the charger. "It had better be... if it values its life," Saiberu rumbled, the noise carrying across the battlefield to the Charger. Slowly, the vibrant blue monster lowered its head, uttering a low noise - but not making moves towards the dragons. "I... I think it wants to be friends!" the Tundra piped up, smiling despite his own hectic blue glow. "Do ya wanna be our friend, charger?" he asked, much to Saiberu's shock and dismay. "Mauro... I don't think it wants to-" Saiberu tried, but to no avail - he was too raring for more companions. "Sure it does!" the cheery Tundra cut her off, his tail thumping against the ground lightly. Lowering his head, Mauro motioned strangely to the Bluefin Charger - and to everyone's surprise, the beast started warily forward, looking leery... yet [i]hopeful..?[/i] "I don't believe it..." the Guardian murmured as the Bluefin approached and stood before Mauro and the other dragons submissively. "You've impressed it, Saiberu... the same way you impressed your loyal Hippogriff." Mimryn nodded beside her, looking down upon the small Bluefin. "What do you say?" "I say..." Saiberu stepped forward, claws sinking into the dry soil as she moved. "It can come so long as it knows and remains in its place." Mauro practically jumped with joy. "A new friend!" The Bluefin made a happy-sounding noise, and Saiberu shook her head. "I think we've gathered enough food for now... and we're all tired. Good work, Mauro, at healing us - I legitimately did not know you had that in you." The food was gathered and the trio of dragons, followed by the Bluefin Charger, left the domain of the wild monsters. [s]---------[/s] [i]Is there no end to these charged sands?[/i] thought Socrates as he slithered through the hot sands of the Shifting Expanse, Waperir helping as much as he could - which was not too much considering the one in need was a slippery Spiral, and one slowly losing consciousness, at that. "Do not lose hope, master!" his familiar encouraged, lifting Socrates' head up once more with his stick. "There isn't much longer to go now!" [i]There's no way he can know that... and I'm not his master - I'm simply the one he latched onto.[/i] If he wanted to speak, he'd have to open his mouth - that alone would let in the dryness of the environment, and he had enough of that in him already. [i]I don't even know if we're headed in the right direction any more,[/i] Socrates thought, grimacing at an uncomfortable hot wind that gusted about him. [i]Heh... some Wind dragon I am... a mighty traveler indeed...[/i] "Fear not, master, I will keep the monster at bay!" came Waperir's voice from outside of his thoughts, and Socrates came back to reality to find himself sprawled on the sandy ground, Waperir brandishing his stick at [url=]something[/url]. Socrates couldn't quite see past his protective fanboy of a familiar, but whatever had spooked the Longneck was serpentine and green, poised a short ways away from the weary Socrates and Waperir. [img][/img] "What is a Wind dragon doing here in the Stormcatcher's sands, hmm?" the snake familiar seemed to ask, though Socrates had set his head down again - too hot and exhausted to reply. "We hail from the Plateaus seeking a long lasting legacy," Waperir relayed, standing defensively between the Opheodrys Serthis and the spent Socrates. "Why do you carry blooming cacti?" the Serthis, obviously female at this point, inquired. "That is none of your business, now leave us in peace - we mean those who dwell here no harm." Socrates narrowed his eyes at his familiar, flicking his tail to tap the Longneck on the head, dragging himself to his feet. He opened his mouth, trying to speak, but only a ragged, dry cough escaped his jaws. [i]This is an Opheodrys Serthis... a Wind creature,[/i] he mused, lime green eyes settling on the green scaled familiar as he worked to clear his throat. "I mean to start a new life here," he rasped to the Serthis, and her gaze seemed interested, if not concerned. "We're yet unaccustomed to the weather here, as you can obviously guess." "I too seek shelter in numbers here," the Serthis woman told him. "Are you in need of a guide? I can offer that, if anything, to another of Windsinger's children here in this harsh desert. Where is it you seek to go?" Socrates gave his best attempt at a smile. "There is a lair here that holds a small clan. It lies beside a watering hole, though the size of the lair itself is unknown to me. I need to return to it, and quickly." Socrates shook his head, realizing just how much talking was bothering his head. "You have wandered close to the edge of the Scrub, fellow wanderer. The Carrion Canyon lies just a mile ahead... it seems that you have been traveling in the opposite direction. Might I ask your name?" "I am Socrates, and this is Waperir - he is traveling with me... and you are?" "I have no name in your Draconic tongue," was her simple answer as she shuffled towards them. "Follow me, then," Waperir and Socrates exchanged looks, the former holding in praise to his master, while the latter simply turned to follow their new guide - finally headed in the right direction.
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @CowardlyTank

Chapter 9: Fighting, Friends and Food

Mimryn guided the group to the areas inhabited with monsters, walking just beside Saiberu and Mauro. He spoke of the times he chased those members of his flock here to catch them, and in the middle of the tale of how he found his second Emerald Webwing, two appeared before the clan dragons.
Saiberu instantly planted herself between Mauro and the monsters. The battle was one of tact, and it was, surprisingly, Mauro who dealt the final blow. When the two opponents had been soundly thrashed and chased off, there was a stillness about the place. Saiberu nodded to Mauro, a smile of praise on her face directed at her charge, and the Tundra beamed. The grasses around them seemed to whisper with the hot winds blowing in from the desert around the monster area.
More monsters began to drift towards the trio, appearing out of nowhere. Saiberu, Mimryn, and Mauro thrashed all those that dared show their faces.

The three waited, Mauro's body enveloped with the blue glow of meditation, for the next monsters to appear. When their next foe arrived, the clan dragons were ready and waiting. A leafy moth, almost as big as Mauro, seemed to float lazily in the wind towards them. The glint in its eyes was far from a carefree sparkle, however, and that set the team of three dragon's teeth on edge.

"These graceful creatures are strong," Mimryn warned. "Be wary of them, their strikes have more power behind them than those other monsters."
Saiberu and Mauro nodded, and the Tundra gathered himself to spew a contuse at the moth. He hit his mark, and as the enemy reeled from the hit, Saiberu swept forward to rake her claws at the giant insect. Amazingly, it dodged, and Saiberu pulled back as it rushed forward. The moth brandished its sharp appendages and moved threateningly at Saiberu as she retreated. The giant bug slashed at the Guardian, and she turned to attempt a dodge, but failed. The insect's blow connected with the charcoal Guardian's shoulder, sharp insect-claws cutting deep into dragon flesh.

Saiberu roared in pain, swatting the bug away and taking a step back. Mimryn quickly leaped forward to strike at the bug, shredding the insect and leaving it bleeding - one wing nearly torn from its body. Mauro was next to act, but rather than ending the insect, green wisps of mist wove around him. He glowed slightly, then fired the coiling mists at Saiberu. About to protest, Saiberu's cyan eyes widened as the green mists curled around her - specifically her wounds.
A sweeping relief settled in her newly wounded shoulder, the torn scales and cut skin knitting themselves back together... looking as if it had never happened.

The leafy moth dragged itself away, fleeing for its life. Saiberu gaped at her charge.
"Did you... heal me, Mauro?" she asked, and her charge nodded.
"Yea, I... I think I figured it out!" Mauro grinned. "Took a little thinking, but when you were hurt I just kind of... fixed the wound!" he managed, bushy tail wagging slightly. Saiberu only swished her tail and considered the lack of a wound on her shoulder and the only slight ache in her limbs.
"Excellent work, Mauro. Let us continue to fight, we've gathered quite the haul already," the Guardian murmured, looking behind them all to the pile of food. "There's more where this came from, too."


"Is that a bag... made out of leaves?" asked Mauro, his fur all fluffed up as he examined the leafy pack in front of him.
"Well, open it," Mimryn prompted, and the Tundra didn't waste too much time munching the lid right off. "That's one way to do it-"
"There's food in here!!" Mauro squealed, cyan eyes lit up with happiness as he bent and nipped the leaves from the pack. He tucked into the food before him, tail swishing contentedly, Mimryn and Saiberu on the lookout as he ate.
When the fluffy dragon finished, he looked up with a silly grin on his face. "There's even some left!" he said, smiling and holding up some of the ivy leaves he didn't finish.

"Good then, let us add it to the pile, cover it all, and move on. There are yet more areas here - I think we are ready for them." Mauro nodded at Mimryn's words, depositing his leaves into their foodpile and watching as the great blue shining Imperial covered it and led his clanmates onwards and into a dense wood.

Almost at once, monsters leaped out at the dragons - the ferocity in their eyes completely different from those of the training grounds behind them. Mauro got the first hit this time, covering one the the strange blue quadrupeds in contuse. The beast stumbled, allowing Saiberu to score a strike with her dangerous claws right to a weak point - knocking it out.
"Excellent shot, leader," Mimryn rumbled, throwing up a shield around Mauro as the remaining Bluefin Charger flared its vibrant fins and lunged at the new shield, attempting to smash right through it and injure Mauro, but the Tundra swept backwards and dodged the strike.

He bent his head and summoned his blue glow - perfected by a tireless afternoon of practice. The Charger screeched at the dragons, furious, and Saiberu dealt the noise right back at him, loosing a roar that nearly broke Mauro's concentration. The Bluefin Charger stamped its hooves, snorting at Saiberu, hesitant.


"Is it done attacking?" Mauro asked, glancing between his clanmates and the charger.
"It had better be... if it values its life," Saiberu rumbled, the noise carrying across the battlefield to the Charger. Slowly, the vibrant blue monster lowered its head, uttering a low noise - but not making moves towards the dragons.
"I... I think it wants to be friends!" the Tundra piped up, smiling despite his own hectic blue glow. "Do ya wanna be our friend, charger?" he asked, much to Saiberu's shock and dismay.

"Mauro... I don't think it wants to-" Saiberu tried, but to no avail - he was too raring for more companions.
"Sure it does!" the cheery Tundra cut her off, his tail thumping against the ground lightly. Lowering his head, Mauro motioned strangely to the Bluefin Charger - and to everyone's surprise, the beast started warily forward, looking leery... yet hopeful..?

"I don't believe it..." the Guardian murmured as the Bluefin approached and stood before Mauro and the other dragons submissively.
"You've impressed it, Saiberu... the same way you impressed your loyal Hippogriff." Mimryn nodded beside her, looking down upon the small Bluefin. "What do you say?"
"I say..." Saiberu stepped forward, claws sinking into the dry soil as she moved. "It can come so long as it knows and remains in its place."

Mauro practically jumped with joy. "A new friend!" The Bluefin made a happy-sounding noise, and Saiberu shook her head.
"I think we've gathered enough food for now... and we're all tired. Good work, Mauro, at healing us - I legitimately did not know you had that in you."
The food was gathered and the trio of dragons, followed by the Bluefin Charger, left the domain of the wild monsters.

Is there no end to these charged sands? thought Socrates as he slithered through the hot sands of the Shifting Expanse, Waperir helping as much as he could - which was not too much considering the one in need was a slippery Spiral, and one slowly losing consciousness, at that.
"Do not lose hope, master!" his familiar encouraged, lifting Socrates' head up once more with his stick. "There isn't much longer to go now!"
There's no way he can know that... and I'm not his master - I'm simply the one he latched onto. If he wanted to speak, he'd have to open his mouth - that alone would let in the dryness of the environment, and he had enough of that in him already.

I don't even know if we're headed in the right direction any more, Socrates thought, grimacing at an uncomfortable hot wind that gusted about him. Heh... some Wind dragon I am... a mighty traveler indeed...
"Fear not, master, I will keep the monster at bay!" came Waperir's voice from outside of his thoughts, and Socrates came back to reality to find himself sprawled on the sandy ground, Waperir brandishing his stick at something. Socrates couldn't quite see past his protective fanboy of a familiar, but whatever had spooked the Longneck was serpentine and green, poised a short ways away from the weary Socrates and Waperir.


"What is a Wind dragon doing here in the Stormcatcher's sands, hmm?" the snake familiar seemed to ask, though Socrates had set his head down again - too hot and exhausted to reply.
"We hail from the Plateaus seeking a long lasting legacy," Waperir relayed, standing defensively between the Opheodrys Serthis and the spent Socrates.
"Why do you carry blooming cacti?" the Serthis, obviously female at this point, inquired.
"That is none of your business, now leave us in peace - we mean those who dwell here no harm."

Socrates narrowed his eyes at his familiar, flicking his tail to tap the Longneck on the head, dragging himself to his feet. He opened his mouth, trying to speak, but only a ragged, dry cough escaped his jaws. This is an Opheodrys Serthis... a Wind creature, he mused, lime green eyes settling on the green scaled familiar as he worked to clear his throat.
"I mean to start a new life here," he rasped to the Serthis, and her gaze seemed interested, if not concerned. "We're yet unaccustomed to the weather here, as you can obviously guess."

"I too seek shelter in numbers here," the Serthis woman told him. "Are you in need of a guide? I can offer that, if anything, to another of Windsinger's children here in this harsh desert. Where is it you seek to go?"
Socrates gave his best attempt at a smile. "There is a lair here that holds a small clan. It lies beside a watering hole, though the size of the lair itself is unknown to me. I need to return to it, and quickly." Socrates shook his head, realizing just how much talking was bothering his head.
"You have wandered close to the edge of the Scrub, fellow wanderer. The Carrion Canyon lies just a mile ahead... it seems that you have been traveling in the opposite direction. Might I ask your name?"
"I am Socrates, and this is Waperir - he is traveling with me... and you are?"
"I have no name in your Draconic tongue," was her simple answer as she shuffled towards them. "Follow me, then,"
Waperir and Socrates exchanged looks, the former holding in praise to his master, while the latter simply turned to follow their new guide - finally headed in the right direction.
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!
i shed a tear for Mersoth. ;_;
And then realized just how many M-named dragons you have in your story. :P
i'm really loving this Nuzlocke, especially Socrates the little brat. He and His familiar are such opposites, and yet Waperir seems to have everything that Socrates lacks...especially tact. i really enjoy that Waperir has more of the characteristic Spiral hyperactivity and lengthy speeches than His Master.
Also: So many Seekers. So many birds. So. Many. Forever.
Love it. Please add me to your pinglist? :3
i shed a tear for Mersoth. ;_;
And then realized just how many M-named dragons you have in your story. :P
i'm really loving this Nuzlocke, especially Socrates the little brat. He and His familiar are such opposites, and yet Waperir seems to have everything that Socrates lacks...especially tact. i really enjoy that Waperir has more of the characteristic Spiral hyperactivity and lengthy speeches than His Master.
Also: So many Seekers. So many birds. So. Many. Forever.
Love it. Please add me to your pinglist? :3

I'm so glad I've written something you enjoyed reading - do spread the word, I'd love more feedback! I'll add you to the pinglist straight away.
Hehe yeees Mimryn is quite the bird master.
I do have most of my dragons names beginning with M, but only two of those I named myself - Mauro and Mimryn. Myrtilus came with her name, as did Socrates.

I'm so glad I've written something you enjoyed reading - do spread the word, I'd love more feedback! I'll add you to the pinglist straight away.
Hehe yeees Mimryn is quite the bird master.
I do have most of my dragons names beginning with M, but only two of those I named myself - Mauro and Mimryn. Myrtilus came with her name, as did Socrates.
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@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @CowardlyTank @sykotikkytten

This one is a little shorter than the others, but it has adorable things at the end, so enjoy!

Chapter 10: Tourniquet

The three hunting dragons lumbered back to the clan's lair, Mauro infinitely happy and bounding about the two larger dragons, chasing his new friend - the Bluefin Charger. Mimryn and Saiberu watched Mauro with fond smiles, the day's coliseum spoils loaded on either of their backs. They made tracks easily through the scrub, used to the harsh lashing of the desert's hot winds, and reached their lair with daylight to spare.

Mauro all but leaped into the entrance to the lair, the Charger following at a fast trot, casting a glance to Saiberu. The clan leader nodded to the new familiar, and the beast's little ears perked before it disappeared into the entrance after Mauro - who was waiting at the bottom of the tunnel.
"Myrtilus, we've returned with food," Saiberu called, the Skydancer looking up from where she was settled on the cool stone floor. Settled beside her, curled up together, was the Wildwood Owl - Barry - and the injured Timber Tender. The two looked so tired, even in their sleep, and Myrtilus slowly uncurled her nimble body from around them.
"How was the hunting?" she asked, sitting up, sparking Lightning egg cradled in her arms. "Nobody got injured?"

Saiberu shook her head, following Mimryn to an alcove on the far wall. "We battled well - all of us - and everyone deserves to share in the bounty we have gathered. Come, let us eat." She looked gently to the sleeping, injured familiars. "Leave them to their rest, there will be plenty left for them later when they awaken."
The Skydancer carefully got to her feet, nodding, eyes on the Bluefin charger as she moved towards the pile of food to join the other three members of her clan. Once there, she picked out some insects to eat.

"We were all so cool!" Mauro chattered idly, his tail thumping on the floor as he sat back on his haunches, leafy greens in his claws. "We got those monsters good! So good, that we got a new friend!"
Myrtilus smiled, wrapping her tail around her before settling down on the floor carefully, Lightning egg still in her arms, before letting out a quiet laugh at Mauro, who had tripped the curious Charger with his wagging tail.

"Careful Mauro, you've got the Charger behind you." Saiberu lifted her head from the pile of food, swallowing a piece of meat. "Wouldn't want to hurt your new friend now w-" she began jokingly, but was cut off by the sudden grunting of the Wavebreak Snarler from the pond. "Stay here, I'll be right back," Saiberu rumbled, turning her massive charcoal body to move towards the entrance and make her way up the tunnel.

The words of a Longneck Skirmisher, one who Saiberu recognized to be the one from earlier, Waperir, reached the Guardian's ears before she even fully exited the lair. "Oh great Guardian! We have returned with your desired aid - do allow us passage into your lair, oh masterful empress of this clan!"
"So you've returned-" The Guardian stopped her own words, cyan eyes falling on the three creatures before her. "What's this?" she asked, moving slowly towards the exhausted Spiral, Socrates. He looked up, his bright green eyes dulled, and opened his mouth to speak. The effort it took to raise his head seemed to be all that he held within his long, spindly body, and no words found their way from his jaws - head falling back to the sandy ground. "I see you have the flowering cacti... you've done well, Socrates. You may drink of the pond, now." Saiberu frowned sympathetically, concern ghosting over her face.

"Thank you, oh great leader!" came Waperir's small, yet booming voice. He didn't seem to be as phased by the harshness of the desert, however, and moved to Socrates' side to help him up. "Stand now, master Socrates, water is just over there."
Saiberu bent her long neck, nudging the limp, drained Spiral. "Move for a moment, Longneck," she breathed to Waperir, and he did so. Saiberu brought her tail around, easing it under Socrates.
The exhausted Spiral opened one lime-green eye, his body instinctively curling itself around Saiberu's tail, letting go of the cacti. His short limbs clutched for dear life to the Guardian's scales, claws practically trembling as she walked slowly towards the pond.

The Wavebreak Snarler floated with its head poking out of the water, beady little eyes gazing worriedly at the Spiral around Saiberu's tail. Waperir trailed just behind Saiberu, the long-winded Longneck shifting into silence for a moment as his master was lowered to be able to dip his muzzle into the water.
The instant his nose touched the cool, clean water, Socrates' claws grasped tightly at the steadying warmth of Saiberu's tail beneath him, fearing that he might tip over - his head nearly swimming with blessed relief as he drank in the pond's waters. As he had his fill, Saiberu turned her attention to the green-scaled familiar who had been waiting silently just off to the side, hands folded in front of her.

"It was this Serthis, great leader, that saved us!" Waperir piped up, feeling the need to speak, from Socrates' side, drinking some of the water himself, as well.
Saiberu did not turn to him, only regarding the Opheodrys Serthis with a slow blink, searching the eyes of the serpentine familiar. "What is it you are searching for, Serthis?" she asked at last, and the Serthis' hands tightened where they were clasped in front of her.
"I seek a place to call my home," the familiar answered, shifting the length of her green body. "I guided these two travelers in hopes that I would be allowed to remain in whatever place they sought to stay... as I do not have a place among my kind."

The young clan leader looked down upon the Serthis, clear sympathy in her eyes - though that sympathetic gaze was quickly replace with one of calm. "You may remain here... in fact, I've got a task for you, Serthis. Come, get a drink, and follow me within." She turned to Waperir and Socrates, both finishing up with the water as the Serthis quickly retrieved a drink. "Familiars, gather the cacti and follow me inside."
Her orders were heard clear as day, and as she turned to walk down within the lair, she heard the slithering of the Serthis and the hoof-fall of the Longneck just behind her.

When they entered the lair, Saiberu led the familiars to where Barry and the Timber Tender were still curled up together. "Break open those cacti, use the nectar within - pour it over their wounds, then allow them to drink of it as well." The Serthis followed the Guardian's words without question, able hands cracking open the cacti and spilling their juices over the scratches over Barry and the Tender - her touch was so gentle, that neither of them stirred until they were prodded.
Barry was the first to raise his head - ever the vigilant owl - but accepted the cactus drink without any aggressive action, the Tender doing the same. Curative administered, the Opheodrys Serthis looked up at Saiberu, receiving a jagged smile in return. "Excellent."

Saiberu was about to turn from the serpentine familiar, when she held out a hand, motioning for the Guardian's attention. "Might I have something to eat, leader?" she asked, voice timid, and Saiberu smiled again.
"You may." She flicked her gaze to Waperir and Socrates. "You all may." The two familiars brightened up like starving Tundras in the lands of the Nature Flight, quickly bowing their immeasurable thanks to the Guardian before taking off towards the food pile. Socrates, on the other hand, did not move. Saiberu lifted her tail, bringing Socrates high enough so she could view him closely.

His shallow chest rose and fell as he took deep, peaceful breaths - sleeping. The Guardian blinked, an almost mother-like look in her eyes as she nudged Socrates again. He didn't even crack open an eye this time, only slithering forwards before his curling form found purchase on Saiberu's armored neck. Slowly, he looped himself around the base of the clan leader's neck, head settled on her back, and drifted off again into sleep.
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @CowardlyTank @sykotikkytten

This one is a little shorter than the others, but it has adorable things at the end, so enjoy!

Chapter 10: Tourniquet

The three hunting dragons lumbered back to the clan's lair, Mauro infinitely happy and bounding about the two larger dragons, chasing his new friend - the Bluefin Charger. Mimryn and Saiberu watched Mauro with fond smiles, the day's coliseum spoils loaded on either of their backs. They made tracks easily through the scrub, used to the harsh lashing of the desert's hot winds, and reached their lair with daylight to spare.

Mauro all but leaped into the entrance to the lair, the Charger following at a fast trot, casting a glance to Saiberu. The clan leader nodded to the new familiar, and the beast's little ears perked before it disappeared into the entrance after Mauro - who was waiting at the bottom of the tunnel.
"Myrtilus, we've returned with food," Saiberu called, the Skydancer looking up from where she was settled on the cool stone floor. Settled beside her, curled up together, was the Wildwood Owl - Barry - and the injured Timber Tender. The two looked so tired, even in their sleep, and Myrtilus slowly uncurled her nimble body from around them.
"How was the hunting?" she asked, sitting up, sparking Lightning egg cradled in her arms. "Nobody got injured?"

Saiberu shook her head, following Mimryn to an alcove on the far wall. "We battled well - all of us - and everyone deserves to share in the bounty we have gathered. Come, let us eat." She looked gently to the sleeping, injured familiars. "Leave them to their rest, there will be plenty left for them later when they awaken."
The Skydancer carefully got to her feet, nodding, eyes on the Bluefin charger as she moved towards the pile of food to join the other three members of her clan. Once there, she picked out some insects to eat.

"We were all so cool!" Mauro chattered idly, his tail thumping on the floor as he sat back on his haunches, leafy greens in his claws. "We got those monsters good! So good, that we got a new friend!"
Myrtilus smiled, wrapping her tail around her before settling down on the floor carefully, Lightning egg still in her arms, before letting out a quiet laugh at Mauro, who had tripped the curious Charger with his wagging tail.

"Careful Mauro, you've got the Charger behind you." Saiberu lifted her head from the pile of food, swallowing a piece of meat. "Wouldn't want to hurt your new friend now w-" she began jokingly, but was cut off by the sudden grunting of the Wavebreak Snarler from the pond. "Stay here, I'll be right back," Saiberu rumbled, turning her massive charcoal body to move towards the entrance and make her way up the tunnel.

The words of a Longneck Skirmisher, one who Saiberu recognized to be the one from earlier, Waperir, reached the Guardian's ears before she even fully exited the lair. "Oh great Guardian! We have returned with your desired aid - do allow us passage into your lair, oh masterful empress of this clan!"
"So you've returned-" The Guardian stopped her own words, cyan eyes falling on the three creatures before her. "What's this?" she asked, moving slowly towards the exhausted Spiral, Socrates. He looked up, his bright green eyes dulled, and opened his mouth to speak. The effort it took to raise his head seemed to be all that he held within his long, spindly body, and no words found their way from his jaws - head falling back to the sandy ground. "I see you have the flowering cacti... you've done well, Socrates. You may drink of the pond, now." Saiberu frowned sympathetically, concern ghosting over her face.

"Thank you, oh great leader!" came Waperir's small, yet booming voice. He didn't seem to be as phased by the harshness of the desert, however, and moved to Socrates' side to help him up. "Stand now, master Socrates, water is just over there."
Saiberu bent her long neck, nudging the limp, drained Spiral. "Move for a moment, Longneck," she breathed to Waperir, and he did so. Saiberu brought her tail around, easing it under Socrates.
The exhausted Spiral opened one lime-green eye, his body instinctively curling itself around Saiberu's tail, letting go of the cacti. His short limbs clutched for dear life to the Guardian's scales, claws practically trembling as she walked slowly towards the pond.

The Wavebreak Snarler floated with its head poking out of the water, beady little eyes gazing worriedly at the Spiral around Saiberu's tail. Waperir trailed just behind Saiberu, the long-winded Longneck shifting into silence for a moment as his master was lowered to be able to dip his muzzle into the water.
The instant his nose touched the cool, clean water, Socrates' claws grasped tightly at the steadying warmth of Saiberu's tail beneath him, fearing that he might tip over - his head nearly swimming with blessed relief as he drank in the pond's waters. As he had his fill, Saiberu turned her attention to the green-scaled familiar who had been waiting silently just off to the side, hands folded in front of her.

"It was this Serthis, great leader, that saved us!" Waperir piped up, feeling the need to speak, from Socrates' side, drinking some of the water himself, as well.
Saiberu did not turn to him, only regarding the Opheodrys Serthis with a slow blink, searching the eyes of the serpentine familiar. "What is it you are searching for, Serthis?" she asked at last, and the Serthis' hands tightened where they were clasped in front of her.
"I seek a place to call my home," the familiar answered, shifting the length of her green body. "I guided these two travelers in hopes that I would be allowed to remain in whatever place they sought to stay... as I do not have a place among my kind."

The young clan leader looked down upon the Serthis, clear sympathy in her eyes - though that sympathetic gaze was quickly replace with one of calm. "You may remain here... in fact, I've got a task for you, Serthis. Come, get a drink, and follow me within." She turned to Waperir and Socrates, both finishing up with the water as the Serthis quickly retrieved a drink. "Familiars, gather the cacti and follow me inside."
Her orders were heard clear as day, and as she turned to walk down within the lair, she heard the slithering of the Serthis and the hoof-fall of the Longneck just behind her.

When they entered the lair, Saiberu led the familiars to where Barry and the Timber Tender were still curled up together. "Break open those cacti, use the nectar within - pour it over their wounds, then allow them to drink of it as well." The Serthis followed the Guardian's words without question, able hands cracking open the cacti and spilling their juices over the scratches over Barry and the Tender - her touch was so gentle, that neither of them stirred until they were prodded.
Barry was the first to raise his head - ever the vigilant owl - but accepted the cactus drink without any aggressive action, the Tender doing the same. Curative administered, the Opheodrys Serthis looked up at Saiberu, receiving a jagged smile in return. "Excellent."

Saiberu was about to turn from the serpentine familiar, when she held out a hand, motioning for the Guardian's attention. "Might I have something to eat, leader?" she asked, voice timid, and Saiberu smiled again.
"You may." She flicked her gaze to Waperir and Socrates. "You all may." The two familiars brightened up like starving Tundras in the lands of the Nature Flight, quickly bowing their immeasurable thanks to the Guardian before taking off towards the food pile. Socrates, on the other hand, did not move. Saiberu lifted her tail, bringing Socrates high enough so she could view him closely.

His shallow chest rose and fell as he took deep, peaceful breaths - sleeping. The Guardian blinked, an almost mother-like look in her eyes as she nudged Socrates again. He didn't even crack open an eye this time, only slithering forwards before his curling form found purchase on Saiberu's armored neck. Slowly, he looped himself around the base of the clan leader's neck, head settled on her back, and drifted off again into sleep.
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@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @Rhunedibost @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @Tapestry @sykotikkytten

Hey everybody! I'm back! After I saw the new breed that was released in the news feed on my primary account (which is in no way affiliated with this nuzlocke... no help received or anything exchanged, I play by the rules here) I had a fleeting thought of my nuzlocke with Saiberu and happy little Mauro-- and then remembered I'd forgotten about it for four dang years! University and health problems will do that to somebody, huh? Mhm, yep they will.

I plan to continue this nuzlocke very soon with Chapter 11: The Longest Sleep! It's a little hard to believe that I started this thing four years ago when I was four years younger and barely a freshman at university. I've changed so much over those years, got a BA in German with a minor in Creative Writing, traveled across the ocean and studied abroad in Germany for almost a year, went through break ups and learned more about myself through counseling.

Four years is a long time. Good gosh, it's like opening a time capsule when I read these first 10 chapters. My writing was good, but with how much my writing has changed and evolved and how much I've learned, seeing these old writings of mine feels so weird.

But rambling aside! I'd like to know how many of you are active and if you'd like to still be included in this pinglist! If not, I'll remove you.

It has been a very long four years. I can't wait to hear from y'all!
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @Rhunedibost @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro @Torntorn @Tapestry @sykotikkytten

Hey everybody! I'm back! After I saw the new breed that was released in the news feed on my primary account (which is in no way affiliated with this nuzlocke... no help received or anything exchanged, I play by the rules here) I had a fleeting thought of my nuzlocke with Saiberu and happy little Mauro-- and then remembered I'd forgotten about it for four dang years! University and health problems will do that to somebody, huh? Mhm, yep they will.

I plan to continue this nuzlocke very soon with Chapter 11: The Longest Sleep! It's a little hard to believe that I started this thing four years ago when I was four years younger and barely a freshman at university. I've changed so much over those years, got a BA in German with a minor in Creative Writing, traveled across the ocean and studied abroad in Germany for almost a year, went through break ups and learned more about myself through counseling.

Four years is a long time. Good gosh, it's like opening a time capsule when I read these first 10 chapters. My writing was good, but with how much my writing has changed and evolved and how much I've learned, seeing these old writings of mine feels so weird.

But rambling aside! I'd like to know how many of you are active and if you'd like to still be included in this pinglist! If not, I'll remove you.

It has been a very long four years. I can't wait to hear from y'all!
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!
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