
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | zylen’s art store || closed
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___fr +19
___art store

@Zylen beautiful art! i dont have funds rn or i'd totally commission you, could i be added to your pinglist please?
@Zylen beautiful art! i dont have funds rn or i'd totally commission you, could i be added to your pinglist please?
Misty | She/her | FR +5 | Artist
I can get distracted and forget stuff easily, please pm or ping if I missed something!
About | Avatar | Art socials
@Zylen Hello! If you're still open I'd love a slot. [b]Reference:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Art type:[/b] Halfbody [b]Payment method [/b] Gems [b]Payment total:[/b] 1050g? (850g base + 25g reaper guise + 25g arm guards + 25g shadowscale wing guard + 25g birdskull wing piece + 25g shadowscale chest piece + 25g untamed boots + 25g shadowscale tail guard + 25g purple claws) [b]Notes:[/b] Transparent background please!
@Zylen Hello! If you're still open I'd love a slot.



Art type: Halfbody
Payment method Gems
Payment total: 1050g? (850g base + 25g reaper guise + 25g arm guards + 25g shadowscale wing guard + 25g birdskull wing piece + 25g shadowscale chest piece + 25g untamed boots + 25g shadowscale tail guard + 25g purple claws)
Notes: Transparent background please!
Haven’t been active since the middle of last year so this is reopened and all (3) slots are available :)!

Note: Past orders before this have been cancelled for obvious reasons skdksk


If you would like to be removed please just let me know ~

@Katsuji @Akeva @Marrigan @MistyGold @Jupiteru @satanbacons @LanceyL0nce @Mareanie @SepiaSenpai @Mazurkas @Bluedragon @Rexcaliburr @AeroPawsta @SoullessWendigo @Pearlimose @sojubean @Varalia @Kiragu @Ziernalie @sobbing @Arkanjel @ChromaticVoid @foxghosts @Rosa @LucidWhispers @Drakeharvest @Quintillion @Iceluoxue @hayum @darkblayd @BoltStriker @LostSketchbook @Lun @Valishtu @Spark @Cryptic @Manchu @Andraya @Enkue @sunshower33 @Greili @Luunai @Gimeurcookie @Convexity @gamjubean @Saurgazing
Haven’t been active since the middle of last year so this is reopened and all (3) slots are available :)!

Note: Past orders before this have been cancelled for obvious reasons skdksk


If you would like to be removed please just let me know ~

@Katsuji @Akeva @Marrigan @MistyGold @Jupiteru @satanbacons @LanceyL0nce @Mareanie @SepiaSenpai @Mazurkas @Bluedragon @Rexcaliburr @AeroPawsta @SoullessWendigo @Pearlimose @sojubean @Varalia @Kiragu @Ziernalie @sobbing @Arkanjel @ChromaticVoid @foxghosts @Rosa @LucidWhispers @Drakeharvest @Quintillion @Iceluoxue @hayum @darkblayd @BoltStriker @LostSketchbook @Lun @Valishtu @Spark @Cryptic @Manchu @Andraya @Enkue @sunshower33 @Greili @Luunai @Gimeurcookie @Convexity @gamjubean @Saurgazing
___fr +19
___art store

[font=Verdana][size=2]@Zylen [b]Reference:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Payment method [/b] Treasure [b]Payment total:[/b] 600k Teasure [b]Notes:[/b] He is my musician and conductor of the clan. Do you mind drawing maybe a conductor's baton and a few musical notes? Additionally, I included the price of two pieces of apparel if you could also include the black fedora and the silver steampunk wings as well? I might be incorrect on the total... Please let me know if I have shorted the total amount.

Payment method Treasure
Payment total: 600k Teasure
Notes: He is my musician and conductor of the clan. Do you mind drawing maybe a conductor's baton and a few musical notes? Additionally, I included the price of two pieces of apparel if you could also include the black fedora and the silver steampunk wings as well?

I might be incorrect on the total... Please let me know if I have shorted the total amount.

@Zylen Ooh, nice to see your shop again ^^ [b]Reference:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Payment method [/b] gems [b]Payment total:[/b] 550 + 150: 700g? [b]Notes:[/b] n/a
@Zylen Ooh, nice to see your shop again ^^

Payment method gems
Payment total: 550 + 150: 700g?
Notes: n/a
looks all goods all add you to the slots :)

hh thanks~ i’ll add you to the slots
looks all goods all add you to the slots :)

hh thanks~ i’ll add you to the slots
___fr +19
___art store

[center] @Katsuji heres the finished piece~ [img][/img] [/center]
heres the finished piece~
___fr +19
___art store


Apologies on the late reply. This is amazing! I absolutely love how you drew him and you included the conductor's baton and musical notes! The Metallic is so cool and and I love the shading and how the Fedora shades the eyes just a tad.

Thank you again!

Apologies on the late reply. This is amazing! I absolutely love how you drew him and you included the conductor's baton and musical notes! The Metallic is so cool and and I love the shading and how the Fedora shades the eyes just a tad.

Thank you again!

[center] @Quintillion here it is :)! [img][/img] [/center]
here it is :)!
___fr +19
___art store