
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Pandora's Pithos - Christmas Clutches
[center][img][/img] [font=constantia][size=7][b]Pandora's Pithos Hatchery[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url] Despite the absence of actual sweets, the smell of freshly baked goods wafts in the air…[/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [font=constantia][size=7][b]General Rules and Info[/font][/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] First come, first serve, however dragons can be held for 24 hours (if not a reservation). Treasure to gem ratio of 1000:1. Out of season festival currency is 1:500 and current/upcoming season festival currency is 1:850. Mixed payment is allowed. Please name any unnamed dragons soon after you purchase them - if this becomes a problem, I will start selling my dragons automatically named. I am subbed to this thread, so you don’t inherently need to ping me, but I don’t mind either way. All nests will be hatched within the flight I’m in (currently Earth) unless otherwise specified, but upon request I can do other flight hatches. Anyone who requests a different flight hatch will be charged 1000t/1g, regardless if it’s already been requested by someone else and being processed. If a person reserves a dragon with a different flight hatch, they will be charged for each hatch until they get the dragon they reserved. Reserves for nest hatchlings (ie. claiming a hatchling before they’re actually hatched) have to claim their reserved dragon within a week of hatching them. If they fail to do so, they will be removed from the reserve list (and can add themselves back). Only 1 reservation allowed at a time. While the majority of dragons sold will come from my hatchling pairs, there will occasionally be an old dragon or hatchlings from current challenges/projects. If interested in these dragons, I would recommend buying sooner rather than later as it’s unlikely for there to be repeats of them. [center][img][/img] [font=constantia][size=7][b]Discounts[/font][/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] Newbies (under half a year) get 15% off. Same flight (Earth) players get 10% off. Dominant flight gets 5% off. Reservations get 15% off. Affiliates get 20% off. Pinglisters get 20% off. Discounts stack up to 50%. To redeem a discount, please mention it while buying a dragon; I won’t be automatically checking to see if players are eligible for discounts. [center][img][/img] [font=constantia][size=7][b]Resources Used[/font][/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] [url=]Poisonedpaper's Art Assets[/url] [url=]JiYou's Breeding Card Tool[/url] [url=]Crowe's BBcode Compedium[/url] [url=]Necramancy's Sheet Dump[/url]
bullet.png Pandora's Pithos Hatcherybullet.png


Despite the absence of actual sweets, the smell of freshly baked goods wafts in the air…
bullet.png General Rules and Info bullet.png
First come, first serve, however dragons can be held for 24 hours (if not a reservation).
Treasure to gem ratio of 1000:1.
Out of season festival currency is 1:500 and current/upcoming season festival currency is 1:850.
Mixed payment is allowed.
Please name any unnamed dragons soon after you purchase them - if this becomes a problem, I will start selling my dragons automatically named.
I am subbed to this thread, so you don’t inherently need to ping me, but I don’t mind either way.
All nests will be hatched within the flight I’m in (currently Earth) unless otherwise specified, but upon request I can do other flight hatches. Anyone who requests a different flight hatch will be charged 1000t/1g, regardless if it’s already been requested by someone else and being processed. If a person reserves a dragon with a different flight hatch, they will be charged for each hatch until they get the dragon they reserved.
Reserves for nest hatchlings (ie. claiming a hatchling before they’re actually hatched) have to claim their reserved dragon within a week of hatching them. If they fail to do so, they will be removed from the reserve list (and can add themselves back). Only 1 reservation allowed at a time.
While the majority of dragons sold will come from my hatchling pairs, there will occasionally be an old dragon or hatchlings from current challenges/projects. If interested in these dragons, I would recommend buying sooner rather than later as it’s unlikely for there to be repeats of them.
bullet.png Discounts bullet.png
Newbies (under half a year) get 15% off.
Same flight (Earth) players get 10% off.
Dominant flight gets 5% off.
Reservations get 15% off.
Affiliates get 20% off.
Pinglisters get 20% off.
Discounts stack up to 50%.
To redeem a discount, please mention it while buying a dragon; I won’t be automatically checking to see if players are eligible for discounts.
bullet.png Resources Used bullet.png
Poisonedpaper's Art Assets
JiYou's Breeding Card Tool
Crowe's BBcode Compedium
Necramancy's Sheet Dump
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
[center][img][/img] [font=constantia][size=7][b]Available Dragons[/font][/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Shaved Ice] Unnamed #90221480 Female Spiral Halloween Hatch! 40kt [emoji=treasure] | 40g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common White / White / Watermelon Iridescent / Facet / Capsule [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns] [img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Shaved Ice] Unnamed #90221481 Male Spiral Halloween Hatch! 40kt [emoji=treasure] | 40g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Rare White / White / Carmine Crystal / Shimmer / Capsule [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Specialty Pair] Unnamed #90221485 Female Coatl Halloween Hatch! 50kt [emoji=treasure] | 50g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Uncommon Obisidan / Obsidian / White Starmap / Alloy / Ghost [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Rose Water] Unnamed #90221486 Female Skydancer Halloween Hatch! 35kt [emoji=treasure] | 35g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Goat Obsidian / Garnet / Garnet Iridescent / Butterfly / Glimmer [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Rose Water] Unnamed #90221487 Male Skydancer Halloween Hatch! 35kt [emoji=treasure] | 35g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Rare Obsidian / Sanguine / Blood Iridescent / Butterfly / Glimmer [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Watermelon Sugar] Unnamed #91215206 Female Sandsurge 75kt [emoji=treasure] | 75g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common Thicket / Watermelon / Watermelon Tiger / Stripes / Sparkle [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Watermelon Sugar] Unnamed #91215207 Male Sandsurge 75kt [emoji=treasure] | 75g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Unusual Thicket / Watermelon / Watermelon Tiger / Stripes / Sparkle [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Rock Candy] Unnamed #91669922 Female Mirror Christmas Hatch! 35kt [emoji=treasure] | 35g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common Obsidian / Obsidian / Sunset Iridescent / Shimmer / Circuit [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Rock Candy] Unnamed #91669923 Female Mirror Christmas Hatch! 35k [emoji=treasure] | 35g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Uncommon Obisidan / Obsidian / Bronze Iridescent / Shimmer / Circuit [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Kettle Corn] Unnamed #91669953 Female Fae Christmas Hatch! 40kt [emoji=treasure] | 40g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common Charcoal / Chocolate / Terracotta Petals / Butterfly / Glimmer [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Kettle Corn] Unnamed #91669954 Male Fae Christmas Hatch! 40kt [emoji=treasure] | 40g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common Gloom / Hickory / Soil Petals / Butterfly / Glimmer [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Specialty Pair] Unnamed #91669976 Female Wildclaw Christmas Hatch! 50kt [emoji=treasure] | 50g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common Obsidian / Obsidian / Moon Starmap / Constellation / Sparkle [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Honeyed Dew] Unnamed #91670009 Male Gaoler Christmas Hatch! 40kt [emoji=treasure] | 40g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Common Obsidian / Oilslick / Obsidian Tapir / Striation / Wintercoat [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [center] [quote=Honeyed Dew] Unnamed #91670011 Female Gaoler Christmas Hatch! 40kt [emoji=treasure] | 40g [emoji=gem] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=normal eyes] Earth Uncommon Obsidian / Rasberry / Obsidian Tapir / Striation / Wintercoat [url=][img][/img][/url][/quote][/columns]
bullet.png Available Dragons bullet.png
Shaved Ice wrote:
Unnamed #90221480
Female Spiral
Halloween Hatch!
40kt | 40g
Earth Common
White / White / Watermelon
Iridescent / Facet / Capsule

Shaved Ice wrote:
Unnamed #90221481
Male Spiral
Halloween Hatch!
40kt | 40g
Earth Rare
White / White / Carmine
Crystal / Shimmer / Capsule

Specialty Pair wrote:
Unnamed #90221485
Female Coatl
Halloween Hatch!
50kt | 50g
Earth Uncommon
Obisidan / Obsidian / White
Starmap / Alloy / Ghost

Rose Water wrote:
Unnamed #90221486
Female Skydancer
Halloween Hatch!
35kt | 35g
Earth Goat
Obsidian / Garnet / Garnet
Iridescent / Butterfly / Glimmer

Rose Water wrote:
Unnamed #90221487
Male Skydancer
Halloween Hatch!
35kt | 35g
Earth Rare
Obsidian / Sanguine / Blood
Iridescent / Butterfly / Glimmer

Watermelon Sugar wrote:
Unnamed #91215206
Female Sandsurge
75kt | 75g
Earth Common
Thicket / Watermelon / Watermelon
Tiger / Stripes / Sparkle

Watermelon Sugar wrote:
Unnamed #91215207
Male Sandsurge
75kt | 75g
Earth Unusual
Thicket / Watermelon / Watermelon
Tiger / Stripes / Sparkle

Rock Candy wrote:
Unnamed #91669922
Female Mirror
Christmas Hatch!
35kt | 35g
Earth Common
Obsidian / Obsidian / Sunset
Iridescent / Shimmer / Circuit

Rock Candy wrote:
Unnamed #91669923
Female Mirror
Christmas Hatch!
35k | 35g
Earth Uncommon
Obisidan / Obsidian / Bronze
Iridescent / Shimmer / Circuit

Kettle Corn wrote:
Unnamed #91669953
Female Fae
Christmas Hatch!
40kt | 40g
Earth Common
Charcoal / Chocolate / Terracotta
Petals / Butterfly / Glimmer

Kettle Corn wrote:
Unnamed #91669954
Male Fae
Christmas Hatch!
40kt | 40g
Earth Common
Gloom / Hickory / Soil
Petals / Butterfly / Glimmer

Specialty Pair wrote:
Unnamed #91669976
Female Wildclaw
Christmas Hatch!
50kt | 50g
Earth Common
Obsidian / Obsidian / Moon
Starmap / Constellation / Sparkle

Honeyed Dew wrote:
Unnamed #91670009
Male Gaoler
Christmas Hatch!
40kt | 40g
Earth Common
Obsidian / Oilslick / Obsidian
Tapir / Striation / Wintercoat

Honeyed Dew wrote:
Unnamed #91670011
Female Gaoler
Christmas Hatch!
40kt | 40g
Earth Uncommon
Obsidian / Rasberry / Obsidian
Tapir / Striation / Wintercoat

kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
[center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=7][b]Pairs[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=6][b]Sweet[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [center][b]Lavender Truffle[/b] 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1][/center] [img][/img] [center][b]Maple Taffy[/b] 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1][/center] [center][b]Card in Progress - Shaved Ice[/b] Pearlcatcher/Spiral - Crystal/Iridescent - Facet/Shimmer - Glimmer - White/White/Maroon-Azure 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Cotton Candy[/b] Tundra - Jaguar - Rosette/Safari - Glimmer/Peacock - Sky-Midnight/Steel-Orchid/Abyss-Grape 35kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 35g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Robin Eggs[/b] Imperial - Petals/Skink - Butterfly/Spinner - Glimmer/Runes - Cyan-Robin/Robin/Robin 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Fruit Tart[/b] Mirror/Bogsneak - Iridescent/Jupiter - Facet/Peregrine - Runes - Obsidian/Obsidian/Banana-Lemon 30kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 30g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Rose Water[/b] Skydancer - Petals/Iridescent - Butterfly - Glimmer - Obsidian/Sanguine-Garnet/Blood-Garnet 35kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 35g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Kettle Corn[/b] Fae/Bogsneak - Petals - Butterfly - Glimmer - Coal-Dust/Fire-Watermelon/Charcoal-Terracotta 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Chocolate Coins[/b] Skydancer/Pearlcatcher - Crystal - Butterfly/Shimmer - Runes/Gembond - White/White/Smoke-Peach 35kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 35g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Rock Candy[/b] Mirror/Imperial - Metallic/Iridescent - Shimmer/Alloy - Circuit - Obsidian/Obsidian/Strawberry-Leaf 35kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 35g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Honeyed Dew[/b] Gaoler - Tapir/Phantom - Striation/Breakup - Wintercoat/Scorpion - Obsidian/Buttercup-Eldritch/Obsidian 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Caramelized Coffee[/b] Nocturne/Coatl - Vipera/Python - Bee/Alloy - Opal/Koi - Oilslick/Buttercup-Ivory/Latte-Caramel 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Prismatic Pez[/b] Obelisk - Ground - Fissure - Ghost - Amethyst/Cyan/Cyan 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Star Candy[/b] Wildclaw/Imperial - Starmap - Constellation - Sparkle - Obsidian/Obsidian/Moon 45kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1] [center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=6][b]Savory[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [b]Card in Progress - Sesame Mochi[/b] Wildclaw - Bar/Crystal - Spinner/Facet - Runes/Glimmer - Obsidian-Sapphire/Black-Obsidian/Ultramarine-Obsidian 25kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 25g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Death's Brew[/b] Imperial/Coatl - Starmap/Crystal - Butterfly/Alloy - Runes/Ghost - Obsidian/Obsidian/Azure-White 35kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 35g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Mulberry Wine[/b] Spiral/Coatl - Petals/Tide - Butterfly/Foam - Glimmer/Sparkle - Wine/Wine/Pearl-Maize 35kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 35g [emoji=gem size=1] [b]Card in Progress - Funky Fungi[/b] Coatl/Wildclaw - Flaunt - Flair - Capsule/Glimmer - Radioactive/Radioactive/Radioactive 40kt [emoji=treasure size=1] | 40g [emoji=gem size=1]

Lavender Truffle
40kt | 40g
Maple Taffy
40kt | 40g
Card in Progress - Shaved Ice
Pearlcatcher/Spiral - Crystal/Iridescent - Facet/Shimmer - Glimmer - White/White/Maroon-Azure
40kt | 40g

Card in Progress - Cotton Candy
Tundra - Jaguar - Rosette/Safari - Glimmer/Peacock - Sky-Midnight/Steel-Orchid/Abyss-Grape
35kt | 35g

Card in Progress - Robin Eggs
Imperial - Petals/Skink - Butterfly/Spinner - Glimmer/Runes - Cyan-Robin/Robin/Robin
40kt | 40g

Card in Progress - Fruit Tart
Mirror/Bogsneak - Iridescent/Jupiter - Facet/Peregrine - Runes - Obsidian/Obsidian/Banana-Lemon
30kt | 30g

Card in Progress - Rose Water
Skydancer - Petals/Iridescent - Butterfly - Glimmer - Obsidian/Sanguine-Garnet/Blood-Garnet
35kt | 35g

Card in Progress - Kettle Corn
Fae/Bogsneak - Petals - Butterfly - Glimmer - Coal-Dust/Fire-Watermelon/Charcoal-Terracotta
40kt | 40g

Card in Progress - Chocolate Coins
Skydancer/Pearlcatcher - Crystal - Butterfly/Shimmer - Runes/Gembond - White/White/Smoke-Peach
35kt | 35g

Card in Progress - Rock Candy
Mirror/Imperial - Metallic/Iridescent - Shimmer/Alloy - Circuit - Obsidian/Obsidian/Strawberry-Leaf
35kt | 35g

Card in Progress - Honeyed Dew
Gaoler - Tapir/Phantom - Striation/Breakup - Wintercoat/Scorpion - Obsidian/Buttercup-Eldritch/Obsidian
40kt | 40g

Card in Progress - Caramelized Coffee
Nocturne/Coatl - Vipera/Python - Bee/Alloy - Opal/Koi - Oilslick/Buttercup-Ivory/Latte-Caramel
40kt | 40g

Card in Progress - Prismatic Pez
Obelisk - Ground - Fissure - Ghost - Amethyst/Cyan/Cyan
40kt | 40g

Card in Progress - Star Candy
Wildclaw/Imperial - Starmap - Constellation - Sparkle - Obsidian/Obsidian/Moon
45kt | 40g
Card in Progress - Sesame Mochi
Wildclaw - Bar/Crystal - Spinner/Facet - Runes/Glimmer - Obsidian-Sapphire/Black-Obsidian/Ultramarine-Obsidian
25kt | 25g

Card in Progress - Death's Brew
Imperial/Coatl - Starmap/Crystal - Butterfly/Alloy - Runes/Ghost - Obsidian/Obsidian/Azure-White
35kt | 35g

Card in Progress - Mulberry Wine
Spiral/Coatl - Petals/Tide - Butterfly/Foam - Glimmer/Sparkle - Wine/Wine/Pearl-Maize
35kt | 35g

Card in Progress - Funky Fungi
Coatl/Wildclaw - Flaunt - Flair - Capsule/Glimmer - Radioactive/Radioactive/Radioactive
40kt | 40g
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
[center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=7][b]Currently Nesting[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Prismatic Pez[/b] - 4 eggs[/size] [size=4]Waiting on lair space to be hatched![/size] [size=5][b]Honeyed Dew[/b] - 2 eggs[/size] [size=4]Waiting on lair space to be hatched![/size] [size=5][b]Caramelized Coffee[/b] - 3 eggs[/size] [size=4]Waiting on lair space to be hatched![/size][/center] [center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=7][b]Upcoming/Current Projects[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5]"Watermelon Sugar"[/size][/center] Just need tertiary gene: spectre (sandsurge) for my male, and they will be fully gened! Girl's still on breeding cooldown from being too young, but ASAP they will be nested and at that point I should have spectre :) [center][morphology=3675081][morphology=3675158][/center] [center][size=5]Unnamed Gen 1 Pair[/size][/center] Planning on geneing these [url=]male[/url] and [url=]female[/url] nocturnes into sandsurges! Going for a bit of a plant theme, but I only have plans for the female right now :) Need two naming scrolls, the genes, breed changes, and a plan for the male [center][morphology=3828992][/center]
bullet.pngCurrently Nestingbullet.png
Prismatic Pez - 4 eggs
Waiting on lair space to be hatched!
Honeyed Dew - 2 eggs
Waiting on lair space to be hatched!
Caramelized Coffee - 3 eggs
Waiting on lair space to be hatched!
bullet.pngUpcoming/Current Projectsbullet.png
"Watermelon Sugar"
Just need tertiary gene: spectre (sandsurge) for my male, and they will be fully gened! Girl's still on breeding cooldown from being too young, but ASAP they will be nested and at that point I should have spectre :)
watermelon woman
watermelon man
Unnamed Gen 1 Pair
Planning on geneing these male and female nocturnes into sandsurges! Going for a bit of a plant theme, but I only have plans for the female right now :) Need two naming scrolls, the genes, breed changes, and a plan for the male
unsure on sec
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
[center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=7][b]Pinglist + Reservations[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] [center][columns][right][pinglist=16962][/right][nextcol][left][pinglist=16963][/left][/columns][/center] Reach out to me if you would like to make a reservation :) [center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=7][b]Affiliates[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] currently open! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Affiliate banner: [center][url=] [img][/img][/center] [code][center][url=] [img][/img][/center][/code]
bullet.pngPinglist + Reservationsbullet.png
Reach out to me if you would like to make a reservation :)
currently open!

Affiliate banner:
[center][url=] [img][/img][/center]
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
[center][img][/img][font=constantia][size=7][b]Sold Showcase[/font][/size][/b][img][/img][/center] Currently none
bullet.pngSold Showcasebullet.png
Currently none
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery
kat | she/her | fr time +0
my hatchery