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TOPIC | the fourth storm {a nuzlocke} -REVISITED
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@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro

I thank you all for waiting on me so long, and deeply apologize for how long it took to bring you this update! Good news though, real life has somewhat calmed down, and even though my absence has momentarily lost me my daily bonuses, I plan to be continually more active and get those yet again!
Here it is... after a long wait- CHAPTER FIVE.

Chapter 5: Mimryn, the Glittering Fellow

Saiberu wasn't entirely sure how to react the the mammoth of a dragon before her, but her uncertainty was hidden well behind the frown she wore. His scales shone like sunlight on water, shifting as he moved. The Guardian found herself almost mesmerized by his beautiful hide, but met his gaze as he studied her from a vantage point above her that she was not used to other dragons having. He's so bright... practically glistening, she thought, swishing her tail. Somehow, she was able to cover up both her confusion and her awe as she considered this massive Imperial. His crystalline skin was covered with darker blue gems that were bonded to him somehow, clustered at his chest, behind his head, and beneath his wings; these pockets of gems reflected the cluttered stormlight haphazardly, and the ground beneath him seemed to dance like the stormlit sky above them.

Mauro peeked his head out from underneath Saiberu's protective form, wondering how the glittering fellow before them became so very glittery. Was it through an uncomfortable process or was he born that way? the Tundra wondered, big, innocent eyes gazing up at the Imperial. Do dragons really get born with gems attached to them? he pondered, blinking his big, cyan eyes thoughtfully up at the dragon that was bigger than his Guardian. Is it an Imperial thing? Are they so big that they have to get shiny things stuck to them so that they smaller dragons don't run into them while flying? "Hey," Mauro called sheepishly, his maize head poking out curiously at the Imperial. "How are you so shiny?" asked the wide-eyed Tundra, his cyan eyes meeting the Imperial's equally charged ones.

"I was born this way, small furry one," the Imperial told Mauro. "My parents wore similar markings to those I show... all shining and glittering, as I am," he continued, a small smile spreading on his maw.

It took a good bit of effort to resist glaring at Mauro, her adorable, innocent charge. She very well couldn't blame the fluffy kid for being curious, this newcomer was indeed... interesting.
"Yes, you are quite the eye-catcher, what with your glimmering hide," Saiberu managed to say, finally finding her voice. "You and your familiars are... impressive. Just who are you?" she ventured, laying on an extra compliment in order to keep on the nice side of this swift giant. If he managed to catch that hippogriff so easily I definitely do not want to be on his bad side...

"My name is Mimryn," the blue shining Imperial replied, a smile on his face. "I fancy myself a bird catcher, for catching bird familiars has been a hobby of mine since I met Seek here, my Storm Seeker, about a month ago. As you can see... this hippogriff is my newest catch- she already knows better than to just fly off," Mimryn beamed, shifting himself slightly so that his pets could be seen. "Where are you headed, young ones?"

"We are three..." Saiberu rumbled, keeping her eyes on Mimryn as she carefully stepped to the left and stood beside Mauro and Hissy. "I am Saiberu, and this is Mauro and his serpent, Hissy," she motioned to each of them in turn. "We are headed to the Highland Scrub." Saiberu decided to leave out the reason, hoping he didn't ask.
Mimryn's eyes brightened. "Ah, the Scrub... I have a dwelling there beside a small watering hole... just something I dug out to keep my pets dry. Since I've had a successful hunt today..." His eyes fell on the egg that rested in the Tundra's tail, his words trailing off. "So you've just started a clan, young Saiberu and Mauro?" Another smile, this one sly, curled on his lips.

Saiberu followed Mimryn's gaze to the egg curled in her charge's tail, her face growing hot when she realized what the Imperial was implying. "Oh, n- uh... something like that..." she stuttered, embarrassed for some reason. "I had planned to carve out a lair, when we found a suitable spot to settle down, but we haven't reached our destination yet."
Mimryn laughed softly. "You're in luck, you two. There is plenty of room in my lair for the three- the four of you..."
Saiberu's words fled from her mind before she could even arrange them, all of her effort going towards keeping up her facade. He thinks me and Mauro had this egg... I guess I can work with this- he's offering up his lair- can't let this opportunity pass me by. If anything... this egg is mine to protect just as Mauro is mine to guard for as long as he lives. We might as well be dual protectors of this egg- Stormcatcher knows I can't carry it without destroying it. Saiberu looked down momentarily to Mauro, silently thankful for him.
"Mimryn," she replied, "Thank you, we will gladly accept your offer," the Guardian rumbled, shifting her leathery wings and bending her neck to nuzzle Mauro. "We'll get to rest soon."

Mimryn huffed a breath of mirth, "Well, I'm glad to have found you. It will be a nice change of pace having other dragons in my lair, perhaps being in a clan won't be too bad after all," he mused aloud, picking up his shining feet and moving past the small clan. "Come, we aren't far now."
His familiars took wing and flapped about him as he picked up his pace, moving along at a reasonable speed as he led the small clan- now his new small clan- onwards. They journeyed on in silence, the only sounds coming from their footfalls, the soft shuffling of Hissy dragging himself through the sand, and the wing beats of the birds that flapped on with Mimryn and the others.
One of them, the Hippogriff, coasted just behind Mimryn, her black eyes locked hungrily on the sparking egg in Mauro's possession. She needed that egg.

Master Garuga would be most displeased with me if I return without it... thought the Hippogriff, cocking her head. She needed the egg, but there were two- probably three now that her captor, Mimryn, had joined them- dragons that would bar her path if she were to attempt capture of the egg. She chirped despairingly to herself, beak clicking softly as she glared at the bright egg curled in Mauro's tail. Will have to bide time, will have to wait... the familiar told herself silently.

A chorus of roars and shouts filled the large underground lair as Mersoth's might met the desperate attacks of his former clan. Fear filled their eyes, but desperation washed over it as they pushed onwards and swarmed over Mersoth. Their collective gnashing teeth and snagging claws almost covered the dragon of greater size, their barrage of attacks hitting from all sides.
Mersoth thrashed, summoning lightning to his limbs and tail. Grievous tears rolled from his eyes as he struck, pulling through the pain and loosing blows at the horde of small to medium sized dragons that nearly covered him. Cries echoed in the cavern as his strikes connected to bodies, many of them being torn from him in groups as he struck back at them.

Tundras, Mirrors, Faes, Snappers, Nocturnes, Skydancers, Pearlcatchers, Spirals, Coatls, and Wildclaws... those smaller breeds that were the majority of his clan- most of them were already ascending to serve under the Stormcatcher. Their bodies writhed on the ground, electricity alive in their limbs.
Fear not, my friends, I will be joining you soon, he thought grimly, rearing slightly to intercept a charging Guardian. He willed energy to fill his claws, and dug them into the tough hide of the strong dragon in his grasp. The Guardian loosed furious roars, pushing on through the searing pain of the electricity, and wrestled Mersoth further onto his haunches.

"Get him! Kill him! Faster you maggots!" Garuga called, his ridges standing on end as he watched. Mersoth allowed his attention to switch to his brother for a second, but the sting of the attacks from every angle brought his attention back to his assailants.
Rage filled Mersoth at the sound of his brother's voice and the great Imperial swung his head down sharply, clipping a few Faes and sending them flying as he went. Fury boiled over in his eyes as his large, sharp teeth broke right through the long horns of the Guardian that was crashing ruthlessly against his chest in frenzied efforts to knock the former leader over.
The two hard, black horns snapped off the dragon's head like twigs off a branch and the Guardian tried to jerk away but was unable to as Mersoth seized the back of its neck. Pain bloomed at Mersoth's shoulders as the Guardian brought its claws up and scored gashes where it found purchase on Mersoth's shoulders- but the Imperial had no time to feel such a trifling thing as pain.
He burned to show Garuga how such pain felt.

To be attacked by one's own clanmates... torn at by the family that you lovingly raised... that pain Mersoth wanted to give Garuga, not his former clanmates.
Mersoth's jaws closed at the back of the Guardian's skull with such an impact that a short cry was forced from his victim's jaws, and he bit down with all of his might. He felt the spinal bones give way in his mouth, felt the body violently spasm. The Guardian gave a few additional feeble jerks before going limp. Its jaws hung agape, and blood trickled down from the wounds, dripping from the chin onto the ground. Mersoth bared his teeth as he gave the Guardian another hard chomp before letting go.

Pain seemed to become evident to him again, and Mersoth closed his eyes against the hurt. A ragged breath escaped his jaws, pain in the growl that leaked out of his throat, and he sent a silent prayer towards the Tempest Spire- to his Lord. He imagined those jagged, glorious shapes jutting out into the stormlit sky. They stood silhouetted against a sky he realized that he would never see again from beneath the earth that would become his tomb. Stormcatcher, hear my cry. I, Mersoth, will join you soon, and I ask of you for aid in my final hour...

The mob seemed to collectively take a hit when Mersoth let the incapacitated Guardian fall to the hard, stone floor. The sickening crunch of bone was heard all throughout the stricken lair as the massive body of the Guardian crushed some other dragons on its way to the ground. Mersoth roared, his long jaws parting in a frightful display of tooth, blood, and scale.
Everyone took a step back from the heavily bleeding, but miraculously still standing Mersoth. The air in the cavern was charged with a chilling, crackling electricity, and everyone stepped further from the Imperial, a new kind of fear in their eyes.

Garuga growled at the cowering dragons, moving to strike at the nearest one. He lashed his tail at the legs of the dragon, a male Skydancer, toppling him. Garuga loosed a snarl and his menacing claws found the flesh of the Skydancer. The Ridgeback tore into the smaller dragon easily, his sharpened claws rending the scales and feathers of the other dragon like scissors shredding paper. "You're all filthy cowards, can't even end my hapless brother!" Garuga snarled, his saliva splattered on the face of the Skydancer as he lunged downwards and slashed at the helpless dragon with his spear-like nose and razor sharp claws. Even when the poor soul was already departed to join the ranks of Stormcatcher's closest employees, Garuga still carried on with his awful acts.
When he had soundly beaten the Skydancer to a fine pulp, something came to his attention. Something big- no, something massive- was near. He let the dismembered body drop from his bloodied jaws, blood painting his long neck and ridged chest as the barely recognizable body fell in a shredded heap on the floor. From the chilling feeling he was getting, Garuga couldn't completely tell what was coming... just that it was incredibly powerful.
What is this..? Where is it coming from? he wondered, panic fluttering in his blood-painted chest.

Suddenly, a new sound entered the ears of the dwindled crowd of dragons. A deep, rippling, throaty sound that seemed to come from the marred Mersoth echoed about them all. Garuga was startled into silence by the noise. Everyone looked to Mersoth in fearful confusion, and what they saw made them rue everything they had done.

A shifting form materialized just above Mersoth. It's body was covered in obsidian scales, accented by a subtle aqua tint and teal cracks of lightning that seemed to shift and twist on their own. From the head of the phantom jutted an impressive sail-like fan of flesh, and just beside each forearm poised a forelimb of bone, ridged, white, and wickedly sharp. The mighty dragon apparition's wings opened and seemed to fill the lair as they moved, and the lightning on them sparked and dark, fog-like clouds formed along the lair's ceiling. The air vibrated with the intensity of the energy that reverberated from the terrifying form that was apparent to all but Mersoth, who was giving a pointed glare to those who stood opposite from him, unaware of the figure above him that kept his attackers at bay.

The eyes of the massive dragon above Mersoth burned a brilliantly pure cyan, no taint in them. All onlookers could easily tell what they were looking at- there was just no mistaking it. Even if one wasn't acquainted with the eleven deities of Sornieth, it was easy to see how this dragon was not an ordinary one. No run-of-the-mill dragon commanded the power that this one emitted or held the ability to simply manifest themselves. Above all... most dragons most certainly were not this massive.
It was clear to all that the Stormcatcher himself had come to Mersoth's aid.

From the crowd broke a mad cry, breaking the trance-like state that had settled upon the terrified dragons. Garuga stomped his way from the back of the crowd, trampling those in his way. "I'm done with your tricks, Mersoth! This ends here! YOU will end here!" As he broke free of the crowd, Garuga quickened his pace and loosed a snarl, lance-like nose held high as he charged at Mersoth.
The Imperial turned to face his charging brother, his expression a tired one. "This lair will be the end of all of us, brother," he growled, taking a step forward. Garuga was closing the gap between him and Mersoth quickly, a fearless kind of disdain in his eyes shining bright as he bolted forward.

Before either of the brothers knew what happened, the tail of the Stormcatcher whipped around the space and spiked Garuga clean into the stone walls of the lair. He didn't even have time to cry out as the bludgeon-end on the tail smashed into him, pummeling the Ridgeback into the solid limestone walls.
Garuga was blindsided completely, unable to move from where he was crushed into the wall. Mersoth could only blink, his jaws agape at what he had just seen.

He turned his neck to crane his head upwards slowly. The Stormcatcher looked down upon the battered and broken Imperial, his pure cyan eyes held a touch of sympathy as they met Mersoth's. "Stormcatcher... Boss... you heard me..." he murmured, new tears welling up in his eyes. A rush of emotion filled Mersoth's gash-riddled chest, but before he could say anything more, the small crowd of dragons that were still left standing began to throw themselves towards the Stormcatcher and Mersoth.
Their voices began to raise in pleas of mercy as they fell close to the might of the Lighting Lord.
The Bossman looked from Mersoth to his other employees, the sympathy in his eyes vanishing.

"You have disappointed me." His voice boomed from his scarcely parted jaws, lips curled back in disgust. "Such insubordination among my employees," the Stormcatcher growled, sail atop his head standing on end. "No work being done- so much time spent uselessly plotting against your own clan leader!" His fury sparked tangibly across his expansive wings to extend towards the crowd of dragons. "What a disgrace."
The lightning seared through the dragons before him, their cries drawn from them slowly and painfully. When the last of them fell to the ground, Mersoth found his own strength failing him. His body leaned haphazardly to one side, and he collapsed beside his departed mate, teeth grinding together against the pain brought by the jarring hit with the ground.
The Stormcatcher bent his great head to Mersoth as the Imperial departed the pain of this life. "You have worked tirelessly under my employment, Mersoth. You have earned your retirement."
"Tha-thanks... B-boss..." Mersoth breathed, his voice small as he faded away.
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro

I thank you all for waiting on me so long, and deeply apologize for how long it took to bring you this update! Good news though, real life has somewhat calmed down, and even though my absence has momentarily lost me my daily bonuses, I plan to be continually more active and get those yet again!
Here it is... after a long wait- CHAPTER FIVE.

Chapter 5: Mimryn, the Glittering Fellow

Saiberu wasn't entirely sure how to react the the mammoth of a dragon before her, but her uncertainty was hidden well behind the frown she wore. His scales shone like sunlight on water, shifting as he moved. The Guardian found herself almost mesmerized by his beautiful hide, but met his gaze as he studied her from a vantage point above her that she was not used to other dragons having. He's so bright... practically glistening, she thought, swishing her tail. Somehow, she was able to cover up both her confusion and her awe as she considered this massive Imperial. His crystalline skin was covered with darker blue gems that were bonded to him somehow, clustered at his chest, behind his head, and beneath his wings; these pockets of gems reflected the cluttered stormlight haphazardly, and the ground beneath him seemed to dance like the stormlit sky above them.

Mauro peeked his head out from underneath Saiberu's protective form, wondering how the glittering fellow before them became so very glittery. Was it through an uncomfortable process or was he born that way? the Tundra wondered, big, innocent eyes gazing up at the Imperial. Do dragons really get born with gems attached to them? he pondered, blinking his big, cyan eyes thoughtfully up at the dragon that was bigger than his Guardian. Is it an Imperial thing? Are they so big that they have to get shiny things stuck to them so that they smaller dragons don't run into them while flying? "Hey," Mauro called sheepishly, his maize head poking out curiously at the Imperial. "How are you so shiny?" asked the wide-eyed Tundra, his cyan eyes meeting the Imperial's equally charged ones.

"I was born this way, small furry one," the Imperial told Mauro. "My parents wore similar markings to those I show... all shining and glittering, as I am," he continued, a small smile spreading on his maw.

It took a good bit of effort to resist glaring at Mauro, her adorable, innocent charge. She very well couldn't blame the fluffy kid for being curious, this newcomer was indeed... interesting.
"Yes, you are quite the eye-catcher, what with your glimmering hide," Saiberu managed to say, finally finding her voice. "You and your familiars are... impressive. Just who are you?" she ventured, laying on an extra compliment in order to keep on the nice side of this swift giant. If he managed to catch that hippogriff so easily I definitely do not want to be on his bad side...

"My name is Mimryn," the blue shining Imperial replied, a smile on his face. "I fancy myself a bird catcher, for catching bird familiars has been a hobby of mine since I met Seek here, my Storm Seeker, about a month ago. As you can see... this hippogriff is my newest catch- she already knows better than to just fly off," Mimryn beamed, shifting himself slightly so that his pets could be seen. "Where are you headed, young ones?"

"We are three..." Saiberu rumbled, keeping her eyes on Mimryn as she carefully stepped to the left and stood beside Mauro and Hissy. "I am Saiberu, and this is Mauro and his serpent, Hissy," she motioned to each of them in turn. "We are headed to the Highland Scrub." Saiberu decided to leave out the reason, hoping he didn't ask.
Mimryn's eyes brightened. "Ah, the Scrub... I have a dwelling there beside a small watering hole... just something I dug out to keep my pets dry. Since I've had a successful hunt today..." His eyes fell on the egg that rested in the Tundra's tail, his words trailing off. "So you've just started a clan, young Saiberu and Mauro?" Another smile, this one sly, curled on his lips.

Saiberu followed Mimryn's gaze to the egg curled in her charge's tail, her face growing hot when she realized what the Imperial was implying. "Oh, n- uh... something like that..." she stuttered, embarrassed for some reason. "I had planned to carve out a lair, when we found a suitable spot to settle down, but we haven't reached our destination yet."
Mimryn laughed softly. "You're in luck, you two. There is plenty of room in my lair for the three- the four of you..."
Saiberu's words fled from her mind before she could even arrange them, all of her effort going towards keeping up her facade. He thinks me and Mauro had this egg... I guess I can work with this- he's offering up his lair- can't let this opportunity pass me by. If anything... this egg is mine to protect just as Mauro is mine to guard for as long as he lives. We might as well be dual protectors of this egg- Stormcatcher knows I can't carry it without destroying it. Saiberu looked down momentarily to Mauro, silently thankful for him.
"Mimryn," she replied, "Thank you, we will gladly accept your offer," the Guardian rumbled, shifting her leathery wings and bending her neck to nuzzle Mauro. "We'll get to rest soon."

Mimryn huffed a breath of mirth, "Well, I'm glad to have found you. It will be a nice change of pace having other dragons in my lair, perhaps being in a clan won't be too bad after all," he mused aloud, picking up his shining feet and moving past the small clan. "Come, we aren't far now."
His familiars took wing and flapped about him as he picked up his pace, moving along at a reasonable speed as he led the small clan- now his new small clan- onwards. They journeyed on in silence, the only sounds coming from their footfalls, the soft shuffling of Hissy dragging himself through the sand, and the wing beats of the birds that flapped on with Mimryn and the others.
One of them, the Hippogriff, coasted just behind Mimryn, her black eyes locked hungrily on the sparking egg in Mauro's possession. She needed that egg.

Master Garuga would be most displeased with me if I return without it... thought the Hippogriff, cocking her head. She needed the egg, but there were two- probably three now that her captor, Mimryn, had joined them- dragons that would bar her path if she were to attempt capture of the egg. She chirped despairingly to herself, beak clicking softly as she glared at the bright egg curled in Mauro's tail. Will have to bide time, will have to wait... the familiar told herself silently.

A chorus of roars and shouts filled the large underground lair as Mersoth's might met the desperate attacks of his former clan. Fear filled their eyes, but desperation washed over it as they pushed onwards and swarmed over Mersoth. Their collective gnashing teeth and snagging claws almost covered the dragon of greater size, their barrage of attacks hitting from all sides.
Mersoth thrashed, summoning lightning to his limbs and tail. Grievous tears rolled from his eyes as he struck, pulling through the pain and loosing blows at the horde of small to medium sized dragons that nearly covered him. Cries echoed in the cavern as his strikes connected to bodies, many of them being torn from him in groups as he struck back at them.

Tundras, Mirrors, Faes, Snappers, Nocturnes, Skydancers, Pearlcatchers, Spirals, Coatls, and Wildclaws... those smaller breeds that were the majority of his clan- most of them were already ascending to serve under the Stormcatcher. Their bodies writhed on the ground, electricity alive in their limbs.
Fear not, my friends, I will be joining you soon, he thought grimly, rearing slightly to intercept a charging Guardian. He willed energy to fill his claws, and dug them into the tough hide of the strong dragon in his grasp. The Guardian loosed furious roars, pushing on through the searing pain of the electricity, and wrestled Mersoth further onto his haunches.

"Get him! Kill him! Faster you maggots!" Garuga called, his ridges standing on end as he watched. Mersoth allowed his attention to switch to his brother for a second, but the sting of the attacks from every angle brought his attention back to his assailants.
Rage filled Mersoth at the sound of his brother's voice and the great Imperial swung his head down sharply, clipping a few Faes and sending them flying as he went. Fury boiled over in his eyes as his large, sharp teeth broke right through the long horns of the Guardian that was crashing ruthlessly against his chest in frenzied efforts to knock the former leader over.
The two hard, black horns snapped off the dragon's head like twigs off a branch and the Guardian tried to jerk away but was unable to as Mersoth seized the back of its neck. Pain bloomed at Mersoth's shoulders as the Guardian brought its claws up and scored gashes where it found purchase on Mersoth's shoulders- but the Imperial had no time to feel such a trifling thing as pain.
He burned to show Garuga how such pain felt.

To be attacked by one's own clanmates... torn at by the family that you lovingly raised... that pain Mersoth wanted to give Garuga, not his former clanmates.
Mersoth's jaws closed at the back of the Guardian's skull with such an impact that a short cry was forced from his victim's jaws, and he bit down with all of his might. He felt the spinal bones give way in his mouth, felt the body violently spasm. The Guardian gave a few additional feeble jerks before going limp. Its jaws hung agape, and blood trickled down from the wounds, dripping from the chin onto the ground. Mersoth bared his teeth as he gave the Guardian another hard chomp before letting go.

Pain seemed to become evident to him again, and Mersoth closed his eyes against the hurt. A ragged breath escaped his jaws, pain in the growl that leaked out of his throat, and he sent a silent prayer towards the Tempest Spire- to his Lord. He imagined those jagged, glorious shapes jutting out into the stormlit sky. They stood silhouetted against a sky he realized that he would never see again from beneath the earth that would become his tomb. Stormcatcher, hear my cry. I, Mersoth, will join you soon, and I ask of you for aid in my final hour...

The mob seemed to collectively take a hit when Mersoth let the incapacitated Guardian fall to the hard, stone floor. The sickening crunch of bone was heard all throughout the stricken lair as the massive body of the Guardian crushed some other dragons on its way to the ground. Mersoth roared, his long jaws parting in a frightful display of tooth, blood, and scale.
Everyone took a step back from the heavily bleeding, but miraculously still standing Mersoth. The air in the cavern was charged with a chilling, crackling electricity, and everyone stepped further from the Imperial, a new kind of fear in their eyes.

Garuga growled at the cowering dragons, moving to strike at the nearest one. He lashed his tail at the legs of the dragon, a male Skydancer, toppling him. Garuga loosed a snarl and his menacing claws found the flesh of the Skydancer. The Ridgeback tore into the smaller dragon easily, his sharpened claws rending the scales and feathers of the other dragon like scissors shredding paper. "You're all filthy cowards, can't even end my hapless brother!" Garuga snarled, his saliva splattered on the face of the Skydancer as he lunged downwards and slashed at the helpless dragon with his spear-like nose and razor sharp claws. Even when the poor soul was already departed to join the ranks of Stormcatcher's closest employees, Garuga still carried on with his awful acts.
When he had soundly beaten the Skydancer to a fine pulp, something came to his attention. Something big- no, something massive- was near. He let the dismembered body drop from his bloodied jaws, blood painting his long neck and ridged chest as the barely recognizable body fell in a shredded heap on the floor. From the chilling feeling he was getting, Garuga couldn't completely tell what was coming... just that it was incredibly powerful.
What is this..? Where is it coming from? he wondered, panic fluttering in his blood-painted chest.

Suddenly, a new sound entered the ears of the dwindled crowd of dragons. A deep, rippling, throaty sound that seemed to come from the marred Mersoth echoed about them all. Garuga was startled into silence by the noise. Everyone looked to Mersoth in fearful confusion, and what they saw made them rue everything they had done.

A shifting form materialized just above Mersoth. It's body was covered in obsidian scales, accented by a subtle aqua tint and teal cracks of lightning that seemed to shift and twist on their own. From the head of the phantom jutted an impressive sail-like fan of flesh, and just beside each forearm poised a forelimb of bone, ridged, white, and wickedly sharp. The mighty dragon apparition's wings opened and seemed to fill the lair as they moved, and the lightning on them sparked and dark, fog-like clouds formed along the lair's ceiling. The air vibrated with the intensity of the energy that reverberated from the terrifying form that was apparent to all but Mersoth, who was giving a pointed glare to those who stood opposite from him, unaware of the figure above him that kept his attackers at bay.

The eyes of the massive dragon above Mersoth burned a brilliantly pure cyan, no taint in them. All onlookers could easily tell what they were looking at- there was just no mistaking it. Even if one wasn't acquainted with the eleven deities of Sornieth, it was easy to see how this dragon was not an ordinary one. No run-of-the-mill dragon commanded the power that this one emitted or held the ability to simply manifest themselves. Above all... most dragons most certainly were not this massive.
It was clear to all that the Stormcatcher himself had come to Mersoth's aid.

From the crowd broke a mad cry, breaking the trance-like state that had settled upon the terrified dragons. Garuga stomped his way from the back of the crowd, trampling those in his way. "I'm done with your tricks, Mersoth! This ends here! YOU will end here!" As he broke free of the crowd, Garuga quickened his pace and loosed a snarl, lance-like nose held high as he charged at Mersoth.
The Imperial turned to face his charging brother, his expression a tired one. "This lair will be the end of all of us, brother," he growled, taking a step forward. Garuga was closing the gap between him and Mersoth quickly, a fearless kind of disdain in his eyes shining bright as he bolted forward.

Before either of the brothers knew what happened, the tail of the Stormcatcher whipped around the space and spiked Garuga clean into the stone walls of the lair. He didn't even have time to cry out as the bludgeon-end on the tail smashed into him, pummeling the Ridgeback into the solid limestone walls.
Garuga was blindsided completely, unable to move from where he was crushed into the wall. Mersoth could only blink, his jaws agape at what he had just seen.

He turned his neck to crane his head upwards slowly. The Stormcatcher looked down upon the battered and broken Imperial, his pure cyan eyes held a touch of sympathy as they met Mersoth's. "Stormcatcher... Boss... you heard me..." he murmured, new tears welling up in his eyes. A rush of emotion filled Mersoth's gash-riddled chest, but before he could say anything more, the small crowd of dragons that were still left standing began to throw themselves towards the Stormcatcher and Mersoth.
Their voices began to raise in pleas of mercy as they fell close to the might of the Lighting Lord.
The Bossman looked from Mersoth to his other employees, the sympathy in his eyes vanishing.

"You have disappointed me." His voice boomed from his scarcely parted jaws, lips curled back in disgust. "Such insubordination among my employees," the Stormcatcher growled, sail atop his head standing on end. "No work being done- so much time spent uselessly plotting against your own clan leader!" His fury sparked tangibly across his expansive wings to extend towards the crowd of dragons. "What a disgrace."
The lightning seared through the dragons before him, their cries drawn from them slowly and painfully. When the last of them fell to the ground, Mersoth found his own strength failing him. His body leaned haphazardly to one side, and he collapsed beside his departed mate, teeth grinding together against the pain brought by the jarring hit with the ground.
The Stormcatcher bent his great head to Mersoth as the Imperial departed the pain of this life. "You have worked tirelessly under my employment, Mersoth. You have earned your retirement."
"Tha-thanks... B-boss..." Mersoth breathed, his voice small as he faded away.
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@Kinshara ee an update! holy damn Stormcatcher hello~!
@Kinshara ee an update! holy damn Stormcatcher hello~!
Professional Grump

I live for memes

aaaaahhh ( / ; n ;\) AAAAHHHH that was such a sad ending for Mersoth

aaaaahhh ( / ; n ;\) AAAAHHHH that was such a sad ending for Mersoth
@ArgenteaMoon - Yes~ An update I was all to happy to provide! I'm excited to keep the ball rolling here~

@Sellenair - * hugs * :) If I can help it, that will be the last death I will have to write about!
@ArgenteaMoon - Yes~ An update I was all to happy to provide! I'm excited to keep the ball rolling here~

@Sellenair - * hugs * :) If I can help it, that will be the last death I will have to write about!
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro Chapter 6: [b]What Does A Home [i]Bear[/i]?[/b] [size=4][b]Somewhere on the edge of the Ashfall Waste a Spiral flew close to the ground, warily casting glances behind him as he went.[/b][/size] "Why are you still following me, longneck?" asked the green-eyed Spiral with a flourish of his spindling body, his blue wings flaring out sharply to bank his long body around. The Longneck Skirmisher that had been trailing behind him stopped, digging his stick into the ground to keep on his hooves. The Spiral landed with a growl, raising his voice again to speak to his unwelcome tail. "What so compelled you to follow me, hmm? What did I do to make you so attached to me... you've been on my tail since I thrashed you in the Windswept Plateu!" He paused a moment, narrowing his eyes. "I saw you that unholy afternoon. I know you saw what I did- and you know you are not the only one I have crushed in that way," the Spiral snarled, confusion, touched by anger at his mention of his unrighteous deeds, filled his head. "That alone should scare any [i]sane[/i] familiar- keep any creature [i]in their right mind[/i] from wanting me in their presence!" the dragon growled, looping body twisting as he looked down upon the familiar. [i]I practically [b]buried [/b]this scrap of wool...[/i] he thought, mildly frustrated. [i]What did I do to earn a one-familiar fan club?[/i] [img][/img] The Skirmisher leaned heavily on the thick stick he carried, taking a moment to catch his breath. "You are strong, Socrates. I wish to learn from you, if you'll have me," the familiar said in slow Draconic, trying to get the words just right. "Even if you will not have me, I will still follow," he stated, and Socrates, the Spiral, huffed a breath from his nose indignantly. "Strength. I want to have more of it. You have a great amount of it," the Longneck nodded his head as if in silent affirmation of his words to himself. "Yes! You have a boldness about you that caused you to commit those deeds, it is the stirring behind your actions that makes you one to be followed!" The Longneck Skirmisher thudded his stick on the ashen ground, nodding. [url=][img][/img][/url] "Stubborn little..." Socrates breathed, his words trailing off as he looked into the dark eyes of the Longneck. All he saw within the smaller animal's gaze was determination, and this made the dragon relent in his efforts to discourage his tiny fan club. "Fine," he said after a while. "Try to keep up, Longneck." Socrates drew a breath and started to turn away from his one-familiar fan club, but the little thing stopped him with a tap from his stick. "My name is Waperir," stated the familiar, Waperir. Socrates stopped in mid-turn to shoot Waperir a look, his scarred eye narrowing as the familiar kept talking. "I look forward to following you, Socrates- I cannot wait to learn form your boundless wisdom and strength!" "... yes, now come," Socrates mumbled, not wanting to hear the familiar jabber. [i]This guy sure has a lot to say...[/i] He flew on with Waperir in toe until the heated grounds of the Ashfall Waste gave way to the charged sands of the Shifting Expanse. The way was long to little Waperir, but the committed Longneck trudged on as the scenery changed and he no longer had to worry about the chances of stepping on ground that would give way to lava. Much to his dismay, the desert of the Lightning flight was not an easy place to be, either. He plodded heavily onwards nevertheless, hooves that were made for climbing the slopes and mountains of his species' homeland, Dragonhome, having a hard time keeping him upright in the shifting sand- even with the aid of his trusty stick. "Socrates, sire, might we be stopping soon? I am deathly parched," called Waperir from the ground. The Spiral looked down from the height at which he flew and sighed, the sight of the Longneck waving at him pulling him from the sky. "There's water in this fractured desert, even if it doesn't look like it," Socrates called back as he corkscrewed down to land on the ground quite abruptly and curl somewhat around Waperir, stopping him. The Longneck Skirmisher looked as if he was about to say something, tawny lips parted slightly. It seemed to beg the question - [i]Why are we traveling here?[/i] "If you haven't guessed, Waperir, I've gone to the land of the element that stands against Wind for a reason." The look touched with worry that the Longneck gave him in return made Socrates scoff. "Oh please," he whispered, coiling around Waperir and shifting so that his scarred eye was level with the familiar's face. "Someone who has tailed me with such devotion must have some clue as to my past. Don't play dumb, Waperir." "What is it you hope to find in the high deserts where we are headed? Do these sands contain something which the Plateau lacks?" Waperir asked, shifting himself so that his backpack was not crushed by Socrates' coiling form. Socrates blinked at his follower. "What am I looking for here, you ask?" He pulled his head back from Waperir, looking the Longneck square in the eyes. "I'm looking for a place worth remaining at." [s]----------[/s] "Here we are, Mauro and Saiberu!" Mimryn called to them as he led them close to a raised mound of stone, turning his head as he went. "Seek, go inside and make sure nothing has gone amiss," the Imperial told his favored creature. Seek crowed and motioned to the Hippogriff, who banked to follow Seek inside the lair. Saiberu picked up her pace to see their new home, her charge close behind her, his familiar right behind him. Mimryn's place was quite nice- a decent sized watering hole with some vegetation beside it coupled with a raised mound of weathered stone with an entrance large enough to accommodate Mimryn and any smaller than him. Saiberu marveled at the entrance of the lair, knowing that for such stone to be manufactured required intense heat and focus... she remembered seeing her Leader doing such things when performing maintenance on his lair's entrance. "This is marvelous, Mimryn," Saiberu told him, not allowing herself to dwell on memories. "Can I..?" Mauro piped up, looking with longing at the watering hole and its shelter of vegetation. "Of course you can, Mauro. Help yourself- just leave enough so it grows back. Thank you Saiberu! All I had to craft was the entrance... there is an existing cavern below that I simply had to crack open-" "Mauro, [b]look out![/b]" Saiberu roared as Mauro neared the bushes that sat on the edge of the pond. The Tundra stopped with a start, looking at what he was about to take a bite out of... and it looked back at him. [img][/img] The bear grunted as it brought its head up from where it had been lying, shuffling its paws underneath it so it could stand. Saiberu came up behind Mauro and bent over him, bringing her massive head very close to the Timber Tender and blowing air from her nose at the familiar- a warning. "What is a Nature bear doing here? We're far from that flight's homeland," she asked, directing her question at Mimryn, who was looking with confusion at the bear. "I... don't know. He sure wasn't there when I left on my hunt with Seek this morning." The larger dragon ruffled his wings in thought. "The poor scrap doesn't look like it was doing anything malicious, let him live Saiberu. He could be of use to us." Saiberu looked from the leafy bear, who was now shaking like the leaves attached to him, to Mimryn and back again. "Fine... just have some water for now, Mauro. We can find you something green and leafy that isn't... conscious... to eat later." Mauro nodded slowly and gave the Timber Tender one last look, curled the Lightning egg more securely in his tail and bent over to lap some cool water from the spring. "We will have to go on an outing to the fields not far from here if we are to get plants to eat, I have none in my lair," Mimryn relayed to them with a frown. The Guardian sighed, allowing herself a weak smile before looking down to watch Mauro get a drink- except he hadn't yet indulged in the water. "Is something wrong with the spring, Mauro?" she asked. "There's something in here... it isn't a fish either! It looked like that bear, but it was in the water!" Mauro said quickly, tucking his ears beside his maize-colored horns. "It was like a fish, but a bear- it was a [i]fish bear![/i]" Mauro gasped, eyes glued to the water. "Can bears even live in the water... there it is!" He retreated from the water's edge and Saiberu reared her head over the small body of water. There was very obviously [i]something[/i] in the depths of this pool... a pool that appeared to be deeper than it had initially seemed. "Mimryn, I think you've got a bear in your spring," Saiberu told the Imperial, and he moved over to stand by the water's edge and look down at the pool with an incredulous look. "Another, eh? I think you're right, Saiberu." Mimryn suddenly thrust his head into the spring, throwing up a splash that hit everyone around the pool. As quickly as he had struck, the brilliantly shining dragon withdrew his head with a slick, wet body clutched carefully in his jaws. [img][/img] He set the form down on the sand with a [i]slop[/i] and it protested with grunts and gurgles, but did not lash out with its claws at Mimryn's dripping face. Shaking his wet chin fur, mane, and whiskers, the Imperial inspected the sopping wet bear. "Well," he started. "I've been infested by bears... but its nothing," he said at length before drawing his tongue over the terrified Water bear in efforts to calm the creature. After a few licks, the shaking of both the Nature and Water bears ceased, appearing to come to the understanding that no harm was going to befall them. "Let's just leave these two bears be and go inside for the day... it is quite late in the afternoon- night will fall soon," Mimryn said as he nudged the Wavebreak Snarler back into the spring. "It'd be best if we all got some rest... we can venture out for sustenance in the morning." Saiberu nodded and followed Mauro as they all went into the yawning lair entrance into the comforting darkness below. "I have planted clusters of crystals down here, they will glow at all times, so if you require complete darkness in your sleep, move to an unlit corner," warned Mimryn told them as they all entered the cave. The dull light from the entrance wound through the tunnel down into the cave and pierced deep within the cavern. Mauro and Saiberu looked up at the surprisingly high ceiling, marveling at the many bird's nests that dotted numerous pockets and lips in the stone above their heads. Saiberu settled down somewhat in front of and right beside where the tunnel opened up to the main space, placing herself protectively between anything that would find its way into the entrance. Mimryn set himself nearly in the very middle of the cave, and Mauro found a mostly-unlit corner to curl up in. As the Tundra shut his tired cyan eyes, the only light that came from the corner was the sparking life within the egg... a sort of night light for the fluffy sleeping dragon. Saiberu focused on listening for a while as she lay sprawled out there at the mouth of the lair- her new home. This place had bears... birds... and her new family. Drowsiness dragged her luminous eyes closed and cast a heaviness over her limbs, pulling her mind into the dormancy that was slumber. There was not too much about this situation that elicited a frown from her great, jagged mouth, save the memories that dogged her mind as it fell quickly into the darkness of sleep. The curtain of dreams drew heavily across her thoughts and paralyzed her limbs both in her mind and in the waking world. Endless screams and howls of anguish rose from the inky dream world around her, accusing her in her mind without missing a beat as she twitched in her slumber. [i]Help- oh help us! You've abandoned us, taken the precious eggs then up and ran! Help, oh someone help us! You're a coward- abandoning your leader and the clan that so lovingly took you in! Oh- the pain! Will no one help us?![/i] Cries of accusation and dismay assailed her unconscious mind as she slept, dark swaths of colors formed like snapping jaws flashed constantly before her, snapping at each other like battling dragons. [i]You could have saved us![/i] wailed the slender from of a Pearlcatcher as it fell swiftly out of and back into the blackness that surrounded Saiberu. [i]You've didn't do anything about our deaths![/i] [i]NO! No that isn't true- had I stayed I would have died too! I wanted to help, but I couldn't do anyth-[/i] Saiberu began to beg, her voice shattering suddenly and resounding about her consciousness, her plea choked off by a weight on her chest. A deep pink mass had cast itself onto her and seeped across her broad wings and chest, rendering Saiberu unable to move or speak. The pink mass dragged itself slowly into the haphazardly standing form of a WildClaw, eyes blazing with Arcane fire. The form seemed to be dribbling pink bits of itself into the darkness below, and horror bloomed in Saiberu's heart as she remembered this apparition in the entrance tunnel earlier. The face of the form split in two, creating a mouth that was much wider and larger than it should have been. [i]You don't belong here, little Guardian... you never belonged here![/i] moaned the Wildclaw, a mad fervor in its abnormally fluctuating voice. The smoldering eyes of the Wildclaw suddenly slid down its face, dragging down the thin neck of the dragon all while the too-wide mouth continued to accuse. [i]You don't belong... run! RUN![/i] Globs of pink bled from the body as the eyes blazed on, focused intently on Saiberu even as they oozed down the chest that seemed to have putty-like consistency. The pink, fiery orbs dropped, one then the other, away into the darkness, but still the Wildclaw chanted. [i]Run, you never belonged... run... RUN![/i] it screeched a piercing cry that undulated much like its disintegrating body. The mouth opened to form a frighteningly unnatural shape, and red lines began to bleed out from the already degenerating pink slop frame. The cry split through Saiberu's head and filled it with white hot pain and overwhelming terror. As the dragon before her fell apart in a mess of blood and pink slop, all Saiberu could feel was the intense need to get away from the abomination- yet she was helpless to do so. Saiberu heart raced, her sleeping form loosing a drawn out, scared whimper that carried through the cavern. A pair of cyan eyes opened from the middle of the room, and Mimryn raised his head. He looked for a moment in the direction of Mauro's sleeping place, but no noises came from the small dragon. "Saiberu..?" he murmured, looking in her direction for a moment before getting his legs under him and pacing quietly to the sleeping Guardian. As he padded closer on his quiet feet, the Imperial noticed the strong charcoal body of his new Guardian clanmate tremble and shake, another whine bleeding from her scantly parted jaws. "Oh dear... bad dreams?" he breathed the question to himself, already knowing the answer. Mimryn stood quietly beside Saiberu's unconscious form, looking down at her with concern. For a dragon less than half his size, this proud female Guardian had never seemed to truly be that small save for this moment; lying on one of her wings, trembling slightly, and whining fearfully at the mercy of something he could not see. Mimryn bent his neck to lower his head close to hers. He listened to her quick and labored breathing and watched the feverish movements of her eyes behind her eyelids. After a moment, Mimryn slowly laid himself down at her back. Outside, the ever-present storm raged on, now pouring rain down over the lair. The bright flashes of lightning played over the forms of Mimryn and Saiberu, light that was only noticed by the larger of the two. Mimryn settled himself down just behind Saiberu, curling his body around her. Now lying very close to her, the Imperial could feel the intensity of the trembling that plagued her. His concern for her state of mind grew even more as he did not feel her shaking seem to ebb. He moved closer to Saiberu so that his long body held close around hers. He bent his neck to lay his head down beside hers in efforts to calm her with the still heat of his body along the whole length of her neck and back. Opening one of his wings, he extended it over the Guardian like a protective blanket before closing his eyes and breathing deeply. "I've got you, Saiberu, everything will be fine..." he whispered to her, letting his wing lie atop her body as he held her close. Slowly, Mimryn drifted off to sleep curled around Saiberu, and Saiberu's dreams ceased their thrashing, allowing her to sleep soundly as well.
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro

Chapter 6: What Does A Home Bear?

Somewhere on the edge of the Ashfall Waste a Spiral flew close to the ground, warily casting glances behind him as he went. "Why are you still following me, longneck?" asked the green-eyed Spiral with a flourish of his spindling body, his blue wings flaring out sharply to bank his long body around. The Longneck Skirmisher that had been trailing behind him stopped, digging his stick into the ground to keep on his hooves. The Spiral landed with a growl, raising his voice again to speak to his unwelcome tail.

"What so compelled you to follow me, hmm? What did I do to make you so attached to me... you've been on my tail since I thrashed you in the Windswept Plateu!" He paused a moment, narrowing his eyes. "I saw you that unholy afternoon. I know you saw what I did- and you know you are not the only one I have crushed in that way," the Spiral snarled, confusion, touched by anger at his mention of his unrighteous deeds, filled his head. "That alone should scare any sane familiar- keep any creature in their right mind from wanting me in their presence!" the dragon growled, looping body twisting as he looked down upon the familiar.
I practically buried this scrap of wool... he thought, mildly frustrated. What did I do to earn a one-familiar fan club?


The Skirmisher leaned heavily on the thick stick he carried, taking a moment to catch his breath. "You are strong, Socrates. I wish to learn from you, if you'll have me," the familiar said in slow Draconic, trying to get the words just right. "Even if you will not have me, I will still follow," he stated, and Socrates, the Spiral, huffed a breath from his nose indignantly. "Strength. I want to have more of it. You have a great amount of it," the Longneck nodded his head as if in silent affirmation of his words to himself. "Yes! You have a boldness about you that caused you to commit those deeds, it is the stirring behind your actions that makes you one to be followed!" The Longneck Skirmisher thudded his stick on the ashen ground, nodding.


"Stubborn little..." Socrates breathed, his words trailing off as he looked into the dark eyes of the Longneck. All he saw within the smaller animal's gaze was determination, and this made the dragon relent in his efforts to discourage his tiny fan club. "Fine," he said after a while. "Try to keep up, Longneck." Socrates drew a breath and started to turn away from his one-familiar fan club, but the little thing stopped him with a tap from his stick.
"My name is Waperir," stated the familiar, Waperir. Socrates stopped in mid-turn to shoot Waperir a look, his scarred eye narrowing as the familiar kept talking. "I look forward to following you, Socrates- I cannot wait to learn form your boundless wisdom and strength!"
"... yes, now come," Socrates mumbled, not wanting to hear the familiar jabber. This guy sure has a lot to say...
He flew on with Waperir in toe until the heated grounds of the Ashfall Waste gave way to the charged sands of the Shifting Expanse. The way was long to little Waperir, but the committed Longneck trudged on as the scenery changed and he no longer had to worry about the chances of stepping on ground that would give way to lava. Much to his dismay, the desert of the Lightning flight was not an easy place to be, either. He plodded heavily onwards nevertheless, hooves that were made for climbing the slopes and mountains of his species' homeland, Dragonhome, having a hard time keeping him upright in the shifting sand- even with the aid of his trusty stick.

"Socrates, sire, might we be stopping soon? I am deathly parched," called Waperir from the ground. The Spiral looked down from the height at which he flew and sighed, the sight of the Longneck waving at him pulling him from the sky.
"There's water in this fractured desert, even if it doesn't look like it," Socrates called back as he corkscrewed down to land on the ground quite abruptly and curl somewhat around Waperir, stopping him. The Longneck Skirmisher looked as if he was about to say something, tawny lips parted slightly. It seemed to beg the question - Why are we traveling here?
"If you haven't guessed, Waperir, I've gone to the land of the element that stands against Wind for a reason." The look touched with worry that the Longneck gave him in return made Socrates scoff. "Oh please," he whispered, coiling around Waperir and shifting so that his scarred eye was level with the familiar's face. "Someone who has tailed me with such devotion must have some clue as to my past. Don't play dumb, Waperir."

"What is it you hope to find in the high deserts where we are headed? Do these sands contain something which the Plateau lacks?" Waperir asked, shifting himself so that his backpack was not crushed by Socrates' coiling form.
Socrates blinked at his follower. "What am I looking for here, you ask?" He pulled his head back from Waperir, looking the Longneck square in the eyes. "I'm looking for a place worth remaining at."

"Here we are, Mauro and Saiberu!" Mimryn called to them as he led them close to a raised mound of stone, turning his head as he went. "Seek, go inside and make sure nothing has gone amiss," the Imperial told his favored creature. Seek crowed and motioned to the Hippogriff, who banked to follow Seek inside the lair.
Saiberu picked up her pace to see their new home, her charge close behind her, his familiar right behind him. Mimryn's place was quite nice- a decent sized watering hole with some vegetation beside it coupled with a raised mound of weathered stone with an entrance large enough to accommodate Mimryn and any smaller than him. Saiberu marveled at the entrance of the lair, knowing that for such stone to be manufactured required intense heat and focus... she remembered seeing her Leader doing such things when performing maintenance on his lair's entrance.

"This is marvelous, Mimryn," Saiberu told him, not allowing herself to dwell on memories.
"Can I..?" Mauro piped up, looking with longing at the watering hole and its shelter of vegetation.
"Of course you can, Mauro. Help yourself- just leave enough so it grows back. Thank you Saiberu! All I had to craft was the entrance... there is an existing cavern below that I simply had to crack open-"
"Mauro, look out!" Saiberu roared as Mauro neared the bushes that sat on the edge of the pond. The Tundra stopped with a start, looking at what he was about to take a bite out of... and it looked back at him.


The bear grunted as it brought its head up from where it had been lying, shuffling its paws underneath it so it could stand. Saiberu came up behind Mauro and bent over him, bringing her massive head very close to the Timber Tender and blowing air from her nose at the familiar- a warning. "What is a Nature bear doing here? We're far from that flight's homeland," she asked, directing her question at Mimryn, who was looking with confusion at the bear.
"I... don't know. He sure wasn't there when I left on my hunt with Seek this morning." The larger dragon ruffled his wings in thought. "The poor scrap doesn't look like it was doing anything malicious, let him live Saiberu. He could be of use to us."

Saiberu looked from the leafy bear, who was now shaking like the leaves attached to him, to Mimryn and back again. "Fine... just have some water for now, Mauro. We can find you something green and leafy that isn't... conscious... to eat later." Mauro nodded slowly and gave the Timber Tender one last look, curled the Lightning egg more securely in his tail and bent over to lap some cool water from the spring.
"We will have to go on an outing to the fields not far from here if we are to get plants to eat, I have none in my lair," Mimryn relayed to them with a frown.

The Guardian sighed, allowing herself a weak smile before looking down to watch Mauro get a drink- except he hadn't yet indulged in the water. "Is something wrong with the spring, Mauro?" she asked.
"There's something in here... it isn't a fish either! It looked like that bear, but it was in the water!" Mauro said quickly, tucking his ears beside his maize-colored horns. "It was like a fish, but a bear- it was a fish bear!" Mauro gasped, eyes glued to the water. "Can bears even live in the water... there it is!" He retreated from the water's edge and Saiberu reared her head over the small body of water. There was very obviously something in the depths of this pool... a pool that appeared to be deeper than it had initially seemed. "Mimryn, I think you've got a bear in your spring," Saiberu told the Imperial, and he moved over to stand by the water's edge and look down at the pool with an incredulous look.
"Another, eh? I think you're right, Saiberu." Mimryn suddenly thrust his head into the spring, throwing up a splash that hit everyone around the pool. As quickly as he had struck, the brilliantly shining dragon withdrew his head with a slick, wet body clutched carefully in his jaws.


He set the form down on the sand with a slop and it protested with grunts and gurgles, but did not lash out with its claws at Mimryn's dripping face. Shaking his wet chin fur, mane, and whiskers, the Imperial inspected the sopping wet bear. "Well," he started. "I've been infested by bears... but its nothing," he said at length before drawing his tongue over the terrified Water bear in efforts to calm the creature. After a few licks, the shaking of both the Nature and Water bears ceased, appearing to come to the understanding that no harm was going to befall them.

"Let's just leave these two bears be and go inside for the day... it is quite late in the afternoon- night will fall soon," Mimryn said as he nudged the Wavebreak Snarler back into the spring. "It'd be best if we all got some rest... we can venture out for sustenance in the morning."
Saiberu nodded and followed Mauro as they all went into the yawning lair entrance into the comforting darkness below. "I have planted clusters of crystals down here, they will glow at all times, so if you require complete darkness in your sleep, move to an unlit corner," warned Mimryn told them as they all entered the cave.

The dull light from the entrance wound through the tunnel down into the cave and pierced deep within the cavern. Mauro and Saiberu looked up at the surprisingly high ceiling, marveling at the many bird's nests that dotted numerous pockets and lips in the stone above their heads.
Saiberu settled down somewhat in front of and right beside where the tunnel opened up to the main space, placing herself protectively between anything that would find its way into the entrance. Mimryn set himself nearly in the very middle of the cave, and Mauro found a mostly-unlit corner to curl up in. As the Tundra shut his tired cyan eyes, the only light that came from the corner was the sparking life within the egg... a sort of night light for the fluffy sleeping dragon.

Saiberu focused on listening for a while as she lay sprawled out there at the mouth of the lair- her new home. This place had bears... birds... and her new family. Drowsiness dragged her luminous eyes closed and cast a heaviness over her limbs, pulling her mind into the dormancy that was slumber.
There was not too much about this situation that elicited a frown from her great, jagged mouth, save the memories that dogged her mind as it fell quickly into the darkness of sleep. The curtain of dreams drew heavily across her thoughts and paralyzed her limbs both in her mind and in the waking world. Endless screams and howls of anguish rose from the inky dream world around her, accusing her in her mind without missing a beat as she twitched in her slumber.

Help- oh help us! You've abandoned us, taken the precious eggs then up and ran! Help, oh someone help us! You're a coward- abandoning your leader and the clan that so lovingly took you in! Oh- the pain! Will no one help us?! Cries of accusation and dismay assailed her unconscious mind as she slept, dark swaths of colors formed like snapping jaws flashed constantly before her, snapping at each other like battling dragons.
You could have saved us! wailed the slender from of a Pearlcatcher as it fell swiftly out of and back into the blackness that surrounded Saiberu. You've didn't do anything about our deaths!

NO! No that isn't true- had I stayed I would have died too! I wanted to help, but I couldn't do anyth- Saiberu began to beg, her voice shattering suddenly and resounding about her consciousness, her plea choked off by a weight on her chest.
A deep pink mass had cast itself onto her and seeped across her broad wings and chest, rendering Saiberu unable to move or speak. The pink mass dragged itself slowly into the haphazardly standing form of a WildClaw, eyes blazing with Arcane fire. The form seemed to be dribbling pink bits of itself into the darkness below, and horror bloomed in Saiberu's heart as she remembered this apparition in the entrance tunnel earlier. The face of the form split in two, creating a mouth that was much wider and larger than it should have been. You don't belong here, little Guardian... you never belonged here! moaned the Wildclaw, a mad fervor in its abnormally fluctuating voice.

The smoldering eyes of the Wildclaw suddenly slid down its face, dragging down the thin neck of the dragon all while the too-wide mouth continued to accuse. You don't belong... run! RUN! Globs of pink bled from the body as the eyes blazed on, focused intently on Saiberu even as they oozed down the chest that seemed to have putty-like consistency. The pink, fiery orbs dropped, one then the other, away into the darkness, but still the Wildclaw chanted. Run, you never belonged... run... RUN! it screeched a piercing cry that undulated much like its disintegrating body. The mouth opened to form a frighteningly unnatural shape, and red lines began to bleed out from the already degenerating pink slop frame. The cry split through Saiberu's head and filled it with white hot pain and overwhelming terror. As the dragon before her fell apart in a mess of blood and pink slop, all Saiberu could feel was the intense need to get away from the abomination- yet she was helpless to do so.

Saiberu heart raced, her sleeping form loosing a drawn out, scared whimper that carried through the cavern. A pair of cyan eyes opened from the middle of the room, and Mimryn raised his head. He looked for a moment in the direction of Mauro's sleeping place, but no noises came from the small dragon.
"Saiberu..?" he murmured, looking in her direction for a moment before getting his legs under him and pacing quietly to the sleeping Guardian. As he padded closer on his quiet feet, the Imperial noticed the strong charcoal body of his new Guardian clanmate tremble and shake, another whine bleeding from her scantly parted jaws. "Oh dear... bad dreams?" he breathed the question to himself, already knowing the answer.

Mimryn stood quietly beside Saiberu's unconscious form, looking down at her with concern. For a dragon less than half his size, this proud female Guardian had never seemed to truly be that small save for this moment; lying on one of her wings, trembling slightly, and whining fearfully at the mercy of something he could not see. Mimryn bent his neck to lower his head close to hers. He listened to her quick and labored breathing and watched the feverish movements of her eyes behind her eyelids. After a moment, Mimryn slowly laid himself down at her back.
Outside, the ever-present storm raged on, now pouring rain down over the lair. The bright flashes of lightning played over the forms of Mimryn and Saiberu, light that was only noticed by the larger of the two. Mimryn settled himself down just behind Saiberu, curling his body around her. Now lying very close to her, the Imperial could feel the intensity of the trembling that plagued her. His concern for her state of mind grew even more as he did not feel her shaking seem to ebb. He moved closer to Saiberu so that his long body held close around hers. He bent his neck to lay his head down beside hers in efforts to calm her with the still heat of his body along the whole length of her neck and back. Opening one of his wings, he extended it over the Guardian like a protective blanket before closing his eyes and breathing deeply. "I've got you, Saiberu, everything will be fine..." he whispered to her, letting his wing lie atop her body as he held her close.
Slowly, Mimryn drifted off to sleep curled around Saiberu, and Saiberu's dreams ceased their thrashing, allowing her to sleep soundly as well.
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!

Socrates! So that's how you got all the way there! *0*

And poor Saiberu! I'm curious how she'll react to learning Socrates's past considering where she came from. *w*

Socrates! So that's how you got all the way there! *0*

And poor Saiberu! I'm curious how she'll react to learning Socrates's past considering where she came from. *w*

Yep! Finally bringing him into the story! :)

Saiberu's got a level head on that long neck of hers, but only time will tell how she'll react.

Yep! Finally bringing him into the story! :)

Saiberu's got a level head on that long neck of hers, but only time will tell how she'll react.
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro Chapter 7: [b]What the morning brings[/b] [size=4][b]After her night of frightful dreams had reluctantly subsided, the rude awakening the leader of the three-dragon-clan received was incredibly tame by comparison.[/size][/b] The sun had barely peaked up above the horizon when the panicked roaring began, and Mimryn and his flock of familiars were the first to react. When the massive Imperial rose to his feet, Saiberu abruptly realized that as he got up, there was a coldness at her back. [i]What... what was he doing behind me? Why was he sleeping curled around by back?[/i] A brief flush of confusion heated her face and her eye ridges furrowed, but there wasn't time to dwell on that. Mimryn let out a call that sounded like a throaty bird's cawing, and his familiars all descended from their roosts at once. At least a dozen Storm Seekers, all led by Seek- who was noticeably larger than the rest, followed by two Emerald Webwings and the Hippogriff swarmed down from the ceiling. Mauro was looking up with a dazed look held in his tired cyan eyes. "What's going on, Mimryn?" he called, sitting up and adjusting the egg curled in his tail. Another furious panic rose from outside the lair, this one clearly a battle cry from one of the resident bears, and Mauro's thick fur stood on end- he looked like a dragon-sized, startled cat. "That sounds like the bears outside... are they alright!?" he called, his voice tinted with a scared whine. "Stay here, Mauro. There is something spooking the bears," Mimryn told the Tundra, and Mauro settled back down, curling around the precious egg. "You'll know when it is safe to emerge, Mauro," Saiberu told her charge and stood up quickly and followed the Imperial out of the entrance, keeping her head low to allow for the flying familiars to go past. Pausing for a brief moment, Saiberu marveled at the sheer number of birds Mimryn had amassed - there was a whole flock here! [img][/img] But the time for marveling at the numerous birds was not now, and Saiberu advanced right behind Mimryn in defense of their new home. As the massive, blue-shining Imperial loosed a roar that boomed impressively out from his immense form, a startled and desperate cry rose from their right beside the pool. It was the Water bear, gesturing wildly at the angry forms a few meters away. "What is going on here!?" Saiberu growled as Mimryn stood behind her, thinking the same thing. Saiberu briefly thanked the Stormcatcher that he was on [i]her[/i] side so that she would not have to face this alone... there was no way she'd allow Mauro to leave the safety of the lair. She could only stand still and stare confoundedly she took in the scene before her. [url=] [img][/img][/url] [img][/img] A female Skydancer, shimmering and blue as Mimryn, but not nearly as large, stood with her back to Saiberu and Mimryn. A mantle of netting was draped over her nimble form, a wreath of sea shells around her neck fastened the net there and held it in place as the Skydancer moved around. Beside her with feathers puffed out stood a Wildwood Owl. Aggressive hooting noises came from the large green owl familiar as it spread its wings wide and lowered its head, ready to charge in defense of the Skydancer, it seemed. The Skydancer spared the two clan-dragons a startled glance before turning away to take up her defensive stance again when the dragon she faced growled deeply. A male Spiral flew erratically through the air a few paces away from the Skydancer, a Longneck familiar leaned on its stick just below the Spiral. The Spiral was a small creature, barely as long as the wingspan of the Skydancer he squared off with, but the intent in his eyes was resolute and knowing... as if he was perfectly fine removing this obstacle in his way by whatever means he deemed necessary. A bitter look crossed over his face as if a memory of some kind had surfaced. His wind swept eyes were locked on the Skydancer and only paid Mimryn a wary glance when he had roared. Over by the pond, the Wavebreak Snarler was out of the water and planted firmly between the fighting dragons and the Timber Tender. The Nature bear was laid out on the dusty ground and trembling limply, blood seeped from wounds on one side of his face and one of the branches on his back was cracked. The Water bear huffed a breath from its nose as Saiberu and Mimryn emerged, a relieved look gracing the bear's features. Saiberu didn't quite know what to make of the scene before her but knew that she needed to stop this brawl before anyone else got hurt. Before the Guardian could act, however, the Spiral snarled and launched forward, his many blue wings allowing him quick movements. The Skydancer's familiar acted before his dragon could, and the same moment the Spiral launched forward, so did the Owl. Aggressive hooting rang from the large bird and rose to vengeful screeching and the familiar's talons met with the claws of the male Spiral. The forest bird beat his wings valiantly and parried each blow the Spiral dished out, even managing to nick the face of his opponent with a lucky swipe of his talons. The two creatures seemed to be meeting each other's blows one for one, familiar keeping dragon at bay for the sake of his own master. But sadly, this butting of heads didn't last. While the bird was bigger in girth and held the higher stamina, the Spiral was more flexible. He quickly weaved around the Owl's strikes and lashed his arrowhead tail at the face of the familiar to briefly stun it before flattening his opponent with a strike from both his front claws. The owl's pained cry brought an angry one from the Skydancer, who was glowing fiercely with a dark blue light that had gathered thickly around her during the time bought by her familiar's stuggles. She roared as the Spiral went for her, the water in the pool churning violently as her rage grew - which was clearly seen in her deep blue eyes. "Out of my way- that watering hole is mine!" the Spiral shouted and corkscrewed around in the air to dodge a sudden blast of contuse from the Skydancer. "Finish her like you did that bird, master Socrates!" called the Longneck Skirmisher who had been watching quietly until now. "Size means nothing when it comes to your supreme strength and boldness in battle!" the Longneck cheered. The defeated owl familiar laid crumpled on the ground with two pairs of claw marks over its feathered face and chest. The Nature bear had his eyes open now, and was grunting in pain. The Skydancer struggled backwards to duck away from the blows Socrates the Spiral was throwing at her. She inhaled with visible effort and spat another shot of contuse in Soctrates' face, this time hitting her mark. The magic white substance quickly oozed all over the Spiral's claws, dulling their cutting power. Socrates snarled, furious, and dashed forward quickly to loop around the Skydancer's neck. [i]I will not make the same mistake of not finishing the job again![/i] thought the midnight-colored Spiral, his eyes narrowing. The female Skydancer could only writhe in his grip as Socrates tightened around her throat and opened his mouth, preparing to finish it. Saiberu had seen enough. Her upper lip peeled back and she thrust her head forward, letting out a bellow that made the Longneck jump and Socrates flinch and freeze - for he had forgotten the other two dragons were there. Staring forward, Mimryn right behind her, Saiberu's voice rose sharply, her body fins flaring out aggressively. "Release her! Both of you, stop this now if you want to live!" Her voice held no amusement or notes of mercy. When the Spiral didn't react or adhere to what was just said, Mimryn decided to act. To emphasize the point of his leader, Mimryn cawed an order to his flock, and the Hippogriff flew to look to Saiberu as if asking permission. She chirped and flapped to look the Guardian in the eyes. Saiberu nodded to the purple winged familiar, and the Hippogriff shot forward with great speed directly at Socrates. The Spiral gasped and disengaged from the Skydancer to flee. The Hippogriff gave chase and turned Socrates around to direct him towards Saiberu with swift strikes to his spiraling flanks. Seeing an opening, Socrates sped up and bared his teeth at the Guardian who was at more than triple his size. Saiberu huffed and brought her tail around to knock Socrates and unbalance him. Tipping precariously now, the Spiral spun to get his bearings one more, only to be cannoned into by the Hippogriff. The bird beast familiar screeched in Socrates' face and pinned him to the ground right in front of Saiberu. Being larger than the small dragon, the Hippogriff was able to hold him down easily, and when he struggled, she reached quickly to snap her beak down over one of his wings. This stopped the Spiral. "No- not my wings, that'll ground me for weeks!" he pleaded. "Then you'd better relax, Socrates." Saiberu looked down at Socrates. "She will not hesitate to rip that wing off of you, that I can guarantee," Mimryn chimed in. "She has found a master in you, Saiberu, this I can tell- for these creatures value strength." Saiberu blinked down at the Hippogriff and nodded. Suddenly there was a yell, and the Longneck familiar was running at them. "Seek!" Mimryn cawed, and the large Storm Seeker dove from where he flew, the rest of his flock right behind him. The seeker flock intercepted and overtook the Longneck quickly, beating him down onto the ground and hovering to keep him there. Saiberu surveyed all that was before her. Two injured familiars and two strange dragons, one of which had a death wish. "You there, Skydancer," she called, looking briefly to her familiar and nodding. The Hippogriff nodded back and ruffled her wings, keeping a hold on Socrates. Saiberu moved around the pinned Spiral and walked over to the Skydancer who stood now over her injured familiar. "My name is Saiberu, and I am leader of this clan. What is your name and why have you come here, Skydancer?" Saiberu asked as she drew closer. The Skydancer seemed to need a moment to gather her wits about her, and it was then that Saiberu noticed how young this dragon looked - [i]not even a month old at best,[/i] she thought. [i]What is such a young Water dragon doing here with only a Wildwood Owl?[/i] The shimmering Skydancer looked so scared and so small as she gathered her Owl up beneath her and summoned the will to answer. "My name is Myrtilus, and I don't know how I got here. I just awoke one day with my face in these static-charged sands and nothing familiar but Barry here around." She stopped and looked down at Barry, who looked up at her with pained eyes. "I come from The Sea of a Thousand Currents, but I don't recall how I came here from there." Saiberu took this information in and let out a soft breath. "What do you know of Socrates, Myrtilus?" the Guardian asked, and those blue eyes met her cyan ones. "What happened here?" "He is a stranger to me. I was wandering aimlessly in these unforgiving deserts when I stumbled upon your lair, great Saiberu. When I approached, Socrates seemed to arrive at the same time, and he attacked the Timber Tender - I know not why. The Wavebreak Snarler was the only thing that kept the Spiral from killing the poor Tender. Socrates kept saying something like he was going to claim the watering hole as his own, and that was when he turned his claws from the Tender to me. Lack of water here in the Shifting Expanse must have driven him mad..." Myrtilus told Saiberu, and a new anger found its way into Saiberu's chest. [i]He injured my clanmate... tried to claim my territory...[/i] To this Saiberu could not immediately find a response for, but when she did find her voice, she struggled to keep her Guardian instincts, which were currently setting her teeth on edge, in check. "Did he now?" she said at length, casting a glance at where the murderous Spiral was still pinned. Myrtilus nodded, looking up at the Guardian nervously. The massive, white-winged dragon was silent for a moment, her bright eyes locked onto the Spiral, who had noticed her attention on him by now and was completely limp beneath the Guardian's familiar, fear in his eyes. Mimryn shot Saiberu a questioning look, wondering what the Skydancer had told her, but saying nothing. "Myrtilus... come, you may get water and rest in my lair. If you have nowhere to stay, you are welcome in my clan," she told the smaller dragon. "Drink and rest, you and your familiar need it. Take the Timber Tender inside when you go, please." Myrtilus could once again no long summon words to her lips. She merely nodded and helped Barry up, walking over to the side of the Timber Tender to nudge at the injured bear too. Both bears perked up in Myrtilus' presence - especially the Water bear - and they all drank from the spring, the Wavebreak Snarler sliding back into the water once he was finished drinknig. Saiberu paced back to where Socrates and his familiar were held, looking to Mimryn with a glance at the Longneck. Mimryn understood and called to his flock, who obediently left the Longneck be. Not a heartbeat after the Storm Seekers let the Longneck Skirmisher breathe, Saiberu's massive claws grabbed the tiny familiar and flung him to land beside Socrates. "Waperir!" Socrates gasped, craning his neck to see that the Longneck survived the lob. "I am alright, master Socrates," Waperir groaned, about to sit up. Saiberu stalked over to them, her head low and her eyes charged with fury. Her Hippogriff took one look into her new master's eyes and knew she chose to serve a powerful dragon... [i]maybe even stronger than Lord Garuga..?[/i] "Move, my friend," Saiberu growled, and the winged familiar did so quickly. Saiberu raised one of her large paws and thumped it down upon Socrates and Waperir, holding them where they lay firmly with just enough strength behind her claws for it to hurt. Waperir could do nothing but cough, while Socrates grimaced and steeled himself. "Are you going to kill me now, Saiberu?" he asked, but the Guardian did not answer, only seethed down at the dragon she wished to exact revenge upon. Mimryn looked on from where he stood shifting his attention to the Skydancer and moving over to her. Saiberu heard Mimryn's heavy self moving around, but did not look to see where he was going. She glared down at Socrates, thinking. [i]I dislike leaving any to die in this desert... and it is possible he is simply driven to these mad acts by thirst... but he must prove himself if he wishes to live,[/i] the furious Guardian mused, bringing to mind what she saw her previous clan's healer doing with some interesting cacti. [i]We have many wounded familiars here now, but nothing to treat them with... maybe if he..?[/i] her thoughts trailed off as she made up her mind. "You have two choices, Socrates, Waperir," the great charcoal-colored Guardian hissed through clenched teeth, her rage barely contained. "You either leave now and never return... or," she paused to press down on the two a little harder. "You go and collect three flowering cacti and bring them back for the beneficial juices which they contain... and in return I will not kill you." Saiberu growled at them, flexing her claws for emphasis. "If you return without the cacti, I will end you." At this, Saiberu lifted her foot. Socrates seized Waperir and tore off into the desert sky, flying low. His mission was clear: [i]Cacti... or die.[/i] Saiberu looked on after the two of them, settling down under the stormlit skies of the morning to wait. Suddenly she felt a warmth at her flank, and looked down to find Mauro nuzzling against her great grey side. "I got so worried, I just had to come out," Mauro whined, and Saiberu bent to nuzzle his back comfortingly. "Everything is alright now, Mauro dear," she murmured, and her charge looked up at her. "Saiberu, when will we eat?" he asked, sitting down beside her and shifting the egg in his tail. The Guardian blinked, realizing belatedly that none of them have had anything to eat since yesterday... perhaps longer for Mauro seeing as there aren't many plants here in the desert of the Shifting Expanse. "Soon, Mauro, we will go on a hunting trip. In the meantime..." Saiberu looked to where Myrtilus and Mimryn were guiding the two injured familiars back into the lair and Mauro's eyes followed her gaze. "Go and greet our new friend, her name is Myrrtilus," she told the Tundra, and he stood up quickly. "A new friend? Oh boy, oh boy!" Mauro sang, eyes aglow as he tread over to the two blue dragons, his long fur catching in the breeze and billowing about him as he moved. "Hi! I'm Mauro!" he bubbled to Myrtilus, who smiled back. The rest of their conversation fell to the wayside as Saiberu looked back out to the stormy desert and waited for what the hot-headed Wind dragon Socrates would do... Would he return?
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong @pensandink @LadyValerian @Antaria @genotypical @Nimphy @Digimon11 @LadyKuro

Chapter 7: What the morning brings

After her night of frightful dreams had reluctantly subsided, the rude awakening the leader of the three-dragon-clan received was incredibly tame by comparison. The sun had barely peaked up above the horizon when the panicked roaring began, and Mimryn and his flock of familiars were the first to react. When the massive Imperial rose to his feet, Saiberu abruptly realized that as he got up, there was a coldness at her back. What... what was he doing behind me? Why was he sleeping curled around by back? A brief flush of confusion heated her face and her eye ridges furrowed, but there wasn't time to dwell on that.
Mimryn let out a call that sounded like a throaty bird's cawing, and his familiars all descended from their roosts at once. At least a dozen Storm Seekers, all led by Seek- who was noticeably larger than the rest, followed by two Emerald Webwings and the Hippogriff swarmed down from the ceiling.

Mauro was looking up with a dazed look held in his tired cyan eyes. "What's going on, Mimryn?" he called, sitting up and adjusting the egg curled in his tail. Another furious panic rose from outside the lair, this one clearly a battle cry from one of the resident bears, and Mauro's thick fur stood on end- he looked like a dragon-sized, startled cat. "That sounds like the bears outside... are they alright!?" he called, his voice tinted with a scared whine.

"Stay here, Mauro. There is something spooking the bears," Mimryn told the Tundra, and Mauro settled back down, curling around the precious egg.
"You'll know when it is safe to emerge, Mauro," Saiberu told her charge and stood up quickly and followed the Imperial out of the entrance, keeping her head low to allow for the flying familiars to go past. Pausing for a brief moment, Saiberu marveled at the sheer number of birds Mimryn had amassed - there was a whole flock here!


But the time for marveling at the numerous birds was not now, and Saiberu advanced right behind Mimryn in defense of their new home. As the massive, blue-shining Imperial loosed a roar that boomed impressively out from his immense form, a startled and desperate cry rose from their right beside the pool. It was the Water bear, gesturing wildly at the angry forms a few meters away.
"What is going on here!?" Saiberu growled as Mimryn stood behind her, thinking the same thing. Saiberu briefly thanked the Stormcatcher that he was on her side so that she would not have to face this alone... there was no way she'd allow Mauro to leave the safety of the lair.
She could only stand still and stare confoundedly she took in the scene before her.



A female Skydancer, shimmering and blue as Mimryn, but not nearly as large, stood with her back to Saiberu and Mimryn. A mantle of netting was draped over her nimble form, a wreath of sea shells around her neck fastened the net there and held it in place as the Skydancer moved around. Beside her with feathers puffed out stood a Wildwood Owl. Aggressive hooting noises came from the large green owl familiar as it spread its wings wide and lowered its head, ready to charge in defense of the Skydancer, it seemed. The Skydancer spared the two clan-dragons a startled glance before turning away to take up her defensive stance again when the dragon she faced growled deeply.

A male Spiral flew erratically through the air a few paces away from the Skydancer, a Longneck familiar leaned on its stick just below the Spiral. The Spiral was a small creature, barely as long as the wingspan of the Skydancer he squared off with, but the intent in his eyes was resolute and knowing... as if he was perfectly fine removing this obstacle in his way by whatever means he deemed necessary. A bitter look crossed over his face as if a memory of some kind had surfaced. His wind swept eyes were locked on the Skydancer and only paid Mimryn a wary glance when he had roared.

Over by the pond, the Wavebreak Snarler was out of the water and planted firmly between the fighting dragons and the Timber Tender. The Nature bear was laid out on the dusty ground and trembling limply, blood seeped from wounds on one side of his face and one of the branches on his back was cracked. The Water bear huffed a breath from its nose as Saiberu and Mimryn emerged, a relieved look gracing the bear's features.
Saiberu didn't quite know what to make of the scene before her but knew that she needed to stop this brawl before anyone else got hurt.

Before the Guardian could act, however, the Spiral snarled and launched forward, his many blue wings allowing him quick movements. The Skydancer's familiar acted before his dragon could, and the same moment the Spiral launched forward, so did the Owl. Aggressive hooting rang from the large bird and rose to vengeful screeching and the familiar's talons met with the claws of the male Spiral.
The forest bird beat his wings valiantly and parried each blow the Spiral dished out, even managing to nick the face of his opponent with a lucky swipe of his talons. The two creatures seemed to be meeting each other's blows one for one, familiar keeping dragon at bay for the sake of his own master.

But sadly, this butting of heads didn't last.
While the bird was bigger in girth and held the higher stamina, the Spiral was more flexible. He quickly weaved around the Owl's strikes and lashed his arrowhead tail at the face of the familiar to briefly stun it before flattening his opponent with a strike from both his front claws. The owl's pained cry brought an angry one from the Skydancer, who was glowing fiercely with a dark blue light that had gathered thickly around her during the time bought by her familiar's stuggles. She roared as the Spiral went for her, the water in the pool churning violently as her rage grew - which was clearly seen in her deep blue eyes.

"Out of my way- that watering hole is mine!" the Spiral shouted and corkscrewed around in the air to dodge a sudden blast of contuse from the Skydancer.
"Finish her like you did that bird, master Socrates!" called the Longneck Skirmisher who had been watching quietly until now. "Size means nothing when it comes to your supreme strength and boldness in battle!" the Longneck cheered.

The defeated owl familiar laid crumpled on the ground with two pairs of claw marks over its feathered face and chest. The Nature bear had his eyes open now, and was grunting in pain. The Skydancer struggled backwards to duck away from the blows Socrates the Spiral was throwing at her. She inhaled with visible effort and spat another shot of contuse in Soctrates' face, this time hitting her mark. The magic white substance quickly oozed all over the Spiral's claws, dulling their cutting power. Socrates snarled, furious, and dashed forward quickly to loop around the Skydancer's neck. I will not make the same mistake of not finishing the job again! thought the midnight-colored Spiral, his eyes narrowing. The female Skydancer could only writhe in his grip as Socrates tightened around her throat and opened his mouth, preparing to finish it.

Saiberu had seen enough.
Her upper lip peeled back and she thrust her head forward, letting out a bellow that made the Longneck jump and Socrates flinch and freeze - for he had forgotten the other two dragons were there. Staring forward, Mimryn right behind her, Saiberu's voice rose sharply, her body fins flaring out aggressively.
"Release her! Both of you, stop this now if you want to live!" Her voice held no amusement or notes of mercy. When the Spiral didn't react or adhere to what was just said, Mimryn decided to act. To emphasize the point of his leader, Mimryn cawed an order to his flock, and the Hippogriff flew to look to Saiberu as if asking permission. She chirped and flapped to look the Guardian in the eyes.
Saiberu nodded to the purple winged familiar, and the Hippogriff shot forward with great speed directly at Socrates. The Spiral gasped and disengaged from the Skydancer to flee. The Hippogriff gave chase and turned Socrates around to direct him towards Saiberu with swift strikes to his spiraling flanks.

Seeing an opening, Socrates sped up and bared his teeth at the Guardian who was at more than triple his size. Saiberu huffed and brought her tail around to knock Socrates and unbalance him. Tipping precariously now, the Spiral spun to get his bearings one more, only to be cannoned into by the Hippogriff. The bird beast familiar screeched in Socrates' face and pinned him to the ground right in front of Saiberu. Being larger than the small dragon, the Hippogriff was able to hold him down easily, and when he struggled, she reached quickly to snap her beak down over one of his wings.
This stopped the Spiral. "No- not my wings, that'll ground me for weeks!" he pleaded.
"Then you'd better relax, Socrates." Saiberu looked down at Socrates.

"She will not hesitate to rip that wing off of you, that I can guarantee," Mimryn chimed in. "She has found a master in you, Saiberu, this I can tell- for these creatures value strength." Saiberu blinked down at the Hippogriff and nodded.
Suddenly there was a yell, and the Longneck familiar was running at them.
"Seek!" Mimryn cawed, and the large Storm Seeker dove from where he flew, the rest of his flock right behind him. The seeker flock intercepted and overtook the Longneck quickly, beating him down onto the ground and hovering to keep him there.

Saiberu surveyed all that was before her. Two injured familiars and two strange dragons, one of which had a death wish. "You there, Skydancer," she called, looking briefly to her familiar and nodding. The Hippogriff nodded back and ruffled her wings, keeping a hold on Socrates. Saiberu moved around the pinned Spiral and walked over to the Skydancer who stood now over her injured familiar. "My name is Saiberu, and I am leader of this clan. What is your name and why have you come here, Skydancer?" Saiberu asked as she drew closer. The Skydancer seemed to need a moment to gather her wits about her, and it was then that Saiberu noticed how young this dragon looked - not even a month old at best, she thought. What is such a young Water dragon doing here with only a Wildwood Owl?

The shimmering Skydancer looked so scared and so small as she gathered her Owl up beneath her and summoned the will to answer. "My name is Myrtilus, and I don't know how I got here. I just awoke one day with my face in these static-charged sands and nothing familiar but Barry here around." She stopped and looked down at Barry, who looked up at her with pained eyes. "I come from The Sea of a Thousand Currents, but I don't recall how I came here from there."
Saiberu took this information in and let out a soft breath.
"What do you know of Socrates, Myrtilus?" the Guardian asked, and those blue eyes met her cyan ones. "What happened here?"
"He is a stranger to me. I was wandering aimlessly in these unforgiving deserts when I stumbled upon your lair, great Saiberu. When I approached, Socrates seemed to arrive at the same time, and he attacked the Timber Tender - I know not why. The Wavebreak Snarler was the only thing that kept the Spiral from killing the poor Tender. Socrates kept saying something like he was going to claim the watering hole as his own, and that was when he turned his claws from the Tender to me. Lack of water here in the Shifting Expanse must have driven him mad..." Myrtilus told Saiberu, and a new anger found its way into Saiberu's chest. He injured my clanmate... tried to claim my territory...

To this Saiberu could not immediately find a response for, but when she did find her voice, she struggled to keep her Guardian instincts, which were currently setting her teeth on edge, in check. "Did he now?" she said at length, casting a glance at where the murderous Spiral was still pinned. Myrtilus nodded, looking up at the Guardian nervously. The massive, white-winged dragon was silent for a moment, her bright eyes locked onto the Spiral, who had noticed her attention on him by now and was completely limp beneath the Guardian's familiar, fear in his eyes. Mimryn shot Saiberu a questioning look, wondering what the Skydancer had told her, but saying nothing. "Myrtilus... come, you may get water and rest in my lair. If you have nowhere to stay, you are welcome in my clan," she told the smaller dragon. "Drink and rest, you and your familiar need it. Take the Timber Tender inside when you go, please."
Myrtilus could once again no long summon words to her lips. She merely nodded and helped Barry up, walking over to the side of the Timber Tender to nudge at the injured bear too. Both bears perked up in Myrtilus' presence - especially the Water bear - and they all drank from the spring, the Wavebreak Snarler sliding back into the water once he was finished drinknig.

Saiberu paced back to where Socrates and his familiar were held, looking to Mimryn with a glance at the Longneck. Mimryn understood and called to his flock, who obediently left the Longneck be. Not a heartbeat after the Storm Seekers let the Longneck Skirmisher breathe, Saiberu's massive claws grabbed the tiny familiar and flung him to land beside Socrates.
"Waperir!" Socrates gasped, craning his neck to see that the Longneck survived the lob.
"I am alright, master Socrates," Waperir groaned, about to sit up. Saiberu stalked over to them, her head low and her eyes charged with fury. Her Hippogriff took one look into her new master's eyes and knew she chose to serve a powerful dragon... maybe even stronger than Lord Garuga..?

"Move, my friend," Saiberu growled, and the winged familiar did so quickly. Saiberu raised one of her large paws and thumped it down upon Socrates and Waperir, holding them where they lay firmly with just enough strength behind her claws for it to hurt. Waperir could do nothing but cough, while Socrates grimaced and steeled himself.

"Are you going to kill me now, Saiberu?" he asked, but the Guardian did not answer, only seethed down at the dragon she wished to exact revenge upon. Mimryn looked on from where he stood shifting his attention to the Skydancer and moving over to her. Saiberu heard Mimryn's heavy self moving around, but did not look to see where he was going. She glared down at Socrates, thinking. I dislike leaving any to die in this desert... and it is possible he is simply driven to these mad acts by thirst... but he must prove himself if he wishes to live, the furious Guardian mused, bringing to mind what she saw her previous clan's healer doing with some interesting cacti. We have many wounded familiars here now, but nothing to treat them with... maybe if he..? her thoughts trailed off as she made up her mind.

"You have two choices, Socrates, Waperir," the great charcoal-colored Guardian hissed through clenched teeth, her rage barely contained. "You either leave now and never return... or," she paused to press down on the two a little harder. "You go and collect three flowering cacti and bring them back for the beneficial juices which they contain... and in return I will not kill you." Saiberu growled at them, flexing her claws for emphasis. "If you return without the cacti, I will end you."
At this, Saiberu lifted her foot. Socrates seized Waperir and tore off into the desert sky, flying low. His mission was clear: Cacti... or die.

Saiberu looked on after the two of them, settling down under the stormlit skies of the morning to wait. Suddenly she felt a warmth at her flank, and looked down to find Mauro nuzzling against her great grey side.
"I got so worried, I just had to come out," Mauro whined, and Saiberu bent to nuzzle his back comfortingly.
"Everything is alright now, Mauro dear," she murmured, and her charge looked up at her.
"Saiberu, when will we eat?" he asked, sitting down beside her and shifting the egg in his tail. The Guardian blinked, realizing belatedly that none of them have had anything to eat since yesterday... perhaps longer for Mauro seeing as there aren't many plants here in the desert of the Shifting Expanse.

"Soon, Mauro, we will go on a hunting trip. In the meantime..." Saiberu looked to where Myrtilus and Mimryn were guiding the two injured familiars back into the lair and Mauro's eyes followed her gaze. "Go and greet our new friend, her name is Myrrtilus," she told the Tundra, and he stood up quickly.
"A new friend? Oh boy, oh boy!" Mauro sang, eyes aglow as he tread over to the two blue dragons, his long fur catching in the breeze and billowing about him as he moved. "Hi! I'm Mauro!" he bubbled to Myrtilus, who smiled back.
The rest of their conversation fell to the wayside as Saiberu looked back out to the stormy desert and waited for what the hot-headed Wind dragon Socrates would do...

Would he return?
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@Kinshara I only had a chance to read chapter 1 last night, but this is really interesting so far. c: Also, for some reason when I was reading, your Lairmaster dragon sounded a bit like Mufasa in my head.
@Kinshara I only had a chance to read chapter 1 last night, but this is really interesting so far. c: Also, for some reason when I was reading, your Lairmaster dragon sounded a bit like Mufasa in my head.
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@Kinshara Glad I stumbled upon this today, what a great read! Feel bad for lairmaster dude ): RIP In meni pepornis. Anywho, love the nuzlocke and I would love to be apart of the growing ping army! ^.^

-tips fedora-
@Kinshara Glad I stumbled upon this today, what a great read! Feel bad for lairmaster dude ): RIP In meni pepornis. Anywho, love the nuzlocke and I would love to be apart of the growing ping army! ^.^

-tips fedora-
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