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TOPIC | After the Storm – Nuzlocke story
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@Murklin @LagMonster @Gallows @Cewientje @Tedium @Kizmetto @AerinCantator @caperantagonist @Neige @VictoryInSolace @Survivors @Chloraphyll @Sildrael @Khoshekh @Stormdragon @Scyras @Rosie115 @FlyingNorth @psychocanes @Sellenair @Nihilo @Digimon11 @Katerrn
One, this update contains a a bit of backstory that is almost exactly the story I made up for some stuff that happened not long after I first joined FR. Two, augh god this took way too long to write because I was trying to find a good point to end it, but it wouldn't turn out as anything other than annoying.

Entry 32
As soon as Jiira had laid eyes on the Guardian, she'd shot forward without warning. Marl and the others didn't have much choice but to follow her out as she abandoned any sign of having a plan.

“We came to bring you back, Deri!” Jiira had flat-out yelled.

The Guardian had looked alarmed, and then horrified as a low drawn-out hiss came from nearby. Marl then caught sight of Shianzar a short distance away, eyes narrowed in the direction of the commotion. It took only seconds for him to bend, grab something that had been between his paws with his mouth, and make a dash for it. Derianda surged after him without pause.

“Come on!” shouted Jiira, and ran after them; Marl let his feet follow her. Several seconds passed before Kiterata and Cater managed to catch up, because they had chosen to fly instead of engage in a footrace with a Guardian and a pack of Mirrors.

Marl didn't know exactly how long the chase went on for, but it took them through rather a lot of twisty alleys and passages that Cater and Kiterata were forced to fly around or over rather than through. Shianzar was obviously still determined to lose his pursuers, and Derianda was equally unwilling to give up. She had ploughed through several of the obstacles, which forced Marl to fly over as well rather than risk getting crushed by the rubble. Jiira seemed too close behind the Guardian to be in danger of the falling architecture, and Marl lost sight of her more than once.

By the time he finally caught up with the three leading the chase, Derianda had pounced onto her Charge and was arguing with both Shianzar and Jiira while an incessant meeping noise filled the air.

“I absolutely cannot come back, I have to watch over my Charge, and as I said when I left he is far too volatile to allow near your clan,” Derianda was saying as Kiterata and Cater landed by Marl's side.

Let me out, you're smothering Marita!” Shianzar howled.

“Marita?” Jiira asked curiously, and Derianda reached under herself to withdraw a small golden-eyed Tundra hatchling. Shianzar snarled in rage as the hatchling was placed on the ground and meeped pitifully.

“There, she can breathe now,” Derianda told him.

“Don't let her get cold, you madwoman! And you! Get away from her!” Shianzar managed to wriggle his head out from under Derianda and snapped at Jiira, who had been sniffing the hatchling, before dragging the ball of blue fluff back towards his Guardian's bulk. The little Tundra snuggled close to his head in fright.

“Where'd he get that?” Jiira demanded.

“He found her egg in a pile of rubble, if you must know,” Derianda said. “Now please, I must ask you to leave. I will not be returning with you.”

“What? But you have to! We came all this way to tell you we don't care if Shianzar's a huge jerk! You shouldn't have to put up with him alone!”

Derianda let out a sharp breath. “Listen to me, Jiira. I cannot accept anyone's help with my Charge. He is my burden, and mine alone, to deal with. And I have now seen the evidence that he would respond better to solitude than being forced to live with others.”

“But Deri, what about you?” Jiira said plaintively.

“My wishes do not come into it, I am afraid,” the Guardian responded.

“That's stupid!” Jiira said.

Derianda opened her mouth to reply, but Cater stepped forwards. “Derianda?” The Guardian's dark eyes turned towards him. “Tenora said that Shianzar wasn't even the worst dragon she'd ever met, and she'd want you to come back even if he had been.”

“She did say that,” Derianda replied, sounding wary.

“I've known Tenora my whole life, and she wouldn't say that unless she meant it,” the Tundra continued. “There were dragons among the Founders who could be as much trouble as Shianzar. One of them was a male Ridgeback named Lorez, and he was in a relationshp with Tenora for a while when they were young. He started behaving badly towards Tenora when the eggs they had together failed to hatch. Malagrine, the original Matriarch, was going to chase him out, but a young Guardian called Delarita who was the child of two of the other Founders claimed Lorez as her Charge. For Dela's sake, they let him stay. After a while, Lorez became less awful. Delarita was always the only one he really cared about, but he did become one of the clan's defenders. But I heard her say once that she didn't think she'd have been able to help him become less abrasive if she hadn't had any company other than him.”

There was silence after Cater finished his story. Marl knew some of it already, but had never heard the whole thing. Delarita had been a Ridgeback too though, hadn't she? Although, her parents were Guardians. Marl had heard of the gods choosing to change a dragon's breed, but he'd always thought it was a myth. He'd have to ask some time when it wouldn't get in the way of what they were trying to do.

“I … ” Derianda faltered.

“I think you should bring him back to the clan, Derianda,” Cater said. “It'd be better for both of you because you'll be able to do your duties as a Guardian if you have company. Even if you don't want help with him, you still deserve friends.”

“Yeah, Deri!” Jiira said. “You can't just not have friends!”

“I am sorry,” Derianda said. “It would be wrong of me to make him come back. Even if only for a short while, he would be unkind to you all again.”

“He seems to be being nice to that hatchling,” Marl said, surprising himself. Shianzar's head jerked away from the little Tundra. It meeped at him incessantly until he put it back within reach.

“See, he can't leave it alone,” Marl pointed out.

“Shhhutup!” Shianzar snarled. “Stop talking about me like I'm not here!”

Somehow, Marl couldn't stop himself. “Okay then," he found himself saying, "Shianzar, what do you think would be the best scenario for everyone?”
@Murklin @LagMonster @Gallows @Cewientje @Tedium @Kizmetto @AerinCantator @caperantagonist @Neige @VictoryInSolace @Survivors @Chloraphyll @Sildrael @Khoshekh @Stormdragon @Scyras @Rosie115 @FlyingNorth @psychocanes @Sellenair @Nihilo @Digimon11 @Katerrn
One, this update contains a a bit of backstory that is almost exactly the story I made up for some stuff that happened not long after I first joined FR. Two, augh god this took way too long to write because I was trying to find a good point to end it, but it wouldn't turn out as anything other than annoying.

Entry 32
As soon as Jiira had laid eyes on the Guardian, she'd shot forward without warning. Marl and the others didn't have much choice but to follow her out as she abandoned any sign of having a plan.

“We came to bring you back, Deri!” Jiira had flat-out yelled.

The Guardian had looked alarmed, and then horrified as a low drawn-out hiss came from nearby. Marl then caught sight of Shianzar a short distance away, eyes narrowed in the direction of the commotion. It took only seconds for him to bend, grab something that had been between his paws with his mouth, and make a dash for it. Derianda surged after him without pause.

“Come on!” shouted Jiira, and ran after them; Marl let his feet follow her. Several seconds passed before Kiterata and Cater managed to catch up, because they had chosen to fly instead of engage in a footrace with a Guardian and a pack of Mirrors.

Marl didn't know exactly how long the chase went on for, but it took them through rather a lot of twisty alleys and passages that Cater and Kiterata were forced to fly around or over rather than through. Shianzar was obviously still determined to lose his pursuers, and Derianda was equally unwilling to give up. She had ploughed through several of the obstacles, which forced Marl to fly over as well rather than risk getting crushed by the rubble. Jiira seemed too close behind the Guardian to be in danger of the falling architecture, and Marl lost sight of her more than once.

By the time he finally caught up with the three leading the chase, Derianda had pounced onto her Charge and was arguing with both Shianzar and Jiira while an incessant meeping noise filled the air.

“I absolutely cannot come back, I have to watch over my Charge, and as I said when I left he is far too volatile to allow near your clan,” Derianda was saying as Kiterata and Cater landed by Marl's side.

Let me out, you're smothering Marita!” Shianzar howled.

“Marita?” Jiira asked curiously, and Derianda reached under herself to withdraw a small golden-eyed Tundra hatchling. Shianzar snarled in rage as the hatchling was placed on the ground and meeped pitifully.

“There, she can breathe now,” Derianda told him.

“Don't let her get cold, you madwoman! And you! Get away from her!” Shianzar managed to wriggle his head out from under Derianda and snapped at Jiira, who had been sniffing the hatchling, before dragging the ball of blue fluff back towards his Guardian's bulk. The little Tundra snuggled close to his head in fright.

“Where'd he get that?” Jiira demanded.

“He found her egg in a pile of rubble, if you must know,” Derianda said. “Now please, I must ask you to leave. I will not be returning with you.”

“What? But you have to! We came all this way to tell you we don't care if Shianzar's a huge jerk! You shouldn't have to put up with him alone!”

Derianda let out a sharp breath. “Listen to me, Jiira. I cannot accept anyone's help with my Charge. He is my burden, and mine alone, to deal with. And I have now seen the evidence that he would respond better to solitude than being forced to live with others.”

“But Deri, what about you?” Jiira said plaintively.

“My wishes do not come into it, I am afraid,” the Guardian responded.

“That's stupid!” Jiira said.

Derianda opened her mouth to reply, but Cater stepped forwards. “Derianda?” The Guardian's dark eyes turned towards him. “Tenora said that Shianzar wasn't even the worst dragon she'd ever met, and she'd want you to come back even if he had been.”

“She did say that,” Derianda replied, sounding wary.

“I've known Tenora my whole life, and she wouldn't say that unless she meant it,” the Tundra continued. “There were dragons among the Founders who could be as much trouble as Shianzar. One of them was a male Ridgeback named Lorez, and he was in a relationshp with Tenora for a while when they were young. He started behaving badly towards Tenora when the eggs they had together failed to hatch. Malagrine, the original Matriarch, was going to chase him out, but a young Guardian called Delarita who was the child of two of the other Founders claimed Lorez as her Charge. For Dela's sake, they let him stay. After a while, Lorez became less awful. Delarita was always the only one he really cared about, but he did become one of the clan's defenders. But I heard her say once that she didn't think she'd have been able to help him become less abrasive if she hadn't had any company other than him.”

There was silence after Cater finished his story. Marl knew some of it already, but had never heard the whole thing. Delarita had been a Ridgeback too though, hadn't she? Although, her parents were Guardians. Marl had heard of the gods choosing to change a dragon's breed, but he'd always thought it was a myth. He'd have to ask some time when it wouldn't get in the way of what they were trying to do.

“I … ” Derianda faltered.

“I think you should bring him back to the clan, Derianda,” Cater said. “It'd be better for both of you because you'll be able to do your duties as a Guardian if you have company. Even if you don't want help with him, you still deserve friends.”

“Yeah, Deri!” Jiira said. “You can't just not have friends!”

“I am sorry,” Derianda said. “It would be wrong of me to make him come back. Even if only for a short while, he would be unkind to you all again.”

“He seems to be being nice to that hatchling,” Marl said, surprising himself. Shianzar's head jerked away from the little Tundra. It meeped at him incessantly until he put it back within reach.

“See, he can't leave it alone,” Marl pointed out.

“Shhhutup!” Shianzar snarled. “Stop talking about me like I'm not here!”

Somehow, Marl couldn't stop himself. “Okay then," he found himself saying, "Shianzar, what do you think would be the best scenario for everyone?”
Professional Grump

I live for memes
@Murklin @LagMonster @Gallows @Cewientje @Tedium @Kizmetto @AerinCantator @caperantagonist @Neige @VictoryInSolace @Survivors @Chloraphyll @Sildrael @Khoshekh @Stormdragon @Scyras @Rosie115 @FlyingNorth @psychocanes @Sellenair @Nihilo @Digimon11 @Katerrn
Another update? I dunno, I just got stuff to do over the next few days and won't have any time to write more, and I've still been trying to post at least twice a week.

Entry 33
Before Zhara could recover from the surprise to say anything, the male Guardian continued speaking. “I must ask you to collect your own Charge and leave this place with me – it would not be safe for me to linger any longer.”

Zhara seemed to still be startled by his sudden proclamation, only managing to stutter out, “I'm sorry?”

“I am being hunted by two others who wish harm upon me and my familiar,” Duren said. “Please, I must keep moving, but I cannot leave my Charge.”

“Well, that's a problem,” said Tenora.

“How is it an issue?” Duren asked peevishly. He turned to Zhara “Surely you understand?”

“Yes, but … ” Zhara said quietly.

What is it?

Zhara pulled back at the loudness of Duren's words, causing Dorian to step between them. “I am sorry, sir. Zhara's Charge is this clan. Even if we were all present, not all of us are well enough to travel.” The bright Imperial gestured at Tenora and the still unconcious Nocturnes.

Duren looked horrified. “You can't be serious!”

“I am entirely serious, sir.” Dorian said calmly.

“We can't stay here with – with these people!”

“I'm sorry?” Tenora said almost in unison with Dorian saying, “Excuse me?” in a voice that would have sounded polite to anyone who didn't know better. Zhara edged backwards away from Duren, as if embarrassed.

“I – I mean,” Duren said, “I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you, my lady!”

Tenora stood up shakily, and moved to support the female Guardian. “You okay?” she said quietly.

Zhara nodded, her foreclaws digging into the rubble-covered ground.

“Hang on,” Tenora said as the realisation struck, “you're angry?”

“He insulted you,” Zhara said, too quietly for anyone else to hear.

“Please, I don't know what I can do now! I cannot remain here, but I cannot leave you either!” Duren seemed to be getting panicked. Zhara just looked away.

“What do you want to happen, Zhara?” Tenora asked.

“I … ” Zhara clenched her forepaws into fists. “I want him to apologise to you.”

“Go tell him then,” Tenora urged. “Go on!”

The bright Guardian took a hesitant step forwards. “I … ” she began, looking back towards Tenora.

“My lady! Please – ”

“You need to apologise to Tenora and Dorian,” Zhara said.

“I … what?” Duren seemed genuinely confused. “I am sorry, my lady, I did not intend to offend you.”

Zhara drew back towards Tenora. “Is that what you wanted, Zhara?” Zhara's fists clenched again. “Tell him what he did wrong, then.”

“No,” Zhara said nervously, “apologise to them.”

Duren looked shocked. “But I … ” he stopped, seeing Zhara pull away from him again. “I am sorry. I should not have insinuated anything negative about your clan.” He looked directly at each of Tenora and Dorian as he spoke.

“Is this a suitable apology, Zhara?” Dorian inquired.

“Yes,” Zhara said quietly.

“Very well! I accept your apology also, sir,” Dorian said very formally. “May I ask for your name?”

“I am Duren,” he said. “Guardian to Zhara … if she will let me.”
@Murklin @LagMonster @Gallows @Cewientje @Tedium @Kizmetto @AerinCantator @caperantagonist @Neige @VictoryInSolace @Survivors @Chloraphyll @Sildrael @Khoshekh @Stormdragon @Scyras @Rosie115 @FlyingNorth @psychocanes @Sellenair @Nihilo @Digimon11 @Katerrn
Another update? I dunno, I just got stuff to do over the next few days and won't have any time to write more, and I've still been trying to post at least twice a week.

Entry 33
Before Zhara could recover from the surprise to say anything, the male Guardian continued speaking. “I must ask you to collect your own Charge and leave this place with me – it would not be safe for me to linger any longer.”

Zhara seemed to still be startled by his sudden proclamation, only managing to stutter out, “I'm sorry?”

“I am being hunted by two others who wish harm upon me and my familiar,” Duren said. “Please, I must keep moving, but I cannot leave my Charge.”

“Well, that's a problem,” said Tenora.

“How is it an issue?” Duren asked peevishly. He turned to Zhara “Surely you understand?”

“Yes, but … ” Zhara said quietly.

What is it?

Zhara pulled back at the loudness of Duren's words, causing Dorian to step between them. “I am sorry, sir. Zhara's Charge is this clan. Even if we were all present, not all of us are well enough to travel.” The bright Imperial gestured at Tenora and the still unconcious Nocturnes.

Duren looked horrified. “You can't be serious!”

“I am entirely serious, sir.” Dorian said calmly.

“We can't stay here with – with these people!”

“I'm sorry?” Tenora said almost in unison with Dorian saying, “Excuse me?” in a voice that would have sounded polite to anyone who didn't know better. Zhara edged backwards away from Duren, as if embarrassed.

“I – I mean,” Duren said, “I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you, my lady!”

Tenora stood up shakily, and moved to support the female Guardian. “You okay?” she said quietly.

Zhara nodded, her foreclaws digging into the rubble-covered ground.

“Hang on,” Tenora said as the realisation struck, “you're angry?”

“He insulted you,” Zhara said, too quietly for anyone else to hear.

“Please, I don't know what I can do now! I cannot remain here, but I cannot leave you either!” Duren seemed to be getting panicked. Zhara just looked away.

“What do you want to happen, Zhara?” Tenora asked.

“I … ” Zhara clenched her forepaws into fists. “I want him to apologise to you.”

“Go tell him then,” Tenora urged. “Go on!”

The bright Guardian took a hesitant step forwards. “I … ” she began, looking back towards Tenora.

“My lady! Please – ”

“You need to apologise to Tenora and Dorian,” Zhara said.

“I … what?” Duren seemed genuinely confused. “I am sorry, my lady, I did not intend to offend you.”

Zhara drew back towards Tenora. “Is that what you wanted, Zhara?” Zhara's fists clenched again. “Tell him what he did wrong, then.”

“No,” Zhara said nervously, “apologise to them.”

Duren looked shocked. “But I … ” he stopped, seeing Zhara pull away from him again. “I am sorry. I should not have insinuated anything negative about your clan.” He looked directly at each of Tenora and Dorian as he spoke.

“Is this a suitable apology, Zhara?” Dorian inquired.

“Yes,” Zhara said quietly.

“Very well! I accept your apology also, sir,” Dorian said very formally. “May I ask for your name?”

“I am Duren,” he said. “Guardian to Zhara … if she will let me.”
Professional Grump

I live for memes
Guardians guardians everywhere lol i luv it
Guardians guardians everywhere lol i luv it
@Katerrn haha yeah it be Guardian season, or something. Oh, and it looks like the creator of a thread is no longer pinged when someone replies to it, so if you could ping me when you post, that would allow me to reply to the things you say as soon as I get the ping, rather than when I next think to look :3
@Katerrn haha yeah it be Guardian season, or something. Oh, and it looks like the creator of a thread is no longer pinged when someone replies to it, so if you could ping me when you post, that would allow me to reply to the things you say as soon as I get the ping, rather than when I next think to look :3
Professional Grump

I live for memes

lol all these stories i read and i nvr seem to get it into my head to use the ping srry :(
the Guardians are my fav breed and if ya look at my lair you'll pobly have a good laugh and say "Yep" :)

lol all these stories i read and i nvr seem to get it into my head to use the ping srry :(
the Guardians are my fav breed and if ya look at my lair you'll pobly have a good laugh and say "Yep" :)
@Katerrn ya it's no trouble!
And the only reason my own custom progen wasn't a Guardian was that I was put off by the size difference between Faes and Guardians, and if FR had decided to give me a Fae as a random progen I would have felt uncomfortable breeding them! (this was before I decided that they all breed by magic, so w/e) They have always been my favourite Plentiful breed too :3 There were a lot of them amongst my Founders, like four out of twenty or something. I was gonna turn Shianzar into a Guardian until I checked out what he could be like as a Mirror and decided to leave him that way, because Antitheist jerk is the best plot-causer ever :3
@Katerrn ya it's no trouble!
And the only reason my own custom progen wasn't a Guardian was that I was put off by the size difference between Faes and Guardians, and if FR had decided to give me a Fae as a random progen I would have felt uncomfortable breeding them! (this was before I decided that they all breed by magic, so w/e) They have always been my favourite Plentiful breed too :3 There were a lot of them amongst my Founders, like four out of twenty or something. I was gonna turn Shianzar into a Guardian until I checked out what he could be like as a Mirror and decided to leave him that way, because Antitheist jerk is the best plot-causer ever :3
Professional Grump

I live for memes
@Murklin @LagMonster @Gallows @Cewientje @Tedium @Kizmetto @AerinCantator @caperantagonist @Neige @VictoryInSolace @Survivors @Chloraphyll @Sildrael @Khoshekh @Stormdragon @Scyras @Rosie115 @FlyingNorth @psychocanes @Sellenair @Nihilo @Digimon11 @Katerrn
Oh you guys I think you made me want to like Shianzar.

Entry 34
Shianzar gave Marl a look of utter loathing. “For you all to leave me the hell alone!” he snapped.

“Well,” said Marl, “Derianda won't agree to that, Guardians never leave their Charge.”

“I've noticed,” Shianzar growled.

“What about that hatchling, then?” Marl asked.

Shianzar hesitated, turned his face away. “You can have her,” he muttered. “I'm sure Tenora would just love another one.” He lifted the hatchling by the scruff of the neck, and carefully put her down closer to Marl. She meeped unhappily and wobbled back towards Shianzar. “No!” Shianzar said. “Go annoy him! I don't want you!”

The hatchling's golden eyes filled with tears. She sniffled, and then let out a loud wailing meeeeeeeep, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Shianzar stared down at the little Tundra, several emotions warring across his face. “Auuugh” he went, before grabbing the hatchling by the scruff once more, and bringing her closer. “Stop that! Stop crying! I won't leave you if you stop making that noise, okay?”

The little Tundra sniffled quietly, but stopped crying, and snuggled closer to Shianzar. The red-eyed Mirror let out a huff and let her hug his neck.

Marl watched all this with quiet satisfaction. He wasn't sure what had motivated him to do that, but it seemed to have a positive effect. He turned around to find everyone else staring, and he shrunk back.

“Wow, Marl,” Jiira whispered. “What'chu just do?”

“Er ...” he said.

“Shianzar,” said Derianda, “I think … I have been a little too hasty in colouring you as a bad person. I apologise for that. I do not want you to consider me an enemy, but as your Guardian I cannot leave you.”

Shianzar glared at her. “Just leave me alone! I don't care what you do with yourself!”

“You do care about Marita, though,” commented the Guardian, “and you must admit that alone, you cannot provide enough food for her. Whether you accept my help or not, I intend to help you look after her.”

“Why should you care?” Shianzar asked bitterly.

“I will not allow a hatchling to starve, Shianzar.”

“Where were you then?” her Charge demanded.

“I'm sorry?”

“When I was a starving hatchling, where were you?” Shianzar snapped.

Marl thought this was a thoroughly unreasonable thing to ask, but Derianda actually said, “I am sorry for that, Shianzar. I should have left on my Search long before I did. I chose to stay with my family far too long after I felt the need to go. It is my fault that you had to endure all of the hardships you did. I will see to it that you do not need to suffer any more.”

Shianzar just stared at her. “What?”

Derianda stood up, and then sat down next to him rather than on top of him. “I also believe that it would be best for Marita to have more dragons around than just you and me, but I do not wish to force you to return to Tenora's clan if you truly do not want to.”

Shianzar looked slightly less aggressive than usual. “Well … ”

“I will leave the decision entirely up to you. Do whatever would be best for Marita.”

Shianzar looked at her. He looked down at Marita. He looked at Marl and the others. “What would happen if I said no?” he asked.

“Then I would not force you to go back, and I would not try and take Marita from you.”

“Would you leave me alone?” Shianzar asked.

“I would not do that, I am afraid.”

Augh!” went Shianzar. “All right! Fine! We can go back! Whatever. But I won't apologise to anyone, and I won't spend any more time with anyone else than I have to!”

Jiira grinned. Shianzar saw her. “What are you smiling about?”
@Murklin @LagMonster @Gallows @Cewientje @Tedium @Kizmetto @AerinCantator @caperantagonist @Neige @VictoryInSolace @Survivors @Chloraphyll @Sildrael @Khoshekh @Stormdragon @Scyras @Rosie115 @FlyingNorth @psychocanes @Sellenair @Nihilo @Digimon11 @Katerrn
Oh you guys I think you made me want to like Shianzar.

Entry 34
Shianzar gave Marl a look of utter loathing. “For you all to leave me the hell alone!” he snapped.

“Well,” said Marl, “Derianda won't agree to that, Guardians never leave their Charge.”

“I've noticed,” Shianzar growled.

“What about that hatchling, then?” Marl asked.

Shianzar hesitated, turned his face away. “You can have her,” he muttered. “I'm sure Tenora would just love another one.” He lifted the hatchling by the scruff of the neck, and carefully put her down closer to Marl. She meeped unhappily and wobbled back towards Shianzar. “No!” Shianzar said. “Go annoy him! I don't want you!”

The hatchling's golden eyes filled with tears. She sniffled, and then let out a loud wailing meeeeeeeep, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Shianzar stared down at the little Tundra, several emotions warring across his face. “Auuugh” he went, before grabbing the hatchling by the scruff once more, and bringing her closer. “Stop that! Stop crying! I won't leave you if you stop making that noise, okay?”

The little Tundra sniffled quietly, but stopped crying, and snuggled closer to Shianzar. The red-eyed Mirror let out a huff and let her hug his neck.

Marl watched all this with quiet satisfaction. He wasn't sure what had motivated him to do that, but it seemed to have a positive effect. He turned around to find everyone else staring, and he shrunk back.

“Wow, Marl,” Jiira whispered. “What'chu just do?”

“Er ...” he said.

“Shianzar,” said Derianda, “I think … I have been a little too hasty in colouring you as a bad person. I apologise for that. I do not want you to consider me an enemy, but as your Guardian I cannot leave you.”

Shianzar glared at her. “Just leave me alone! I don't care what you do with yourself!”

“You do care about Marita, though,” commented the Guardian, “and you must admit that alone, you cannot provide enough food for her. Whether you accept my help or not, I intend to help you look after her.”

“Why should you care?” Shianzar asked bitterly.

“I will not allow a hatchling to starve, Shianzar.”

“Where were you then?” her Charge demanded.

“I'm sorry?”

“When I was a starving hatchling, where were you?” Shianzar snapped.

Marl thought this was a thoroughly unreasonable thing to ask, but Derianda actually said, “I am sorry for that, Shianzar. I should have left on my Search long before I did. I chose to stay with my family far too long after I felt the need to go. It is my fault that you had to endure all of the hardships you did. I will see to it that you do not need to suffer any more.”

Shianzar just stared at her. “What?”

Derianda stood up, and then sat down next to him rather than on top of him. “I also believe that it would be best for Marita to have more dragons around than just you and me, but I do not wish to force you to return to Tenora's clan if you truly do not want to.”

Shianzar looked slightly less aggressive than usual. “Well … ”

“I will leave the decision entirely up to you. Do whatever would be best for Marita.”

Shianzar looked at her. He looked down at Marita. He looked at Marl and the others. “What would happen if I said no?” he asked.

“Then I would not force you to go back, and I would not try and take Marita from you.”

“Would you leave me alone?” Shianzar asked.

“I would not do that, I am afraid.”

Augh!” went Shianzar. “All right! Fine! We can go back! Whatever. But I won't apologise to anyone, and I won't spend any more time with anyone else than I have to!”

Jiira grinned. Shianzar saw her. “What are you smiling about?”
Professional Grump

I live for memes
Huehuehuehuehue oh shianzar. Oh how i love you.
Huehuehuehuehue oh shianzar. Oh how i love you.

he really is a pistol lol

he really is a pistol lol
@Kizmetto OH MY GOD IT'S YOUUUUUUUUUU (You will need to ping me if you want me to notice you have posted, I am afraid, they turned off the thing that lets the original poster of a thread know when people reply to it) Also yes, I know you love Shianzar, I blame you for trying to make him redeemable :p

@Katerrn I'm afraid to say, I still have no idea what you mean by that. (I had a better idea when I thought you was calling him plant junk yo)
@Kizmetto OH MY GOD IT'S YOUUUUUUUUUU (You will need to ping me if you want me to notice you have posted, I am afraid, they turned off the thing that lets the original poster of a thread know when people reply to it) Also yes, I know you love Shianzar, I blame you for trying to make him redeemable :p

@Katerrn I'm afraid to say, I still have no idea what you mean by that. (I had a better idea when I thought you was calling him plant junk yo)
Professional Grump

I live for memes
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