[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=7]JUXTAPOSITION
[color=#4b3939][size=3][i]A co-owned hatchery by @Dinoapologist [they/he] & @Gilchrist [he/him][/i]
[s]Welcome[/s] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346/1#post_50378072]DA Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378073]GC Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378075]Pairs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378076]Nesting[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378079]Pinglist & Affiliates[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378080]Exalt Row[/url]
[columns][item=Luminax Plushie]
[size=3][color=#372323]Welcome to our humble hatchery where we aim to breed the most stunning dragons you'll ever lay your eyes on! You'll find throughout our hatchery that we try to uphold a mixed theme of dinosaurs and marine life, reflecting both of our interests!!
We hope you find the dragon you've been searching for below![/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]X[/color][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=6]J.H RULES[/SIZE][/font]
[size=3][color=#372323]- Gem to treasure ratio 1:1000
- If you plan to exalt, we do appreciate it if the dragon is named!
- Prices are subject to change; we are still learning!
- Discounts; these do not stack but the highest will be applied.
- We can hold hatchlings for 48hrs per request, otherwise first come first serve!
- Mixed payments accepted on dragons above 20g/kt!
- All sales are final.
NOTE: We appreciate all the constructive criticism we can get, please DM either of us if you'd like to suggest any changes to prices etc!!
[nextcol][color=transparent]XXXXXXxxxX[/color][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=6]J.H INFO & DISCOUNTS[/SIZE][/font]
[size=3][color=#372323]Everyone loves a discount, cash yours in if:
- You're a new player, within a month of joining FR! [40% off]
- You belong to the Light Flight, Lightweaver beloved! [10% off]
- You belong to the Ice Flight, Icewarden beloved! [10% off]
- You're a wonderful Affiliate, thank you for the support! [20% off]
- [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346/16#post_50476658]LOYALTY CARDS![/url] [frequent buyers]
Additional Information:
- Hatchlings that aren't bought/held within 24hrs get listed on AH.
- We are both subbed to the thread, no need to ping!
- Our timezones are both FR time+8hrs, as we live in the UK!
[size=3][color=#372323]We put a lot of energy into breeding these little men, so if you ever want to send us letters from the babies we would gladly accept them!
[columns][size=2][color=#877b7b]amazing pixel artists:
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/e-pona/art/T-Rex-Sprite-540292394]trex sprite[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/bazsilisk/art/triceratops-skull-681513612]triceratops pixel[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/8-bitspider/art/SHARK-610961292]swimming shark[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/rait0s/art/Spino-skull-f2u-705316115]spinosaurus skull[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/pkgriffin/art/Whitetip-Reef-Shark-Sprite-178475664]whitetip shark[/url][/columns]
XX Welcome to our humble hatchery where we aim to breed the most stunning dragons you'll ever lay your eyes on! You'll find throughout our hatchery that we try to uphold a mixed theme of dinosaurs and marine life, reflecting both of our interests!!
We hope you find the dragon you've been searching for below!
XJ.H RULES - Gem to treasure ratio 1:1000
- If you plan to exalt, we do appreciate it if the dragon is named!
- Prices are subject to change; we are still learning!
- Discounts; these do not stack but the highest will be applied.
- We can hold hatchlings for 48hrs per request, otherwise first come first serve!
- Mixed payments accepted on dragons above 20g/kt!
- All sales are final.
NOTE: We appreciate all the constructive criticism we can get, please DM either of us if you'd like to suggest any changes to prices etc!!
Everyone loves a discount, cash yours in if:
- You're a new player, within a month of joining FR! [40% off]
- You belong to the Light Flight, Lightweaver beloved! [10% off]
- You belong to the Ice Flight, Icewarden beloved! [10% off]
- You're a wonderful Affiliate, thank you for the support! [20% off]
- LOYALTY CARDS! [frequent buyers]
Additional Information:
- Hatchlings that aren't bought/held within 24hrs get listed on AH.
- We are both subbed to the thread, no need to ping!
- Our timezones are both FR time+8hrs, as we live in the UK!
We put a lot of energy into breeding these little men, so if you ever want to send us letters from the babies we would gladly accept them!
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=7]J.H
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_3105346]Welcome [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346/1#post_50378072]DA Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378073]GC Sales[/url] | [s]Pairs[/s] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378076]Nesting[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378079]Pinglist & Affiliates[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378080]Exalt Row[/url]
[size=3][color=#372323][center]Below you'll be able to find all the bonded dragons that we offer! Hatchling possibilities are shown under the Nesting tab!
You'll be able to tell who is responsible for each pair by seeing the small graphic above the pairs name![/center]
[center][size=3][color=#372323]A little swimming shark indicates that the pair is currently residing in @Gilchrist's Lair![/center]
[center][size=3][color=#372323]A little triceratops skull indicates that the pair is currently residing in @Dinoapologist's Lair![/center]
[center][size=3][color=#372323]All hatchlings will be nested in the best flight for their colourations!
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]LUCKY DIP![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Put your chances to the higher powers and see what you'll get! The range between these dragons is intense, but the results never fail to impress!
[center][color=#372323][size=3]15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
100% XYX Metallic Bee Contour
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]IDYLLIC OCEAN![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]With this pair imitating the gorgeous Moorish Idol fish, what could possibly go wrong? The hatchlings would be idols, afterall!
[center][color=#372323][size=3]100% Imperial
100% XYX 50% Starmap|Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Runes
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]..SHARK!![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]An elusive pair, their colours seem reflect the ocean back at you... now is that the ripples of the waves or is that a hungry hatchling!?
15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
XYZ 50% Petals|Starmap, 100% Bee, 100% Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]BE WHO YOU AREE![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]A MLM pair, show your support/pride through buying one of these little hatchlings, sporting the green, blues and whites!
15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
XYZ 50% Iridescent|Starmap, 100% Bee, 97% Capsule|3% Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]FOR YOUR PRIIDE![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]A WLW pairing, letting you show your pride through these colourful sunset hatchlings!
100% Skydancer
XXX 50% Petals|Starmap, 50% Constellation|Facet, 50% Opal|Glimmer
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]FLAV..ISSIMUS?![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]OH! You meant a Yellow Scissortail? These dragons are flamboyant and ready to show their yellow colourings just like their name suggests!
100% Veilspun
XXX 100% Starmap, 100% Constellation, 98% Flecks|2%Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]LOVEBIR..DRAGONS![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]These lovedragons don't stop after valentines, nono! They continue to show their affection year round!
100% Skydancer
XXY 98% Cherub|2% Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Stained
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]SEAFLOOR![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Once you hit the bottom, it seems like you have gone back eras. Everything is brown and... interestingly evolved; and mostly brown:) !
100% Guardian
XYZ 50% Wasp|Starmap, 100% Bee, 97% Runes|3% Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]ORCA ODDITIES![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]A pair of apex predators, creating gorgeous hatchlings reflecting the orcas flexibility throughout the worlds oceans!
15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
XXX 50% Wasp|Starmap, 50% Constellation|Bee, 97% Runes|3% Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]THEROPODA![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]A pairing whos names come from the theropod family, these small but mighty dragons are sure to produce feisty hatchlings for you to take home!
100% Skydancer
XYZ 50% Metallic|Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Runes
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]FOSSILS![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]This pairing is here to take you back in time to the prehistoric seas! Perhaps you'll find a fossil or two to take back to your lair for safekeeping....
100% Skydancer
XYZ 100%, 100% Bee, 97% Runes|3% Glowtail
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]ACT OF PRESERVATION![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Nothing preserves prehistoric fossils like the ocean! With this skydancer pairing, their hatchlings are sure to impress you with their colourful possibilities.
100% Skydancer
XYZ 99% Basic|1% Starmap, 100% Bee, 97% Basic|3% Runes
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]EXCAVATION KIT![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Entertain your kid with this self-excavating fossil ki- no wait, wrong advertisement. Like a real-life fossil :)
15% Obelisk 85% Guardian
XYZ 98% Lionfish|2% Starmap, 75% Paint|25% Noxtide, 100% Ghost
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]SAFETY OF THE SHALLOWS![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Everyone loves to splash around in the safe shallows... wait is that a wave or another hungry hatchling!?
100% Coatl
XXX 50% Starmap|50% Petals, 50% Constellation|50% Butterfly, 99% Peacock|1% Glimmer
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]DEEP DARK ABYSS![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Little dragons even dare to venture down this deep but boy are they missing out? These deep sea giants are sure to entice you further down...
85% Skydancer 15% Imperial
XXY 100% Wasp, 100% Bee, 98% Lace|2% Glimmer
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]GLACIER![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Glaciers are rapidly falling, but something new seems to be coming out of the cracks.. are those skydancers!?
100% Skydancer
XXX 100% Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]KINTSUKUROI![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]'To repair with gold'; this pair is far from broken, producing stunning hatchlings for you to display!
100% Guardian
XXY 100% Metallic , 50% Constellation|50% Alloy , 100% Veined
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]JUST KEEP DIGGING![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Almost as if they were fossilised in resin to entrap their beauty... what shiny treasures will you discover in your archaeological adventures!
98% Skydancer|2% Coatl
XXY 100% Wasp , 50% Constellation|50% Bee, 100% Opal
[center][color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5][b]GIANT KELP![/b][/size][/font]
[size=3]Some say you can find giants lounging atop a kelp bed during a warm summers day... do you dare see what you find?
100% Imperial
XXY 100% Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Stained
Below you'll be able to find all the bonded dragons that we offer! Hatchling possibilities are shown under the Nesting tab!
You'll be able to tell who is responsible for each pair by seeing the small graphic above the pairs name!
A little swimming shark indicates that the pair is currently residing in @Gilchrist's Lair!
A little triceratops skull indicates that the pair is currently residing in @Dinoapologist's Lair!
All hatchlings will be nested in the best flight for their colourations!
LUCKY DIP! Put your chances to the higher powers and see what you'll get! The range between these dragons is intense, but the results never fail to impress!
..SHARK!! An elusive pair, their colours seem reflect the ocean back at you... now is that the ripples of the waves or is that a hungry hatchling!?
15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
XYZ 50% Petals|Starmap, 100% Bee, 100% Opal
BE WHO YOU AREE! A MLM pair, show your support/pride through buying one of these little hatchlings, sporting the green, blues and whites!
15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
XYZ 50% Iridescent|Starmap, 100% Bee, 97% Capsule|3% Opal
FOR YOUR PRIIDE! A WLW pairing, letting you show your pride through these colourful sunset hatchlings!
100% Skydancer
XXX 50% Petals|Starmap, 50% Constellation|Facet, 50% Opal|Glimmer
FLAV..ISSIMUS?! OH! You meant a Yellow Scissortail? These dragons are flamboyant and ready to show their yellow colourings just like their name suggests!
100% Veilspun
XXX 100% Starmap, 100% Constellation, 98% Flecks|2%Opal
LOVEBIR..DRAGONS! These lovedragons don't stop after valentines, nono! They continue to show their affection year round!
100% Skydancer
XXY 98% Cherub|2% Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Stained
SEAFLOOR! Once you hit the bottom, it seems like you have gone back eras. Everything is brown and... interestingly evolved; and mostly brown:) !
100% Guardian
XYZ 50% Wasp|Starmap, 100% Bee, 97% Runes|3% Opal
ORCA ODDITIES! A pair of apex predators, creating gorgeous hatchlings reflecting the orcas flexibility throughout the worlds oceans!
15% Imperial 85% Skydancer
XXX 50% Wasp|Starmap, 50% Constellation|Bee, 97% Runes|3% Opal
THEROPODA! A pairing whos names come from the theropod family, these small but mighty dragons are sure to produce feisty hatchlings for you to take home!
100% Skydancer
XYZ 50% Metallic|Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Runes
FOSSILS! This pairing is here to take you back in time to the prehistoric seas! Perhaps you'll find a fossil or two to take back to your lair for safekeeping....
100% Skydancer
XYZ 100%, 100% Bee, 97% Runes|3% Glowtail
ACT OF PRESERVATION! Nothing preserves prehistoric fossils like the ocean! With this skydancer pairing, their hatchlings are sure to impress you with their colourful possibilities.
100% Skydancer
XYZ 99% Basic|1% Starmap, 100% Bee, 97% Basic|3% Runes
EXCAVATION KIT! Entertain your kid with this self-excavating fossil ki- no wait, wrong advertisement. Like a real-life fossil :)
15% Obelisk 85% Guardian
XYZ 98% Lionfish|2% Starmap, 75% Paint|25% Noxtide, 100% Ghost
SAFETY OF THE SHALLOWS! Everyone loves to splash around in the safe shallows... wait is that a wave or another hungry hatchling!?
100% Coatl
XXX 50% Starmap|50% Petals, 50% Constellation|50% Butterfly, 99% Peacock|1% Glimmer
DEEP DARK ABYSS! Little dragons even dare to venture down this deep but boy are they missing out? These deep sea giants are sure to entice you further down...
85% Skydancer 15% Imperial
XXY 100% Wasp, 100% Bee, 98% Lace|2% Glimmer
GLACIER! Glaciers are rapidly falling, but something new seems to be coming out of the cracks.. are those skydancers!?
100% Skydancer
XXX 100% Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Opal
KINTSUKUROI! 'To repair with gold'; this pair is far from broken, producing stunning hatchlings for you to display!
100% Guardian
XXY 100% Metallic , 50% Constellation|50% Alloy , 100% Veined
JUST KEEP DIGGING! Almost as if they were fossilised in resin to entrap their beauty... what shiny treasures will you discover in your archaeological adventures!
98% Skydancer|2% Coatl
XXY 100% Wasp , 50% Constellation|50% Bee, 100% Opal
GIANT KELP! Some say you can find giants lounging atop a kelp bed during a warm summers day... do you dare see what you find?
100% Imperial
XXY 100% Wasp, 100% Bee, 100% Stained
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=7]PINGLISTS &
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_3105346]Welcome [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346/1#post_50378072]DA Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378073]GC Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378075]Pairs [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378076]Nesting[/url]| [s]Pinglist & Affiliates[/s] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378080]Exalt Row[/url]
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=6]PINGLIST INFO[/size][/font]
[COLUMNS][center][size=3][color=#372323]Here you'll be able to see our pinglists! To be added to a specific pairs pinglist, please comment below asking! We'll be sure to add you ASAP!
You can add yourself to our general ping through the link -> :)!
[nextcol][center][size=5][color=#372323][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hJF6U-gwrHCMqQOE-MXQCyAF7tB4nj5ivGv0B2m0x7Q/edit?usp=sharing][b]SELF EDITING PINGLIST + HATCHLING PREVIEWS[/b][/url]
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=6]AFFILIATES INFO[/size][/font]
[size=3][color=#372323]We would absolutely love to become affiliates with you if you run a hatchery! We ask the following if you would like to partner with us:
1. You stay active! We are currently active and open, and would rather be partnered with hatcheries that are the same! If we notice that you aren't being as active as we'd prefer, we may remove you from our affiliates list! Just PM us to be re-added
2. Please private message either of the founders with your code! This is so we have easy access, and we will happily do the same :)
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=6]OUR LOVELY AFFILIATES[/size][/font]
[center][size=4][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2975741/1#post_2975741][emoji=dog 2 size=1][/url] DoggoNoWanno's Hatchery
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2975741/1#post_2975741][emoji=dog 1 size=1][/url] Unique dragons — PWYW
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2975741/1#post_2975741][emoji=dog 3 size=1][/url][/size][/center]
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3104997]The G2 GeoZappery[/url][/center]
[url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3036985][img]https://img.nickpic.host/Sm26H2.png[/img][/url]
We would absolutely love to become affiliates with you if you run a hatchery! We ask the following if you would like to partner with us:
1. You stay active! We are currently active and open, and would rather be partnered with hatcheries that are the same! If we notice that you aren't being as active as we'd prefer, we may remove you from our affiliates list! Just PM us to be re-added
2. Please private message either of the founders with your code! This is so we have easy access, and we will happily do the same :)
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=7]EXALT
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_3105346]Welcome [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346/1#post_50378072]DA Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378073]GC Sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378075]Pairs [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378076]Nesting[/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3105346#post_50378079]Pinglist & Affiliates[/url] | [s]Exalt Row[/s]
[size=3][color=#372323]Dragons who sadly haven't been bought are placed here if they spend over a week on AH :(
These guys will be heavily discounted, and frankly dirt-cheap, in order to get them to sell; if they don't sell here they will become fodder!
[color=#372323][font=book antiqua][size=5]EXCAVATION KIT
[img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/icons/ice_rune.png[/img] [img]https://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_male.png[/img] [img]https://www1.flightrising.com/static/cms/breeds/2/icon.png[/img]
[b]Male[/b] Guardian
[b]Ice[/b] Uncommon
[b][color=#1d2224]•[/color] Obsidian[/b] Lionfish
[b][color=#333333]•[/color] Black[/b] Noxtide
[b][color=#d8d6cd]•[/color] Antique[/b] Ghost
[b][emoji=gem size=1] 17G or [emoji=treasure size=1] 17KT[/b]
[columns][size=2][color=#877b7b]amazing pixel artists:
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/e-pona/art/T-Rex-Sprite-540292394]trex sprite[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/bazsilisk/art/triceratops-skull-681513612]triceratops pixel[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/8-bitspider/art/SHARK-610961292]swimming shark[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/rait0s/art/Spino-skull-f2u-705316115]spinosaurus skull[/url]
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/pkgriffin/art/Whitetip-Reef-Shark-Sprite-178475664]whitetip shark[/columns]
[size=2][color=#877b7b]oOoOH a secret footnote! thank you so much for reading this far.. or just being down here LOL. this is our very first hatchery, and we are trying our absolute best! thank you for any support you give us, from a comment to a purchase :)
oOoOH a secret footnote! thank you so much for reading this far.. or just being down here LOL. this is our very first hatchery, and we are trying our absolute best! thank you for any support you give us, from a comment to a purchase :)
[columns][center][color=#342c1f][font=book antiqua][size=6][b]OUCH![/b][/size][/font]
You stumble across some fossils that [b]bump[/b]ed your feet, glancing down you can see that it's... triceratops horns and some shark teeth? Weird.
[color=#796d5d][i]a friendly bump from juxtaposition hatchery![/i]
[code=][columns][center][color=#342c1f][font=book antiqua][size=6][b]OUCH![/b][/size][/font]
You stumble across some fossils that [b]bump[/b]ed your feet, glancing down you can see that it's... triceratops horns and some shark teeth? Weird.
[color=#796d5d][i]a friendly bump from juxtaposition hatchery![/i]
You stumble across some fossils that bumped your feet, glancing down you can see that it's... triceratops horns and some shark teeth? Weird.
a friendly bump from juxtaposition hatchery!
[columns][center][color=#342c1f][font=book antiqua][size=6][b]OUCH![/b][/size][/font]
You stumble across some fossils that [b]bump[/b]ed your feet, glancing down you can see that it's... triceratops horns and some shark teeth? Weird.
[color=#796d5d][i]a friendly bump from juxtaposition hatchery![/i]