
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [FIRE FODDART] Art with Candles [Open]
[center] [img][/img] With the last weeks of the year being here but the Night of the Nocturnes barely beginning, the artisan from the fire flights lit up some candles for all Sornieth to know that they have some art to share! Come get some gifts for your loved ones, pamper your clan with portraits and unique adopts and most of all; have some wonderful, wonderful holidays! [center][img][/img][/center] [left][size=4][b][color=#d19108]*[/color][/b][/size] Art with Candles will run for 2 weeks. From [b][color=#d19108]December 15th to December 28th [/color][/b] [size=4][b][color=#c31d22]*[/color][/b][/size]Payment in dragons must be completed before the push ends on Dec 28. Said dragons should be send to the respective artist you are ordering from [size=4][b][color=#d19108]*[/color][/b][/size] Levels are acumulative so for a payment of 20 levels you could send 2 dragons level 10, 4 dragons level 5 or even 1 level 20. [i]Hatchings will be counting as a level 1[/i] [size=4][b][color=#c31d22]*[/color][/b][/size] All orders should be placed with the individual artists. If you have questions about pricing, schedules, etc, please contact the artist you wish to order from [size=4][b][color=#d19108]*[/color][/b][/size] Some Artist have their own rules, please read them carefully [size=4][b][color=#c31d22]*[/color][/b][/size] Lastly and most important: Have fun, enjoy the holidauys and get yourself some pretty art![/left]
With the last weeks of the year being here but the Night of the Nocturnes barely beginning, the artisan from the fire flights lit up some candles for all Sornieth to know that they have some art to share! Come get some gifts for your loved ones, pamper your clan with portraits and unique adopts and most of all; have some wonderful, wonderful holidays!
* Art with Candles will run for 2 weeks. From December 15th to December 28th

*Payment in dragons must be completed before the push ends on Dec 28. Said dragons should be send to the respective artist you are ordering from

* Levels are acumulative so for a payment of 20 levels you could send 2 dragons level 10, 4 dragons level 5 or even 1 level 20. Hatchings will be counting as a level 1

* All orders should be placed with the individual artists. If you have questions about pricing, schedules, etc, please contact the artist you wish to order from

* Some Artist have their own rules, please read them carefully

* Lastly and most important: Have fun, enjoy the holidauys and get yourself some pretty art!
she/her- Fr +5 - Games / Events entusiast
Familiars in Flames & Lava cookies

I am not a creature that was born.
I am a fire that was set
[center][img][/img] [/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]

she/her- Fr +5 - Games / Events entusiast
Familiars in Flames & Lava cookies

I am not a creature that was born.
I am a fire that was set
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN/[s]CLOSE[/s][/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Online/[s]Offline[/s]/ Accepting/[s]Not accepting[/s] [/i] [center][size=7][color=#ff5a00]Order Form[/center][/size][/color] [center]Which Adoptable: (Kittiguin/NekoFluff/Quetzal) What Color(s): What Gene(s) (if applicable): Special Requests (if applicable):[/center] [img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=7][b]Kittiguins[/b][/size] [img][/img] (Also have eyetypes to match your dragon) [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=7][b]Nekofluffs[/b][/size] [/center] [img][/img] [center] [img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=7][b]Quetzals[/b][/size] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size]
OPEN/CLOSE // status: Online/Offline/ Accepting/Not accepting
Order Form
Which Adoptable: (Kittiguin/NekoFluff/Quetzal)
What Color(s):
What Gene(s) (if applicable):
Special Requests (if applicable):

(Also have eyetypes to match your dragon)



Extra info
bcPLEkL.png crystalgeneeggfire.pngsimplicity.png
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Finishing final oders[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][center][img][/img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Circle Portraits [/b][/size] [i][b]Full Color:[/b] 200 KT/ 200 G or 250 Levels[/i] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS (LIMITED)[/b][/color] [list=1][*][s]Orthan - [url=]Soundchaser[/url] - G pc - [url=]specs[/url] - lines pending feedback[/s] [url=][See link][/url] [*][s]kelpoyo - [url=]Fern[/url] - L pc - [url=]specs[/url][/s] [url=][See link][/url] [*] [s]tigressrising - [url=]Dejiho[/url] - T pc - [url=]specs[/url] -[/s] [ [url=]See link[/url] ] [/list] [quote=Order form] Dragon: [link or image] Payment type: (Currency) Notes: (ie Apparel to include, accents/skins, background ideas, lore elements) @tulmultuous [/quote] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] * Sample cropped, for full portrait see [url=]this link[/url] * This commission will take time, I will check in with progress reports * I will prioritize levels over T/G * Once the sketch is finalized (re: post, apparel, etc) I will complete the commission as is with no further changes * Will include a simple background, sized at 600 px by default, but can link larger images by request [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [columns][columns][center][img][/img][nextcol][/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Sleepy/blinking Tundras[/b][/size] [i]8 KT/8 G or 10 levels[/i][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS (UNLIMITED) [/b][/color] [list=1] [*] [*] [/list] [size=1]Completed: [url=]Sidegrinder[/url] - G pc [/size] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES:[/b][/color] * Can customize face color * Non primal eye types * Will customize levels * ~300 px wide [quote=Order form] Type: blinking/sleepy Payment: (Currency) Eye element and type: Customization: Y/N (ie. Match primary) @tulmultuous [/quote] [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] * Please wait for confirmation before sending any payment * work and holiday obligations may cause delays * I recommend saving the images to external storage * Questions? Ask
CLOSED // status: Finishing final oders

Circle Portraits

Full Color:
200 KT/ 200 G or
250 Levels

  1. Orthan - Soundchaser - G pc - specs - lines pending feedback [See link]
  2. kelpoyo - Fern - L pc - specs [See link]
  3. tigressrising - Dejiho - T pc - specs - [ See link ]
Order form wrote:
Dragon: [link or image]
Payment type: (Currency)
Notes: (ie Apparel to include, accents/skins, background ideas, lore elements)
* Sample cropped, for full portrait see this link
* This commission will take time, I will check in with progress reports
* I will prioritize levels over T/G
* Once the sketch is finalized (re: post, apparel, etc) I will complete the commission as is with no further changes
* Will include a simple background, sized at 600 px by default, but can link larger images by request
Sleepy/blinking Tundras
8 KT/8 G or
10 levels


Completed: Sidegrinder - G pc

* Can customize face color
* Non primal eye types
* Will customize levels
* ~300 px wide
Order form wrote:
Type: blinking/sleepy
Payment: (Currency)
Eye element and type:
Customization: Y/N (ie. Match primary)

Extra info
* Please wait for confirmation before sending any payment
* work and holiday obligations may cause delays
* I recommend saving the images to external storage
* Questions? Ask
KoXrWQ6.gif Silanahredwing@tumblr || Art tag

Cauldron || Dragon Boarding || PWYW sketches || Art Shop

FR time +3
If you need me, ping @ KIBETH (formerly Tulmultuous).
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Offline [/i] [img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][center][img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Kitty adoptables[/b][/size] [i][b]Individual[/b]: 30KT/30G or 20 levels [b]Couple[/b]: 60KT/60G or 40 levels[/i][/center][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] *Available breeds: Coatl, Imperial, Fae, Pearlcatcher, Skydancer, Spiral, Wildclaw, Tundra and Bogsneak. See each one [url=]here[/url] *Base price includes ALL genes *Accents range from +20kt/12lvls to +40kt/24lvls depending on complexity *5 or less apparel pieces are +50kt/30lvls *6 or more apparel pieces are +80kt/50lvls *Multigaze and Primal eyes are +5kt/3lvls *HIGHLY customizable accents, apparel + different ears/tails see more examples [url=]here[/url]! [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] *I'll only start working after I received the payment. *Please send payments via CR or PM once I've confirmed your order. *You may order up to 3 kitties/busts at a time. If you're still interested in more please wait until your order is finished before ordering again. [quote= Kitty adopt][b]Dragon: [/b](image URL) [b]Ear type/Tail type:[/b] (stumpy/thin/fluffy and basic/folded/curled) [b]Accent:[/b] (Y/N, please provide accent name) [b]Apparel:[/b] (Name the apparel you want) [b]Type of Payment:[/b] (Treasure/Gems/Levels) [b]Extras:[/b](anything else?)[/quote] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*]ALL DONE!! =D [/list]
oQKDFyn.png CLOSED // status: Offline l2p416L.png

Kitty adoptables
30KT/30G or 20 levels
60KT/60G or 40 levels

*Available breeds: Coatl, Imperial, Fae, Pearlcatcher, Skydancer, Spiral, Wildclaw, Tundra and Bogsneak. See each one here

*Base price includes ALL genes
*Accents range from +20kt/12lvls to +40kt/24lvls depending on complexity
*5 or less apparel pieces are +50kt/30lvls
*6 or more apparel pieces are +80kt/50lvls
*Multigaze and Primal eyes are +5kt/3lvls

*HIGHLY customizable accents, apparel + different ears/tails see more examples here!
Extra info

*I'll only start working after I received the payment.
*Please send payments via CR or PM once I've confirmed your order.
*You may order up to 3 kitties/busts at a time. If you're still interested in more please wait until your order is finished before ordering again.

Kitty adopt wrote:
Dragon: (image URL)
Ear type/Tail type: (stumpy/thin/fluffy and basic/folded/curled)
Accent: (Y/N, please provide accent name)
Apparel: (Name the apparel you want)
Type of Payment: (Treasure/Gems/Levels)
Extras:(anything else?)

  • ALL DONE!! =D
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Online[/i] [img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][center][img][/img] [img][/img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Dragon Bust[/b][/size] [i][b]Full Color:[/b] 300G or 350 Levels[/i] [i][b]Sketch[/b]: 100G or 150 levels[/i][/center][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] * I don’t take dragons under level 3. * I’ll draw accents, but simple apparel only. * If you buy a sketch, let me know if you want a specific pen colour. * You should generally be able to expect a response from me within a few hours when I’m online. Go ahead and ping me if I’m offline, but don’t expect a response for awhile. [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] [quote=Order Form]Dragon: (link/img) Accent: (y/n) Apparel: (y/n, which apparel?) Payment Form: (gems/levels) Notes: (anything else?) [/quote]
OPEN // status: Online

Dragon Bust

Full Color:
300G or
350 Levels

100G or 150 levels


* I don’t take dragons under level 3.
* I’ll draw accents, but simple apparel only.
* If you buy a sketch, let me know if you want a specific pen colour.
* You should generally be able to expect a response from me within a few hours when I’m online. Go ahead and ping me if I’m offline, but don’t expect a response for awhile.


Extra info
Order Form wrote:
Dragon: (link/img)
Accent: (y/n)
Apparel: (y/n, which apparel?)
Payment Form: (gems/levels)
Notes: (anything else?)
an ossifrage; a large red-and-brown vulture in profile, standing and facing left kaivyrin or ossifrage
they/them | fr+3

skins | avatar
[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Offline, FR+17 [/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hephaestus has been hard at work making some flight-themed weapons. More specifically [i]bucklers[/i], which are small, round shields that are effective against light blades, and [i]misericorde[/i], which are very handy for poking into gaps in armor - metal or dragon-grown! He's a bit of a capricious weaponsmith, though. Who knows what you'll end up with - it's the luck of the draw. But if fortune favours you, you could get some quite pretty weapons to play with! [color=#ff5a00][b]FEE[/b][/color] Either 7 levels OR 11,500t OR 11g per weapon [color=#ff5a00][b]HOW IT WORKS[/b][/color] For every 7 levels/11,500t/11g sent along with the order form (so I know which weapon range you're purchasing from!), you'll get a weapon from your chosen category (e.g misericorde, buckler, etc). It could be a Basic level, Intermediate level, or a Rare level. Your player ID number will be included with it. Should you happen to get the same category and flight-themed weapon, Hephaestus will improve the strength of that weapon up to +10 level! There is also the option to trade strengthened weapons for others. If you have a Basic weapon at +5, it can be traded for an Intermediate weapon of your choice (from the same range of weapon, but it can be from another flight). If you have a Basic weapon at +10, it can be traded for a Rare of your choice (from the same range of weapon, but it can be from another flight). If you have an Intermediate weapon at +5, it can be traded for a Rare of your choice (from the same range of weapon, but it can be from another flight). You don't lose the weapon you traded; it just has all its strength removed, and Heph will trust your honesty that you'll replace your strengthened weapon for the unstrengthened one! NB: you can't trade one weapon at +3 and another at +7 to make up a +10 trade. It has to be the one weapon at the required strength level. [color=#ff5a00][b]ORDER FORM[/b][/color][/center] [quote="Order Form"] [b]Player ID#:[/b] [b]Weapon range (e.g misericorde, buckler etc):[/b] [b]Number of weapons requested:[/b][/quote] [center][color=#ff5a00][b]MISERICORDE[/b][/color] Here are just a few examples. For the full range, check in Heph's bio [b][url=]here[/url][/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][b]BUCKLERS[/b][/color] Here are just a few examples. For the full range, check in Heph's bio [b][url=]here[/url][/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [center][color=#ff5a00][b]LATEST RANGE - CLAYMORES[/b][/color] [img][/img] [b]YA BASIC! (60% chance)[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]INTERMEDIATELY STYLISH! (35% chance)[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]OOH, RARE! (5% chance)[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Notes[/b][/color][/size] [/center] [list] [*]I'll be keeping track of each buyer's weapon collection and the strength ratings so just ask me if you forget! [*]I'll accept your CR as soon as I can [*]If you could keep payments per order in one currency (e.g. all levels, all treasure etc), that would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind if you pay for one order in a certain currency and then the next order in a different currency - that's fine! [*]Icons are all 100 x 100px [*]If you could order a max of 5 at a time, that helps me out with making sure I don't keep others waiting too long [*]Next time the forge is open, Hephaestus will have a new range of weapons, but the previous ranges will still be purchasable. You can find them in Hephaestus' bio [b][url=]here[/url][/b] [*]Let me know if I goof up your order! [img][/img] [center][size=2]Dividers by oseim[/size][/center]

CLOSED // status: Offline, FR+17


Hephaestus has been hard at work making some flight-themed weapons. More specifically bucklers, which are small, round shields that are effective against light blades, and misericorde, which are very handy for poking into gaps in armor - metal or dragon-grown! He's a bit of a capricious weaponsmith, though. Who knows what you'll end up with - it's the luck of the draw. But if fortune favours you, you could get some quite pretty weapons to play with!

Either 7 levels OR 11,500t OR 11g per weapon

For every 7 levels/11,500t/11g sent along with the order form (so I know which weapon range you're purchasing from!), you'll get a weapon from your chosen category (e.g misericorde, buckler, etc). It could be a Basic level, Intermediate level, or a Rare level. Your player ID number will be included with it. Should you happen to get the same category and flight-themed weapon, Hephaestus will improve the strength of that weapon up to +10 level!
There is also the option to trade strengthened weapons for others. If you have a Basic weapon at +5, it can be traded for an Intermediate weapon of your choice (from the same range of weapon, but it can be from another flight). If you have a Basic weapon at +10, it can be traded for a Rare of your choice (from the same range of weapon, but it can be from another flight). If you have an Intermediate weapon at +5, it can be traded for a Rare of your choice (from the same range of weapon, but it can be from another flight). You don't lose the weapon you traded; it just has all its strength removed, and Heph will trust your honesty that you'll replace your strengthened weapon for the unstrengthened one!
NB: you can't trade one weapon at +3 and another at +7 to make up a +10 trade. It has to be the one weapon at the required strength level.

Order Form wrote:
Player ID#:
Weapon range (e.g misericorde, buckler etc):
Number of weapons requested:
Here are just a few examples. For the full range, check in Heph's bio here

Here are just a few examples. For the full range, check in Heph's bio here
YA BASIC! (60% chance)


OOH, RARE! (5% chance)
  • I'll be keeping track of each buyer's weapon collection and the strength ratings so just ask me if you forget!
  • I'll accept your CR as soon as I can
  • If you could keep payments per order in one currency (e.g. all levels, all treasure etc), that would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind if you pay for one order in a certain currency and then the next order in a different currency - that's fine!
  • Icons are all 100 x 100px
  • If you could order a max of 5 at a time, that helps me out with making sure I don't keep others waiting too long
  • Next time the forge is open, Hephaestus will have a new range of weapons, but the previous ranges will still be purchasable. You can find them in Hephaestus' bio here
  • Let me know if I goof up your order!
    Dividers by oseim

[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00]Traditional Sketches:[b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] [emoji=left wing size=1][emoji=fire rune size=1][emoji=right wing size=1] [size=5][color=#ff5a00]Christmas Dragons:[b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Online //[/i] [img][/img] [emoji=subscription update size=1] [b]Be aware that due to holidays and work [emoji=subscription update size=1] the [u]delivery of your artworks may be delayed![/u][/b][/center] [br] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [i](Click on the picture to see it bigger)[/i] [url=,h_697,q_70,strp/uva__commish__by_blackrayser_dc7gqzf-fullview.jpg][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Fullbody Sketch[/b][/size] [i] 440K [emoji=treasure size=1] 550 [emoji=gem size=1] or 300 Lvl [emoji=coliseum team size=1][/i][/center] [right][color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color][/right] [list=1] [*] [s]Puggles[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]Orthan[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [/list] [right][color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] Due to holidays, few slots and few offers this time, sorry :< [u]No skins/accents![/u] [u]3 apparels limit![/u] Crystal and Facet :[color=red][b]X[/b][/color] (will be displayed as Basic) :[color=orange][b]!![/b][/color] Shimmer, Irridescent, Metallic, Alloy, Fade, Blend Any other :[color=green][b]K[/b][/color] Prices are for a full body. They will decrease if you ask for only a head or a bust.[/right][/columns] [center][img][/img] [b][emoji=subscription update size=1] Be aware that due to holidays and work [emoji=subscription update size=1] the [u]delivery of your artworks may be delayed![/u][/b][/center] [columns][center][img][/img] [i][b]Available Breeds:[/b] Fae, Imperial, Nocturne, Guardian, Spiral, Coatl, Skydancer, Bogsneak[/i] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Christmas Dragon[/b][/size] [i] 60k [emoji=treasure size=1] 60 [emoji=gem size=1] or 50 lvls [emoji=coliseum team size=1][/i][/center] [right][color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color][/right] [list=1] [*] [s]Miak[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]Vampi[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]crescentstar711[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]eflat[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]SirArchimedes[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]Alastriona1[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]Puggles[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]RisenWolf[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]airdragon[/s] - [i]Done[/i] [*] [s]Elimgarak[/s] - [i]Done[/i][/list] [right][u]No skins/accents![/u] [u]No apparels![/u] Try to ask for [i]very[/i] simple things. [b]Price above includes all genes[/b] [u][i]except:[/i][/u] [b]1.[/b] Crystal, Petals, Jupiter, Poison, Starmap, Metallic, Slime [b]2.[/b] Facet, Butterfly, Saturn, Toxin, Constellation, Hypnotic, Alloy, Sludge [b]3.[/b] Crackle, Ringlets, Filigree, Scales [b]These are[/b] +35k[emoji=treasure size=1] 35[emoji=gem size=1] or 25 lvls[emoji=coliseum team size=1] [i]Secondaries will be on sale due to their little presence.[/i] [b]Primal Eyes[/b] +20k[emoji=treasure size=1] 20[emoji=gem size=1] or 10lvls[emoji=coliseum team size=1] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] [size=6][url=]Examples Gallery[/url][/size][/right][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]Format to Use for TRADITIONAL SKETCHES[/b][/color] [code]@BlackRayser [b]Username & ID:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] Gems, Treasure or Levels? [b]Description:[/b] [Personality, expression... Whatever you wish][/code] [color=#ff5a00][b]Format to Use for CHRISTMAS DRAGONS[/b][/color] [code]@BlackRayser [b]Username & ID:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Post BB Code or Scrying here [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] [b]Decoration:[/b] Christmas Gift / Christmas Ball / Regular Cake [b]If you pick the Regular Cake, which filling:[/b] Cream/Blueberry/Strawberry/Chocolate/Custom [b]Payment:[/b] Gems/Treasure/Levels [b]Alterations or Notes:[/b][/code] [color=#ff5a00][b]Extra Infos[/b][/color] [size=2]• I start to work only [b][u]after[/u][/b] I received the payment. • Send payments via CR or PM. • [b]Be patient.[/b] Your commission may take time, it depends on the gene's complexity and on my free time. • The artwork is for your personal use only. You can re-upload ad size it to fix your bio or whatever. Just remember to credit me by citing my name or linking to my [url=]Art Shop ♥[/url] or my [url=]Adopt Shop ♥[/url][/size]
DHM7a9n.png Traditional Sketches:CLOSED

Christmas Dragons:CLOSED
// status: Online // 1NIJYBe.png

Be aware that due to holidays and work
the delivery of your artworks may be delayed!


(Click on the picture to see it bigger)

Fullbody Sketch
440K 550 or 300 Lvl
  1. Puggles - Done
  2. Orthan - Done
Due to holidays, few slots and few
offers this time, sorry :<

No skins/accents!
3 apparels limit!

Crystal and Facet :X
(will be displayed as Basic) :!!
Shimmer, Irridescent, Metallic,
Alloy, Fade, Blend
Any other :K

Prices are for a full body.
They will decrease if you ask
for only a head or a bust.

Be aware that due to holidays and work
the delivery of your artworks may be delayed!

Available Breeds:
Fae, Imperial, Nocturne, Guardian, Spiral, Coatl, Skydancer, Bogsneak

Christmas Dragon
60k 60 or 50 lvls
  1. Miak - Done
  2. Vampi - Done
  3. crescentstar711 - Done
  4. eflat - Done
  5. SirArchimedes - Done
  6. Alastriona1 - Done
  7. Puggles - Done
  8. RisenWolf - Done
  9. airdragon - Done
  10. Elimgarak - Done
No skins/accents!
No apparels!
Try to ask for very simple things.

Price above includes all genes except:
1. Crystal, Petals, Jupiter, Poison, Starmap, Metallic, Slime
2. Facet, Butterfly, Saturn, Toxin, Constellation, Hypnotic, Alloy, Sludge
3. Crackle, Ringlets, Filigree, Scales

These are
+35k 35 or 25 lvls
Secondaries will be on sale
due to their little presence.

Primal Eyes
+20k 20 or 10lvls


Examples Gallery

@BlackRayser [b]Username & ID:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] Gems, Treasure or Levels? [b]Description:[/b] [Personality, expression... Whatever you wish]

@BlackRayser [b]Username & ID:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Post BB Code or Scrying here [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] [b]Decoration:[/b] Christmas Gift / Christmas Ball / Regular Cake [b]If you pick the Regular Cake, which filling:[/b] Cream/Blueberry/Strawberry/Chocolate/Custom [b]Payment:[/b] Gems/Treasure/Levels [b]Alterations or Notes:[/b]

Extra Infos
• I start to work only after I received the payment.
• Send payments via CR or PM.
Be patient. Your commission may take time, it depends on the gene's complexity and on my free time.
• The artwork is for your personal use only. You can re-upload ad size it to fix your bio or whatever. Just remember to credit me by citing my name or linking to my Art Shop ♥ or my Adopt Shop ♥
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN/[s]CLOSE[/s][/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: [b]Online[/b]/Offline[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][center][img][/img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Pointy Spirals[/b][/size] [i][b]Full Color:[/b] 60KT/ 60G or 35 Levels[/i] [/center][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*]Clerval [*]Saerel[*]chetungwan [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] +5 levels or +15kt for each piece of apparel, up to 3 pieces. Price may change for larger pieces of apparel (such as festival apparel) due to it's complexity. I will not be doing skins or accents. Slots will open again after I finish each batch. Please only order one spiral at a time! This is to prevent me from burning out. I do have a lot of time to draw this month, but I'd like to be fair to everyone who'd like pointy spirals, and have the chance to open slots several times over the course of the foddart. [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] slots are currently full, but if you're interested, @ me and I'll mark down your username for a pinglest when slots open again! [quote=order form] Username: Spiral: Any apparel or expression requests: Method of payment: [/quote]
OPEN/CLOSE // status: Online/Offline

Pointy Spirals

Full Color:
60KT/ 60G or
35 Levels

  1. Clerval
  2. Saerel
  3. chetungwan

+5 levels or +15kt for each piece of apparel, up to 3 pieces. Price may change for larger pieces of apparel (such as festival apparel) due to it's complexity. I will not be doing skins or accents.
Slots will open again after I finish each batch.
Please only order one spiral at a time! This is to prevent me from burning out. I do have a lot of time to draw this month, but I'd like to be fair to everyone who'd like pointy spirals, and have the chance to open slots several times over the course of the foddart.

Extra info
slots are currently full, but if you're interested, @ me and I'll mark down your username for a pinglest when slots open again!
order form wrote:
Any apparel or expression requests:
Method of payment:
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: [b]Online[/b]/Offline/ [b]Accepting[/b]/Not accepting [/i] [img][/img][/center] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][left][img][/img][img][/img][/left][center] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Simply Adorable[/b][/size] [i] 50KT/ 50G or 25 Levels[/i] [/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*]Teletraan[*][*] [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] *All breeds are available but not every gene can show in order to mantain the semplicity. *Unfortunately no apparel. [quote= 'Order form']Dragon: (link/img) Payment Form: ([emoji=treasure size=1]/[emoji=gem size=1] or levels) Notes: (anything else?)[/quote] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] You can ask up to three dragons for each order. ^^ FR +6 I'll try to clear everything as fast as possible but RL might slow things down a bit.
OPEN // status: Online/Offline/ Accepting/Not accepting
Simply Adorable

50KT/ 50G or
25 Levels

  1. Teletraan

*All breeds are available but not every gene can show in order to mantain the semplicity.
*Unfortunately no apparel.
Order form wrote:
Dragon: (link/img)
Payment Form: (/ or levels)
Notes: (anything else?)

Extra info
You can ask up to three dragons for each order. ^^
FR +6 I'll try to clear everything as fast as possible but RL might slow things down a bit.
Mithian | She/Her | +6hr
>Art Shop |
>Tumblr | Instagram
>Wishlist | Something Pretty

Uh??? What's this? trash?