wow... just wow...

TOPIC | Dominance board mixup?

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@Thalasuchus Doubt we'll get much compensation unfortunately, more so if it doesn't last 24 hours (FR time). Other downtime issues that ate in to EU time (aka up to 16:00 FR) but were fixed after offered no reward, and never any public recognition that EU/similar timezones were affected.
That got annoying in the early days of the site, lost a fair few incubation clicks/gathering turns. :I
That got annoying in the early days of the site, lost a fair few incubation clicks/gathering turns. :I
@Thalasuchus Doubt we'll get much compensation unfortunately, more so if it doesn't last 24 hours (FR time). Other downtime issues that ate in to EU time (aka up to 16:00 FR) but were fixed after offered no reward, and never any public recognition that EU/similar timezones were affected.
That got annoying in the early days of the site, lost a fair few incubation clicks/gathering turns. :I
That got annoying in the early days of the site, lost a fair few incubation clicks/gathering turns. :I
Even if the admins at were at Blizzcon, shouldn't they have somebody available for situations just like this?? Someone to put out the Rockbreaker's Ceremony Skin thread and to at least have someone around should a glitch(haha like our current dom situation) arise?
The lack of communication here is really frustrating.
The lack of communication here is really frustrating.
Even if the admins at were at Blizzcon, shouldn't they have somebody available for situations just like this?? Someone to put out the Rockbreaker's Ceremony Skin thread and to at least have someone around should a glitch(haha like our current dom situation) arise?
The lack of communication here is really frustrating.
The lack of communication here is really frustrating.
† wishlist † accents † buying eggs
† Robin, feel free to call me Roi, Roiben, Robin, etc.
† 24, she/her
:/ Man I hope they get this worked out... I was really excited for a taste of more dom benefits.
:/ Man I hope they get this worked out... I was really excited for a taste of more dom benefits.
dynne | +2 fr time
hatchery |
![]() |
^^ Same. But at some point I'm going to have to call it and take the turns before I go to bed. My husband took his turns this morning before realizing anything was wrong. :-(
Ack! I just want an acknowledgment! Hey, we're working on it sorry about that. That's all I want. -_-
Ack! I just want an acknowledgment! Hey, we're working on it sorry about that. That's all I want. -_-
Yeah, just a "we know there was a mixup" would have been nice (say, twelve hours ago); maybe a confirmation of what it's supposed to be, too. (There's been enough people posting that I'm pretty sure what it was, but adminly confirmation would be great.)
@Undel @Xhaztol @Akiri @Aequorin
Can you at least acknowledge this? Its been now 17 hours and several users in other time zones have lost their bonuses today to this ridiculousness. This whole new update has been bugged since you added it come on. At least give us some hope you guys have even tried or cared to start trying to fix this?
Could one of the few mods who have been online at least acknowledge this is a known issue that is possibly being worked on beyond closing similar threads? Thanks.
Can you at least acknowledge this? Its been now 17 hours and several users in other time zones have lost their bonuses today to this ridiculousness. This whole new update has been bugged since you added it come on. At least give us some hope you guys have even tried or cared to start trying to fix this?
Could one of the few mods who have been online at least acknowledge this is a known issue that is possibly being worked on beyond closing similar threads? Thanks.
@Undel @Xhaztol @Akiri @Aequorin
Can you at least acknowledge this? Its been now 17 hours and several users in other time zones have lost their bonuses today to this ridiculousness. This whole new update has been bugged since you added it come on. At least give us some hope you guys have even tried or cared to start trying to fix this?
Could one of the few mods who have been online at least acknowledge this is a known issue that is possibly being worked on beyond closing similar threads? Thanks.
Can you at least acknowledge this? Its been now 17 hours and several users in other time zones have lost their bonuses today to this ridiculousness. This whole new update has been bugged since you added it come on. At least give us some hope you guys have even tried or cared to start trying to fix this?
Could one of the few mods who have been online at least acknowledge this is a known issue that is possibly being worked on beyond closing similar threads? Thanks.

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