
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | remade
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Thank you so so much for the wonderful and fabulous artworks, and please apologize the belated reply - with my busy weekend and FR being down for a day, I only found the time to reply now ;u; ♥ I truly love how they turned out, and I'm over the moon! The colours look beyond beautiful, and I adore your pretty pastel art style so much. Bryndis turned out especially fabulous, and I'm over the moon about her unique pose and the little flowery details :D Naunet is incredibly cute and lovely as well, and it's really nice how the artwork reflects that she's still an innocent baby. I'm super happy, and will treasure these artworks very much <3 Thank you again, it was a full pleasure to commission you, and I definitely will see if I can return for another commission later if you're still open by then!
Thank you so so much for the wonderful and fabulous artworks, and please apologize the belated reply - with my busy weekend and FR being down for a day, I only found the time to reply now ;u; ♥ I truly love how they turned out, and I'm over the moon! The colours look beyond beautiful, and I adore your pretty pastel art style so much. Bryndis turned out especially fabulous, and I'm over the moon about her unique pose and the little flowery details :D Naunet is incredibly cute and lovely as well, and it's really nice how the artwork reflects that she's still an innocent baby. I'm super happy, and will treasure these artworks very much <3 Thank you again, it was a full pleasure to commission you, and I definitely will see if I can return for another commission later if you're still open by then!
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H I D D E N • S A N C T U M
"I circle around God, around the ancient tower,
and I have circled for thousands of years ..."
@Luunai oh Wow!! Thank you for all the kind words and compliments. I'm so happy to hear that I did your dragons some justice ;;; I really appreciate it [emoji=heart size=1]
@Luunai oh Wow!! Thank you for all the kind words and compliments. I'm so happy to hear that I did your dragons some justice ;;; I really appreciate it
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