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TOPIC | [T] Missing Gathering Turns
Also missing my +5 turns. I have not lost my bonus in a very long time. Those missing 5 turns hurt. xD
Also missing my +5 turns. I have not lost my bonus in a very long time. Those missing 5 turns hurt. xD
Huh, I was thinking that my gathering was rather short yesterday, and I actually noticed the 10 turns today. Same thing is happening to me :(. I know I haven't dropped under the bonus.
Huh, I was thinking that my gathering was rather short yesterday, and I actually noticed the 10 turns today. Same thing is happening to me :(. I know I haven't dropped under the bonus.
ACCENT SHOP 9Y3Cg0F.gif Be excellent to each other.
Yep, I'm missing my 5 bonus turns as well. I had 94% clan energy when I logged in and I've had the bonus for months.

I do think I got the gem, though.
Yep, I'm missing my 5 bonus turns as well. I had 94% clan energy when I logged in and I've had the bonus for months.

I do think I got the gem, though.
Same problem here. Clan energy has been constantly in the upper 90s and the hover text says I get the bonus, but I only have 10 turns.
Same problem here. Clan energy has been constantly in the upper 90s and the hover text says I get the bonus, but I only have 10 turns.
I don't know if this impacted it at all for me, but I decided to go to the Nesting Grounds to click on my nests to do my incubations, then go to my gathering instead.

Normally, I do gathering > familiar bonding > trading post > nesting grounds.

Could changing up my pattern triggered this for me?
I don't know if this impacted it at all for me, but I decided to go to the Nesting Grounds to click on my nests to do my incubations, then go to my gathering instead.

Normally, I do gathering > familiar bonding > trading post > nesting grounds.

Could changing up my pattern triggered this for me?
Adding my name to the missing 5 bonus turns list. My energy is currently at 96% and I haven't lost my bonus since I got it 4 days after joining :)
Adding my name to the missing 5 bonus turns list. My energy is currently at 96% and I haven't lost my bonus since I got it 4 days after joining :)
Same problem. I got the treasure and gem bonus, but I don't have the extra 5 turns even with 92% clan energy and a full blue line.
Same problem. I got the treasure and gem bonus, but I don't have the extra 5 turns even with 92% clan energy and a full blue line.
Same problem here. Kinda glad it's not just me. Seeing 24 pages of posts on this makes me think it's more likely to get fixed. Or I hope so at least.
Same problem here. Kinda glad it's not just me. Seeing 24 pages of posts on this makes me think it's more likely to get fixed. Or I hope so at least.
Same here, I didn't log in yesterday, but my bar is still 90%. Screenshot of it.
Same here, I didn't log in yesterday, but my bar is still 90%. Screenshot of it.
Same here. Full blue bar bonus, just lacking the five gathering turns.
Same here. Full blue bar bonus, just lacking the five gathering turns.