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TOPIC | [Free] Let Me Headcannon Your Dragon
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@Crysi102 Maybe somethin' for this gal? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's always super kind, and has a [url=]wife whom she loves very much
Maybe somethin' for this gal?


She's always super kind, and has a wife whom she loves very much
@JewishBobcat [b]Dragon:[/b] Crystaline [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She dances on beaches mostly, she likes the feel of sand between her talons. -Her favorite instrument is the steel drum, and she's always wanted to learn it. -She actually keeps a garden where she grows the thorns and flowers she wears during her dances. Well dressed dancer be well dressed. Me like. :3

Dragon: Crystaline


-She dances on beaches mostly, she likes the feel of sand between her talons.

-Her favorite instrument is the steel drum, and she's always wanted to learn it.

-She actually keeps a garden where she grows the thorns and flowers she wears during her dances.

Well dressed dancer be well dressed. Me like. :3
@Crysi102 I'd love if you could come up with something for this girl Rumor! She's got some ridiculously edgy lore if you wanna read it hah [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Crysi102 I'd love if you could come up with something for this girl Rumor! She's got some ridiculously edgy lore if you wanna read it hah

. . . You have officially made me love my birthday dragon (Camille), do you accept tips? On another note, can you work some magic on Amaretto as well? I don't have much on him, but I imagine him as somewhat of an old soul [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

. . . You have officially made me love my birthday dragon (Camille), do you accept tips?

On another note, can you work some magic on Amaretto as well? I don't have much on him, but I imagine him as somewhat of an old soul

@WelcomeToKell [b]Dragon:[/b] Rumor [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -Once, before her voice was taken, she convinced everyone in the lair that the number Zero was actually said and spelled "Zarro." They still say "Zarro" instead of Zero to this day. -She used to hate necklaces, but now she has a whole collection of scarves, necklaces, and chokers. Most assume it's because of her scar, but she really still hates wearing them. She just figures it's better to have many than just a few, especially if she has to wear them a lot. -She's studying magic so she can see if there's a way to fix her voice. -She loves the color orange. -She has a growing library of books that she's gotten from [i]somewhere[/i]. Many assume she picks them up on her journeys. Edgy lil fae. Super unique. I like it.

Dragon: Rumor


-Once, before her voice was taken, she convinced everyone in the lair that the number Zero was actually said and spelled "Zarro." They still say "Zarro" instead of Zero to this day.

-She used to hate necklaces, but now she has a whole collection of scarves, necklaces, and chokers. Most assume it's because of her scar, but she really still hates wearing them. She just figures it's better to have many than just a few, especially if she has to wear them a lot.

-She's studying magic so she can see if there's a way to fix her voice.

-She loves the color orange.

-She has a growing library of books that she's gotten from somewhere. Many assume she picks them up on her journeys.

Edgy lil fae. Super unique. I like it.
@Crysi102 I love those! Thanks a bunch <3
@Crysi102 I love those! Thanks a bunch <3
@NotQuiteToxic Camille is a good lady. :3 [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Amaretto [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -He doesn't see the use in fashion. The trends change too quickly for him. -He trades in information, not goods. He can recite dozens of texts from all over the world, and tell you almost any strange, unknown fact you can ask for. -He says the first woman to teach him something new will be the woman he settles down with for good. He has not yet found her. -He always smells like roses and brown sugar. -He likes to bake new dishes. Some of them, from the farther reaches of the world, take several days, even weeks to complete. But he considers it worthwhile. -Dragons come from across the world to taste his cinnamon rolls. [/quote] I love his secondary so much you don't even know.

Camille is a good lady. :3
Dragon: Amaretto


-He doesn't see the use in fashion. The trends change too quickly for him.

-He trades in information, not goods. He can recite dozens of texts from all over the world, and tell you almost any strange, unknown fact you can ask for.

-He says the first woman to teach him something new will be the woman he settles down with for good. He has not yet found her.

-He always smells like roses and brown sugar.

-He likes to bake new dishes. Some of them, from the farther reaches of the world, take several days, even weeks to complete. But he considers it worthwhile.

-Dragons come from across the world to taste his cinnamon rolls.

I love his secondary so much you don't even know.
@Crysi102 If you'd throw some head canons out for these babs? If you don't wanna do all of them, that's fine too! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Weird Facts?:[/b] She's v gay, and low key married to her charge, the clan's matriarch. She also has lore in her bio! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Weird Facts?:[/b] Nothing on this boy yet! [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Weird Facts?:[/b] Twins who do everything together, attached to the hip [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Weird Facts?:[/b] He's blind and mute, but very gentle and kind

If you'd throw some head canons out for these babs? If you don't wanna do all of them, that's fine too!



Weird Facts?: She's v gay, and low key married to her charge, the clan's matriarch. She also has lore in her bio!



Weird Facts?: Nothing on this boy yet!




Weird Facts?: Twins who do everything together, attached to the hip



Weird Facts?: He's blind and mute, but very gentle and kind
@Crysi102 How about my dragon Sally here? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's actually a dragon version of a demon character I have called Sally ;v; All I have so far about Sally is she's pretty open minded, but can be fiesty when she wants to. She likes smoking what she calls "lava cigs" xD Has control over fire, and likes pink/any colors that stand out apart from your usual dark and moody demon.
@Crysi102 How about my dragon Sally here?


She's actually a dragon version of a demon character I have called Sally ;v; All I have so far about Sally is she's pretty open minded, but can be fiesty when she wants to. She likes smoking what she calls "lava cigs" xD Has control over fire, and likes pink/any colors that stand out apart from your usual dark and moody demon.
@KittyCheshire :3c [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Carulata [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She can tell what people are saying from across the room, no matter how far that is. She's got the perception of an ever constant freakin hawk. -She's slowly coming out of her shell, and is gaining the urge to cook cupcakes. But she's never cooked a sweet in her life. She's worried she'll burn them. -She's lost everything she ever knew to war, and that's what pushed her to become a warrior. She's perfected her craft, but sometimes feels a tinge of regret. She's become like the monsters that took everything from her. That's why she feels dead inside. -Her favorite thing in the whole world is a fur blanket. She finds that they're soft and soothing, and desperately wants to own one. I, too, have [url=]a guardian who is slowly going gay for his charge.[/url] :3c [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Aridatha [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -His nickname is 110% Ari. -He's a little on the scatterbrained side, often forgetting things, and remembering things from days ago. -He's sheepish and has a habit of blushing at the slightest thing. He also apologizes a lot. -If he was human, he'd totally have a long ponytail. Like... to the waist long. And he'd be proud as hell about it. -He dreams of one day being an artist, and sketches anything he can all the time. He's pretty damn good at it too. Those are like... the best runes I've ever seen. Never change them. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] The Unnamed Twins [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -They like to dress in different outfits for long periods of time, then randomly swap and confuse the people around them. -They actually [i]do[/i] have that twin mind reading power twins are said to have. They can telepathically speak to one another from any distance, and often use the ability to play pranks and other mischief. -They'd make the perfect set of scouts for an army. One stays with a commander (probably him, since he's got an eye for strategy and tactics) while the other roams and scouts (which she does as she's got eyesight and a tendency to not be seen.) -They're both slightly magical, but not enough to be called mages. They can mostly make small mirrors and shards of ice, sometimes creating arrows, knives, and small tools of the magical material. Their ice doesn't break or melt unless they want it to, either, as it's made of pure magic. -When they were very young, they loved playing that teleporting twin trick, where one would hide (most likely her) and the other would vanish, making it look like they teleported. -Those that spend a long time with the twins (such as a commanding officer or a close friend) can only tell the difference between them due to the minor change in color between their underbellies. To compensate for this, the twins often wear outfits that cover their whole neck and belly. They're totally scouts or spies after having a mischievous childhood and playing a prank on a leader of some group. Let's be honest here. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Mairwen [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -He may have no vision, but he can [i]see[/i] the pure essence of magic like colors across the darkness of his world. No one can understand how he can not walk into walls and interact with people normally, and he can't explain it, so they just accept it. -He's ungodly good at interlocking puzzles. Cube puzzles, those interlocking 'impossible' chain link things. He can solve them no problem. -He was born blind, and lost his voice to a [insert tragic backstory here]. He created a language of signs and motions that those nearest to him can read. -He's actually a fairly capable medic, and can use a small amount of healing magics to effect (and see) those around him. He's so pretty. [/quote] I may have gone overboard with the twins, but [i]ffs[/i] that archer outfit in their bios did me in.

Dragon: Carulata


-She can tell what people are saying from across the room, no matter how far that is. She's got the perception of an ever constant freakin hawk.

-She's slowly coming out of her shell, and is gaining the urge to cook cupcakes. But she's never cooked a sweet in her life. She's worried she'll burn them.

-She's lost everything she ever knew to war, and that's what pushed her to become a warrior. She's perfected her craft, but sometimes feels a tinge of regret. She's become like the monsters that took everything from her. That's why she feels dead inside.

-Her favorite thing in the whole world is a fur blanket. She finds that they're soft and soothing, and desperately wants to own one.

I, too, have a guardian who is slowly going gay for his charge. :3c
Dragon: Aridatha


-His nickname is 110% Ari.

-He's a little on the scatterbrained side, often forgetting things, and remembering things from days ago.

-He's sheepish and has a habit of blushing at the slightest thing. He also apologizes a lot.

-If he was human, he'd totally have a long ponytail. Like... to the waist long. And he'd be proud as hell about it.

-He dreams of one day being an artist, and sketches anything he can all the time. He's pretty damn good at it too.

Those are like... the best runes I've ever seen. Never change them.
Dragon: The Unnamed Twins



-They like to dress in different outfits for long periods of time, then randomly swap and confuse the people around them.

-They actually do have that twin mind reading power twins are said to have. They can telepathically speak to one another from any distance, and often use the ability to play pranks and other mischief.

-They'd make the perfect set of scouts for an army. One stays with a commander (probably him, since he's got an eye for strategy and tactics) while the other roams and scouts (which she does as she's got eyesight and a tendency to not be seen.)

-They're both slightly magical, but not enough to be called mages. They can mostly make small mirrors and shards of ice, sometimes creating arrows, knives, and small tools of the magical material. Their ice doesn't break or melt unless they want it to, either, as it's made of pure magic.

-When they were very young, they loved playing that teleporting twin trick, where one would hide (most likely her) and the other would vanish, making it look like they teleported.

-Those that spend a long time with the twins (such as a commanding officer or a close friend) can only tell the difference between them due to the minor change in color between their underbellies. To compensate for this, the twins often wear outfits that cover their whole neck and belly.

They're totally scouts or spies after having a mischievous childhood and playing a prank on a leader of some group. Let's be honest here.
Dragon: Mairwen


-He may have no vision, but he can see the pure essence of magic like colors across the darkness of his world. No one can understand how he can not walk into walls and interact with people normally, and he can't explain it, so they just accept it.

-He's ungodly good at interlocking puzzles. Cube puzzles, those interlocking 'impossible' chain link things. He can solve them no problem.

-He was born blind, and lost his voice to a [insert tragic backstory here]. He created a language of signs and motions that those nearest to him can read.

-He's actually a fairly capable medic, and can use a small amount of healing magics to effect (and see) those around him.

He's so pretty.

I may have gone overboard with the twins, but *** that archer outfit in their bios did me in.
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