
Dragons For Sale

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TOPIC | Eclipse day, and a 7digi
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I would love to take Zemira, Yuto, and Yurit home :D (plus I took the moon/white home ^^)

Im not sure how much I should offer, do you have a price range?
I would love to take Zemira, Yuto, and Yurit home :D (plus I took the moon/white home ^^)

Im not sure how much I should offer, do you have a price range?
ah- I didn't realize zemira was a 6-digit so sorry!! thought I counted right lol

I also didn't realize how much 7-digits go for until I just looked, and I mainly wanted to offer for yurit because he would've been nice as a pair with my light rep but I just realized they're both boys T-T
I'm so sorry I'm gonna pass on them, I should've checked on prices!
ah- I didn't realize zemira was a 6-digit so sorry!! thought I counted right lol

I also didn't realize how much 7-digits go for until I just looked, and I mainly wanted to offer for yurit because he would've been nice as a pair with my light rep but I just realized they're both boys T-T
I'm so sorry I'm gonna pass on them, I should've checked on prices!
[center] Yurit is unbred @A13 @Aarune @Accal1a @AceofWolves @aelith @AlexRobins @alixander @Altariel @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @Androys @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @Avariea @azemn @b1uejay@Balaeniceps @Bash @Bearskull @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @BenjiBenge @billbezos @Birdsofwax @BlackWinter @Boneless @Brindlefur @BuildingBridges @cactolith14 @Cadash @Cairan @callerunknown @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @CatInDisguise @Chants @Chrestomanci @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @collude @ColorfulLava @comicsans @Competitor @Cormanthor @Croissants @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @Cylence @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @Debonair @Deltazz @dirology @DragonflyDevi @Dragonglimmer @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @EnglishRose @Ern @Fantelle @Feathery57 @Fenix @file @FontDictionary @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @gn0me @gnosiphobia @Goerbars @Hag @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @Hausdaddy @Havic @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Icthys @Ink @Isaria @Ithaca @Ithika @IvoryAsh @J0taro @Jawiro @Jaypaw @JD1620 @Joxter @junu @KaichouKai @Kapro @Kardi @Kasalin @Kiipho @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @Kkarma @KoenigVII @KrazKitCat @Krinharth @Kysska @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @LoyalStar @LucidDreams @Lydun @Maebirb @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @March @marshsiren @Martine @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Meyoline @miles3140 @Mindrop @minim @MLPMDog @Moami @MonoMagpie @mousieamelia @Mysa @Nahtanha @nahum @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norion @Odile @okaycee @Olliver @opus @Orcalot @Orgetzu @Oriel @OriginGiratina @Owari26 @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Perrydotto @Phaedra @phoeniixfire @planttkid @PlatinumDream @Pufferheart @Pulse @PwnySparklez @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Raikaris @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @Ribi @Rookery @RoseMagic @RosieHawk @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @SariStar @Scamper @seen @selkiie @sempurvivium @Shaydas @ShinyHunter47 @SilverQuark @SirLeafheart @Skogur @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @soluna @Somnorium @Spark @SparkyLurkdragon @spudzy @SSakuras @StoriesInTheWind @Stormflight @stovokor @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @teddy2008 @Texere @TheClassCalico @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Toska @Tropickle @Tryenne @tstormdancer @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanaheimr @Vaze @venatore @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Vit @Voltalis @vortexbreakdown @vousrein @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @Watermel0nBob @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Whitefoxtails @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @WolfandCrow @woodwinds @Wych @Xeiana @XxCalypsoxX @XxSoFaKixXd @Yachi @Yae @YellowFlower @zerys @karoushi [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][center][b]I used the 6 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists![/b] @Accal1a @AlexRobins @alixander @AlvildaBright @Amut @anhbon921 @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @b1uejay@Balaeniceps @Bearskull @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @Boneless @Brindlefur @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @ClassicToneJakal @clay @cloudyAutist @collude @ColorfulLava @CrownedLadybug @Cylence @DarkPuffin @Deltazz @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @Fenix @file @Fortuna @Foxe @frankenfurta @fredddio @Freefire @furiousflora @gbot13 @Geminid @gnosiphobia @Goerbars @Hausdaddy @Heeroku @Helix @Hiame @honour @hyddenchyld @Icthys @J0taro @JD1620 @Kiipho @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @Lydun @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @Martine @Meyoline @Mindrop @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @Oriel @OriginGiratina @paintminion @PipDragon40 @PlatinumDream @Pufferheart @Pulse @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Raikaris @readergirl12 @SariStar @selkiie @Shaydas @SilverQuark @Skogur @spudzy @SSakuras @stovokor @Striderave @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Tryenne @tstormdancer @Twizz @Vampier @VampierVampier @venatore @vintagesinister @W473rDr490n @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @WolfandCrow @Wryneck @Wytche @xkcd2020 @XxSoFaKixXd @yumehisakawa [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][center][b]I used the Mid-High 7 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists![/b] @Accal1a @AlexRobins @alixander @AlvildaBright @Amut @anhbon921 @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @Balaeniceps @Bash @Bearskull @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @betwixted @Brindlefur @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @ClassicToneJakal @clay @collude @ColorfulLava @CrownedLadybug @Cylence @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @deviantdoge @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @Fenix @file @FontDictionary @Fortuna @Foxe @frankenfurta @fredddio @Freefire @furiousflora @gbot13 @Geminid @Gilt @Goerbars @Hausdaddy @Heeroku @Helix @Hiame @honour @hyddenchyld @Icthys @IndigoCat @J0taro @jasperstone @JayHorn @JD1620 @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @Lydun @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @marshsiren @Martine @mercurialwings @Meyoline @Mindrop @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @Nourish @Nourish @Oriel @OriginGiratina @paintminion @PipDragon40 @Pulse @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Raikaris @readergirl12 @SariStar @selkiie @Sephrenia @Shaydas @SilverQuark @Skogur @Solarae @spudzy @SSakuras @stovokor @Striderave @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Tryenne @Twizz @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanq @Vikusen @vintagesinister @W473rDr490n @Whitefoxtails @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @WolfandCrow @Wryneck @Wytche @XxSoFaKixXd @yumehisakawa [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][center][b]I used the Unbred Mid-High 7 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists![/b]
Yurit is unbred

@A13 @Aarune @Accal1a @AceofWolves @aelith @AlexRobins @alixander @Altariel @AlvildaBright @Alyxsandre @Ampharos @Amut @Androys @AngelSami @anhbon921 @Anomaly2k @Apfelobst @apocalyove @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @Avariea @azemn @b1uejay@Balaeniceps @Bash @Bearskull @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @BenjiBenge @billbezos @Birdsofwax @BlackWinter @Boneless @Brindlefur @BuildingBridges @cactolith14 @Cadash @Cairan @callerunknown @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @Catfeather @CatInDisguise @Chants @Chrestomanci @Claritywind @ClassicToneJakal @clay @ClockworkVixen @collude @ColorfulLava @comicsans @Competitor @Cormanthor @Croissants @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @Cylence @Dabble @Daken @DancingHare @Danizaurs @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @Debonair @Deltazz @dirology @DragonflyDevi @Dragonglimmer @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @EnglishRose @Ern @Fantelle @Feathery57 @Fenix @file @FontDictionary @Fortuna @Foxe @Fragmentary @Freefire @furiousflora @Ganymede @gbot13 @Geminid @Gladewalker @gn0me @gnosiphobia @Goerbars @Hag @handdrawnviolist @Handsome @Hausdaddy @Havic @Heeroku @Helix @Hideki @Hikaruna @Hol @honour @hyddenchyld @Hydravivum @Icthys @Ink @Isaria @Ithaca @Ithika @IvoryAsh @J0taro @Jawiro @Jaypaw @JD1620 @Joxter @junu @KaichouKai @Kapro @Kardi @Kasalin @Kiipho @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @Kkarma @KoenigVII @KrazKitCat @Krinharth @Kysska @Lapse @Leannaa @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @LoyalStar @LucidDreams @Lydun @Maebirb @Malachite @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @March @marshsiren @Martine @Maws @mayanaz @Melodious @meowmeowkazoo @Meyoline @miles3140 @Mindrop @minim @MLPMDog @Moami @MonoMagpie @mousieamelia @Mysa @Nahtanha @nahum @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norion @Odile @okaycee @Olliver @opus @Orcalot @Orgetzu @Oriel @OriginGiratina @Owari26 @Pai @paintminion @Peisinoe @Perrydotto @Phaedra @phoeniixfire @planttkid @PlatinumDream @Pufferheart @Pulse @PwnySparklez @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Raikaris @Razzles @readergirl12 @Reefknot @Ribi @Rookery @RoseMagic @RosieHawk @Salemancer @Sanati @sapphiole @SariStar @Scamper @seen @selkiie @sempurvivium @Shaydas @ShinyHunter47 @SilverQuark @SirLeafheart @Skogur @Skylurk @Snappish @SnowFairy @Solarae @soluna @Somnorium @Spark @SparkyLurkdragon @spudzy @SSakuras @StoriesInTheWind @Stormflight @stovokor @Succulents @Sucrose @Sushimonsterr @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @teddy2008 @Texere @TheClassCalico @theroiprocepios @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Toska @Tropickle @Tryenne @tstormdancer @UnhappyJoker @UnicornChild132 @Unsettling @Vader @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanaheimr @Vaze @venatore @Vikusen @vintagesinister @Vit @Voltalis @vortexbreakdown @vousrein @W473rDr490n @waffl @WaterMaloneDraws @Watermel0nBob @WaverVelvet @Whirlwish @Whitefoxtails @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @wingworm @WolfandCrow @woodwinds @Wych @Xeiana @XxCalypsoxX @XxSoFaKixXd @Yachi @Yae @YellowFlower @zerys @karoushi
I used the 6 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists!

@Accal1a @AlexRobins @alixander @AlvildaBright @Amut @anhbon921 @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @b1uejay@Balaeniceps @Bearskull @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @Boneless @Brindlefur @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @ClassicToneJakal @clay @cloudyAutist @collude @ColorfulLava @CrownedLadybug @Cylence @DarkPuffin @Deltazz @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @Fenix @file @Fortuna @Foxe @frankenfurta @fredddio @Freefire @furiousflora @gbot13 @Geminid @gnosiphobia @Goerbars @Hausdaddy @Heeroku @Helix @Hiame @honour @hyddenchyld @Icthys @J0taro @JD1620 @Kiipho @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @LexiePiper @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @Lydun @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @Martine @Meyoline @Mindrop @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @Oriel @OriginGiratina @paintminion @PipDragon40 @PlatinumDream @Pufferheart @Pulse @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Raikaris @readergirl12 @SariStar @selkiie @Shaydas @SilverQuark @Skogur @spudzy @SSakuras @stovokor @Striderave @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Tryenne @tstormdancer @Twizz @Vampier @VampierVampier @venatore @vintagesinister @W473rDr490n @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @WolfandCrow @Wryneck @Wytche @xkcd2020 @XxSoFaKixXd @yumehisakawa
I used the Mid-High 7 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists!
@Accal1a @AlexRobins @alixander @AlvildaBright @Amut @anhbon921 @Arinys @Arrowfeathers @Askesis @Aurora23 @Balaeniceps @Bash @Bearskull @beepboopitsme @BeingOfSalt @betwixted @Brindlefur @CaptainDrakken @Carolynmbp @Casilica @ClassicToneJakal @clay @collude @ColorfulLava @CrownedLadybug @Cylence @DarkPuffin @dayliqht @deviantdoge @DragonSquid @Duskphoenix @Emmie @Fenix @file @FontDictionary @Fortuna @Foxe @frankenfurta @fredddio @Freefire @furiousflora @gbot13 @Geminid @Gilt @Goerbars @Hausdaddy @Heeroku @Helix @Hiame @honour @hyddenchyld @Icthys @IndigoCat @J0taro @jasperstone @JayHorn @JD1620 @Kilwin @kirathekat @kitsune56 @ListlessPony @LokiTheDutchie @Lydun @MangoDeRainWonk @Map1e @marshsiren @Martine @mercurialwings @Meyoline @Mindrop @Nekromancy @NeroDrag @NiTi1 @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @Nourish @Nourish @Oriel @OriginGiratina @paintminion @PipDragon40 @Pulse @RabbitSpirit @Raestrao @Raikaris @readergirl12 @SariStar @selkiie @Sephrenia @Shaydas @SilverQuark @Skogur @Solarae @spudzy @SSakuras @stovokor @Striderave @Synthsational @Tahoma @Tannos @TCMagpie @TeaHorse @ThistleProse @Tinyfarm @Tryenne @Twizz @Vampier @VampierVampier @Vanq @Vikusen @vintagesinister @W473rDr490n @Whitefoxtails @Willowspot125 @wingedvoid @WolfandCrow @Wryneck @Wytche @XxSoFaKixXd @yumehisakawa
I used the Unbred Mid-High 7 Digit Sales pinglist. Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click above for updated pinglists!
3n8t2NZ.png tANH62X.png "Hey guys, check out this little tree we found!
Wait... Not all at once!!"

Banner Art Shop, x
Formerly BeingOfNature
@Kalooeh feel free to use the pinglists in the future

Yuto is super cute, would you take 150g for him?
@Kalooeh feel free to use the pinglists in the future

Yuto is super cute, would you take 150g for him?
3n8t2NZ.png tANH62X.png "Hey guys, check out this little tree we found!
Wait... Not all at once!!"

Banner Art Shop, x
Formerly BeingOfNature
I would love [url=]Yurit[/url], but I can only offer like 300kt, and the AH has unbred xxy 7digs starting at like, 700g so you will probably get better offers. [url=][img][/img][/url]
I would love Yurit, but I can only offer like 300kt, and the AH has unbred xxy 7digs starting at like, 700g so you will probably get better offers.

Aussie | she/her

Activity | Projects | UMAs
Farming Notes
Pretty Fodder

@Kalooeh I can offer 180g for Toxicant as I haven't been able to play a lot lately, but I'd very much like to rescue them.
@Kalooeh I can offer 180g for Toxicant as I haven't been able to play a lot lately, but I'd very much like to rescue them.
YCpTPdx.pngtpG8plN.gif 8ELGk5e.pngshe/they| FR+2 | nature dom team
I'd like to offer
2,225g for Zemira
200g for Toxicant

If possible, I'd like to pay in treasure. Normally 1g=1000t?

*EDIT* Sorry, pinged the wrong person
I'd like to offer
2,225g for Zemira
200g for Toxicant

If possible, I'd like to pay in treasure. Normally 1g=1000t?

*EDIT* Sorry, pinged the wrong person
@Goerbars - not sure if you tagged the wrong person for Zemira, or if you meant Yurit?
@Goerbars - not sure if you tagged the wrong person for Zemira, or if you meant Yurit?
Aussie | she/her

Activity | Projects | UMAs
Farming Notes
Pretty Fodder

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