Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue
SkellieTheRedd's Clan
Like a bird in a cage; you are safe, but are you free?
Clan Info
Wishlist | Skellie's Breeding Mishaps (Free Dragons) | Profile Dragon
...................(Why are you down here?)
. "If it's not okay, it's not over." Started in shadow flight now we here, but we stayed for the Icedad Exalting lair | likes on my dragons make me happy! |
It has been a long time since the gaping maw of this cavern has felt the fires of war upon it's stony surface, heard the final wails of the dying echoing inside it's vastness, watched the desperate wander away from it's safety never to be seen again. The walls of this place are scarred by the claws and weapons of hundreds of dragons who lived and died to make it their home... Perhaps even haunted by the suffering endured here... And yet, the winds of the north and the light of the sun filter in through the hollow mountain's ceiling, where holes have been collapsed by time, and fall upon the comfortable mess of elemental inspiration below, a flourishing clan bustling along it's well worn pathways and aged but loved living spaces. |
The Nexus will fight to hold onto this peace. This calm. This prosperity. Until the world collapses it all onto them. |
Our Esteemed Factions The Nexus Luncarta The Howling Infinity Grove The Yemokar Presaged Epoch Omnivisphir Ansolacephir |
............... |
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