
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] :: DOT SHOP :: OCs | Gijinkas
Could I get that slot?
Could I get that slot?
Type A for Aurelia (the dragon)!
Type A for Aurelia (the dragon)!

could I please be put on your ping list? ;u; thank you! <3

could I please be put on your ping list? ;u; thank you! <3

Might I be tossed onto the pinglist, perhaps? :3 Such wonderful arts~

Might I be tossed onto the pinglist, perhaps? :3 Such wonderful arts~
may I get the slot please?
may I get the slot please?
@garat oh my gosh so cute! but gosh he's actually a boy, would it be possible to flatten his chest a little? i'm sorry for the inconvenience! ;; if it's too much work for you i can edit it a little myself with your permission.

it would be 1.4M yes?
@garat oh my gosh so cute! but gosh he's actually a boy, would it be possible to flatten his chest a little? i'm sorry for the inconvenience! ;; if it's too much work for you i can edit it a little myself with your permission.

it would be 1.4M yes?
Could I please be added to the pinglist? XD
Could I please be added to the pinglist? XD
@garat ITS NO PROBLEM AT ALL he actually gets mistaken for a girl a lot but he doesn't mind <3 it's absolutely perfect and i love it so much, i'll send the pay along!
@garat ITS NO PROBLEM AT ALL he actually gets mistaken for a girl a lot but he doesn't mind <3 it's absolutely perfect and i love it so much, i'll send the pay along!

oh I'm sorry I misunderstood your meaning X(
Is this picture be ok ?

oh I'm sorry I misunderstood your meaning X(
Is this picture be ok ?
could I please be added to your pinglist? ;v;
could I please be added to your pinglist? ;v;
art_shop_sig_by_poisonwing-d8e6yu4.png DwxTHie.png