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TOPIC | Dragon Writers' Chat: October Edition
@LadyRowyn @micahjaguar

I've been making happy noises all evening. Perfect x Berteronian sappy headcanon cup runneth over! :D

A big thank you to both of you, for both of them! Their reunion will eventually be in the increasingly long and unwieldy clan story I've been working on (if you want to read it, I'll let you know when it's done. I'm guesstimating I'll have enough written to start posting the thing in installments sometime between next month and January. X3)
@LadyRowyn @micahjaguar

I've been making happy noises all evening. Perfect x Berteronian sappy headcanon cup runneth over! :D

A big thank you to both of you, for both of them! Their reunion will eventually be in the increasingly long and unwieldy clan story I've been working on (if you want to read it, I'll let you know when it's done. I'm guesstimating I'll have enough written to start posting the thing in installments sometime between next month and January. X3)
TCC_04-sig.png Millennium Merchant Mafia NPeGYYg.png GFQXkBh.png
@Tsaiah I am so glad they're together again! Squee! Thank you for doing that. And do come back and post when you write new bios, or update them... we haven't had much of that around here lately and I miss it! @benalene Halimeda produced a triple-gened triple with her beau. O_O [url=] [img][/img] [/url] O_O
@Tsaiah I am so glad they're together again! Squee! Thank you for doing that. And do come back and post when you write new bios, or update them... we haven't had much of that around here lately and I miss it!

@benalene Halimeda produced a triple-gened triple with her beau. O_O


Traveling Wind Clan! We have toured every Flight in Sornieth!
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!

Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague
*jaw drops* Wow!

Also, Sky is so pretty (I am not normally a fan of male PCs!).

I know I haven't been on much lately, and I am going to be on even less this weekend! Going on a mini vacation, found a little cottage in the middle of a sheep farm upstate. No internet, I don't think. Husband and I NEED to get away from the city for a bit...
*jaw drops* Wow!

Also, Sky is so pretty (I am not normally a fan of male PCs!).

I know I haven't been on much lately, and I am going to be on even less this weekend! Going on a mini vacation, found a little cottage in the middle of a sheep farm upstate. No internet, I don't think. Husband and I NEED to get away from the city for a bit...
ACCENT SHOP 9Y3Cg0F.gif Be excellent to each other.
@SadariEvenstar Glorianna is a clone of her grandmother, Ohayo! (sorry if that makes it harder to sell her....) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Glorianna is a clone of her grandmother, Ohayo! (sorry if that makes it harder to sell her....)

ACCENT SHOP 9Y3Cg0F.gif Be excellent to each other.
@micahjaguar Salacia's all ready to welcome her grandchild home!! Does Gerana have a name in mind for her, or a note to send along?
(Also if you want more T for her I'll be happy to send it.)
@micahjaguar Salacia's all ready to welcome her grandchild home!! Does Gerana have a name in mind for her, or a note to send along?
(Also if you want more T for her I'll be happy to send it.)
@micahjaguar That is a LOT of blue. O.O Caribbean is so lovely.
@micahjaguar That is a LOT of blue. O.O Caribbean is so lovely.
Ahhh, look at the cutie I hatched today!!! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I think I may keep her!
Ahhh, look at the cutie I hatched today!!!


I think I may keep her!
She's totally adorable! Hope she's as beautiful as an adult

I'm really excited because one of my project pairs gave me my first 5 egg nest in over a year. There's a pretty close to 25% chance of me getting the baby I want, so here's hoping! Also, dragons are actually selling, so I've upped my breeding to try to get as much easy money as I can. I thought I'd never see the day when my progen's children would be bought and not end up exalted.
She's totally adorable! Hope she's as beautiful as an adult

I'm really excited because one of my project pairs gave me my first 5 egg nest in over a year. There's a pretty close to 25% chance of me getting the baby I want, so here's hoping! Also, dragons are actually selling, so I've upped my breeding to try to get as much easy money as I can. I thought I'd never see the day when my progen's children would be bought and not end up exalted.
@micahjaguar That blue baby is amazing! I'm trying to get a few different 'families' going, and the bluey-lagooney-greenies are one of my hopefuls!

I'm wracking my mind for new material to put into my big ol' notebook for the upcoming NaNo! So I've got two questions for anyone who wants to help a writer storm up their brain!
  • What makes tropical islands or resorts on them cool? If you lived on one every day, what would you do for fun? Think fantasy island or the Caribbean but with undersea rooms!


  • What would you do if your internet-forum persona or character was suddenly famous in the real world - Except they became tabloid famous, and all the stories were bad? Would you want your name attached to them? What if there was a deadline and at the end the game would release the name behind the character?

Scary online future stuff!
@micahjaguar That blue baby is amazing! I'm trying to get a few different 'families' going, and the bluey-lagooney-greenies are one of my hopefuls!

I'm wracking my mind for new material to put into my big ol' notebook for the upcoming NaNo! So I've got two questions for anyone who wants to help a writer storm up their brain!
  • What makes tropical islands or resorts on them cool? If you lived on one every day, what would you do for fun? Think fantasy island or the Caribbean but with undersea rooms!


  • What would you do if your internet-forum persona or character was suddenly famous in the real world - Except they became tabloid famous, and all the stories were bad? Would you want your name attached to them? What if there was a deadline and at the end the game would release the name behind the character?

Scary online future stuff!
To there from here, go far go near,
but always return home's warm flame,
even if never twice the same.

@Pookasaur, what a gorgeous baby!

I haven't actually bought a Bar gene yet. I've been converting all my treasure to gems so that I can afford at least one crystal gene without resorting to paying for gems.

I worked on a couple bios last night, but I kept getting distracted and I left them both hanging at awkward places. Hopefully I will finish them tonight!
@Pookasaur, what a gorgeous baby!

I haven't actually bought a Bar gene yet. I've been converting all my treasure to gems so that I can afford at least one crystal gene without resorting to paying for gems.

I worked on a couple bios last night, but I kept getting distracted and I left them both hanging at awkward places. Hopefully I will finish them tonight!