
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | big brain bargains [USD OPEN!]
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Username: TheUnhingedOwl
What are you looking for?: Headshot
Reference photo:
Specific requests?: I don’t have a set personality for him yet, so nope!
Payment offer?: 300 gems
Username: TheUnhingedOwl
What are you looking for?: Headshot
Reference photo:
Specific requests?: I don’t have a set personality for him yet, so nope!
Payment offer?: 300 gems
@crysugiix - couldn't see whether to ping you or not Username: SppacePirate314 What are you looking for? (Headshot, Bust, Other): bust Reference photo: [url=][img][/img][/url] Specific requests?: please include the skin, and feel free to include any cool desert ghosts to match up with the lore Payment offer? (Gems, Treasure, Items): 333g + unhatched lightning egg + 333kt
@crysugiix - couldn't see whether to ping you or not

Username: SppacePirate314
What are you looking for? (Headshot, Bust, Other): bust
Reference photo: 65450839_350.png
Specific requests?: please include the skin, and feel free to include any cool desert ghosts to match up with the lore
Payment offer? (Gems, Treasure, Items): 333g + unhatched lightning egg + 333kt

oh my god. I’m so sorry for such a long wait and inconvenience, school might’ve well pronounced me as dead and my hand has been acting up, I apologize for never getting back sooner! I swear it’s only been a day, I can’t believe it’s been like three weeks? I’m working on your commissions and I’ll be back with em as soon as I can! Thank you for commissioning!


Hi! I’ve been under a lot of pressure so I apologize too for not responding! I’d probably hazard maybe 800, but partially due to egg prices fluctuating! I’m thinking of raising my prices at some point... but not before this entire batch is done and I’ve caught up with everyone!


A man of culture! I’d love to add to your growing collection but I’m pretty busy at the moment, if you’re interested still I can add you to a waiting list and I’ll ping you when I’m about to start?


Oh boy, sorry for the delay as well! I’d be happy to accept, I love fiery visage and dark architect but I’m not sure of values either, I do love me some hot skins though. If you’re still down, I can add you to a waiting list too!

A lad!! I can absolutely get that for you if you’re still interested, I’ll ping you whenever the slots are free and I can get started?

I apologize, I’m afraid I can’t do justice to any guardian friends and they have a bit of a hard to see and complex design. I would have to say I’d require more for a bust- thank you very very much for the interest, though, I appreciate it!!

oh my god. I’m so sorry for such a long wait and inconvenience, school might’ve well pronounced me as dead and my hand has been acting up, I apologize for never getting back sooner! I swear it’s only been a day, I can’t believe it’s been like three weeks? I’m working on your commissions and I’ll be back with em as soon as I can! Thank you for commissioning!


Hi! I’ve been under a lot of pressure so I apologize too for not responding! I’d probably hazard maybe 800, but partially due to egg prices fluctuating! I’m thinking of raising my prices at some point... but not before this entire batch is done and I’ve caught up with everyone!


A man of culture! I’d love to add to your growing collection but I’m pretty busy at the moment, if you’re interested still I can add you to a waiting list and I’ll ping you when I’m about to start?


Oh boy, sorry for the delay as well! I’d be happy to accept, I love fiery visage and dark architect but I’m not sure of values either, I do love me some hot skins though. If you’re still down, I can add you to a waiting list too!

A lad!! I can absolutely get that for you if you’re still interested, I’ll ping you whenever the slots are free and I can get started?

I apologize, I’m afraid I can’t do justice to any guardian friends and they have a bit of a hard to see and complex design. I would have to say I’d require more for a bust- thank you very very much for the interest, though, I appreciate it!!
No worries! I'd love to be on a waitlist. ^-^ I shall eagerly wait for that ping :D
No worries! I'd love to be on a waitlist. ^-^ I shall eagerly wait for that ping :D
VvxoVdD.png iceshieldr.png
FR +0
@crysugiix its okay! firey visage is about 900g while dark architect is 1.5kg (it was a limited print with only 20 copies)
@crysugiix its okay! firey visage is about 900g while dark architect is 1.5kg (it was a limited print with only 20 copies)
decays-snek-1.png~ tumblr_lfhu2nfXDI1qzvcyt.gifRodiontumblr_lfhu2nfXDI1qzvcyt.gif
decays_juistheid.gif jHIZkM0.gif
No problem. Would it be better if I paid in pure gems? I can do 800 gems
No problem. Would it be better if I paid in pure gems? I can do 800 gems
Username: Riku114

What are you looking for? (Headshot, Bust, Other): Bust - the were wolf form

Reference photo:
[Reference 1]
[Reference 2]
His human profile
If you could give him big sharp claws / hands kind of like the cleric beast's hands from bloodborne that would be great

Specific requests?: You can have some creative liberty with the design a bit XD Main thing is he's a white werewolf-beast like creature. You can have him in partially torn humanoid clothes or just completely fur.

Payment offer? (Gems, Treasure, Items): 850g
Username: Riku114

What are you looking for? (Headshot, Bust, Other): Bust - the were wolf form

Reference photo:
[Reference 1]
[Reference 2]
His human profile
If you could give him big sharp claws / hands kind of like the cleric beast's hands from bloodborne that would be great

Specific requests?: You can have some creative liberty with the design a bit XD Main thing is he's a white werewolf-beast like creature. You can have him in partially torn humanoid clothes or just completely fur.

Payment offer? (Gems, Treasure, Items): 850g
@Mirrormask @AberDaKitty Oh, thank you, I’m die forever I hope the wait was worth it ^^; thank you so so much for the commission! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] @Mypilot [b]It is time[/b] (Would you mind kindly sending a CR whenever ready? :D I’ll use it to keep a tab!) @decays Would you be down for Dark Architect for two busts?? If so, please send a CR whenever ready and I’ll get started! @Embyrs Sure thing, thank you! Would you send a CR as well? :0 @Riku114 No problem!! Would you mind being on a waitlist for a while? I can get started after this batch?

Oh, thank you, I’m die forever
I hope the wait was worth it ^^; thank you so so much for the commission!


It is time
(Would you mind kindly sending a CR whenever ready? :D I’ll use it to keep a tab!)

Would you be down for Dark Architect for two busts?? If so, please send a CR whenever ready and I’ll get started!

Sure thing, thank you! Would you send a CR as well? :0

No problem!! Would you mind being on a waitlist for a while? I can get started after this batch?
@crysugiix Yeah just tell me when I should pay, how much and when
@crysugiix Yeah just tell me when I should pay, how much and when
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