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TOPIC | [Free] Let Me Headcannon Your Dragon
Oooh, I love dragon headcanons! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cuchara is an inventor from the desert who has taken up residence with a less technologically advanced tribe.
Oooh, I love dragon headcanons!


Cuchara is an inventor from the desert who has taken up residence with a less technologically advanced tribe.

Oh my goodness I love what you came up with for Leviathan! :D
Especially the loving cats bit because he had a black cat on him for a while before I ended up taking it off him. XD

Saving you headcannon in his bio! ;3

Oh my goodness I love what you came up with for Leviathan! :D
Especially the loving cats bit because he had a black cat on him for a while before I ended up taking it off him. XD

Saving you headcannon in his bio! ;3
@Crysi102 fit me [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her Name is Lilliana (Or lily)

fit me


Her Name is Lilliana (Or lily)
@Crysi102 There too many so they lil XD [columns]Runa - witch [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]Celeste - healer [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]Minya - ? [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]Rubyclaw (though I’ll probably rename) - ? [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]Rekhodiah - ? [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [columns]Speo - ? [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol] Dariael - witch [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns]
@Crysi102 There too many so they lil XD
Runa - witch

Celeste - healer

Minya - ?

Rubyclaw (though I’ll probably rename) - ?

Rekhodiah - ?


Speo - ?

Dariael - witch

@Elextra Why not both though? [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Choral [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She is a bandit. The scavenger apparel she's got there not only covers her face, but alters her voice as well. -When she's 'working,' she's the most frightening thing there is. Cutthroat and deadly, she'll do anything to achieve her goals. -Off the clock, however, she actually makes her own jewelry, and enjoys a good book. She look mean but she ain't. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Mythios [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She's got a little skin condition that causes her fur to grow in different colors and some of it to turn to crystal. It isn't contagious, but it isn't curable, either. -She hardly speaks because of the crystal around her mouth nearly sealing it shut. It doesn't bother her much, though. She's more a listener than a talker anyway. -She's like a giant cat, she likes to play hunt, pounce around on random objects, and make chuffing sounds like a big cat. -She comes from the desert, and loves it there. -She secretly loves the color red. A good fluff. [/quote]

Why not both though?
Dragon: Choral


-She is a bandit. The scavenger apparel she's got there not only covers her face, but alters her voice as well.

-When she's 'working,' she's the most frightening thing there is. Cutthroat and deadly, she'll do anything to achieve her goals.

-Off the clock, however, she actually makes her own jewelry, and enjoys a good book.

She look mean but she ain't.
Dragon: Mythios


-She's got a little skin condition that causes her fur to grow in different colors and some of it to turn to crystal. It isn't contagious, but it isn't curable, either.

-She hardly speaks because of the crystal around her mouth nearly sealing it shut. It doesn't bother her much, though. She's more a listener than a talker anyway.

-She's like a giant cat, she likes to play hunt, pounce around on random objects, and make chuffing sounds like a big cat.

-She comes from the desert, and loves it there.

-She secretly loves the color red.

A good fluff.
@WrightNDesk [b]Dragon:[/b] Cuchara [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She masks her face because there's someone who would like to hunt her down from her home. She owes them an invention, but creating it would be... against her morals. She can't risk this new clan seeing her face. -She hopes to sometime bring technology from her homeland to this new clan, but she has to do it slowly due to lacking the resources. -She's always wanted to own a falcon. I love her gijinka art in her bio, that's so beautiful.

Dragon: Cuchara


-She masks her face because there's someone who would like to hunt her down from her home. She owes them an invention, but creating it would be... against her morals. She can't risk this new clan seeing her face.

-She hopes to sometime bring technology from her homeland to this new clan, but she has to do it slowly due to lacking the resources.

-She's always wanted to own a falcon.

I love her gijinka art in her bio, that's so beautiful.
@Crysi102 Oooooh my gosh I love this! I'm definitely incorporating it into her lore :D
@Crysi102 Oooooh my gosh I love this! I'm definitely incorporating it into her lore :D

And he actually had a cat!? He just wants his kitty back! He's so sad without his kitty! Nuuuu!

Jokes aside, I'm glad you like it! That skin is so good, and it fits him so well. Thanks a ton for stopping by!

And he actually had a cat!? He just wants his kitty back! He's so sad without his kitty! Nuuuu!

Jokes aside, I'm glad you like it! That skin is so good, and it fits him so well. Thanks a ton for stopping by!
@Danu [b]Dragon:[/b] Liliana [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -Originally a mechanized automation, she slowly learned how to be free willed. She rebelled, defeated her master that was confining her. Now she's hunting the others, so she can be fully free of all their controls. -She's stupidly full of herself, and doesn't quite understand the outside world enough to care about it. Everything must be automations like herself, after all. So why are they so afraid to get hurt? -She's found herself to be addicted to tattoos. She doesn't have any yet, but she wants to. -She's convinced herself that purple is the prettiest color in the world. -I don't know why this is important, but she really, really, really likes eating fish. :3c

Dragon: Liliana


-Originally a mechanized automation, she slowly learned how to be free willed. She rebelled, defeated her master that was confining her. Now she's hunting the others, so she can be fully free of all their controls.

-She's stupidly full of herself, and doesn't quite understand the outside world enough to care about it. Everything must be automations like herself, after all. So why are they so afraid to get hurt?

-She's found herself to be addicted to tattoos. She doesn't have any yet, but she wants to.

-She's convinced herself that purple is the prettiest color in the world.

-I don't know why this is important, but she really, really, really likes eating fish.

@MacBeka You give me lots. [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Runa [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She's a witch, obviously. Less obviously is that she's the leader of her coven. -She's pretty bad at being a coven leader, and often has to rely on the other witches to take care of things for her. -She specializes in magic related to food, and can cook one hell of a cake. -When talking to those outside the coven, she tries to act fiercer than she really is, in an attempt to keep the coven seeming fierce. She's doing her best. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Celeste [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She has water magic, despite being an arcane dragon. No one knows why. -The little gems that grow across her skin glow when she casts magic, like conduits for her power. -She's a vegetarian. -She spins silk in her free time, and uses her water to dye it different colors. Her dress color changes almost daily as a result. -She may or may not be a witch. No one is really sure. She's a good girl. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Minya [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -He's totally one of Runa's witches. Specifically the one that knows what the heck is going on at any point in time. -That cloak is actually made of his light illumination magic. It's just an illusion he uses to make himself look cooler. -He keeps his face masked because he has an ugly scar across the bridge of his nose and can't stand to see it. It brings back bad memories. Everyone else thinks he hides his face to look cool and edgy. They will never know the truth! [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Rubyclaw [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -No one really knows where the little suction cups on his belly came from. They like to joke that he's the cut off tentacle of a giant octopus. -No one would have guessed that was true. The octopus was slain by the witche's coven, and the fallen tentacle was reanimated on accident by Runa. He now follows her everywhere, like a lost puppy. -He's curious about the world, and wants to learn more about everything. -He's slowly regrowing the rest of the octopus, and routinely has to get the growths cut off his tail. Squiddly twiggly spirally dude. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Rekhodiah [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -She's not one of Runa's witches, but you'd guess that she was by how often she's around the coven. -In truth, she's following the coven all the time because she's a scientist who wants to study the chopped-off-and-reanimated-tentacle dragon she'd heard rumors about. -She never wears a labcoat. She claims they're "too drab." -Her scales, when the light hits them right, can be used as a disco ball. Curiosity killed the.... disco ball? [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Speo [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -He was an automation created by Dariael, enchanted to be a defender of the coven. -His magic is pink, and the amount he has left is shown by how much of his belly glimmers. -The diamond marks across his body are seals, and are what hold him together. Without them, he would crumble into dust. -He doesn't talk. He totally [i]can[/i] talk, he just chooses to be silent. -He loves squirrels. For no particular reason. They like to nest in his mane. He's a good. [/quote] [quote] [b]Dragon:[/b] Dariael [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -He considers himself a druid, not a witch. Despite not being a druid in any way... except loving animals. That's the only druid-like thing he's [i]ever[/i] done, but he still insists on having the title. -He created Speo not because he thought the coven needed a protector, but because he wanted to see if he could make magic pink. -He actually does have two sets of wings, one leathery like normal fae, and the other feather filled and scratchy. He hates having to prune his feathers. He accidentally sprouted the brown, feathered wings after a spell gone horribly wrong. -His favorite color is pink. He was disappointed when his magic turned out to be brown. That's what led to Speo existing. I remember naming him. xD [/quote]

You give me lots.
Dragon: Runa


-She's a witch, obviously. Less obviously is that she's the leader of her coven.

-She's pretty bad at being a coven leader, and often has to rely on the other witches to take care of things for her.

-She specializes in magic related to food, and can cook one hell of a cake.

-When talking to those outside the coven, she tries to act fiercer than she really is, in an attempt to keep the coven seeming fierce.

She's doing her best.
Dragon: Celeste


-She has water magic, despite being an arcane dragon. No one knows why.

-The little gems that grow across her skin glow when she casts magic, like conduits for her power.

-She's a vegetarian.

-She spins silk in her free time, and uses her water to dye it different colors. Her dress color changes almost daily as a result.

-She may or may not be a witch. No one is really sure.

She's a good girl.
Dragon: Minya


-He's totally one of Runa's witches. Specifically the one that knows what the heck is going on at any point in time.

-That cloak is actually made of his light illumination magic. It's just an illusion he uses to make himself look cooler.

-He keeps his face masked because he has an ugly scar across the bridge of his nose and can't stand to see it. It brings back bad memories. Everyone else thinks he hides his face to look cool and edgy.

They will never know the truth!
Dragon: Rubyclaw


-No one really knows where the little suction cups on his belly came from. They like to joke that he's the cut off tentacle of a giant octopus.

-No one would have guessed that was true. The octopus was slain by the witche's coven, and the fallen tentacle was reanimated on accident by Runa. He now follows her everywhere, like a lost puppy.

-He's curious about the world, and wants to learn more about everything.

-He's slowly regrowing the rest of the octopus, and routinely has to get the growths cut off his tail.

Squiddly twiggly spirally dude.
Dragon: Rekhodiah


-She's not one of Runa's witches, but you'd guess that she was by how often she's around the coven.

-In truth, she's following the coven all the time because she's a scientist who wants to study the chopped-off-and-reanimated-tentacle dragon she'd heard rumors about.

-She never wears a labcoat. She claims they're "too drab."

-Her scales, when the light hits them right, can be used as a disco ball.

Curiosity killed the.... disco ball?
Dragon: Speo


-He was an automation created by Dariael, enchanted to be a defender of the coven.

-His magic is pink, and the amount he has left is shown by how much of his belly glimmers.

-The diamond marks across his body are seals, and are what hold him together. Without them, he would crumble into dust.

-He doesn't talk. He totally can talk, he just chooses to be silent.

-He loves squirrels. For no particular reason. They like to nest in his mane.

He's a good.
Dragon: Dariael


-He considers himself a druid, not a witch. Despite not being a druid in any way... except loving animals. That's the only druid-like thing he's ever done, but he still insists on having the title.

-He created Speo not because he thought the coven needed a protector, but because he wanted to see if he could make magic pink.

-He actually does have two sets of wings, one leathery like normal fae, and the other feather filled and scratchy. He hates having to prune his feathers. He accidentally sprouted the brown, feathered wings after a spell gone horribly wrong.

-His favorite color is pink. He was disappointed when his magic turned out to be brown. That's what led to Speo existing.

I remember naming him. xD