
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | {Generations} Gen 2 Hatchery
[img][/img] [center][b][size=6]Welcome![/size][/b][/center] [size=4] In this thread you'll find second generation dragons for sale. Besides having an easy family tree to trace, these dragons are great for breeding and lineage projects! I aim to offer a wide variety for this reason :3 [/size] [Size=2]The original goal of {Generations} was to see how far I could breed a pure Imperial lineage. [url=]Click here for info[/url]![/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [LIST] [*][b]Alternative Payments:[/b] Gems accepted at 1:1000 [*][b]Naming:[/b] Everyone comes named. [*]Pinglist members have a 24hour priority before hatchlings are on the AH. [*]Gen 3 Imps are no longer for sale at this time [/LIST] [center][u] [b]Pricing [/b] [/u] Plentiful: 20kt Common, Uncommon, Limited: 30kt Rare: 50kt **Doubles, holiday hatches, and new genes may increase prices** [/center] [center][pinglist=7913][/center] [b]A big thank-you to everyone who purchases a dragon! It gets me that much closer to completing another pair :3[/b]


In this thread you'll find second generation dragons for sale. Besides having an easy family tree to trace, these dragons are great for breeding and lineage projects! I aim to offer a wide variety for this reason :3

The original goal of {Generations} was to see how far I could breed a pure Imperial lineage. Click here for info!

  • Alternative Payments: Gems accepted at 1:1000
  • Naming: Everyone comes named.
  • Pinglist members have a 24hour priority before hatchlings are on the AH.
  • Gen 3 Imps are no longer for sale at this time

Plentiful: 20kt
Common, Uncommon, Limited: 30kt
Rare: 50kt

**Doubles, holiday hatches, and new genes may increase prices**

A big thank-you to everyone who purchases a dragon! It gets me that much closer to completing another pair :3

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[img][/img] No dragons. I've been inconsistently posting them, but I haven't had as much interest in FR for awhile. I'm going to take a year off from my hatchery and try to find some goals I want to work towards again.

No dragons. I've been inconsistently posting them, but I haven't had as much interest in FR for awhile.

I'm going to take a year off from my hatchery and try to find some goals I want to work towards again.

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[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center] ** I have [url=]MANY more pairs[/url], but these ones are nested regularly. **[/center] [center][size=2]Graphics by [url=]CupcakeCass[/url][/size][/center]






** I have MANY more pairs, but these ones are nested regularly. **
Graphics by CupcakeCass
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[img][/img] [center][pinglist=7913] [pinglist=11799] [pinglist=11800] [pinglist=11801] [/center]

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[center][b][size=4]Affiliates[/size][/b] Wishful thinking ^^; Banner Goes Here [code][/code] [/center]
Wishful thinking ^^;

Banner Goes Here
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[center][size=4][b]Project {Generations} History [/b][/size][/center] Back in April 2016 I encountered my first Gen 2 imp in the nature forums. She was lovely, mysterious, and I found out she had a [i]sister[/i]. Immediately I sold everything I could in my hoard and bought my first G2 imp. Of course she needed a mate, so a few weeks later I found her a fellow. I was working on a different legacy project involving my progens at the time and didn't actually get around to nesting them until June (aka needed more lair space). I kept two of their three hatchlings and it spiraled into a full project from there. The progen project got shelved because the G3s needed mates! Fortunately I met some other members also in love with breeding their G2 imps... But what about mates for the G4s? And how far would I actually be able to keep this up? [center][img][/img] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [size=14][b]Lux[/b][/size] Generation 8 [/center] If I haven't mixed anything up in his long lineage, he [i]should[/i] be a purebred imperial with each first generation only showing up once. [center][b][size=5]Thank-you to all the wonderful people who have helped me get this far!!! I'd still be stuck on G5 without you![/size][/b][/center]
Project {Generations} History

Back in April 2016 I encountered my first Gen 2 imp in the nature forums. She was lovely, mysterious, and I found out she had a sister. Immediately I sold everything I could in my hoard and bought my first G2 imp.

Of course she needed a mate, so a few weeks later I found her a fellow. I was working on a different legacy project involving my progens at the time and didn't actually get around to nesting them until June (aka needed more lair space).

I kept two of their three hatchlings and it spiraled into a full project from there. The progen project got shelved because the G3s needed mates! Fortunately I met some other members also in love with breeding their G2 imps... But what about mates for the G4s? And how far would I actually be able to keep this up?


Generation 8

If I haven't mixed anything up in his long lineage, he should be a purebred imperial with each first generation only showing up once.

Thank-you to all the wonderful people who have helped me get this far!!! I'd still be stuck on G5 without you!
1CAVWwD.pnggk9nran.pngTC7LI.gif49lLp.gif FNsM2iv.png
[center][size=4][b]Project {Generations} History Part 2[/b][/size][/center] I'd gotten to Gen 6 in an attempt to breed Lux a mate to get to Gen 9. Since that's a lot of wasted potential, his brother continued the quest to get to Gen 9 with Imp x Other dragons. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=14][b]Fabian[/b][/size] Generation 8 [/center] It was tricky trying to get to Gen 9 while having each Gen 1 only appearing once in the lineage. More Gen 1 imps were nesting with Wildclaws and Coatls, so I had to be very careful not to double up anywhere. The project is now complete though! Meet Index and Fin :3 [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=14][b]Index[/b][/size] Generation 9 [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=14][b]Fin[/b][/size] Generation 9 [/center] [center][b][size=5]Thanks again to everyone who helped me along the way![/size][/b][/center]
Project {Generations} History Part 2

I'd gotten to Gen 6 in an attempt to breed Lux a mate to get to Gen 9. Since that's a lot of wasted potential, his brother continued the quest to get to Gen 9 with Imp x Other dragons.
Generation 8

It was tricky trying to get to Gen 9 while having each Gen 1 only appearing once in the lineage. More Gen 1 imps were nesting with Wildclaws and Coatls, so I had to be very careful not to double up anywhere.

The project is now complete though! Meet Index and Fin :3
Generation 9
Generation 9

Thanks again to everyone who helped me along the way!
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@Andelice Do you accept gems and if so at what ratio?
@Andelice Do you accept gems and if so at what ratio?

Gems accepted at 1:800 :)

Gems accepted at 1:800 :)
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Update: Added a new pair today! they're nesting in ice since their wide range made it hard to decide on an eyecolor >.< [center] [img][/img]
Added a new pair today! they're nesting in ice since their wide range made it hard to decide on an eyecolor >.<

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