
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Fauna'sForest: [ ON HIATUS ]
@LittlestCondor Thanks so much :)
@LittlestCondor Thanks so much :)
[color=green][b]Specific Ping List:[/b][/color] @Avalonn / @LittleGirlGeek / @bamboowater [color=orange][b]Breed Ping List:[/b][/color] @Apothecaria / @CorporalLevi / @shawolexotic [color=red][b]All Nests Ping List:[/b][/color] Avalonn / @LajeanRa (Trees only) / @StormHawke / @Azalesha / @PartyPenguin27 / @bucketsAhoy / @queertactics / @Skykitty / @Whitetailmoon / @Aja22 / @WolfYoko / @Mistywolf77 / @IraBell / @ladytauriel / @DreamAlex / @Cidae / @Kairo Alright so the Pearlcatcher pair has been removed from the hatchery line up (and both parents are still up for sale), and these three are their final nest hatchlings. Of course they would give me their only Gembond baby on the very last nest, of course! Please let me know if you want to purchase one. Everyone pinged is able to buy a dragon right now, at the same time. Go go go! :D [quote][columns][size=5][b]Last Pearlcatcher Tree #1[/b][/size] Female Brown / Emerald / Jungle Ripple / Freckle / Underbelly [b]The last nest from this pair[/b] [u]Starting Price:[/u] 7,000 Treasure [b]P[/b]ay [b]W[/b]hat [b]Y[/b]ou [b]W[/b]ant equal or above this amount. [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns] [columns][size=5][b]Last Pearlcatcher Tree #2[/b][/size] Female Brown / Avocado / Forest Ripple / Freckle / Underbelly [b]The last nest from this pair[/b] [u]Starting Price:[/u] 7,000 Treasure [b]P[/b]ay [b]W[/b]hat [b]Y[/b]ou [b]W[/b]ant equal or above this amount. [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns] [columns][size=5][b]Last Pearlcatcher Tree #3[/b][/size] Male Soil / Forest / Green Ripple / Freckle / Gembond [b]10% chance of tertiary gene[/b] [u]Starting Price:[/u] [s]8,000 Treasure[/s] On Hold [b]P[/b]ay [b]W[/b]hat [b]Y[/b]ou [b]W[/b]ant equal or above this amount. [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns][/quote]
Specific Ping List: @Avalonn / @LittleGirlGeek / @bamboowater

Breed Ping List: @Apothecaria / @CorporalLevi / @shawolexotic

All Nests Ping List: Avalonn / @LajeanRa (Trees only) / @StormHawke / @Azalesha / @PartyPenguin27 / @bucketsAhoy / @queertactics / @Skykitty / @Whitetailmoon / @Aja22 / @WolfYoko / @Mistywolf77 / @IraBell / @ladytauriel / @DreamAlex / @Cidae / @Kairo

Alright so the Pearlcatcher pair has been removed from the hatchery line up (and both parents are still up for sale), and these three are their final nest hatchlings. Of course they would give me their only Gembond baby on the very last nest, of course! Please let me know if you want to purchase one.

Everyone pinged is able to buy a dragon right now, at the same time. Go go go! :D

Last Pearlcatcher Tree #1
Brown / Emerald / Jungle
Ripple / Freckle / Underbelly
The last nest from this pair
Starting Price: 7,000 Treasure
Pay What You Want equal or above this amount.

Last Pearlcatcher Tree #2
Brown / Avocado / Forest
Ripple / Freckle / Underbelly
The last nest from this pair
Starting Price: 7,000 Treasure
Pay What You Want equal or above this amount.

Last Pearlcatcher Tree #3
Soil / Forest / Green
Ripple / Freckle / Gembond
10% chance of tertiary gene
Starting Price: 8,000 Treasure On Hold
Pay What You Want equal or above this amount.

ntQkWG3.gif LittlestCondor #55880
Nature Flight
Tree dragon collector

Bottle created by
@Amariel #86020
I'd love to take the gembond if I can make a few more coins, which would only be in a day or twk! @littlestcondor
I'd love to take the gembond if I can make a few more coins, which would only be in a day or twk! @littlestcondor
Twice :')
@DreamAlex Haha, sure not a problem. Soon you're going to have a small forest of trees! :D I am happy to hold the gembond baby for you until you're ready.
@DreamAlex Haha, sure not a problem. Soon you're going to have a small forest of trees! :D I am happy to hold the gembond baby for you until you're ready.
ntQkWG3.gif LittlestCondor #55880
Nature Flight
Tree dragon collector

Bottle created by
@Amariel #86020
Bah! Why couldn't the gembond one be female! x3
Bah! Why couldn't the gembond one be female! x3
@littlestcondor I'm good on this batch, thanks! I agree, I wish that gembond pearlie was female. X'D Ah well. Thank you!
@littlestcondor I'm good on this batch, thanks! I agree, I wish that gembond pearlie was female. X'D Ah well. Thank you!
I'd like to get the #1 Wildclaw tree, if he's still available! Also, I just hatched the nest. Would you like this hatchie for the shop? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I'd like to get the #1 Wildclaw tree, if he's still available!

Also, I just hatched the nest. Would you like this hatchie for the shop?

@StormDragon21 Sure, you can have that Wildclaw baby. If you haven't already gotten a free dragon from my hatchery, then you can send a CR for just 1 treasure. If you have, then the price starts at 9,500 treasure.

Don't forget to ping me in comments please, it helps me respond faster. And that's a super cute skydancer, congrats! However I'm not looking for anyone with his colors or genes right now. Thanks though, and I hope you find him a good home. :D
@StormDragon21 Sure, you can have that Wildclaw baby. If you haven't already gotten a free dragon from my hatchery, then you can send a CR for just 1 treasure. If you have, then the price starts at 9,500 treasure.

Don't forget to ping me in comments please, it helps me respond faster. And that's a super cute skydancer, congrats! However I'm not looking for anyone with his colors or genes right now. Thanks though, and I hope you find him a good home. :D
ntQkWG3.gif LittlestCondor #55880
Nature Flight
Tree dragon collector

Bottle created by
@Amariel #86020
Hatchery Update: Ping List Confusion!

General Ping List: @Katrasyn / @Talizmyn / @RainbowsGoRawrr / @Lalateebreezy / @shadowrabbits / @Faoiltiama / @Caeleste / @corgzi / @Apothecaria / @Saskia / @Bauble / @DragonFlew / @WickedWhiteEyes / @IraBell / @SydKiaray

All Nests Ping List: @Avalonn / @LajeanRa (Trees only) / @StormHawke / @Azalesha / @PartyPenguin27 / @bucketsAhoy / @queertactics / @Skykitty / @Whitetailmoon / @Aja22 / @WolfYoko / @Mistywolf77 / IraBell / @ladytauriel / @DreamAlex / @Cidae / @Kairo

Hello everyone! I know that there was some hatchery news and changes not long ago, but I've got one now that I hope will make the hatchery so much easier for everyone. To cut back on the confusion around the Ping Lists, I am considering getting rid of a few and making them all a bit more simple. However, while I work around that idea, please see the below information about how the Ping Lists will work going forward.

What's Changing?
So the previous system worked the following way:

Day One - Ping the Specific list.
Day Two - Ping the All Nests and Breed lists.
Day Three - Allow the general public to buy remaining dragons.

This seemed, understandably, to confuse a great many people and was especially difficult for newer players who are still trying to figure out what pings even are in the first place. It was a headache for everyone who just wanted to buy a pretty dragon, and for myself having to explain the process over and over. Not that I don't mind helping players to understand things, but after a while it seemed to be a problem inherent within the system.

While shopping around the Sales forum for some dragons to add to my own lair, I noticed that many hatcheries were pinging everyone all at once. Those wanting dragons from the specific breeding pair, and those who just showed general interest in their hatchery. At first, I didn't pay much mind to this different process. However, it actually seems rather brilliant. By pinging everyone at once, there's no order to have to keep track of, and you maximize the number of players who see (and may buy) your dragons!

Why didn't I think of this? Good question. Personally, by using my old system of staggering the pings over several days, I thought that the system was more "fair" to players wanting certain dragons. But after having my hatchery open for almost a year now, I've come to learn a few things by trial and error. Mostly error, whoops!

How Will the New System Work Now?
Alright so here's what is going to happen from now on:

Day 1 - Ping every list that makes sense
Day 2 - Allow the general public to buy remaining dragons.

Wow, so simple right? To break it down even further, I'll still be alerting the Specific list as soon as a nest they want hatches. Now, I will not wait 24 hours to ping everyone else. Those who are on the All Nests list will also be pinged that first day too! Also, any applicable Breed list will also be alerted on that first day as well.

This should help everyone, you guys and myself. Everyone will get a chance to buy a lovely dragon as soon as I can type their info into the forum. And then I should be able to clear out space faster in order to hatch more dragons. And with my most recent hatchery pair adjustments, hopefully I can get back on track to being able to hatch nests more frequently.

Questions and Concerns!
If anyone is worried that they won't be able to buy their favorite dragon because more people will also have the opportunity, then please feel free to bring those concerns to me. Either ping me in a comment here, or send me a PM so that we can discuss the issues you may have about the ping system.

There is no way for me to guarantee that someone gets exactly the dragon they want before someone else buys it instead. Sorry! Due to so many factors, like time zones and real life jobs and school, there is no way for me to know the best time each day to post the dragons and ping everyone. And I do not promote feverishly checking the website each hour for pings. Please keep in mind that unless a pair is wholly unpopular, I will continue to breed the pairs and produce lovely dragons for you all. So if you miss out on a dragon this time around, just wait until next month.

So that's about it, sorry for being so long-winded on what should be a pretty simple change. For those of you who have just gotten used to the old ping system, I'm super sorry to change everything on you like this! I want this to be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone, so hopefully this will help all of us.

Again let me know if you're still confused, or have questions/concerns about this. Otherwise no need to comment that you've seen this update.

Thanks for listening! :)
Hatchery Update: Ping List Confusion!

General Ping List: @Katrasyn / @Talizmyn / @RainbowsGoRawrr / @Lalateebreezy / @shadowrabbits / @Faoiltiama / @Caeleste / @corgzi / @Apothecaria / @Saskia / @Bauble / @DragonFlew / @WickedWhiteEyes / @IraBell / @SydKiaray

All Nests Ping List: @Avalonn / @LajeanRa (Trees only) / @StormHawke / @Azalesha / @PartyPenguin27 / @bucketsAhoy / @queertactics / @Skykitty / @Whitetailmoon / @Aja22 / @WolfYoko / @Mistywolf77 / IraBell / @ladytauriel / @DreamAlex / @Cidae / @Kairo

Hello everyone! I know that there was some hatchery news and changes not long ago, but I've got one now that I hope will make the hatchery so much easier for everyone. To cut back on the confusion around the Ping Lists, I am considering getting rid of a few and making them all a bit more simple. However, while I work around that idea, please see the below information about how the Ping Lists will work going forward.

What's Changing?
So the previous system worked the following way:

Day One - Ping the Specific list.
Day Two - Ping the All Nests and Breed lists.
Day Three - Allow the general public to buy remaining dragons.

This seemed, understandably, to confuse a great many people and was especially difficult for newer players who are still trying to figure out what pings even are in the first place. It was a headache for everyone who just wanted to buy a pretty dragon, and for myself having to explain the process over and over. Not that I don't mind helping players to understand things, but after a while it seemed to be a problem inherent within the system.

While shopping around the Sales forum for some dragons to add to my own lair, I noticed that many hatcheries were pinging everyone all at once. Those wanting dragons from the specific breeding pair, and those who just showed general interest in their hatchery. At first, I didn't pay much mind to this different process. However, it actually seems rather brilliant. By pinging everyone at once, there's no order to have to keep track of, and you maximize the number of players who see (and may buy) your dragons!

Why didn't I think of this? Good question. Personally, by using my old system of staggering the pings over several days, I thought that the system was more "fair" to players wanting certain dragons. But after having my hatchery open for almost a year now, I've come to learn a few things by trial and error. Mostly error, whoops!

How Will the New System Work Now?
Alright so here's what is going to happen from now on:

Day 1 - Ping every list that makes sense
Day 2 - Allow the general public to buy remaining dragons.

Wow, so simple right? To break it down even further, I'll still be alerting the Specific list as soon as a nest they want hatches. Now, I will not wait 24 hours to ping everyone else. Those who are on the All Nests list will also be pinged that first day too! Also, any applicable Breed list will also be alerted on that first day as well.

This should help everyone, you guys and myself. Everyone will get a chance to buy a lovely dragon as soon as I can type their info into the forum. And then I should be able to clear out space faster in order to hatch more dragons. And with my most recent hatchery pair adjustments, hopefully I can get back on track to being able to hatch nests more frequently.

Questions and Concerns!
If anyone is worried that they won't be able to buy their favorite dragon because more people will also have the opportunity, then please feel free to bring those concerns to me. Either ping me in a comment here, or send me a PM so that we can discuss the issues you may have about the ping system.

There is no way for me to guarantee that someone gets exactly the dragon they want before someone else buys it instead. Sorry! Due to so many factors, like time zones and real life jobs and school, there is no way for me to know the best time each day to post the dragons and ping everyone. And I do not promote feverishly checking the website each hour for pings. Please keep in mind that unless a pair is wholly unpopular, I will continue to breed the pairs and produce lovely dragons for you all. So if you miss out on a dragon this time around, just wait until next month.

So that's about it, sorry for being so long-winded on what should be a pretty simple change. For those of you who have just gotten used to the old ping system, I'm super sorry to change everything on you like this! I want this to be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone, so hopefully this will help all of us.

Again let me know if you're still confused, or have questions/concerns about this. Otherwise no need to comment that you've seen this update.

Thanks for listening! :)
ntQkWG3.gif LittlestCondor #55880
Nature Flight
Tree dragon collector

Bottle created by
@Amariel #86020

Cool update! Also: I was wondering if I could purchase the female autumn Wildclaw (forgot the number)?

Cool update! Also: I was wondering if I could purchase the female autumn Wildclaw (forgot the number)?