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TOPIC | [Neon Wings] Breeder's Hub
[quote][center][img][/img] [color=red][b]Applications will be closed for a while. We will still be accepting new members but these are by invite of original members. This is so if you have friends who would like to join you need only message me a link to their breeder thread.[/center][/color][/b] [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][b]Home[/b] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of this thread is to explain how you become a Neon Wing breeder and to unify all the breeder threads for those who breed Neon Wing dragons. Neon Wing dragons are dragons who all follow a specific breed standard and those who breed them usually have at least one breeding pair of dragons that follow this standard. [center][img][/img][/center] So what is a Neon Wing? Well there are 2 categories of Neon Wing and they can be any dragon with one of the primary colors listed below. [center]A [b]Dark Neon Wing[/b] has a primary color of: [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center]A [b]Bright Neon Wing[/b] has a primary color of: [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] ...and that's it, it is very simple. A breeding pair of Neon Wings can be 2 dragons with dark primary colors or 2 dragons with bright primary colors. Sadly a mixed pair of bright and dark will not count. Along with the 2 main categories of Neon Wings there are 3 breed standards in which all Neon Wings fall into with each getting progressively harder to find. These standards are as follows. [u] [left][b][u]Basic Breed[/b][/u] Here is a summary of a basic Neon Wing. [LIST] [*][b]Primary:[/b] Any Gene - Dark/Bright colors from above. [*][b]Secondary:[/b] Any Gene - Any color [*][b]Tertiary:[/b] Any Gene - Any color [*][b]Breed:[/b] Any Breed [*][b]Eye color:[/b] Any eye color [/LIST] Here is an example of a basic breeding pair: [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [u][b]Advanced Breed[/b][/u] Here is a summary of an advanced Neon Wing. [LIST] [*][b]Primary:[/b] Any Gene - Dark/Bright colors from above. [*][b]Secondary:[/b] Shimmer Only - Any color [*][b]Tertiary:[/b] Any Gene - Any color [*][b]Breed:[/b] Cannot be Mirror/Guardian/Tundra/Fae [*][b]Eye color:[/b] Any eye color [/LIST] Here is an example of an advanced breeding pair: [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [b][u]Extreme Breed[/b][/u] This is the hardest breed for a breeder to specialize in as the criteria is very specific. This will not be a breed that can easily be bought off the auction house and may require careful breeding and help from other members to attain. [b]THIS IS NEON WINGS HARD MODE![/b] Here is a summary of an extreme Neon Wing. [LIST] [*][b]Primary:[/b] Not Basic - Dark/Bright colors from above. [*][b]Secondary:[/b] Shimmer Only - Same color as Tertiary [*][b]Tertiary:[/b] Not Basic - Same color as Secondary [*][b]Breed:[/b] Can only be Skydancers, Imperials, Wildclaws and Coatls at present. [*][b]Eye color:[/b] eye color must corresponds to the band list below. [/LIST] [center][b]Color bands relate to your dragons secondary and tertiary color. These bands are as follows:[/b] [center][size=5][u][color=#3d1673][b]Shadow Flight[/b][/color][/u][/size] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Shadow, Mulberry, Thistle, Lavender, Purple, Violet and Royal [center][u][size=5][color=#1c2d99][b]Water Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Storm, Navy, Blue, Splash, Sky, Stonewash, Steel, Denim, Azure and Caribbean [center][u][size=5][color=#32a274][b]Lightning Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Teal, Aqua, Seafoam and Jade [center][u][size=5][color=#6fe601][b]Wind[/b][/color] & [color=#084f2d][b]Nature Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Emerald, Jungle, Forest, Swamp, Avocado, Green, Leaf and Spring [center][u][size=5][color=#eda22b][b]Light Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Goldenrod, Lemon, Banana, Ivory and Gold [center][u][size=5][color=#e64b15][b]Fire Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Sunshine, Orange, Fire and Tangerine [center][u][size=5][color=#45230a][b]Earth Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Sand, Beige, Stone, Slate, Soil, Brown and Chocolate [center][u][size=5][color=#b90609][b]Plague Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Rust, Tomato, Crimson, Blood, Maroon, Red and Carmine [center][u][size=5][color=#f0019d][b]Arcane Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Coral, Magenta, Pink and Rose [center][u][size=5][color=#00d8ff][b]Ice Flight[/b][/color][/size][/u] is band... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Maize, White, Ice and Platinum [center][u][size=5][b]Wild Card![/b][/size][/u] is band can be [b]ANY [/b]flight... [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Colors:[/b] Silver, Grey, Charcoal, Coal, Black, Obsidian and Midnight Here is an example of a breeding pair for the Tranquil band: [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center]
Applications will be closed for a while. We will still be accepting new members but these are by invite of original members. This is so if you have friends who would like to join you need only message me a link to their breeder thread.

The purpose of this thread is to explain how you become a Neon Wing breeder and to unify all the breeder threads for those who breed Neon Wing dragons.

Neon Wing dragons are dragons who all follow a specific breed standard and those who breed them usually have at least one breeding pair of dragons that follow this standard.


So what is a Neon Wing? Well there are 2 categories of Neon Wing and they can be any dragon with one of the primary colors listed below.

A Dark Neon Wing has a primary color of:

A Bright Neon Wing has a primary color of:

...and that's it, it is very simple. A breeding pair of Neon Wings can be 2 dragons with dark primary colors or 2 dragons with bright primary colors. Sadly a mixed pair of bright and dark will not count.

Along with the 2 main categories of Neon Wings there are 3 breed standards in which all Neon Wings fall into with each getting progressively harder to find. These standards are as follows.

Basic Breed

Here is a summary of a basic Neon Wing.
  • Primary: Any Gene - Dark/Bright colors from above.
  • Secondary: Any Gene - Any color
  • Tertiary: Any Gene - Any color
  • Breed: Any Breed
  • Eye color: Any eye color

Here is an example of a basic breeding pair:

Advanced Breed

Here is a summary of an advanced Neon Wing.
  • Primary: Any Gene - Dark/Bright colors from above.
  • Secondary: Shimmer Only - Any color
  • Tertiary: Any Gene - Any color
  • Breed: Cannot be Mirror/Guardian/Tundra/Fae
  • Eye color: Any eye color

Here is an example of an advanced breeding pair:

Extreme Breed

This is the hardest breed for a breeder to specialize in as the criteria is very specific. This will not be a breed that can easily be bought off the auction house and may require careful breeding and help from other members to attain.


Here is a summary of an extreme Neon Wing.
  • Primary: Not Basic - Dark/Bright colors from above.
  • Secondary: Shimmer Only - Same color as Tertiary
  • Tertiary: Not Basic - Same color as Secondary
  • Breed: Can only be Skydancers, Imperials, Wildclaws and Coatls at present.
  • Eye color: eye color must corresponds to the band list below.

Color bands relate to your dragons secondary and tertiary color. These bands are as follows:

Shadow Flight is band...
Colors: Shadow, Mulberry, Thistle, Lavender, Purple, Violet and Royal

Water Flight is band...
Colors: Storm, Navy, Blue, Splash, Sky, Stonewash, Steel, Denim, Azure and Caribbean

Lightning Flight is band...
Colors: Teal, Aqua, Seafoam and Jade

Wind & Nature Flight is band...
Colors: Emerald, Jungle, Forest, Swamp, Avocado, Green, Leaf and Spring

Light Flight is band...
Colors: Goldenrod, Lemon, Banana, Ivory and Gold

Fire Flight is band...
Colors: Sunshine, Orange, Fire and Tangerine

Earth Flight is band...
Colors: Sand, Beige, Stone, Slate, Soil, Brown and Chocolate

Plague Flight is band...
Colors: Rust, Tomato, Crimson, Blood, Maroon, Red and Carmine

Arcane Flight is band...
Colors: Coral, Magenta, Pink and Rose

Ice Flight is band...
Colors: Maize, White, Ice and Platinum

Wild Card! is band can be ANY flight...
Colors: Silver, Grey, Charcoal, Coal, Black, Obsidian and Midnight

Here is an example of a breeding pair for the Tranquil band:

[center][img][/img] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [b]Membership[/b] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- There are three types of breeder each with a different breeder's badge. The breeder badge is simply an image you can place on your thread/site to show that you are taking part in the Neon Wings breeding program and that you are listed here in the hub. [b] [u]HONORARY BREEDER[/u][/b] [left]This is the first type of breeder that you can become and is pretty much open to everyone. All you need to become an honorary breeder is to have a single breeding pair of the basic breed and a breeding thread of your own. If you have those then just [b]PM[/b] @Misfit the link to your breeding thread and I'll add it to the breeder's list. It can take 2 to 7 days to hear back from me and when you are put on the list you will recieve a ping to the hub and your welcome message. [i](Please do not post applications in the thread as it may get lost).[/i] [color=red][b][PLEASE NOTE] [/b]Applications are currently [b]CLOSED[/b]. If you have applied this month and have not heard from me then please be patient as I will get to your application soon. I apologize for the inconvenience and I will hopefully re-open applications again soon.[/color] For those of you who feel more comfortable filling in a form then please fill out the form below when applying for membership. Subject your PM as: NW membership application [quote][b]Link to your thread:[/b] [i]Breeding pair:[/i] [b]Your NW female dragon:[/b] [b]Your NW male dragon:[/b] [b]Link to any other NW breeding pairs:[/b] [/quote] Once you are placed on the list you may feel free to use the badge below:[/left] [img][/img] Image on it's own: [code][img][/img][/code] Image with link to the Breeder's Hub: [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] Signature sized [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [u][b]ADVANCED BREEDER[/b][/u] [left]To become an advanced breeder takes a little more time and effort than an honorary breeder. Firstly you must have 2 or more breeding pairs of Neon Wings and at least one has to be an [b]advance[/b] breeding pair. Secondly you must have been active in the breeders hub. This can be posting hatchlings, trading, buying or simply answering questions and being helpful to your fellow members. It might be a good idea to retain links to pages that you have posted on for future applications. [i][NOTE] Offering your name in the nest rental list contributes towards this.[/i] Thirdly you must have been a member of Neon Wings for at least 40 days before the cut-off date of your application. Once all these criteria have been met then those members can apply to be an advance breeders on the 25th of every month. The advance breeder's badge:[/left] [img][/img] [img][/img] [u][b]EXTREME BREEDER[/b][/u] [left]To become an extreme breeder you first need to be at Advanced Breeder rank. Secondly you must have a breeding pair of extreme breed dragons. This is to say that both dragons have either dark [b]or[/b] bright primaries (not one of each), have the same color secondary and tertiary colors, have no basic genes and that their eyes match the color band they are in. (e.g if they have leaf as their secondary and tertiary then they must be nature or wind flight). Lastly you must be in the nest rental list. Part of the challenge of these hard-to-breed dragons is that you may need to get help from your fellow members. For this reason we ask that you be willing to help out in return from time to time :) You can apply for extreme breeder rank on the 25th of every month.[/left] Once you fulfill this criteria then you will be given the rank of Extreme Breeder and be able to display the Extreme Breeder Badge: [img][/img] [img][/img] [u][b]ADVISORY BREEDER[/b][/u] [left]This type of breeder is there to help their fellow breeders in answering questions and giving advice about the breeding program and the game in general. These breeders have not had to fulfill any sort of criteria, but have simply proven to be a helpful and active member of the hub. The choice of advisory breeder is made by the other advisory breeders. Each advisory breeder has a badge with a symbol unique to them, their badge also glows in their flight's color.[/left] [img][/img][/center]

There are three types of breeder each with a different breeder's badge. The breeder badge is simply an image you can place on your thread/site to show that you are taking part in the Neon Wings breeding program and that you are listed here in the hub.


This is the first type of breeder that you can become and is pretty much open to everyone. All you need to become an honorary breeder is to have a single breeding pair of the basic breed and a breeding thread of your own. If you have those then just PM @Misfit the link to your breeding thread and I'll add it to the breeder's list. It can take 2 to 7 days to hear back from me and when you are put on the list you will recieve a ping to the hub and your welcome message. (Please do not post applications in the thread as it may get lost).

[PLEASE NOTE] Applications are currently CLOSED. If you have applied this month and have not heard from me then please be patient as I will get to your application soon. I apologize for the inconvenience and I will hopefully re-open applications again soon.

For those of you who feel more comfortable filling in a form then please fill out the form below when applying for membership.

Subject your PM as: NW membership application
Link to your thread:

Breeding pair:
Your NW female dragon:
Your NW male dragon:

Link to any other NW breeding pairs:

Once you are placed on the list you may feel free to use the badge below:


Image on it's own:

Image with link to the Breeder's Hub:

Signature sized

To become an advanced breeder takes a little more time and effort than an honorary breeder. Firstly you must have 2 or more breeding pairs of Neon Wings and at least one has to be an advance breeding pair.

Secondly you must have been active in the breeders hub. This can be posting hatchlings, trading, buying or simply answering questions and being helpful to your fellow members. It might be a good idea to retain links to pages that you have posted on for future applications.
[NOTE] Offering your name in the nest rental list contributes towards this.

Thirdly you must have been a member of Neon Wings for at least 40 days before the cut-off date of your application.

Once all these criteria have been met then those members can apply to be an advance breeders on the 25th of every month.

The advance breeder's badge:



To become an extreme breeder you first need to be at Advanced Breeder rank.

Secondly you must have a breeding pair of extreme breed dragons. This is to say that both dragons have either dark or bright primaries (not one of each), have the same color secondary and tertiary colors, have no basic genes and that their eyes match the color band they are in. (e.g if they have leaf as their secondary and tertiary then they must be nature or wind flight).

Lastly you must be in the nest rental list. Part of the challenge of these hard-to-breed dragons is that you may need to get help from your fellow members. For this reason we ask that you be willing to help out in return from time to time :)

You can apply for extreme breeder rank on the 25th of every month.

Once you fulfill this criteria then you will be given the rank of Extreme Breeder and be able to display the Extreme Breeder Badge:



This type of breeder is there to help their fellow breeders in answering questions and giving advice about the breeding program and the game in general. These breeders have not had to fulfill any sort of criteria, but have simply proven to be a helpful and active member of the hub. The choice of advisory breeder is made by the other advisory breeders.

Each advisory breeder has a badge with a symbol unique to them, their badge also glows in their flight's color.

[center][img][/img] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [b]Breeders[/b] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- Here you can find a list of all the different breeders taking part in the Neon Wings breeding program.[/center] Member Count: [size=5][b]251[/b][/size] [u][b]HONORARY BREEDERS[/b] [/u] [size=5][b]A[/b][/size] [b]Alphares[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 29th June '13 [b]Aros[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 4th July '13 [b]Ares[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 6th July '13 [b]Aspyluff[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th July '13 [b]Amirae[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th August '13 [b]Astamodeus[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd October '13 [b]Areii[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 29th October '13 [b]Adumbratus[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 9th December '13 [b]Aralynia[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 20th December '13 [b]Abril[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th January '14 [b]Alcyone[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 7th February '14 [b]ArtsyAlraune[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th March '14 [b]advent[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th March '14 [b]AnaelMarsW[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th March '14 [b]atotheshli[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th April '14 [b]Arkh[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd May '14 [b]agno3 [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]asami[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 17th May '14 [b]Airis[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th May '14 [b]Azurrys[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '14 [b]Ayde[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]B[/b][/size] [b]Beltaguise[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th July '13 [b]bardicartist[/b] - [][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th July '13 [b]beckaliz & Hobovampire[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 6th June '14 [b]Blessings[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]C[/b][/size] [b]Calidae[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 20th July '13 [b]Caribbean[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 17th August '13 [b]CreativePotato[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st September '13 [b]Cila[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st September '13 [b]Claudea[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 20th December '13 [b]chomiji[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th March '14 [b]Cardboard[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 11th April '14 [b]cavallocavaliere[/b] - [url=][b]thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 3rd May '14 [b]CalypsoLaForet[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]coyotecolored[/b] - [url=][b]thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th May '14 [b]Culex[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 7th June '14 [b]carrott[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 13th June '14 [b]Commodore[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [b]celeskookooberg[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 27th July '14 [size=5][b]D[/b][/size] [b]DovieCaba[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th July '13 [b]DragonSage[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th August '13 [b]Divinity[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 26th August '13 [b]DizzyKat[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]DynamiteRave[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th February '14 [b]Deenaa[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th February '14 [b]Dragoness[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 29th May '14 [b]dittobrian [/b]- [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 10th June '14 [b]DragonMossstar [/b]- [url=][b]thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st June '14 [b]DeathsFeline[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [b]doodlemonchelle[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined September '14 [b]Drakenhart[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [b]dangerkittyn[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]E[/b][/size] [b]Embyrs[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 11th April '14 [b]Eden[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd May '14 [b]Embidi[/b] -[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]emma [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]ErianaMoon[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st June '14 [b]EccoGamer[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '14 [size=5][b]F[/b][/size] [b]foayasha[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 13th August '13 [b]frostkingdemetri[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st September '13 [b]Frostpebble[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 27th July '14 [size=5][b]G[/b][/size] [b]Gem4567[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 9th July '13 [b]Ganondorf[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th March '14 [b]guyverrs[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [size=5][b]H[/b][/size] [b]Holone[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th August '13 [b]HobbitFrog[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 9th January '14 [b]hyenaboy[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd May '14 [b]havnted[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]HereBeDragons[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st June '14 [b]Haru[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th September '14 [size=5][b]I[/b][/size] [b]InversePotato[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 7th July '13 [b]Indexer[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th September '13 [b]Iceshard[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 7th February '14 [b]lupadracolis[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 31st May '14 [b]Ithika[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 6th June '14 [b]IcefireStarfire[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th June '14 [b]Inishia[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 6th June '14 [b]Isidarth[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd August '14 [size=5][b]J[/b][/size] [b]Jingles[/b] -[url=][b] Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 7th July '13 [b]JerryDionLoth[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th October '13 [b]Jesabel[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 14th May '14 [b]jamilalikemanila[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th June '14 [b]JadeRavenwing[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]K[/b][/size] [b]Kiwifeathers[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 30th June '13 [b]Kankri[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th July '13 [b]KaitouCat[/b] & [b]Fatalis[/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 17th July '13 [b]KjaniLove[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd October '13 [b]Kihluna[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 30th December '13 [b]Kibame[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th January '14 [b]Kiranachan[/b] - [url=][b]thread[/b][/url] - Joined 23rd January '14 [b]Kayle[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th June '14 [b]katra [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 21st June '14 [b]kaldorei [/b]- [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 21st June '14 [size=5][b]L[/b][/size] [b]Louscyther[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 11th July '13 [b]Lynnbug[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 16th August '13 [b]LucidDreamer[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st September '13 [b]Looseling[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]Laidly[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 13th June '14 [b]LydiaHatter [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 21st June '14 [b]Lunarkitty[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 28th June '14 [b]LottieLurker[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [b]LottieLurker[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]M[/b][/size] [b]Madeofmess[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd July '13 [b]Maryn[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 12th July [b]Mistwalker[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]moderneel [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd December '13 [b]MariBelle[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 15th February '14 [b]Mignonne[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th April '14 [b]Marceline[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 31st May '14 [b]moonlily[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th June '14 [b]MidnightSpade[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 13th June '14 [b]Mags[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd Septmember '14 [size=5][b]N[/b][/size] [b]Noctilucent[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th September '13 [b]NerakaFenice[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 6th June '14 [b]Niamh [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 27th July '14 [b]Nadyell[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 27th July '14 [size=5][b]O[/b][/size] [b]ObsidianDragon[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th July '13 [b]ochrasy[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [b]otonashiryouko[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '14 [size=5][b]P[/b][/size] [b]Plague[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 29th June' 13 [b]Peixes[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st July '13 [b]PencilCat[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 5th July '13 [b]Phydeaux[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]Possum[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 3rd October '13 [b]Pykichi[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 23rd November '13 [b]Panome[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 23rd November '13 [b]Peony[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th January '14 [b]Primula[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th June '14 [b]perfidious[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 21st June '14 [b]Peace[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '14 [b]Pressia[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '14 [size=5][b]Q[/b][/size] [b]QueenBedhead[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd May '14 [size=5][b]R[/b][/size] [b]rabbitwolf[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th August '13 [b]ripple09[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]rivenmist[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th September '13 [b]Risuna[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 4th January '14 [b]RoseNitemare[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th January '14 [b]Rexila[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th March '14 [b]Ravensflight[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 27th July '14 [b]RosemaryWood[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2ns September '14 [size=5][b]S[/b][/size] [b]snowii[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 30th June '13 [b]Shimdom[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '13 [b]Sprogog[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th July '13 [b]Seasonfluff[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th July '13 [b]Spidergirl[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 13th August '13 [b]Skeseth[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st September '13 [b]Syrensong[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 7th November '13 [b]SilverMidnight[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th November '13 [None-Active] [b]Septica[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th January '14 [b]shaliyah[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th February '14 [b]starz[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 19th May '14 [b]Spacekitty[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 25th May '14 [b]saphariadragon[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th June '14 [b]sandpiper[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 13th June '14 [b]Sammagoat[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [b]SullenEarth [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st July '14 [b]Spopple[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1sy July '14 [b]Slateblu1[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '14 [b]Strigidae[/b] -[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 27th July '14 [b]shadowsspy[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd August '14 [b]shrapnelsong[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 3rd August '14 [b]sparklesdani [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b] [/url]- Joined 2nd Septemver '14 [b]SilverMoon1468[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]T[/b][/size] [b]Tantalum[/b] - [b][url=] Thread [/url][/b]- Joined 30th June' 13 [b]Targaryen[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th July '13 [b]Touke[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 29th March '14 [b]Troya [/b]-[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [b]Tetsune[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 27th July '14 [b]trashmink[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [size=5][b]U[/b][/size] [b]Unole[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th June '14 [b]UmbraLillium[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th June '14 [size=5][b]V[/b][/size] [b]Valentine[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st July '13 [b]VanSwssAlmd[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd July '13 [b]Veskasa[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th October '13 [b]Verrilo[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 28th March '14 [b]velociraider[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th June '14 [size=5][b]W[/b][/size] [b]winkatuck [/b]- [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 17th August '13 [b]WhiteFireRaven[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th August '13 [b]wasteofanangel[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 26th August '13 [b]WhoDoVoodoo[/b] - [url=][b]thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th October '13 [b]Winry[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 27th July '14 [size=5][b]X[/b][/size] [b]xxFuria[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd July '13 [b]Xun[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 17th August '13 [b]XinXiao[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]Xairathan[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd October '13 [size=5][b]Y[/b][/size] [b]yumehisakawa[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th January '14 [size=5][b]Z[/b][/size] [b]ZenithNadir[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 18th May '14 [b]Zebedee4122[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 21st June '14 [b]zwinky[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd September '14 [u][b]ADVANCED BREEDERS [/b][/u] [b]Yggdrasil[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd October '13 [b]hystericalmirth[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 17th November '13 [b]fiendly[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th September '13 [b]Nandalia[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd September '13 [b]CeruleanBlue[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 31st October '13 [b]RaikuKawisa[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 29th June '13 [b]Gryphoness[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Join 10th July '13 [b][No Longer Active][/b] [b]SaF[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 20th July '13 [b]GlitchKitty[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 18th July '13 [b]Persephone[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th July '13 [b]Shavahiivallah[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th August '13 [b]benalene[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st September '13 [b]Chichi[/b] -[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 26th August '13 [b]mrshuskey[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - joined 3rd October '13 [b]Hayley[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th October '13 [b]scubagirl[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd November '13 [b]Polarstern[/b] -[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd March '14 [b]MissApollo[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th January '14 [b]Verity19[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 18th May '14 [b]wahnsinn[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 4th January '14 [b]CheeseForAll[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th August '13 [b]AnaAna[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th March '14 [b]Azuri[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 14th May '14 [b]Clifftop[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 26th August '13 [b]krissalus[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 18th January '14 [b]thebakkat[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 6th June '14 [b]wobbutalia22[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th June '14 [u][b]EXTREME BREEDERS[/b][/u] [b]Wraith[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 5th Dec '13 [b]Fara[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 8th July '13 [b]Alania[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 1st July '13 [b]Erised[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th October '13 [b]Cluttermouse[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 10th '13 [b]Esme[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 4th October '13 [b]dragoil[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - joined 14th September '13 [b]TriangularRoom[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th July '13 [b]Four[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd November '13 [b]Wintaer[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 5th November '13 [b]MewWolf[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 18th November '13 [b]Thristam[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 15th November '13 [b]Tyragoosa[/b] - [url=][b]Thread [/b][/url]- Joined 26th Octoboer '13 [b]Sherlocked[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 18th July '13 [b]Nikita[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 24th September '13 [b]skyegu[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 22nd November '13 [b]SuperWolf[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 25th November '13 [b]brain4puzzles[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]Devildove[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th December '13 [b]Midnightpinto[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 10th September '13 [b]blackjack879[/b] -[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th December '13 [b]SmirkingWolf[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 28th August '13 [b]Dracoren[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th July '13 [b]Vagrant[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th August '13 [b]onewyrdwyrm[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 16th August '13 [b]mermaidia[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 21st February '14 [b]Dlady[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 11th April '14 [b]Foxymoon[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 3rd September '13 [b]Skitties[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 12th January '14 [b]Chrizesu[/b] -[url=] [b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 2nd May '14 [b]Liesmith[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Joined 19th May '14 [center] [b][color=purple][If you are an Extreme Breeder, please feel free to list yourself [url=][b]~HERE~[/b][/url] or contact @Tyragoosa to be put on][/color][/b][/center] [u][b]ADVISORY BREEDERS[/b][/u] [img][/img][b]Misfit[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Founder/Admin/Adviser [img][/img][b]Cluttermouse[/b] - [url=][b]Site[/b][/url] - Adviser/Contest Co-coordinator [img][/img][b]Hera[/b] - [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Adviser [img][/img][b]Thorai [/b]- [url=][b]Thread[/b][/url] - Adviser

Here you can find a list of all the different breeders taking part in the Neon Wings breeding program.

Member Count: 251


Alphares - Thread - Joined 29th June '13

Aros - Thread - Joined 4th July '13

Ares - Thread - Joined 6th July '13

Aspyluff - Thread - Joined 25th July '13

Amirae - Thread - Joined 16th August '13

Astamodeus - Thread - Joined 3rd October '13

Areii - Site - Joined 29th October '13

Adumbratus - Thread - Joined 9th December '13

Aralynia - Site - Joined 20th December '13

Abril - Thread - Joined 8th January '14

Alcyone - Thread - Joined 7th February '14

ArtsyAlraune - Thread - Joined 4th March '14

advent - Thread - Joined 8th March '14

AnaelMarsW - Thread - Joined 28th March '14

atotheshli - Thread - Joined 25th April '14

Arkh - Thread - Joined 2nd May '14

agno3 - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

asami - Thread - Joined 17th May '14

Airis - Thread - Joined 25th May '14

Azurrys - Thread - Joined 12th July '14

Ayde - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Beltaguise - Thread - Joined 16th July '13

bardicartist - Thread - Joined 25th July '13

beckaliz & Hobovampire - Thread - Joined 6th June '14

Blessings - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Calidae - Thread - Joined 20th July '13

Caribbean - Thread - Joined 17th August '13

CreativePotato - Thread - Joined 1st September '13

Cila - Thread - Joined 21st September '13

Claudea - Thread - Joined 20th December '13

chomiji - Thread - Joined 19th March '14

Cardboard - Thread - Joined 11th April '14

cavallocavaliere - thread - Joined 3rd May '14

CalypsoLaForet - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

coyotecolored - thread - Joined 25th May '14

Culex - Thread - Joined 7th June '14

carrott - Thread - Joined 13th June '14

Commodore - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

celeskookooberg - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

DovieCaba - Thread - Joined 25th July '13

DragonSage - Thread - Joined 19th August '13

Divinity - Thread - Joined 26th August '13

DizzyKat - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

DynamiteRave - Thread - Joined 12th February '14

Deenaa - Thread - Joined 25th February '14

Dragoness - Thread - Joined 29th May '14

dittobrian - Thread - Joined 10th June '14

DragonMossstar - thread - Joined 21st June '14

DeathsFeline - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

doodlemonchelle - Thread - Joined September '14

Drakenhart - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

dangerkittyn - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Embyrs - Thread - Joined 11th April '14

Eden - Thread - Joined 2nd May '14

Embidi - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

emma - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

ErianaMoon - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

EccoGamer - Thread - Joined 12th July '14

foayasha - Site - Joined 13th August '13

frostkingdemetri - Thread - Joined 21st September '13

Frostpebble - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

Gem4567 - Thread - Joined 9th July '13

Ganondorf - Thread - Joined 28th March '14

guyverrs - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

Holone - Thread - Joined 19th August '13

HobbitFrog - Thread - Joined 9th January '14

hyenaboy - Thread - Joined 2nd May '14

havnted - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

HereBeDragons - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

Haru - Thread - Joined 19th September '14

InversePotato - Thread - Joined 7th July '13

Indexer - Thread - Joined 10th September '13

Iceshard - Thread - Joined 7th February '14

lupadracolis - Thread - Joined 31st May '14

Ithika - Thread - Joined 6th June '14

IcefireStarfire - Thread - Joined 8th June '14

Inishia - Thread - Joined 6th June '14

Isidarth - Thread - Joined 3rd August '14

Jingles - Thread - Joined 7th July '13

JerryDionLoth - Thread - Joined 16th October '13

Jesabel - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

jamilalikemanila - Thread - Joined 10th June '14

JadeRavenwing - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Kiwifeathers - Thread - Joined 30th June '13

Kankri - Thread - Joined 16th July '13

KaitouCat & Fatalis- Thread - Joined 17th July '13

KjaniLove - Thread - Joined 3rd October '13

Kihluna - Thread - Joined 30th December '13

Kibame - Thread - Joined 4th January '14

Kiranachan - thread - Joined 23rd January '14

Kayle - Thread - Joined 10th June '14

katra - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

kaldorei - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

Louscyther - Thread - Joined 11th July '13

Lynnbug - Site - Joined 16th August '13

LucidDreamer - Thread - Joined 1st September '13

Looseling - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

Laidly - Thread - Joined 13th June '14

LydiaHatter - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

Lunarkitty - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

LottieLurker - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

LottieLurker - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Madeofmess - Thread - Joined 2nd July '13

Maryn - Thread - Joined 12th July

Mistwalker - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

moderneel - Thread - Joined 3rd December '13

MariBelle - Thread - Joined 15th February '14

Mignonne - Thread - Joined 25th April '14

Marceline - Thread - Joined 31st May '14

moonlily - Thread - Joined 10th June '14

MidnightSpade - Thread - Joined 13th June '14

Mags - Thread - Joined 2nd Septmember '14

Noctilucent - Thread - Joined 14th September '13

NerakaFenice - Thread - Joined 6th June '14

Niamh - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

Nadyell - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

ObsidianDragon - Thread - Joined 25th July '13

ochrasy - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

otonashiryouko - Thread - Joined 12th July '14

Plague - Thread - Joined 29th June' 13

Peixes - Thread - Joined 1st July '13

PencilCat - Thread - Joined 5th July '13

Phydeaux - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

Possum - Thread - Joined 3rd October '13

Pykichi - Site - Joined 23rd November '13

Panome - Thread - Joined 23rd November '13

Peony - Thread - Joined 4th January '14

Primula - Thread - Joined 10th June '14

perfidious - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

Peace - Thread - Joined 12th July '14

Pressia - Thread - Joined 12th July '14

QueenBedhead - Thread - Joined 2nd May '14

rabbitwolf - Thread - Joined 19th August '13

ripple09 - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

rivenmist - Thread - Joined 14th September '13

Risuna - Site - Joined 4th January '14

RoseNitemare - Thread - Joined 8th January '14

Rexila - Thread - Joined 19th March '14

Ravensflight - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

RosemaryWood - Thread - Joined 2ns September '14

snowii - Thread - Joined 30th June '13

Shimdom - Thread - Joined 12th July '13

Sprogog - Thread - Joined 14th July '13

Seasonfluff - Thread - Joined 25th July '13

Spidergirl - Thread - Joined 13th August '13

Skeseth - Thread - Joined 1st September '13

Syrensong - Site - Joined 7th November '13

SilverMidnight - Thread - Joined 10th November '13 [None-Active]

Septica - Thread - Joined 4th January '14

shaliyah - Thread - Joined 4th February '14

starz - Site - Joined 19th May '14

Spacekitty - Thread - Joined 25th May '14

saphariadragon - Thread - Joined 8th June '14

sandpiper - Thread - Joined 13th June '14

Sammagoat - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

SullenEarth - Thread - Joined 1st July '14

Spopple - Thread - Joined 1sy July '14

Slateblu1 - Thread - Joined 12th July '14

Strigidae - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

shadowsspy - Thread - Joined 3rd August '14

shrapnelsong - Thread - Joined 3rd August '14

sparklesdani - Thread - Joined 2nd Septemver '14

SilverMoon1468 - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Tantalum - Thread - Joined 30th June' 13

Targaryen - Thread - Joined 16th July '13

Touke - Thread - Joined 29th March '14

Troya - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

Tetsune - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

trashmink - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14

Unole - Thread - Joined 10th June '14

UmbraLillium - Thread - Joined 28th June '14

Valentine - Thread - Joined 1st July '13

VanSwssAlmd - Thread - Joined 3rd July '13

Veskasa - Thread - Joined 16th October '13

Verrilo - Site - Joined 28th March '14

velociraider - Thread - Joined 8th June '14

winkatuck - Site - Joined 17th August '13

WhiteFireRaven - Thread - Joined 19th August '13

wasteofanangel - Site - Joined 26th August '13

WhoDoVoodoo - thread - Joined 4th October '13

Winry - Thread - Joined 27th July '14

xxFuria - Thread - Joined 2nd July '13

Xun - Thread - Joined 17th August '13

XinXiao - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

Xairathan - Thread - Joined 3rd October '13

yumehisakawa - Thread - Joined 12th January '14

ZenithNadir - Thread - Joined 18th May '14

Zebedee4122 - Thread - Joined 21st June '14

zwinky - Thread - Joined 2nd September '14


Yggdrasil - Thread - Joined 3rd October '13

hystericalmirth - Thread - Joined 17th November '13

fiendly - Thread - Joined 10th September '13

Nandalia - Thread - Joined 3rd September '13

CeruleanBlue - Thread - Joined 31st October '13

RaikuKawisa - Thread - Joined 29th June '13

Gryphoness - Thread - Join 10th July '13 [No Longer Active]

SaF - Thread - Joined 20th July '13

GlitchKitty - Thread - Joined 18th July '13

Persephone - Thread - Joined 25th July '13

Shavahiivallah - Thread - Joined 19th August '13

benalene - Thread - Joined 21st September '13

Chichi - Thread - Joined 26th August '13

mrshuskey - Thread - joined 3rd October '13

Hayley - Thread - Joined 16th October '13

scubagirl - Thread - Joined 3rd November '13

Polarstern - Thread - Joined 3rd March '14

MissApollo - Thread - Joined 4th January '14

Verity19 - Thread - Joined 18th May '14

wahnsinn - Thread - Joined 4th January '14

CheeseForAll - Thread - Joined 16th August '13

AnaAna - Thread - Joined 19th March '14

Azuri - Thread - Joined 14th May '14

Clifftop - Thread - Joined 26th August '13

krissalus - Thread - Joined 18th January '14

thebakkat - Thread - Joined 6th June '14

wobbutalia22 - Thread - Joined 8th June '14


Wraith - Thread - Joined 5th Dec '13

Fara - Thread - Joined 8th July '13

Alania - Thread - Joined 1st July '13

Erised - Thread - Joined 16th October '13

Cluttermouse - Site - Joined 10th '13

Esme - Thread - Joined 4th October '13

dragoil - Thread - joined 14th September '13

TriangularRoom - Thread - Joined 12th July '13

Four - Site - Joined 3rd November '13

Wintaer - Thread - Joined 5th November '13

MewWolf - Thread - Joined 18th November '13

Thristam - Thread - Joined 15th November '13

Tyragoosa - Thread - Joined 26th Octoboer '13

Sherlocked - Thread - Joined 18th July '13

Nikita - Thread - Joined 24th September '13

skyegu - Thread - Joined 22nd November '13

SuperWolf - Thread - Joined 25th November '13

brain4puzzles - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

Devildove - Thread - Joined 28th December '13

Midnightpinto - Thread - Joined 10th September '13

blackjack879 - Thread - Joined 28th December '13

SmirkingWolf - Thread - Joined 28th August '13

Dracoren - Thread - Joined 16th July '13

Vagrant - Thread - Joined 16th August '13

onewyrdwyrm - Thread - Joined 16th August '13

mermaidia - Thread - Joined 21st February '14

Dlady - Thread - Joined 11th April '14

Foxymoon - Thread - Joined 3rd September '13

Skitties - Thread - Joined 12th January '14

Chrizesu - Thread - Joined 2nd May '14

Liesmith - Thread - Joined 19th May '14

[If you are an Extreme Breeder, please feel free to list yourself ~HERE~ or contact @Tyragoosa to be put on]


miniBreeder-Badge_zpsab504de3.gifMisfit - Thread - Founder/Admin/Adviser

cluttermouse2_zps3a345d22.gifCluttermouse - Site - Adviser/Contest Co-coordinator

minihera_zpsfb179dcd.gifHera - Thread - Adviser

minithorai_zpse0352621.gifThorai - Thread - Adviser
[center][img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [b]Nest Rental[/b] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a list of players who are willing to rent out nests to fellow Neon Wings breeders to help them attain the look they are after. They will be categorized by their flight. [color=red][b]To avoide lost or delayed fees, please send fee [u]AFTER[/u] crossroad trades have been accepted. Thank you.[/color][/b] [b]Rules for using this service[/b] [list] [*]You must be a Neon Wings member to offer this service or to use this service. [*] You must make sure you have enough space in your lair to receive all hatchlings before hand. [*]If you are not using a boon then you need to be willing to pay a fee of 3,000 treasure or 8 gems a day to the nest owner (that is 15,000 treasure or 40 gems for the whole incubation period). [i]I know this may be higher than others offering this service but I want to make sure it was a fair price for the person who if offering their nest space, time and food to your dragons.[/i] [*]Obviously all dragons and hatchlings must be returned to their respective owners. [*]If you are using a person's nest who has not rented before then please let @misfit know so I can check up later to see everything went ok. [*]You may ping the people in the flight you are looking to rent from to see who is online [i]Only ping them once![/i] [/list] [size=4][b]Available Nests:[/b][/size] [u][b]Shadow Flight[/b][/u] @Sherlocked - Boon or day rental - Space always available @Esme - Boon or day rental - When space is available @AnaAna - Boon or day rental - When space is available @emma - Boon or day rental - When space is available @kaldorei - Boon or day rental - Space always available [u][b]Water Flight[/b][/u] @mrshuskey - Boon and day rental (boon is preferred) - When space is available @rivenmist - Boon and day rental - When space is available @dittobrian - Boon and day rental - When space is available @Niamh - Boon and day rental - When space is available (Please give 2 days notice) [u][b]Lightening Flight[/b][/u] @Misfit - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Areii - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Wintaer - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @OneWyrdWyrm - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Polarstern - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Vagrant - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @cavallocavaliere - Boon or day rental - When space is available @ZenithNadir - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Slateblu1 - Boon or day rental - When space is available [u][b]Nature Flight[/b][/u] @Caribbean - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Shavahiivallah - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Yggdrasil - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Devildove - Boon or day rental - When space is available @SuperWolf - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Foxymoon - Boon or day rental - Space always available. @Rexila - Boon or day rental - When space is available @beckaliz - Boon or day rental - When space is available @HereBeDragons - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Isidarth - Boon or day rental - When space is available [u][b]Wind Flight[/b][/u] @benalene - Boon or day rental - When space is available @RaikuKawisa - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Four - Boon (preferred) or day rental - Space always available @Skitties - Boon or day rental - Space always available. @atotheshli - Boon or day rental - When space is available @ripple09 - Boon or day rental - When space is available @carrott - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Tantalum - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Ravensflight - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Clifftop - Boon or day rental - When space is available [u][b]Light Flight[/b][/u] @Dracoren - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @Fara - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @scubagirl - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Erised - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @brain4puzzles - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Wraith - Boon or Day rental - When space is available @CeruleanBlue - Boon only - When space is available @Alcyone - Boon or day rental - When space is available @TriangularRoom - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Divinity - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Liesmith - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Chichi - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available [u][b]Fire Flight[/b][/u] @Midnightpinto - Boon or Day rental - When space is available @Chrizesu - Boon or Day rental - When space is available [u][b]Earth Flight[/b][/u] @Abril - Boon or day rental - When space is available [b](Please be aware that some incubations may be missed)[/b] [u][b]Plague Flight[/b][/u] @Tyragoosa - Boon or day rental - When space is available @SmirkingWolf - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Pykichi - Boon or day rental - When space is available @CheeseForAll - Boon or day rental - When space is available [u][b]Arcane Flight[/b][/u] @Alania - Boon or day rental - When space is available @mermaidia - Boon or day rental - When space is available @wobbutalia22 - Boon or day rental - When space is available @thebakkat - Boon or day rental - When space is available [u][b]Ice Flight[/b][/u] @Cluttermouse - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @dragoil - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Nikita - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Nandalia - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @MewWolf - Boon or day rental - When space is available @skyegu - Boon or day rental - Space always available @Hayley - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available @Veskasa - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Thristam - Boon or day rental - When space is available @blackjack879 - Boon or day rental - Space always available @Lunarkitty - Boon or day rental - When space is available @Dlady - Boon or day rental - When space is available If you are looking to offer your nest for rental then please message @Misfit and let me know the conditions of your rental. [i](Boon only/boon and day rental - space always available/when space is available)[/i] [i] No nests available in time for breeding? You can try this thread [url=][b]HERE[/b][/url]. [b]HOWEVER![/b] please note this thread is not affiliated with Neon Wings and as such you are not guaranteed the safety of a member provided service.[/i]

This is a list of players who are willing to rent out nests to fellow Neon Wings breeders to help them attain the look they are after. They will be categorized by their flight.

To avoide lost or delayed fees, please send fee AFTER crossroad trades have been accepted. Thank you.

Rules for using this service
  • You must be a Neon Wings member to offer this service or to use this service.
  • You must make sure you have enough space in your lair to receive all hatchlings before hand.
  • If you are not using a boon then you need to be willing to pay a fee of 3,000 treasure or 8 gems a day to the nest owner (that is 15,000 treasure or 40 gems for the whole incubation period). I know this may be higher than others offering this service but I want to make sure it was a fair price for the person who if offering their nest space, time and food to your dragons.
  • Obviously all dragons and hatchlings must be returned to their respective owners.
  • If you are using a person's nest who has not rented before then please let @misfit know so I can check up later to see everything went ok.
  • You may ping the people in the flight you are looking to rent from to see who is online Only ping them once!

Available Nests:

Shadow Flight

@Sherlocked - Boon or day rental - Space always available
@Esme - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@AnaAna - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@emma - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@kaldorei - Boon or day rental - Space always available

Water Flight

@mrshuskey - Boon and day rental (boon is preferred) - When space is available
@rivenmist - Boon and day rental - When space is available
@dittobrian - Boon and day rental - When space is available
@Niamh - Boon and day rental - When space is available (Please give 2 days notice)

Lightening Flight

@Misfit - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Areii - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Wintaer - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@OneWyrdWyrm - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Polarstern - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Vagrant - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@cavallocavaliere - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@ZenithNadir - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Slateblu1 - Boon or day rental - When space is available

Nature Flight

@Caribbean - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Shavahiivallah - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Yggdrasil - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Devildove - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@SuperWolf - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Foxymoon - Boon or day rental - Space always available.
@Rexila - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@beckaliz - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@HereBeDragons - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Isidarth - Boon or day rental - When space is available

Wind Flight

@benalene - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@RaikuKawisa - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Four - Boon (preferred) or day rental - Space always available
@Skitties - Boon or day rental - Space always available.
@atotheshli - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@ripple09 - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@carrott - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Tantalum - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Ravensflight - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Clifftop - Boon or day rental - When space is available

Light Flight

@Dracoren - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@Fara - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@scubagirl - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Erised - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@brain4puzzles - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Wraith - Boon or Day rental - When space is available
@CeruleanBlue - Boon only - When space is available
@Alcyone - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@TriangularRoom - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Divinity - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Liesmith - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Chichi - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available

Fire Flight

@Midnightpinto - Boon or Day rental - When space is available
@Chrizesu - Boon or Day rental - When space is available

Earth Flight

@Abril - Boon or day rental - When space is available (Please be aware that some incubations may be missed)

Plague Flight

@Tyragoosa - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@SmirkingWolf - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Pykichi - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@CheeseForAll - Boon or day rental - When space is available

Arcane Flight

@Alania - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@mermaidia - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@wobbutalia22 - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@thebakkat - Boon or day rental - When space is available

Ice Flight

@Cluttermouse - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@dragoil - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Nikita - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Nandalia - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@MewWolf - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@skyegu - Boon or day rental - Space always available
@Hayley - Boon (preferred) or day rental - When space is available
@Veskasa - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Thristam - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@blackjack879 - Boon or day rental - Space always available
@Lunarkitty - Boon or day rental - When space is available
@Dlady - Boon or day rental - When space is available

If you are looking to offer your nest for rental then please message @Misfit and let me know the conditions of your rental. (Boon only/boon and day rental - space always available/when space is available)

No nests available in time for breeding? You can try this thread HERE. HOWEVER! please note this thread is not affiliated with Neon Wings and as such you are not guaranteed the safety of a member provided service.
[center][img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [b]Announcements[/b] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- We have a huge bunch of people joining us today who posted applications through August. Thank you so much for your patience guys! Let give a [size=5][b]BIG[/size][/b] welcome to: @LottieLurker @sparklesdani @Mags @zwinky @doodlemonchelle @Blessings @Drakenhart @Ayde @SilverMoon1468 @dangerkittyn @trashmink @JadeRavenwing @LottieLurker @RosemaryWood [img][/img] [b][color=red]On another note, applications will be closed for a while. We will still be accepting new members but these are by invite of original members. This is so if you have friends who would like to join you need only message me a link to their breeder thread.

We have a huge bunch of people joining us today who posted applications through August. Thank you so much for your patience guys! Let give a BIG welcome to:

@LottieLurker @sparklesdani @Mags @zwinky @doodlemonchelle @Blessings @Drakenhart @Ayde @SilverMoon1468 @dangerkittyn @trashmink @JadeRavenwing @LottieLurker @RosemaryWood


On another note, applications will be closed for a while. We will still be accepting new members but these are by invite of original members. This is so if you have friends who would like to join you need only message me a link to their breeder thread.
[center][img][/img] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [b]Contests[/b] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [quote name="Cluttermouse" date="2014-07-31 10:50:31"][center][img] [/img] [b]Roll up, breeders![/b] It's time for another Neon Wings Breeder Contest. Summer is in full swing and it’s time for a party! This month we are having a luau to celebrate everything summer! Bring your best summer-themed dragons, grab something tasty from the grill, and get your groove on! When everyone has applied we will allow the FR community to vote on your dragons and the best three will win the following prizes: [b][u]First Prize[/u][/b] [img] [/img] [item=Tertiary Gene: Smoke] and [item=Silver Ferret] [b][u]Second Prize[/u][/b] [img][/img] [item=Secondary Gene: Current] and [item=Velvet Floracat] [b][u]Third Prize[/u][/b] [img] [/img] [item=Boon of Fertility] and [item=Mottled Buttersnake] [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] [/center] [LIST] [*]The contest is free to join. [*]Only Neon Wing breeders may submit a dragon to the contest, however voting will be open to everyone. [*]You may only enter with a dragon that qualifies as a Neon Wing or a Bright Wing (basic, advanced, or extreme) [*]Only one dragon may be entered per membership (if you are in a joint membership you will have to share an entry between you). [*]You cannot vote for your own dragon, only your fellow member's. [*]You may switch the dragon you want to enter during the application period, after that the dragon that appears will be the dragon that is entered. [*]Any dragon applied after the application date will not be entered [*]All dragon applications [b]MUST[/b] be posted in the contest thread found [b][url=]HERE[/url][/b]. Any dragon posted in the hub will not be counted. [*]You do not have to keep your apparel on your dragon during application, however it is advised you do so during voting. [*]Applications open July 31 and close on August 20th [*]Voting begins on the 21st and ends on the 30th. [*][Added 2nd Dec 13] – Images have to be taken directly from the Flight Rising website and may not be edited. You may include a second image of your familiar along with your dragon's image if you choose. To add your familiar just right click their image from your dragon's profile page and click 'View Image'. Then paste the url from that page as a normal image in your post and your familiar should appear. [/LIST] [center][Example] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] Please use this format when posting your application: [quote] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] (copy and paste your dragon's BBcode here) [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Story or Poem:[/b][/quote] [/center][/quote]

Cluttermouse wrote on 2014-07-31 10:50:31:

Roll up, breeders! It's time for another Neon Wings Breeder Contest. Summer is in full swing and it’s time for a party! This month we are having a luau to celebrate everything summer! Bring your best summer-themed dragons, grab something tasty from the grill, and get your groove on!

When everyone has applied we will allow the FR community to vote on your dragons and the best three will win the following prizes:

First Prize

Tertiary Gene: Smoke and Silver Ferret

Second Prize

Secondary Gene: Current and Velvet Floracat

Third Prize

Boon of Fertility and Mottled Buttersnake

  • The contest is free to join.
  • Only Neon Wing breeders may submit a dragon to the contest, however voting will be open to everyone.
  • You may only enter with a dragon that qualifies as a Neon Wing or a Bright Wing (basic, advanced, or extreme)
  • Only one dragon may be entered per membership (if you are in a joint membership you will have to share an entry between you).
  • You cannot vote for your own dragon, only your fellow member's.
  • You may switch the dragon you want to enter during the application period, after that the dragon that appears will be the dragon that is entered.
  • Any dragon applied after the application date will not be entered
  • All dragon applications MUST be posted in the contest thread found HERE. Any dragon posted in the hub will not be counted.
  • You do not have to keep your apparel on your dragon during application, however it is advised you do so during voting.
  • Applications open July 31 and close on August 20th
  • Voting begins on the 21st and ends on the 30th.
  • [Added 2nd Dec 13] – Images have to be taken directly from the Flight Rising website and may not be edited. You may include a second image of your familiar along with your dragon's image if you choose. To add your familiar just right click their image from your dragon's profile page and click 'View Image'. Then paste the url from that page as a normal image in your post and your familiar should appear.



Please use this format when posting your application:
Dragon Name:
(copy and paste your dragon's BBcode here)


Story or Poem:
[center][img][/img] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [b]Rules & FAQ[/b] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- When using the hub, please follow these rules at ALL times.[/center] [size=4][b]Rules - [/b][/size] [list] [*]Always be respectful to other hub users. [*]Always conduct yourself in a grown-up manner (We are a drama-free zone). [*]Always try to be helpful. If someone asks a question and you know the answer then feel free to answer them. If you think you know the answer but you are not 100% sure then answer the question and ping the advisory breeders as well. [*]Refrain from arguments or slander. Use messages for any disputes. [*]Do not use ping lists in the hub or create a ping list of hub members to use outside the hub. [I]The only exception to this rule is nest rental lists to check who is online.[/i] [*]Do not post lists of hatchlings that have no Neon Wings (you are allowed to include some None-Neon Wings in with offical Neon Wings) [*]Do not advertise your breeder thread unless you are a member. [*]Do not advertise other threads unrelated to Neon Wings (Raffles and hub features are fine) [*]Only members my display graphics taken from this thread or any offical Neon Wings threads. In terms of the breeder badges and Star Pins; members may only display the correct badge in accordance to their rank and Star Pins if they have earned them. [*]Please do not bump the thread. Members generally view the hub at their own accord. [/list] [center] [img][/img][/center] [b][Q] How do I become a member?[/b] [A] If you have a basic breeding pair of Neon Wings and a breeding thread/site then all you need to do is PM @Misfit with a link to your site or thread. Your breeding pair has to be displayed on your thread/site in order to be accepted. [b][Q] Do I have to have a breeding thread or a site to join?[/b] [A] Yes, you will need this so people can easily see your breeding pairs. [b][Q] I PMed a membership application but have not heard back, was it rejected?[/b] [A] No, if there was a problem with your application then you would have heard back for sure. In most circumstances you just need to be patient as I usually take 2 to 7 days to add new members. If that time has passed then please message me again as your application may have been lost. [b][Q] Do I have to have shimmer on my dragons to join?[/b] [A] No, you only need that to become an Advance Breeder.. [b][Q] I'm a new member, what do I do now?[/b] [A] Feel free to introduce yourself and your breeding pair to the group. Later when your dragons breeder you can post their hatchlings here in the hub, even if you don't plan to sell them, we just love seeing baby dragons here! [b][Q] What genes can basic Neon Wings have?[/b] [A] Any genes you like, basic breeding pairs only need to be the right color. [b][Q] Can I breed a dragon with a bright primary with a dragon with a dark primary?[/b] [A] You may, however if that is your breeding pair then it won't be accepted for membership. You need a pair of dark primary dragons or a pair of light primary dragons to register. [b][Q] Can any two Neon Wing dragons count as a pair?[/b] [A] No, they have to be able to be breed with each other (be opposite genders and unrelated). [b][Q] Does my dragon's wings have to be a really bright color?[/b] [A] No, any wing color is acceptable. [i]However you will find most members prefer only the very bright colors for buying and breeding.[/i] [b][Q] When can I register as an advance or extreme breeder?[/b] [A] Applications for these ranks are open on the 25th of each month and stay open until the end of the month. [b][Q] Do I have to be a member to join contests, use nest rental services and feature benefits?[/b] [A] Yes, these are only available to our members however everyone can vote in the contest. [b][Q] Can I ask questions or talk to members in the hub even though I'm not a member?[/b] [A] Yes, all our members are very friendly and helpful. [b][Q] Do extreme breeding pairs have to have the same primary colors?[/b] [A] Nope, as long as they are either 'Dark' or 'Bright' primaries then it's fine [b][Q] Do extreme breeding pairs have to have matching genes?[/b] [A] Nope, as long as they both have shimmer then you can triple gene those dragons as you see fit. [b][Q] Do extreme breeding pairs have to have matching eyes?[/b] [A] If the band allows for more than 1 flight then they do not have to match as long as the dragons are of the flights featured in that band. [b][Q]Can I use an external website to display my breeding pairs?[/b] [A] Yes you may as long as your website contains only family safe material (this includes ads and pop-ups) Have a question and can't see the answer here? Then feel free to post it in the hub (ping all the advisory breeders if it is pressing) or send a message to @Misfit.

When using the hub, please follow these rules at ALL times.

Rules -
  • Always be respectful to other hub users.
  • Always conduct yourself in a grown-up manner (We are a drama-free zone).
  • Always try to be helpful. If someone asks a question and you know the answer then feel free to answer them. If you think you know the answer but you are not 100% sure then answer the question and ping the advisory breeders as well.
  • Refrain from arguments or slander. Use messages for any disputes.
  • Do not use ping lists in the hub or create a ping list of hub members to use outside the hub. The only exception to this rule is nest rental lists to check who is online.
  • Do not post lists of hatchlings that have no Neon Wings (you are allowed to include some None-Neon Wings in with offical Neon Wings)
  • Do not advertise your breeder thread unless you are a member.
  • Do not advertise other threads unrelated to Neon Wings (Raffles and hub features are fine)
  • Only members my display graphics taken from this thread or any offical Neon Wings threads. In terms of the breeder badges and Star Pins; members may only display the correct badge in accordance to their rank and Star Pins if they have earned them.
  • Please do not bump the thread. Members generally view the hub at their own accord.

[Q] How do I become a member?
[A] If you have a basic breeding pair of Neon Wings and a breeding thread/site then all you need to do is PM @Misfit with a link to your site or thread. Your breeding pair has to be displayed on your thread/site in order to be accepted.

[Q] Do I have to have a breeding thread or a site to join?
[A] Yes, you will need this so people can easily see your breeding pairs.

[Q] I PMed a membership application but have not heard back, was it rejected?
[A] No, if there was a problem with your application then you would have heard back for sure. In most circumstances you just need to be patient as I usually take 2 to 7 days to add new members. If that time has passed then please message me again as your application may have been lost.

[Q] Do I have to have shimmer on my dragons to join?
[A] No, you only need that to become an Advance Breeder..

[Q] I'm a new member, what do I do now?
[A] Feel free to introduce yourself and your breeding pair to the group. Later when your dragons breeder you can post their hatchlings here in the hub, even if you don't plan to sell them, we just love seeing baby dragons here!

[Q] What genes can basic Neon Wings have?
[A] Any genes you like, basic breeding pairs only need to be the right color.

[Q] Can I breed a dragon with a bright primary with a dragon with a dark primary?
[A] You may, however if that is your breeding pair then it won't be accepted for membership. You need a pair of dark primary dragons or a pair of light primary dragons to register.

[Q] Can any two Neon Wing dragons count as a pair?
[A] No, they have to be able to be breed with each other (be opposite genders and unrelated).

[Q] Does my dragon's wings have to be a really bright color?
[A] No, any wing color is acceptable. However you will find most members prefer only the very bright colors for buying and breeding.

[Q] When can I register as an advance or extreme breeder?
[A] Applications for these ranks are open on the 25th of each month and stay open until the end of the month.

[Q] Do I have to be a member to join contests, use nest rental services and feature benefits?
[A] Yes, these are only available to our members however everyone can vote in the contest.

[Q] Can I ask questions or talk to members in the hub even though I'm not a member?
[A] Yes, all our members are very friendly and helpful.

[Q] Do extreme breeding pairs have to have the same primary colors?
[A] Nope, as long as they are either 'Dark' or 'Bright' primaries then it's fine

[Q] Do extreme breeding pairs have to have matching genes?
[A] Nope, as long as they both have shimmer then you can triple gene those dragons as you see fit.

[Q] Do extreme breeding pairs have to have matching eyes?
[A] If the band allows for more than 1 flight then they do not have to match as long as the dragons are of the flights featured in that band.

[Q]Can I use an external website to display my breeding pairs?
[A] Yes you may as long as your website contains only family safe material (this includes ads and pop-ups)

Have a question and can't see the answer here? Then feel free to post it in the hub (ping all the advisory breeders if it is pressing) or send a message to @Misfit.
[center][img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [b]Star Pins[/b] - [url=]Features[/url] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- Star pins are achievements that members can collect for various alternate breeding projects and other feats around the breeder's hub. Star Pins vary from easy bronze to limited Platinum pins which once earned can be place on your breeding thread or signature. You can start collecting pins from honorary rank onwards however some pins may require a higher rank to achieve. Please ensure that you only take the code for a pin after you have completed that achievement. If you are not sure then feel free to ask in the hub. Limited pins will require verification to collect. [color=red][b][Update - 1st July 2014][/b][/color] Please note that any pin that requires you to have a breeding pair with a specific gene also needs BOTH parents to have that 1 gene. This means that you can only get 1 star pin for each breeding pair. [center][img][/img] [i](Sorry about the confusion guys)[/i][/center] [center][size=5][b]Bronze[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Hub Helper[/b] - Answer another member's question in the hub. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Contender[/b] - Enter a dragon in one of the breeder contests. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Hatcher[/b] - Hatch a nest for another member in the hub. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][size=5][b]Silver[/b][/size][/center] [b][X/X/Y][/b] Have a breeding pair with the same Dark Neon colours or Light Neon colors for both primary and secondary and have a colourful tertiary. [i]e.g Black/Black/Lemon or White/White/Aqua[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Charged![/b] - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with circuit. [code][img][/img][/code] [center] [img][/img][/center] [b]Semi-Precious[/b] - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with gembond. [code][img][/img][/code] [center] [img][/img][/center] [b]Under-Lined[/b] - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with Underbelly. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Fractured[/b] - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with Crackle. [code][img][/img][/code] [b][Inverted][/b] Have a Breeding pair of dragons that are X/Y/Y but the X can be any color however Y [u]MUST[/u] be the same color and has to be one of the Dark Neon primary colors or one of the Bright Neon Primary colors. [i]e.g. Lemon/Black/Black or Aqua/White/White.[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Inverted[/b] - Have an Inverted Neon Wing breeding pair. [i](Please note an inverted breeding pair will not count towards memberships or rank-ups)[/i] [code][img][/img][/code] [b][X/Y/X][/b] Have a breeding pair with the same Dark Neon colors or Bright Neon colors for both primary and tertiary and have a colourful secondary. [i]e.g. Black/Lemon/Black or White/Aqua/White[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Star-Studded[/b] – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with Gembond. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Trimmed[/b] – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with Underbelly [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Quake[/b] – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with Crackle [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Breaker[/b] – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with circuit [code][img][/img][/code] [b][X/X/X][/b] Have a Breeding pair that have the same primary Dark Neon colors or Bright Neon colors for primary, secondary and tertiary. [i]e.g. Black/Black/Black or White/White/White[/i] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Solar Flair[/b] - Have a XXX breeding pair of Bright Neons. [code][img]ttp://[/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Solar Eclipse[/b] - Have a XXX breeding pair of Dark Neons. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][size=5][b]Gold[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Deversity[/b] - Have an Extreme Breeding pair of every breed of dragon. (For the sake of this pin the breed restriction will not count) [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Prismatic[/b] - Have an Extreme Breeding pair from every color band of the breed standard. [code][img][/img][/code] [center][size=5][b]Platinum[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]1Year Anniversary[/b] - Have a post in the hub dated on the 29th June 2014. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]2014 Voter[/b] - Awarded for taking part in the 2014 poll to decided the inclusion of Maize as a primary color. There are more Star Pins in the works but if you have a neat idea for a pin then feel free to send a message to @Misfit. You might get to see your idea made into a future pin.

Star pins are achievements that members can collect for various alternate breeding projects and other feats around the breeder's hub.

Star Pins vary from easy bronze to limited Platinum pins which once earned can be place on your breeding thread or signature. You can start collecting pins from honorary rank onwards however some pins may require a higher rank to achieve.

Please ensure that you only take the code for a pin after you have completed that achievement. If you are not sure then feel free to ask in the hub. Limited pins will require verification to collect.

[Update - 1st July 2014] Please note that any pin that requires you to have a breeding pair with a specific gene also needs BOTH parents to have that 1 gene. This means that you can only get 1 star pin for each breeding pair.
(Sorry about the confusion guys)

Hub Helper - Answer another member's question in the hub.
Contender - Enter a dragon in one of the breeder contests.
Hatcher - Hatch a nest for another member in the hub.

[X/X/Y] Have a breeding pair with the same Dark Neon colours or Light Neon colors for both primary and secondary and have a colourful tertiary. e.g Black/Black/Lemon or White/White/Aqua
Charged! - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with circuit.
Semi-Precious - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with gembond.
Under-Lined - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with Underbelly.
Fractured - Have an XXY Neon Wing breeding pair with Crackle.

[Inverted] Have a Breeding pair of dragons that are X/Y/Y but the X can be any color however Y MUST be the same color and has to be one of the Dark Neon primary colors or one of the Bright Neon Primary colors. e.g. Lemon/Black/Black or Aqua/White/White.
Inverted - Have an Inverted Neon Wing breeding pair. (Please note an inverted breeding pair will not count towards memberships or rank-ups)

[X/Y/X] Have a breeding pair with the same Dark Neon colors or Bright Neon colors for both primary and tertiary and have a colourful secondary. e.g. Black/Lemon/Black or White/Aqua/White
Star-Studded – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with Gembond.
Trimmed – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with Underbelly
Quake – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with Crackle
Breaker – Have a XYX Neon Wing breeding pair with circuit

[X/X/X] Have a Breeding pair that have the same primary Dark Neon colors or Bright Neon colors for primary, secondary and tertiary. e.g. Black/Black/Black or White/White/White
Solar Flair - Have a XXX breeding pair of Bright Neons.
Solar Eclipse - Have a XXX breeding pair of Dark Neons.
Deversity - Have an Extreme Breeding pair of every breed of dragon. (For the sake of this pin the breed restriction will not count)
Prismatic - Have an Extreme Breeding pair from every color band of the breed standard.
1Year Anniversary - Have a post in the hub dated on the 29th June 2014.
2014 Voter - Awarded for taking part in the 2014 poll to decided the inclusion of Maize as a primary color.

There are more Star Pins in the works but if you have a neat idea for a pin then feel free to send a message to @Misfit. You might get to see your idea made into a future pin.
[center][img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [b]Features[/b] - [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center]Here is a list of games and features made by the members of Neon Wings. These features offer uniquie oppotunities for our members in 3 ways:[/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][LIST] [*][b]Exclusive:[/b] This feature is only available to our members. [*][b]Bonus: [/b]There is something extra available to our members. [*][b]Discount:[/b] There is a discount available to our members. [/LIST][/center] If you have a shop or feature you would like to see listed here then please fill out the form below and message is to @Misfit. You can have a feature listed here regardless of being a member or not as long as you provide one of the above offers. [b]Please note[/b]: Hatchling/dragon sale threads and hatcheries will not be listed here as those are already listed in the members section. [b]Subject: [/b]New Feature [quote] [b]Shop/Feature Name:[/b] [b]Brief description:[/b] [b]Offer Provided:[/b] Exclusive/Bonus/Discount [b]Description of offer:[/b] [b]Image/banner/button: [/b](if available)[/quote] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][size=5][u][b]K's Graphic Stand[/b][/u][/size] hosted by @Kayle[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] A graphics shop for hatcheries, hub threads, and signatures! 10% for NW members! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][size=5][u][b]Neon Wings Mini Shop[/b][/u][/size] hosted by @Misfit[/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] A shop full of cute, signature-sized, mini dragons that are exclusively available to Neon Wings members. This is no ordinary mini shop as it also provideds a collection of bonus graphics that can be used to turn your signature into a short comic strip featuring your own dragons! Although not all breeds are available just yet, this shop will continue to grow as we not only finish off the other dragons but also take on board your suggestions for more speech bubbles and props. There is also a discount available the higher your rank! So come check it out... [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][size=5][u][b]Sleepy Tundra Shop[/b][/u][/size] hosted by @Dlady[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Home of the snoozing fuzzbutts. Get a mini picture of your tundras in several sizes suitable for various purposes on site, with the smallest version being signature size. Currently there are only Tundras available, but chances are good I will expand into other breeds in the near future. :) NW members get 10kT off each mini. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

Here is a list of games and features made by the members of Neon Wings. These features offer uniquie oppotunities for our members in 3 ways:
  • Exclusive: This feature is only available to our members.
  • Bonus: There is something extra available to our members.
  • Discount: There is a discount available to our members.

If you have a shop or feature you would like to see listed here then please fill out the form below and message is to @Misfit. You can have a feature listed here regardless of being a member or not as long as you provide one of the above offers.

Please note: Hatchling/dragon sale threads and hatcheries will not be listed here as those are already listed in the members section.

Subject: New Feature
Shop/Feature Name:
Brief description:
Offer Provided: Exclusive/Bonus/Discount
Description of offer:
Image/banner/button: (if available)

K's Graphic Stand hosted by @Kayle

A graphics shop for hatcheries, hub threads, and signatures!

10% for NW members!

Neon Wings Mini Shop hosted by @Misfit

A shop full of cute, signature-sized, mini dragons that are exclusively available to Neon Wings members. This is no ordinary mini shop as it also provideds a collection of bonus graphics that can be used to turn your signature into a short comic strip featuring your own dragons!

Although not all breeds are available just yet, this shop will continue to grow as we not only finish off the other dragons but also take on board your suggestions for more speech bubbles and props.

There is also a discount available the higher your rank!

So come check it out...

Sleepy Tundra Shop hosted by @Dlady

Home of the snoozing fuzzbutts. Get a mini picture of your tundras in several sizes suitable for various purposes on site, with the smallest version being signature size.

Currently there are only Tundras available, but chances are good I will expand into other breeds in the near future. :)

NW members get 10kT off each mini.
[center][img][/img][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center][url=]Home[/url] - [url=]Membership[/url] - [url=]Breeders[/url] - [url=]Nest Rental[/url] - [url=]Announcements[/url] - [url=]Contests[/url] - [url=]Rules & FAQ[/url] - [url=]Star Pins[/url] - [url=]Features[/url] - [b]Affiliates[/b][/center] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [center] [b][Link to Us][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] If you would like to link back to us then please use the code below :) [code] [url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center] [center][u][b]Affiliated Breeder Associations[/b][/u] If you would like to have your hub or association linked here then simple message @Misfit with a the link to your thread. Thank you. [url=][IMG][/IMG][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]

[Link to Us]


If you would like to link back to us then please use the code below :)
Affiliated Breeder Associations
If you would like to have your hub or association linked here then simple message @Misfit with a the link to your thread. Thank you.
