

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Airborne Orblings RNG Pixels [EVENT!]
[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [pinglist=29688] [center][size=6][b]Status: OPEN[/b][/size][/center] ---------------- [quote=Info][size=4]Airborne Orblings is a randomly generated / RNG-based series of pixel adoptables created by @BraveEguana. These little critters even have a chance to be animated, and they fit in your signature! There are currently [b]7 base Orblings, 6 accessories, 15 patterns and 101 colors (of which 12 are also eye colors)[/b]. [/quote] ---------------- [quote=Rules][size=4][left][LIST][*]All FR / Forum rules apply. [*]Do not edit or recolor the Orblings whatsoever. [*]Orblings may be used as OCs on sites such as Toyhouse; please use proper credit when doing so. [*]If you want to post your Orbling in your signature, please link back to this thread. [*]Do not sell or trade your Airborne Orblings outside of FR (this includes trades for non FR-currency). You may, however, trade them for other RNG adoptables. [/LIST] [/quote] ------------ [center][b]Main Post[/b] | [url=]Ordering[/url] | [url=]Characteristics[/url] | [url=]Events[/url]

Status: OPEN

Info wrote:
Airborne Orblings is a randomly generated / RNG-based series of pixel adoptables created by @BraveEguana.

These little critters even have a chance to be animated, and they fit in your signature!

There are currently 7 base Orblings, 6 accessories, 15 patterns and 101 colors (of which 12 are also eye colors).

Rules wrote:
  • All FR / Forum rules apply.
  • Do not edit or recolor the Orblings whatsoever.
  • Orblings may be used as OCs on sites such as Toyhouse; please use proper credit when doing so.
  • If you want to post your Orbling in your signature, please link back to this thread.
  • Do not sell or trade your Airborne Orblings outside of FR (this includes trades for non FR-currency). You may, however, trade them for other RNG adoptables.

Main Post | Ordering | Characteristics | Events
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
[center][size=6][b]Ordering[/b][/size][/center] [quote="Price"] [center][size=4]One (1) randomly generated Orbling costs:[/center][/size] [list][*][b]20,000 [/b][emoji=treasure size=1] [b]OR[/b] [*][b]20[/b] [emoji=gem size=1] [*][b]10 levels[/b] (limited time only!)[/list][/quote] [quote="How to order"][center][size=4] Copy this code and post it filled out in the thread Please send the payment via PM or one-way CR once you've posted your order. I will try to process your order as soon as possible and ping you with your Orblings once I've done so.[/size] [/quote] [code] [center][b]Catching an Orbling![/b][/center] ----------- [b]Username:[/b] [b]# of Orblings:[/b] [/code] ------------ [center][url=]Main Post[/url] | [b]Ordering[/b] | [url=]Characteristics[/url] | [url=]Events[/url] [/center]
Price wrote:
One (1) randomly generated Orbling costs:
  • 20,000 OR
  • 20
  • 10 levels (limited time only!)
How to order wrote:
Copy this code and post it filled out in the thread

Please send the payment via PM or one-way CR once you've posted your order.

I will try to process your order as soon as possible and ping you with your Orblings once I've done so.
[center][b]Catching an Orbling![/b][/center] ----------- [b]Username:[/b] [b]# of Orblings:[/b]

FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
[center][size=6][b]Characteristics[/b][/size][/center] [quote=Rarities] [center][size=4]There are currently [b]7 base Orblings, 6 accessories, 15 patterns and 101 colors (of which 12 are also eye colors)[/b]. The rarities can be narrowed down to the following:[left] [list][*]Base: all 7 bases have the same rarity [*]Colors: all 101 colors have the same rarity (each Orbling has four colors) [*]Eye colors: all 12 eye colors have the same rarity [*]Patterns: 30% chance of no pattern, 70% chance of pattern - all 15 patterns have the same rarity [*]Accessories: 70% chance of no accessory, 25% chance of one accessory, 5% chance of two accessories - all 6 accessories have the same rarity, however, the second accessory is always going to be glasses [*][b]There is a 5% chance for your Orbling to be animated![/b] [/size][/quote] ---------- [center][size=6][b]Below are some examples & descriptions of the Orblings' characteristics.[/b][/size][/center] ---------- [quote=The Bases][center] [quote=Batty Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]Batty Orblings may seem clumsy during the daytime, but they turn into cunning creatures at night.[/size] [/quote] [quote=Angelic Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]The feathers of Angelic Orblings are said to have magical abilites, but you won't know what kind until you've used them![/size] [/quote] [quote=Ethereal Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]The wings of Ethereal Oblings can move up to 200 times per second, giving them the ability to stay still in the air.[/size] [/quote] [quote=Celestial Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]Celestial Orblings seem to be very fragile because of their very cute wings, but they are not afraid to fight for what's right![/size] [/quote] [quote=Pixie Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]Being of peaceful nature, Pixie Orblings always try to not even let fights arise and mediate instead.[/size] [/quote] [quote=Fluttery Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]Nobody knows why, but Fluttery Orblings always shy away when even the slightest noise happens.[/size] [/quote] [quote=Cosmic Orbling] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=4]Cosmic Orblings have the ability to shatter even glass with their voices at will - but one has to really be angered to do that.[/size] [/quote][/quote] [quote=Colors] [size=4]Each Orbling has [b]four different colors and an eye color.[/b] [img][/img][/size][/center] [/quote] [quote=The Patterns] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/quote] [quote=The Accessories] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/quote] -------------- [center] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Ordering[/url] | [b]Characteristics[/b] | [url=]Events[/url]
There are currently 7 base Orblings, 6 accessories, 15 patterns and 101 colors (of which 12 are also eye colors).
The rarities can be narrowed down to the following:
  • Base: all 7 bases have the same rarity
  • Colors: all 101 colors have the same rarity (each Orbling has four colors)
  • Eye colors: all 12 eye colors have the same rarity
  • Patterns: 30% chance of no pattern, 70% chance of pattern - all 15 patterns have the same rarity
  • Accessories: 70% chance of no accessory, 25% chance of one accessory, 5% chance of two accessories - all 6 accessories have the same rarity, however, the second accessory is always going to be glasses
  • There is a 5% chance for your Orbling to be animated!

Below are some examples & descriptions of the Orblings' characteristics.

The Bases wrote:
Batty Orbling wrote:
Batty Orblings may seem clumsy during the daytime, but they turn into cunning creatures at night.
Angelic Orbling wrote:
The feathers of Angelic Orblings are said to have magical abilites, but you won't know what kind until you've used them!
Ethereal Orbling wrote:
The wings of Ethereal Oblings can move up to 200 times per second, giving them the ability to stay still in the air.
Celestial Orbling wrote:
Celestial Orblings seem to be very fragile because of their very cute wings, but they are not afraid to fight for what's right!
Pixie Orbling wrote:
Being of peaceful nature, Pixie Orblings always try to not even let fights arise and mediate instead.
Fluttery Orbling wrote:
Nobody knows why, but Fluttery Orblings always shy away when even the slightest noise happens.
Cosmic Orbling wrote:
Cosmic Orblings have the ability to shatter even glass with their voices at will - but one has to really be angered to do that.
Colors wrote:
Each Orbling has four different colors and an eye color.
The Patterns wrote:
The Accessories wrote:

Main Post | Ordering | Characteristics | Events
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
[center][size=6][b]Events [u]Currently: Winddom - July 7th to 20th[/u][/b][/size] I currently accept [b]10 levels[/b] as alternative form of payment. There are also two limited-time accessories available right now: [img][/img] [img][/img] These accessories have a higher chance to be selected and will retire once the event is finished! [/center]

Currently: Winddom - July 7th to 20th

I currently accept 10 levels as alternative form of payment.

There are also two limited-time accessories available right now:

These accessories have a higher chance to be selected and will retire once the event is finished!
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
Res (just in case)
Res (just in case)
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
[center][size=6][b]And we're officially open!![/size][/b] [s]Let's hope this isn't such a failure as last time[/s] [center][url=][b]RNGP Thread[/b][/url][br][i]Adopt Type: Fully-RNG (No customization after the fact), Unique, Resale Permitted, Tradeable[br]Keywords: Unique Palette, Pixel Art[/i][br][size=0][size=0][size=0]@umbers @crazygadget @FlightCrashing @Wizardry @KaichouKai @GimmeThemPrimals @furo @Dragakure @Anduins @almosteverything @Laoshu @dems @Eseren @TypeFull @kuta @Venusian @Dracowolf @Falgardien @battleaxe @SkellieTheRedd @Xemriss @Askesis @CherishUrSelf @BubbleBirb @AlexRobins @eloquentspeeches @shapelights @Jaypaw @mercurialwings @Kreideprintz @Katalist @mossyaki @Suntouched @XarkkXdragonX @Blackswann @AzaRein @raccqn @Mitchy @puppicino @LArte @StarSpeckledInk @Starbuck @rockss @Scarecrows @KleinFye @AlphaSnowdust @ChrisGhoul @PlatinumDream @vHazen @Croissants @ScripturamRuby @NightmareGiraffe @Scrumptious @Cindertail @naranciag @Scrumptious @aredshroom @Tofubear @Archangelo @reunion @ActualAce @Archangelo @Sekine @PastelThunder @virtue @tehstripe @snailmilk @Kreide @ClockworkEclipse @Doozie @mothmoth @Rifter @polychromatic @Grendaline @CrazyDragonLady1 @Silverbolt1159 @Argante @L1br4 @BuildingBridges @Pumpcat @oneluckyduck @ScribblyGryphon @Valk @Calvair @needsmoreyellow @lyvenex @Wayword @Avouddle[/size][/size][/size][/center] [quote=Info][size=4]Airborne Orblings is a randomly generated / RNG-based series of pixel adoptables created by @BraveEguana. These little critters even have a chance to be animated, and they fit in your signature! There are currently [b]7 base Orblings, 6 accessories, 15 patterns and 101 colors (of which 12 are also eye colors)[/b]. [/quote]
And we're officially open!!

Let's hope this isn't such a failure as last time
Info wrote:
Airborne Orblings is a randomly generated / RNG-based series of pixel adoptables created by @BraveEguana.

These little critters even have a chance to be animated, and they fit in your signature!

There are currently 7 base Orblings, 6 accessories, 15 patterns and 101 colors (of which 12 are also eye colors).
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
bump <3
bump <3
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
[center][b]Catching an Orbling![/b][/center] ----------- [b]Username: samrie[/b] [b]# of Orblings: 5[/b] These are cuteeee [emoji=familiar heart size=1][emoji=familiar heart size=1][emoji=familiar heart size=1][emoji=familiar heart size=1]
Catching an Orbling!

Username: samrie
# of Orblings: 5

These are cuteeee
Catching an Orbling!

Username: imhappyboy
# of Orblings: 1

these are so cute?????
Catching an Orbling!

Username: imhappyboy
# of Orblings: 1

these are so cute?????
i love when tragedies are like “the love was there. it didnt change anything.
it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it.
but it still matters that the love was there.”
keelah se'lai
[center]Once more, so sorry for the delay! Either way, here they finally are. @samrie [quote]Your search was successful! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/quote] @imhappyboy [quote]Your search was successful! [img][/img] [/quote]
Once more, so sorry for the delay! Either way, here they finally are.

Your search was successful!

Your search was successful!
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen