
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | s - g3 and g4 firstborns
[center][url=][img alt="A guardian in the male pose with yellow metallic, peach alloy, and bubblegum capsule. He is heavily dressed in various yellow/gold apparel, such as silks, jewelry, and robes. There are cream colored candles along his back, and a brown bow and arrows at his hip."][/img][/url][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color] [nextcol] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5]Hello everyone! Meet [url=]Apollon[/url], a dragon of mine who is a 2nd gen Firstborn! I find this lineage really neat, so I thought it would be fun to continue it! This will be my dedicated post to selling gen 3 and gen 4 firstborns from Apollon's line. [LIST] [*][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5] First come first served [*][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5] I can hold a dragon for up to 7 days [*][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5] Haggling is welcome! [*][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5] Dragons are on the AH for gems, but please let me know if you would like to pay with treasure [*][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5] Dragons not purchased after 1 week will be exalted[/size] [/LIST] [nextcol] [color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]xxxxxx[/color] [nextcol] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5]Curious about what Firstborns are? Feel free to check out the thread by clicking/tapping on the image below![/size][/color][/font] [/columns] [center][url=][img alt="An image of gold words in a large, fancy script that say 'Lineage of the Firstborn'."][/img][/url][/center] [center] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5]Want to be notified when new dragons are added? Join the pinglist! [pinglist=36184] [/center] ----- [center][font=playfair display][size=7][size=5][color=#D1B300]Gen 3 Firstborns[/color][/size][/size][/font][/center] ----- [columns] [img alt="A guardian dragon in the male pose."][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]....[/color] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5][b]Askan[/b][/size] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]#101503830[color=transparent]..............................[/color] [b]50g/50kt[/b][/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]Marigold Metallic Metals Alloy Rose Capsule Light Common Eyes[/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [url=][img alt="An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button."][/img][/url] [/center][/columns] [center][img alt="A thin, brown line with a fancy and decorative swirl in the middle."][/img][/center] [columns] [img alt="A guardian dragon in the female pose."][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]....[/color] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5][b]Ithosra[/b][/size] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]#101503831[color=transparent]..............................[/color] [b]50g/50kt[/b][/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]Sanddollar Metallic Marigold Alloy Bubblegum Firefly Light Uncommon Eyes[/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [url=][img alt="An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button."][/img][/url] [/center][/columns] ----- [center][font=playfair display][size=7][size=5][color=#D1B300]Gen 4 Firstborns[/color][/size][/size][/font][/center] ----- [columns] [img alt="An imperial dragon in the male pose."][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]....[/color] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5][b]Ehrde[/b][/size] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]#101524813[color=transparent]..............................[/color] [b]10g/10kt[/b][/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]Marigold Iridescent Sunset Alloy Bubblegum Capsule Light Common Eyes[/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [url=][img alt="An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button."][/img][/url] [/center][/columns] [center][img alt="A thin, brown line with a fancy and decorative swirl in the middle."][/img][/center] [columns] [img alt="An obelisk dragon in the male pose."][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]....[/color] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5][b]Gyges[/b][/size] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]#101524814[color=transparent]..............................[/color] [b]10g/10kt[/b][/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]Metals Metallic Sunset Alloy Bubblegum Capsule Light Common Eyes[/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [url=][img alt="An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button."][/img][/url] [/center][/columns] [center][img alt="A thin, brown line with a fancy and decorative swirl in the middle."][/img][/center] [columns] [img alt="An obelisk dragon in the male pose."][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]....[/color] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=5][b]Arisen[/b][/size] [font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]#101524815[color=transparent]..............................[/color] [b]10g/10kt[/b][/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [left][font=playfair display][color=#735739][size=4]Marigold Metallic Peach Alloy Bubblegum Capsule Light Common Eyes[/left] [size=2][color=#735739]-----[/size][/color] [url=][img alt="An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button."][/img][/url] [/center][/columns]
A guardian in the male pose with yellow metallic, peach alloy, and bubblegum capsule. He is heavily dressed in various yellow/gold apparel, such as silks, jewelry, and robes. There are cream colored candles along his back, and a brown bow and arrows at his hip.

xxxxxx Hello everyone! Meet Apollon, a dragon of mine who is a 2nd gen Firstborn!

I find this lineage really neat, so I thought it would be fun to continue it! This will be my dedicated post to selling gen 3 and gen 4 firstborns from Apollon's line.

  • First come first served
  • I can hold a dragon for up to 7 days
  • Haggling is welcome!
  • Dragons are on the AH for gems, but please let me know if you would like to pay with treasure
  • Dragons not purchased after 1 week will be exalted

xxxxxx Curious about what Firstborns are? Feel free to check out the thread by
clicking/tapping on the image below!

An image of gold words in a large, fancy script that say 'Lineage of the Firstborn'.

Want to be notified when new dragons are added? Join the pinglist!

Gen 3 Firstborns

A guardian dragon in the male pose. ....



Marigold Metallic
Metals Alloy
Rose Capsule

Light Common Eyes

An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button.
A thin, brown line with a fancy and decorative swirl in the middle.
A guardian dragon in the female pose. ....



Sanddollar Metallic
Marigold Alloy
Bubblegum Firefly

Light Uncommon Eyes

An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button.

Gen 4 Firstborns

An imperial dragon in the male pose. ....



Marigold Iridescent
Sunset Alloy
Bubblegum Capsule

Light Common Eyes

An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button.
A thin, brown line with a fancy and decorative swirl in the middle.
An obelisk dragon in the male pose. ....



Metals Metallic
Sunset Alloy
Bubblegum Capsule

Light Common Eyes

An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button.
A thin, brown line with a fancy and decorative swirl in the middle.
An obelisk dragon in the male pose. ....



Marigold Metallic
Peach Alloy
Bubblegum Capsule

Light Common Eyes

An image of the Flight Rising auction house purchase button.
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon
[center][emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
A small, turquoise pixel gaoler with similarly colored silks. xx » AYRMEL
"And the universe said I love you,
because you are love."

She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx The Rosecloud Sanctuary - Free Dragons
Eithne's Vintage Antiques - Free Dragons
How to Create an Exalt Rescue Guide
Ayrmel's Dragon Sales Thread
Gen 3 & Gen 4 Firstborn Sales Thread
Avatar Dragon