
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Elif [b]ID:[/b] 16550044 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Sep 05, 2015 [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Black Speckle [b]Secondary:[/b] Navy Freckle [b]Tertiary:[/b] Thistle Underbelly [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [center] I dont want to throw him on the AH and risk an 8 year old dragon getting sniped and exalted just because I leveled him before I noticed, so if you're interested in him just ping me and we can set up a PA or CR for him. All I ask is the 15k I would've gotten from exalting him lol. He's gonna hang in my hibden since I dont have room for him in the main lair but absolutely refuse to exalt him, so just make sure you have lair space for him! Thanks! [/center][/columns]

Name: Elif
ID: 16550044

Hatchday: Sep 05, 2015

Element: Arcane
Primary: Black Speckle
Secondary: Navy Freckle
Tertiary: Thistle Underbelly

Bred: No
Unnamed: No
I dont want to throw him on the AH and risk an 8 year old dragon getting sniped and exalted just because I leveled him before I noticed, so if you're interested in him just ping me and we can set up a PA or CR for him. All I ask is the 15k I would've gotten from exalting him lol. He's gonna hang in my hibden since I dont have room for him in the main lair but absolutely refuse to exalt him, so just make sure you have lair space for him! Thanks!
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
UfHl5Xb.pngA Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial.
@kumatan Can I buy Lucina for treasure please?
@kumatan Can I buy Lucina for treasure please?
The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening. His ilk serves no role in what is to come. Only my death will staunch the flood of destruction... A task still far beyond your means. If you would face me, seek me out and I shall allow it.
But heed the zealot's lesson well...
When the weak court death, they find it.

Profile Dragon | Wishlist

for suree i'll set up a pa!
thank youc:

for suree i'll set up a pa!
thank youc:
@kumatan Thank you, she's very pretty! :)
@kumatan Thank you, she's very pretty! :)
The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening. His ilk serves no role in what is to come. Only my death will staunch the flood of destruction... A task still far beyond your means. If you would face me, seek me out and I shall allow it.
But heed the zealot's lesson well...
When the weak court death, they find it.

Profile Dragon | Wishlist
Could I please buy Cheyanne for mixed 40kt + 10g? :)
Could I please buy Cheyanne for mixed 40kt + 10g? :)
Matchery Hatchery
@thelastline I would really love to buy him if he's not been grabbed otherwise. :)
@thelastline I would really love to buy him if he's not been grabbed otherwise. :)
EDEN (he/it)
Dragon Hoarder
Obelisks & Gaolers!
FR +1
[center]Some oldies for sale! [emoji=imperial happy size=1] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Xander [b]ID:[/b] 32978555 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 13, 2017 (7 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Nature [b]Primary:[/b] Skink Sanguine [b]Secondary:[/b] Spinner Sanguine [b]Tertiary:[/b] Runes Buttercup [b]Bred:[/b] 1 [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [b]Price:[/b] 70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Orinoco [b]ID:[/b] 32853580 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 07, 2017 (7 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Skink Abyss [b]Secondary:[/b] Spinner Abyss [b]Tertiary:[/b] Runes Turquoise [b]Bred:[/b] 5 [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [b]Price:[/b] 70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Martink [b]ID:[/b] 37357192 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Nov 15, 2017 (6 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Primary:[/b] Jaguar Lapis [b]Secondary:[/b] Bee Marigold [b]Tertiary:[/b] Runes Ivory [b]Bred:[/b] 4 [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [b]Price:[/b] 60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Brynna [b]ID:[/b] 49951324 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Mar 07, 2019 (5 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Wind [b]Primary:[/b] Starmap Obsidian [b]Secondary:[/b] Bee Radioactive [b]Tertiary:[/b] Runes Radioactive [b]Bred:[/b] 5 [b]Unnamed:[/b] 1 [b]Price:[/b] 50 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Perfection [b]ID:[/b] 39861544 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Mar 02, 2018 (6 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Cherub Soil [b]Secondary:[/b] Toxin Raspberry [b]Tertiary:[/b] Underbelly Flaxen [b]Bred:[/b] N/A [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [b]Price:[/b] 60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Osiris [b]ID:[/b] 39920534 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Mar 05, 2018 (6 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Jaguar Bubblegum [b]Secondary:[/b] Rosette Bubblegum [b]Tertiary:[/b] Capsule Rose [b]Bred:[/b] 59 [b]Unnamed:[/b] 1 [b]Price:[/b] 60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Kisai [b]ID:[/b] 22529659 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Apr 02, 2016 (8 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Nature [b]Primary:[/b] Crystal Splash [b]Secondary:[/b] Butterfly Splash [b]Tertiary:[/b] Glimmer Azure [b]Bred:[/b] 2 [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [b]Price:[/b] 80 000[size=4][emoji=treasure size=1] or 80[emoji=gem size=1][/size][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]Name:[/b] Oliana [b]ID:[/b] 50693376 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Apr 03, 2019 (5 years) [s]------[/s][b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Savannah Azure [b]Secondary:[/b] Peregrine Caribbean [b]Tertiary:[/b] Underbelly Lapis [b]Bred:[/b] N/A [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [b]Price:[/b] 50 000[size=4][emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][/size][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns]
Some oldies for sale!
32978555_350.png Name: Xander
ID: 32978555

Hatchday: May 13, 2017
(7 years)

Element: Nature
Primary: Skink Sanguine
Secondary: Spinner Sanguine
Tertiary: Runes Buttercup

Bred: 1
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 70 000 or 70
32853580_350.png Name: Orinoco
ID: 32853580

Hatchday: May 07, 2017
(7 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Skink Abyss
Secondary: Spinner Abyss
Tertiary: Runes Turquoise

Bred: 5
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 70 000 or 70
37357192_350.png Name: Martink
ID: 37357192

Hatchday: Nov 15, 2017
(6 years)

Element: Earth
Primary: Jaguar Lapis
Secondary: Bee Marigold
Tertiary: Runes Ivory

Bred: 4
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 60 000 or 60
49951324_350.png Name: Brynna
ID: 49951324

Hatchday: Mar 07, 2019
(5 years)

Element: Wind
Primary: Starmap Obsidian
Secondary: Bee Radioactive
Tertiary: Runes Radioactive

Bred: 5
Unnamed: 1

Price: 50 000 or 50
39861544_350.png Name: Perfection
ID: 39861544

Hatchday: Mar 02, 2018
(6 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Cherub Soil
Secondary: Toxin Raspberry
Tertiary: Underbelly Flaxen

Bred: N/A
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 60 000 or 60
39920534_350.png Name: Osiris
ID: 39920534

Hatchday: Mar 05, 2018
(6 years)

Element: Arcane
Primary: Jaguar Bubblegum
Secondary: Rosette Bubblegum
Tertiary: Capsule Rose

Bred: 59
Unnamed: 1

Price: 60 000 or 60
22529659_350.png Name: Kisai
ID: 22529659

Hatchday: Apr 02, 2016
(8 years)

Element: Nature
Primary: Crystal Splash
Secondary: Butterfly Splash
Tertiary: Glimmer Azure

Bred: 2
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 80 000 or 80
50693376_350.png Name: Oliana
ID: 50693376

Hatchday: Apr 03, 2019
(5 years)

Element: Water
Primary: Savannah Azure
Secondary: Peregrine Caribbean
Tertiary: Underbelly Lapis

Bred: N/A
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 50 000 or 50
hi, i'm suzy! | fr + 2

accent shop
profile templates
mkOslTW.gif nQOlLTR.png
Nightblossom is so tempting but is getting way too broke now ;_;
Nightblossom is so tempting but is getting way too broke now ;_;
Seeking Coatls and Currency for Forum Games
Saving up for lair expansion
[s]hello! i have a couple of unbred 7digits on the AH for 120g. feel free to haggle, ask for mixed/treasure payment, or request holds. they're not the prettiest so their prices are very much just because they're oldies and unbred. they're also progen children if that's a selling point for anyone![/s] [b]both sold![/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
hello! i have a couple of unbred 7digits on the AH for 120g. feel free to haggle, ask for mixed/treasure payment, or request holds. they're not the prettiest so their prices are very much just because they're oldies and unbred. they're also progen children if that's a selling point for anyone! both sold!

xxxxxxhe/it | fr+3 | lore & exalting lair | lf sdf skin: forager, < 1kg
@j0taro I'd be happy to send him your way!!!!! I'll set up a PA, you can nab him at your leisure. Thanks so much!!!
@j0taro I'd be happy to send him your way!!!!! I'll set up a PA, you can nab him at your leisure. Thanks so much!!!
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
UfHl5Xb.pngA Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial.