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TOPIC | [T] Coliseum screen floating off?
[i]Enjoy. [/i] [img][/img]
This happens to me from time to time, too. I laugh and reload.
This happens to me from time to time, too. I laugh and reload.
Just saw this glitch for the first time today. Mozilla Firefox, fully updated, and so's Flash.

It looked like a scattered Polaroid, so I reloaded.
Just saw this glitch for the first time today. Mozilla Firefox, fully updated, and so's Flash.

It looked like a scattered Polaroid, so I reloaded.
Coli had a fit [img][/img] I wonder if it is because the Cloud Chaser cast a Disorient.... Also earlier every time a Relic Eel would attack Kelp Beds changed hue (more reddish) the dome would disappear as well as all some monster (depending on the position in the attacking team of the Eel) and some of my dragons if not all (depending which dragon was getting attacked)
Coli had a fit


I wonder if it is because the Cloud Chaser cast a Disorient....

Also earlier every time a Relic Eel would attack Kelp Beds changed hue (more reddish) the dome would disappear as well as all some monster (depending on the position in the attacking team of the Eel) and some of my dragons if not all (depending which dragon was getting attacked)
[img][/img] That happened yesterday. I'd like to thank @Gaia for referring me to this post. I had used Zephyr Bolt on one of the three enemies present. Two promptly disappeared from the screen, along with my other two dragons, and then the screen did what is shown above.
That happened yesterday. I'd like to thank @Gaia for referring me to this post.
I had used Zephyr Bolt on one of the three enemies present. Two promptly disappeared from the screen, along with my other two dragons, and then the screen did what is shown above.
tumblr_inline_nhmp6vLcXI1qin4e5.png tumblr_inline_nilt7kXyv21qin4e5.png
Best bug ever!
Best bug ever!
The coliseum's been doing that to me too lol
The coliseum's been doing that to me too lol
I had this issue on Safari on my iPhone 5c.
I can repost on the mobile thread if need be.
I had this issue on Safari on my iPhone 5c.
I can repost on the mobile thread if need be.
I used to be Naaru
I'd agree this was the best bug ever except that it's nearly impossible for me to level anything in coli due to this bug constantly happening. In the last 15 or so matches it's happened nearly every other time. I have tried to log into this using the safe mode url...still happening. I have updated my browser...still happening. I have also tried a new browser entirely...still happening.
I'd agree this was the best bug ever except that it's nearly impossible for me to level anything in coli due to this bug constantly happening. In the last 15 or so matches it's happened nearly every other time. I have tried to log into this using the safe mode url...still happening. I have updated my browser...still happening. I have also tried a new browser entirely...still happening.
Bumping this thread since it's still happening.
Bumping this thread since it's still happening.