

Create auction-style bid-to-buy sales here.
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11.5kg plz! :3
11.5kg plz! :3
12kg please!
12kg please!
ckoudy.png -
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20kg please
20kg please
A school of pastel-colored ASCII fish!
Woah, I was not expecting that jump xD
Woah, I was not expecting that jump xD
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
Up to date... [emoji=bogsneak scared size=2]
Up to date...
avatar dragon
@October 30kg
@October 30kg
3 hours to go, before the end of the auction. Up to date
3 hours to go, before the end of the auction. Up to date
avatar dragon
A little less than 1 hour remains! Current bid is 30,000g from @/Anky
A little less than 1 hour remains! Current bid is 30,000g from @/Anky
avatar dragon
The auction has now ended, thank you to everyone who participated! May have gotten whiplash from all the jumps in bids. Did not expect it to go as high as it did!

@Anky Congratulations on the win! You are welcome to pay gems, treasure or a mix of the two. Would you prefer a crossroads trade, or a private auction?
Don't feel pressured to have to pay everything immediately, I know this is quite a lot, so I'm okay with waiting until you're ready to pay in full!

Thank you again!
The auction has now ended, thank you to everyone who participated! May have gotten whiplash from all the jumps in bids. Did not expect it to go as high as it did!

@Anky Congratulations on the win! You are welcome to pay gems, treasure or a mix of the two. Would you prefer a crossroads trade, or a private auction?
Don't feel pressured to have to pay everything immediately, I know this is quite a lot, so I'm okay with waiting until you're ready to pay in full!

Thank you again!
avatar dragon
@Kapro I've got the payment. I'll send over a crossroads. c:

Edit: sent
@Kapro I've got the payment. I'll send over a crossroads. c:

Edit: sent
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