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TOPIC | the fourth storm {a nuzlocke} -REVISITED
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aah what suspense! Now I'm left wondering what will happen to her in the future D: Will she live in peace? Or will they hunt her down?

Add me to your pinglist! :>

aah what suspense! Now I'm left wondering what will happen to her in the future D: Will she live in peace? Or will they hunt her down?

Add me to your pinglist! :>
@RocketGrunt @Sellenair

Will do!
Hehe, that was the plan- make you want more!
@RocketGrunt @Sellenair

Will do!
Hehe, that was the plan- make you want more!
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@Kinshara well, I am willing to continue reading this, so please add me to your pinglist.
@Kinshara well, I am willing to continue reading this, so please add me to your pinglist.
Professional Grump

I live for memes

Done and done! I'm happy to know that you like it so far! Stay tuned for an update soon to come!

Done and done! I'm happy to know that you like it so far! Stay tuned for an update soon to come!
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Put me down as well please! Great story with enough detail to avoid confusion, but not so much that it lost entertainment value.

Best of luck to Saiberu! May her new clan prosper :)

Put me down as well please! Great story with enough detail to avoid confusion, but not so much that it lost entertainment value.

Best of luck to Saiberu! May her new clan prosper :)
Thanks to Tzafrir for the sig.

Glad to have you on board and thanks so much for the compliment! :D
I shall be updating soon, so stay tuned!

Glad to have you on board and thanks so much for the compliment! :D
I shall be updating soon, so stay tuned!
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!
@Kinshara Can I be added to your pinglist and oh my gosh it's another noob with a nuzloke!!! let's inflict pain upon pixel dragons together
@Kinshara Can I be added to your pinglist and oh my gosh it's another noob with a nuzloke!!! let's inflict pain upon pixel dragons together

Of course you can be added to the pinglist! ^^ I'll also add your nuzlocke to my list of other nuzlockes!
Hehe yes, I'm starting out with a nuzlocke~ Been looking forward to this for a while now since I missed the registration window before this one! Heya, stay tuned, I shall be posting my next chapter shortly.

Of course you can be added to the pinglist! ^^ I'll also add your nuzlocke to my list of other nuzlockes!
Hehe yes, I'm starting out with a nuzlocke~ Been looking forward to this for a while now since I missed the registration window before this one! Heya, stay tuned, I shall be posting my next chapter shortly.
Like reading nuzlockes? Care to read mine? Click here!
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong Chapter 2: [b]Enter, the Aggressor[/b] [size=4][b]Agony seared through the great Imperial's magnificently broken frame, and his cyan eyes shone intensely as he struggled to his feet once more.[/b][/size] "What has motivated an event such as this, my friends?" he asked his aggressors, furious energy crackling across his mane and searing the very air itself. Getting fully on all four paws, the Imperial raised his bloodied head with a grimace- receiving no answer to his question. Crimson blood seeped down his limbs and onto the cool stone floor. It ran from wounds inflicted upon the whole length of his once limber and regal body. The figures of his clanmates, those dragons and familiars whom he had watched and helped grow mature and strong, now assembled in a staggered circle around him. Some were already defeated, their souls traveling to the Stormcatcher, while most of them still held their ground. Every single one of them, save for a few very confused hatchlings and a form that laid beneath him, bared their fangs at his weakened self. His lower jaw shook with righteous fury as he bared his fangs and stood sprawled squarely over the only one that did not raise a claw against him... his dearest mate. The fair Pearlcatcher's broken body was hardly something of beauty any more. Her once kind face marred now by claw marks, gentle claws laid limp, benign eyes partially closed and lifeless. The mighty former leader now stood at the mercy of those he once called friends, his tail curled around himself and his fallen love defensively. His limbs trembled with the effort it took to keep his tired body from all but collapsing atop the departed Pearlcatcher- whose side he refused to leave. The Lairmaster opened his wings imposingly as the assorted rainbow of different colored eyes and dragons shifted about him. Three suddenly broke off from the group, joined by another- then two more. The mighty Imperial roared, thrusting out his wings to intercept two, then a third, as they leaped at his flanks. With a hiss he flapped his wings, throwing the three dragons powerfully into the encompassing stone walls. The other three closed the gap between them and him quickly, ready to attack. He thrust his neck forward and shut his jaws hard over the shallow torso of one of them- a Spiral. He ended the life of the Spiral quickly before turning sharply to make a snap at the other two... but they had already retreated. "[b]Face me with honor, you cowards![/b] I have lead every single one of you since you were young... do you wish to tell me now that I have nourished only gutless whelps!" the Lairmaster snarled, his voice cracking as he shifted his weight and gritted his teeth against the pain that was nearly crippling. A low laugh bled out of the shifting blue lamp-light of the cavern. The sound echoed off of the walls, its owner hidden within the sea of betrayal. The sea of liars parted somewhat to allow passage for a set of eerie pink eyes belonging to a bipedal, medium sized dragon. The dragon's grin was seen clearly beneath his shining eyes, feathered head poised high. "[i][b]Heh.. why won't you just stay down, old man?[/b][/i]" [s]--------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] [size=4][b]Lightning cracked overhead for the thousandth time while the charcoal colored Guardian kept moving, trying to keep her mind only on the safety of her cargo... but failing.[/b][/size] She craned her neck to gaze over her shoulder, the terrain behind her melded into a dusty, sparking plain, and she was unable to see that which she wanted so desperately to return to. Her home in the Lightning Farm was far behind her now. Soon, she would be met with the canyon area of the Shifting Expanse... the place that kept the Lightning Farm so safe. Her thoughts remained firmly on her former Lairmaster and his fate. How many rallied against him... how many stood by his side? His fate... alive, dead, held prisoner in his own home, or sent off in exile? What of his mate, that sweet, sweet Pearlcatcher? Oh, how Saiberu wished she held the strength within her limbs to turn and bolt back to the Lightning Farm and, with her sturdy black claws, [i]raze the very flesh from the bones of those who powered this disaster.[/i] To be able to render them [i]helpless[/i] under her claws would be [i]merciful[/i] for those... those [i]wicked traitors[/i]..! Saiberu swallowed hard, saliva hardly quenching her already cracked and needy throat. She growled at herself, at her weakness, at her inability to protect her Lairmaster- even if he wasn't her charge, at the wails that seemed to resonate within her skull, and the sharp stones of guilt that had burrowed into the pit of her stomach like vile worms. Saiberu shook her head, blinking her cyan eyes furiously. "[i]Wake up and smell the lightning, Sai![/i]" she whispered to herself, "Get it together..." She slowed her pace, regaining her composure through slow, easy breaths as she let her gaze fall to the ground. After a moment of practically rebooting her emotions, Saiberu remembered her thirst and lifted her gaze slowly from where it had settled watching her steps. She had to find water soon, and the closest place she knew water could be found was the Highland Scrub- or a conveniently placed cactus somewhere around here. But that was still a ways away. [i]I wish I knew more about the terrain of this land...[/i] she grumbled silently, her head lowering slightly. [i]Could be wandering out here forever before I find the Carrion Canyon... and I'm going to need water eventually.[/i] Saiberu raised her head again, scanning the area as she walked on around her for anything that could store water... for with the constant storms there just [i]had[/i] to be water somewhere. Suddenly, a loud cracking sounded from the ground near her. She nearly dismissed it as lightning, but lightning cannot come from the ground- right? Saiberu stopped dead in her tracks, the sudden shattering of the earth startling her. She turned sharply to rumble a warning growl to whatever was approaching... and the dangerous green glare she was met with nearly sent her running- but she held her ground. Poking its head out from the ground was an animal of some kind, and it did [u]not[/u] look friendly. [img][/img] The ground split apart and the Shattered Serpent rose from beneath, bone ridges crackling out a sound that was much like a rattlesnake's rattle... but much more fierce. The fins upon Saiberu's chest, limbs, and face flared up defensively, wings out to steady the two precious eggs that were perched between her shoulder blades. The serpent before her reared up to crane its neck and peer around the frazzled Guardian. It flicked its tongue out and tasted the air, frame vibrating with a greater intensity as it detected a few tasty morsels. One does not simply stumble upon a pair of delicious dragon eggs every day... oh what a treat this was. The serpent coiled itself slightly, shifting into a position to better strike at the Guardian. "You shall not have them!" Saiberu rumbled at the Shattered Serpent once she realized what it was looking at. The serpent rattled its bone armor vehemently, narrowing its glowing, lime-colored eyes at the young Guardian. "You'll have to best me before you get these eggs, vile creature!" Saiberu said, about to raise a roar of challenge at the fiend threatening her temporary charge. "W-wait! [b]Wait-[/b][i] no![/i]" a somewhat far away voice cried out. The Shattered Serpent let out a breath that whistled through its imposing bone canines, looking in annoyance over at the source of the cry. [url=][img][/img][/url] Saiberu blinked, dumbfounded. She almost didn't want to look- but look she did. Only a short ways away now was a running dragon. Judging by the size, and amount of... fur... there was a male Tundra dragon careening towards Saiberu and the Shattered Serpent just about as fast as he could manage. [i]What in Bossman's name is going on here?[/i] Saiberu wondered as the Tundra drew nearer. [s]--------[/s] A big thank you to @Bozanstvena for donating this familiar, and many others!
@Dimesocket @Nihilo @CasualTea96 @lavarift @RocketGrunt @Sellenair @ArgenteaMoon @PhoenixGlory @GaleSong

Chapter 2: Enter, the Aggressor

Agony seared through the great Imperial's magnificently broken frame, and his cyan eyes shone intensely as he struggled to his feet once more. "What has motivated an event such as this, my friends?" he asked his aggressors, furious energy crackling across his mane and searing the very air itself. Getting fully on all four paws, the Imperial raised his bloodied head with a grimace- receiving no answer to his question.

Crimson blood seeped down his limbs and onto the cool stone floor. It ran from wounds inflicted upon the whole length of his once limber and regal body. The figures of his clanmates, those dragons and familiars whom he had watched and helped grow mature and strong, now assembled in a staggered circle around him. Some were already defeated, their souls traveling to the Stormcatcher, while most of them still held their ground.

Every single one of them, save for a few very confused hatchlings and a form that laid beneath him, bared their fangs at his weakened self. His lower jaw shook with righteous fury as he bared his fangs and stood sprawled squarely over the only one that did not raise a claw against him... his dearest mate. The fair Pearlcatcher's broken body was hardly something of beauty any more. Her once kind face marred now by claw marks, gentle claws laid limp, benign eyes partially closed and lifeless.

The mighty former leader now stood at the mercy of those he once called friends, his tail curled around himself and his fallen love defensively. His limbs trembled with the effort it took to keep his tired body from all but collapsing atop the departed Pearlcatcher- whose side he refused to leave.

The Lairmaster opened his wings imposingly as the assorted rainbow of different colored eyes and dragons shifted about him.
Three suddenly broke off from the group, joined by another- then two more. The mighty Imperial roared, thrusting out his wings to intercept two, then a third, as they leaped at his flanks. With a hiss he flapped his wings, throwing the three dragons powerfully into the encompassing stone walls. The other three closed the gap between them and him quickly, ready to attack.
He thrust his neck forward and shut his jaws hard over the shallow torso of one of them- a Spiral. He ended the life of the Spiral quickly before turning sharply to make a snap at the other two... but they had already retreated.

"Face me with honor, you cowards! I have lead every single one of you since you were young... do you wish to tell me now that I have nourished only gutless whelps!" the Lairmaster snarled, his voice cracking as he shifted his weight and gritted his teeth against the pain that was nearly crippling.
A low laugh bled out of the shifting blue lamp-light of the cavern. The sound echoed off of the walls, its owner hidden within the sea of betrayal.
The sea of liars parted somewhat to allow passage for a set of eerie pink eyes belonging to a bipedal, medium sized dragon. The dragon's grin was seen clearly beneath his shining eyes, feathered head poised high. "Heh.. why won't you just stay down, old man?"

Lightning cracked overhead for the thousandth time while the charcoal colored Guardian kept moving, trying to keep her mind only on the safety of her cargo... but failing. She craned her neck to gaze over her shoulder, the terrain behind her melded into a dusty, sparking plain, and she was unable to see that which she wanted so desperately to return to. Her home in the Lightning Farm was far behind her now. Soon, she would be met with the canyon area of the Shifting Expanse... the place that kept the Lightning Farm so safe.
Her thoughts remained firmly on her former Lairmaster and his fate. How many rallied against him... how many stood by his side? His fate... alive, dead, held prisoner in his own home, or sent off in exile? What of his mate, that sweet, sweet Pearlcatcher?

Oh, how Saiberu wished she held the strength within her limbs to turn and bolt back to the Lightning Farm and, with her sturdy black claws, raze the very flesh from the bones of those who powered this disaster. To be able to render them helpless under her claws would be merciful for those... those wicked traitors..!

Saiberu swallowed hard, saliva hardly quenching her already cracked and needy throat. She growled at herself, at her weakness, at her inability to protect her Lairmaster- even if he wasn't her charge, at the wails that seemed to resonate within her skull, and the sharp stones of guilt that had burrowed into the pit of her stomach like vile worms.
Saiberu shook her head, blinking her cyan eyes furiously. "Wake up and smell the lightning, Sai!" she whispered to herself, "Get it together..." She slowed her pace, regaining her composure through slow, easy breaths as she let her gaze fall to the ground.
After a moment of practically rebooting her emotions, Saiberu remembered her thirst and lifted her gaze slowly from where it had settled watching her steps. She had to find water soon, and the closest place she knew water could be found was the Highland Scrub- or a conveniently placed cactus somewhere around here.

But that was still a ways away. I wish I knew more about the terrain of this land... she grumbled silently, her head lowering slightly. Could be wandering out here forever before I find the Carrion Canyon... and I'm going to need water eventually. Saiberu raised her head again, scanning the area as she walked on around her for anything that could store water... for with the constant storms there just had to be water somewhere.

Suddenly, a loud cracking sounded from the ground near her. She nearly dismissed it as lightning, but lightning cannot come from the ground- right?
Saiberu stopped dead in her tracks, the sudden shattering of the earth startling her. She turned sharply to rumble a warning growl to whatever was approaching... and the dangerous green glare she was met with nearly sent her running- but she held her ground. Poking its head out from the ground was an animal of some kind, and it did not look friendly.


The ground split apart and the Shattered Serpent rose from beneath, bone ridges crackling out a sound that was much like a rattlesnake's rattle... but much more fierce.
The fins upon Saiberu's chest, limbs, and face flared up defensively, wings out to steady the two precious eggs that were perched between her shoulder blades. The serpent before her reared up to crane its neck and peer around the frazzled Guardian. It flicked its tongue out and tasted the air, frame vibrating with a greater intensity as it detected a few tasty morsels. One does not simply stumble upon a pair of delicious dragon eggs every day... oh what a treat this was.
The serpent coiled itself slightly, shifting into a position to better strike at the Guardian.

"You shall not have them!" Saiberu rumbled at the Shattered Serpent once she realized what it was looking at. The serpent rattled its bone armor vehemently, narrowing its glowing, lime-colored eyes at the young Guardian. "You'll have to best me before you get these eggs, vile creature!" Saiberu said, about to raise a roar of challenge at the fiend threatening her temporary charge.

"W-wait! Wait- no!" a somewhat far away voice cried out. The Shattered Serpent let out a breath that whistled through its imposing bone canines, looking in annoyance over at the source of the cry.


Saiberu blinked, dumbfounded.
She almost didn't want to look- but look she did.
Only a short ways away now was a running dragon. Judging by the size, and amount of... fur... there was a male Tundra dragon careening towards Saiberu and the Shattered Serpent just about as fast as he could manage.
What in Bossman's name is going on here? Saiberu wondered as the Tundra drew nearer.

A big thank you to @Bozanstvena for donating this familiar, and many others!
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