
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | ~Open! Necromancer Subspecies Sales~
Anyone got a Nercroservus for sale? I would prefer a female if possible
Anyone got a Nercroservus for sale? I would prefer a female if possible
@Mystic9187 I just hatched this girl here [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 15kt or 15 gems! @DeathValley Can I get that last wildclaw?
I just hatched this girl here


15kt or 15 gems!
Can I get that last wildclaw?
+3 FRT
Forums lurker
Collector of old dragons
Lore clan!

She's lovely. I'd love to grab her!
She's lovely. I'd love to grab her!
@TheCell Hi I have a breeding pair that I hope to have eggs from soon, was advised to reach out to you here for registration! [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lepraxol Link [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Taloxtl Link

Hi I have a breeding pair that I hope to have eggs from soon, was advised to reach out to you here for registration!



Lepraxol Link


Taloxtl Link
@WeRtheDead cool pair! I'll create a breeding card for them tonight or tomorrow and list them on the front page. @Gibberish I have this Necromancer leftover from my last Kleb x Milltall pairing if you were still interested: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@WeRtheDead cool pair! I'll create a breeding card for them tonight or tomorrow and list them on the front page.

@Gibberish I have this Necromancer leftover from my last Kleb x Milltall pairing if you were still interested:

@TheCell thank you for pinging me, but was able to grab a coatl necro from DeathValley a few days ago.
@TheCell thank you for pinging me, but was able to grab a coatl necro from DeathValley a few days ago.
@Gibberish Ah, perfect! Glad you got your necro beb :)
@Gibberish Ah, perfect! Glad you got your necro beb :)
@TheCandyMarwhal I would love to buy that last Mirror male there (#56576312)!
@TheCandyMarwhal I would love to buy that last Mirror male there (#56576312)!
Yx-Lpm2-Q222.pngFR+2 | She/Her | WishlistYxLpm2Q.png
@BoulderEnder Hi! I let Mar know you're interested and he should be with you soon. If you haven't seen anything by the end of tomorrow I will message him via Discord!
@BoulderEnder Hi! I let Mar know you're interested and he should be with you soon. If you haven't seen anything by the end of tomorrow I will message him via Discord!
Eq06Qme.png Arin | 21 | He/They | Taken

Totally a Deer behind the screen. AuDHD, please be patient with me.
Fixated on Dragons, Warframe and Destiny 2.
2hAKJGX.png -codes
-g1 sales
Anyone with necros or anything else hatching the 18th I'm super interested!
Anyone with necros or anything else hatching the 18th I'm super interested!
+3 FRT
Forums lurker
Collector of old dragons
Lore clan!
