Calling it done, unless i find a bit more time to tweak some leaves. Amassing how kids leave you alone until you try to do something o_o. Anywho, the cat is taken from a project I help create on a game called Ovipets. [url=]Click here[/url] for a picture of them so you know what im talken about XD
I loved the black/cyan from it so decided to try my hand on that here. The cat is called Night Wisp.
Night Wisps are shy by nature and many do not know they exist as they are nocturnal. Once the leaves falls off it starts to disappear until nothing is left. To see one is said to bring good luck and fortune in your life.
Dragon view -
Entry -
also i could not find what to save the bg as so i just did transparent as that seems the easiest to deal with :3
Calling it done, unless i find a bit more time to tweak some leaves. Amassing how kids leave you alone until you try to do something o_o. Anywho, the cat is taken from a project I help create on a game called Ovipets.
Click here for a picture of them so you know what im talken about XD
I loved the black/cyan from it so decided to try my hand on that here. The cat is called Night Wisp.
Night Wisps are shy by nature and many do not know they exist as they are nocturnal. Once the leaves falls off it starts to disappear until nothing is left. To see one is said to bring good luck and fortune in your life.
Dragon view -
Entry -
also i could not find what to save the bg as so i just did transparent as that seems the easiest to deal with :3
Finally making it on the last day for my entry.
Finally making it on the last day for my entry.
I want to now own dragon ID 7291989!
My entry
I doubt I'll win but it's worth a shot
My entry
I doubt I'll win but it's worth a shot
I hope i did the size right. But here is my submission, late but i didn't have time to post it.
In hindsight, this sucks xD

In hindsight, this sucks xD
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
yeah, here is the link, I used deviantart, hope it's good.
I don't know how to post pics, sorry.
Place a beehive on my grave
And let the honey soak through.
When I'm dead and gone,
That's what I want from you.
My deviantart
I hope it doesn't look like I did shading (I wanted a fire like look to the leaves and I'm not the best at smooth gradients)
But here it is, my work of procrastination.
I was thinking of a burning autumn equinox while working on it.
Link to fullsize: [url=][/url]
Smaller preview:
I hope it doesn't look like I did shading (I wanted a fire like look to the leaves and I'm not the best at smooth gradients)
But here it is, my work of procrastination.
I was thinking of a burning autumn equinox while working on it.
Link to fullsize:
Smaller preview:
Based this on a sand cat, more or less.
Based this on a sand cat, more or less.