TOPIC | .:Shadow and Bone:.

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Could I purchase this gal for gems? Thanks!
Edit: if the reservation isn't picked up!
[size=1]General: @zatryx @WHDE @eddydead @othergirl @Kurayami @Amika @jovial @Rhowyn @Archaic @RobotFanatic @Csejte @eggstve @Cringe @errika @vidcundrexina @jr413 @LokiTheDutchie @Eris @commoncomitatus @Hyacinthus @maranimh @Yamathy @Flyteeth @Disbounded @SilentMoth @Criiptid @exoscience @WolfieSenpai @WulfieTheDevil @DivineDisease @Askesis @Mindedabsence @Ahkatars @Anaboose @aradiiated @Blaiddsumu @Mossykins @Koffein @Mekiko @avavictoria @Evsaurus @Carissa @LunacySoular @FrenzyDaFox @NeroDrag @antimonycarver @Micool @SilverInky @SmokedVultures @Salazia @tallisbrowne @Varnaxis @Everydaygoth @hagsmire @chorderaos @scyrre @FreyaShadow @shepardess @SoundofRaindrops @Kreideprintz @Freyaneedscoffee @Lejsek @CelestialBlue @pandakitty1 @amirisqueer @Hallowle @shattringmirrors @StarfallRanch @alternatewarning @Necralisk @Salem @Vaporizedbread @SuzyChi @Xanadu @ozvena @wormdelivre @acySoular @Lunakitty @rubeusbeaky @Somnovem @Firerindragons @qunaari @LynxSideris @lukagiou @alriandi @gravehound @nattravnen @Dianounais @Starwindrider @ScrampledEgg @awkwardbirb @tinyshell @angelegg @PapuDLKT @valkaeus @TaxiDummy @Flutterbug @Crexxy @Stermwind @CoyoteGum @Luminosity @HuthidsHorrors @ThistleProse @Taszzer @Thalassarche @hellieace @ERabbit @Hessonite @NovaSkies @hayum @arywyvern @00Riku00 @ERabbit @windywildwaves @WolfandCrow @Chanmina @Saddi @Dimentico @eatthepriests @Basil202 @Weathering @StarlightAngel @linnyloaf @CheeseChatot @6Nocturne9 @Alithium8 @Balthazaar @Axotter @garyjimathon @hyenacolada @adrienne1614 @Lunarkinesis @Mimyk @Kar @LaughingGas @varzidia @gemthedestroyer @HexaneHarpy @Skultetra @Nerdbird @CorvusIgnis @avisicarus @SpiritCaller @Nuxaria @foxpaws @JungleBerry @Runerigus @Grimalkins @ShiningCrow @frankierose @BBean @Lynxfrost13 @ghoulification @GreyKnight @ShadowDragon37 @vinterskald @WinterBasilisk @MaliciousMercy @Kasalin @Redlheif @Alyxcolic @rpgmakerhorror @ringcat @devilghoul @ZestyHolly @witchofthewoods @pouchipouchi @Plina @RedTheDerg @leoscreams @Capricat @vaguelycanine @Nighthydra @NeonEdgeLord @tthheeoo @I3atty @VonGacy @excellentwizard @crowael @bergamot @DeltaSage @RiverraHunter @thisperson @MineralTownNPC @Meadowie @papi @SpaceOdditys @DuskBall @OverheartBlue @SliestDragon @Map1e @addictead @Trinkets @Finchhflight @Firlex @chilldad @quittingtime @lanseax @frodofox @Tenuit @satvrnixne @grimley @madidel @ChaosCavalier @BeeWhisperer @shapeshiftr @SharkBa1t @bagelmonarch @BladesFire @Crake @Duckvack @scuttlebugged @elkbones @Interstice @akaineko @PRAGRETTI @Sarra @witchenshield @oysterdust @DantaZaika @Polymathema @Hatsuko @thealmightyZIM @Balaam @leoxx @4E7HER @Nocturnas @Lyssavirum @CrimsonForecasts @NyxianDragons @OlderThanBones @chillociraptor @RAVENt @SindoreiPony @KismetXIX @Allocen@SoItGoes @Wrath @inmediasres @Doki @Sinjin @EssayOfThoughts @Augusteen @FaintlyInked @FAERIIES @thecunningcorvid @SmokyDuck @mangoeclipse @JaxFlies @Hnai @PsychoticRomance @TheDragonQueen1 @YukiUwO @Guningear @caddyshack @TheTrueMothman @Wen @Prongsie @ubersaur @Fantastica @ReedRose @Exastiris @selenomancy @LetTheWorldBurn @kiiblade @telepathetical @LunaMoonShadow @DaDragon @MxNightingale @TurtlePrince @gemthedestroyer @taakovitz @alkali @rite @Silverbolt1159 @wormmunist @Dragondrop @shapeshiftr @Pennifeather @kosaru @atacama @mymagicmurderbag @Petrichord @ShadowLessHC98 @Redfern @Airazon @allielovesbrook @DragonWolfAZ @fonzeworth @AzureWings @Shalott @Phoenyx42 @Lumeen @Reignhart @beegoosey @ArsonistFurry @TealColoredTrash
Frightening Fliers: @Hraesvelgrr @Ardenweald @CeriothOfCinders @Samelf @chilldad @sense @CrimsonForecasts
Potion of Fire Breath: @Hraesvelgrr @Ardenweald @CeriothOfCinders @Samelf @chilldad @sense @CrimsonForecasts
Swampies: @sassybat @Hraesvelgrr @CrashTheFish @Tovitaan @harpyja @chilldad @MadameTentacle @SpiritX @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98
[center][b][size=5]RETIRING PAIRS FOR SALE[/size][/b]
I'm retiring the following pairs:
Frightening Fliers
Red Reapers
Potion of Fire Breath
Blood Poisoning
On the chopping block (so not selling at this moment but look out in the future:
Foul Fiends
I have the pairs for some of these for sale. Some of my retiring pairs are not for sale as I'm keeping the dragons.
[s]Frightening Fliers 20g each or 35g for the pair[/s]**SOLD**[/b]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/74221192][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/742212/74221192_350.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/74276154][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/742762/74276154_350.png[/img][/url]
[s][b]Potion of Fire Breath[/b] 15g each or 25g for the pair[/s] [b]**SOLD**[/b]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/72488846][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/724889/72488846_350.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/74755690][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/747557/74755690_350.png[/img][/url]
[s][b]Hunter (From Swampies)[/b] 10g[/s] [b]**SOLD**[/b]
[b][size=5]Unfinished Project Pairs[/size][/b]
These were going to be new pairs...but after a long time of having them unfinished, I'm not feeling them anymore. They are up for sale.
[s][b]Aberrations[/b] 20g each or 35g for the pair[/s] [b]**SOLD**[/b]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/76136879][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/761369/76136879_350.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/72317763][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/723178/72317763_350.png[/img][/url]
[s][b]Tide/Foam[/b] 15g each or 25g for the pair[/s] [b]**SOLD**[/b]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/81651150][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/816512/81651150_350.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/81768463][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/817685/81768463_350.png[/img][/url]
These were going to have Soap but considering I have many more gem gene projects with Harle/Jester I just lost interest in finishing these.
General: @zatryx @WHDE @eddydead @othergirl @Kurayami @Amika @jovial @Rhowyn @Archaic @RobotFanatic @Csejte @eggstve @Cringe @errika @vidcundrexina @jr413 @LokiTheDutchie @Eris @commoncomitatus @Hyacinthus @maranimh @Yamathy @Flyteeth @Disbounded @SilentMoth @Criiptid @exoscience @WolfieSenpai @WulfieTheDevil @DivineDisease @Askesis @Mindedabsence @Ahkatars @Anaboose @aradiiated @Blaiddsumu @Mossykins @Koffein @Mekiko @avavictoria @Evsaurus @Carissa @LunacySoular @FrenzyDaFox @NeroDrag @antimonycarver @Micool @SilverInky @SmokedVultures @Salazia @tallisbrowne @Varnaxis @Everydaygoth @hagsmire @chorderaos @scyrre @FreyaShadow @shepardess @SoundofRaindrops @Kreideprintz @Freyaneedscoffee @Lejsek @CelestialBlue @pandakitty1 @amirisqueer @Hallowle @shattringmirrors @StarfallRanch @alternatewarning @Necralisk @Salem @Vaporizedbread @SuzyChi @Xanadu @ozvena @wormdelivre @acySoular @Lunakitty @rubeusbeaky @Somnovem @Firerindragons @qunaari @LynxSideris @lukagiou @alriandi @gravehound @nattravnen @Dianounais @Starwindrider @ScrampledEgg @awkwardbirb @tinyshell @angelegg @PapuDLKT @valkaeus @TaxiDummy @Flutterbug @Crexxy @Stermwind @CoyoteGum @Luminosity @HuthidsHorrors @ThistleProse @Taszzer @Thalassarche @hellieace @ERabbit @Hessonite @NovaSkies @hayum @arywyvern @00Riku00 @ERabbit @windywildwaves @WolfandCrow @Chanmina @Saddi @Dimentico @eatthepriests @Basil202 @Weathering @StarlightAngel @linnyloaf @CheeseChatot @6Nocturne9 @Alithium8 @Balthazaar @Axotter @garyjimathon @hyenacolada @adrienne1614 @Lunarkinesis @Mimyk @Kar @LaughingGas @varzidia @gemthedestroyer @HexaneHarpy @Skultetra @Nerdbird @CorvusIgnis @avisicarus @SpiritCaller @Nuxaria @foxpaws @JungleBerry @Runerigus @Grimalkins @ShiningCrow @frankierose @BBean @Lynxfrost13 @ghoulification @GreyKnight @ShadowDragon37 @vinterskald @WinterBasilisk @MaliciousMercy @Kasalin @Redlheif @Alyxcolic @rpgmakerhorror @ringcat @devilghoul @ZestyHolly @witchofthewoods @pouchipouchi @Plina @RedTheDerg @leoscreams @Capricat @vaguelycanine @Nighthydra @NeonEdgeLord @tthheeoo @I3atty @VonGacy @excellentwizard @crowael @bergamot @DeltaSage @RiverraHunter @thisperson @MineralTownNPC @Meadowie @papi @SpaceOdditys @DuskBall @OverheartBlue @SliestDragon @Map1e @addictead @Trinkets @Finchhflight @Firlex @chilldad @quittingtime @lanseax @frodofox @Tenuit @satvrnixne @grimley @madidel @ChaosCavalier @BeeWhisperer @shapeshiftr @SharkBa1t @bagelmonarch @BladesFire @Crake @Duckvack @scuttlebugged @elkbones @Interstice @akaineko @PRAGRETTI @Sarra @witchenshield @oysterdust @DantaZaika @Polymathema @Hatsuko @thealmightyZIM @Balaam @leoxx @4E7HER @Nocturnas @Lyssavirum @CrimsonForecasts @NyxianDragons @OlderThanBones @chillociraptor @RAVENt @SindoreiPony @KismetXIX @Allocen@SoItGoes @Wrath @inmediasres @Doki @Sinjin @EssayOfThoughts @Augusteen @FaintlyInked @FAERIIES @thecunningcorvid @SmokyDuck @mangoeclipse @JaxFlies @Hnai @PsychoticRomance @TheDragonQueen1 @YukiUwO @Guningear @caddyshack @TheTrueMothman @Wen @Prongsie @ubersaur @Fantastica @ReedRose @Exastiris @selenomancy @LetTheWorldBurn @kiiblade @telepathetical @LunaMoonShadow @DaDragon @MxNightingale @TurtlePrince @gemthedestroyer @taakovitz @alkali @rite @Silverbolt1159 @wormmunist @Dragondrop @shapeshiftr @Pennifeather @kosaru @atacama @mymagicmurderbag @Petrichord @ShadowLessHC98 @Redfern @Airazon @allielovesbrook @DragonWolfAZ @fonzeworth @AzureWings @Shalott @Phoenyx42 @Lumeen @Reignhart @beegoosey @ArsonistFurry @TealColoredTrash
Frightening Fliers: @Hraesvelgrr @Ardenweald @CeriothOfCinders @Samelf @chilldad @sense @CrimsonForecasts
Potion of Fire Breath: @Hraesvelgrr @Ardenweald @CeriothOfCinders @Samelf @chilldad @sense @CrimsonForecasts
Swampies: @sassybat @Hraesvelgrr @CrashTheFish @Tovitaan @harpyja @chilldad @MadameTentacle @SpiritX @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98
Frightening Fliers: @Hraesvelgrr @Ardenweald @CeriothOfCinders @Samelf @chilldad @sense @CrimsonForecasts
Potion of Fire Breath: @Hraesvelgrr @Ardenweald @CeriothOfCinders @Samelf @chilldad @sense @CrimsonForecasts
Swampies: @sassybat @Hraesvelgrr @CrashTheFish @Tovitaan @harpyja @chilldad @MadameTentacle @SpiritX @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98
I'm retiring the following pairs:
Frightening Fliers
Red Reapers
Potion of Fire Breath
Blood Poisoning
On the chopping block (so not selling at this moment but look out in the future:
Foul Fiends
I have the pairs for some of these for sale. Some of my retiring pairs are not for sale as I'm keeping the dragons.
Frightening Fliers 20g each or 35g for the pair**SOLD**

Potion of Fire Breath 15g each or 25g for the pair **SOLD**

Hunter (From Swampies) 10g **SOLD**

Unfinished Project Pairs
These were going to be new pairs...but after a long time of having them unfinished, I'm not feeling them anymore. They are up for sale.
Aberrations 20g each or 35g for the pair **SOLD**

Tide/Foam 15g each or 25g for the pair **SOLD**

These were going to have Soap but considering I have many more gem gene projects with Harle/Jester I just lost interest in finishing these.
I'm retiring the following pairs:
Frightening Fliers
Red Reapers
Potion of Fire Breath
Blood Poisoning
On the chopping block (so not selling at this moment but look out in the future:
Foul Fiends
I have the pairs for some of these for sale. Some of my retiring pairs are not for sale as I'm keeping the dragons.

Unfinished Project Pairs
These were going to be new pairs...but after a long time of having them unfinished, I'm not feeling them anymore. They are up for sale.

These were going to have Soap but considering I have many more gem gene projects with Harle/Jester I just lost interest in finishing these.
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Ninth | She/Her Shadow and Bone Hatchery Skins and Accents |
Could I buy Twinkle for treasure, please?
I'm very interested in "Hunter" (from swampies).
If it would be okay I would like to give her a new home in my clan^^
If it would be okay I would like to give her a new home in my clan^^
@TheZxmaoIncident Twinkle is reserved, sorry, and I have another person next in line in case she isn't claimed.
@TheZxmaoIncident Twinkle is reserved, sorry, and I have another person next in line in case she isn't claimed.
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Ninth | She/Her Shadow and Bone Hatchery Skins and Accents |

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