
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | zweis's old art shop [cobwebs and dust]
[b][size=6]HELLO!!!! For updated commission info please stop by my new thread, >>>>>>>>>[url=]HERE[/url]!![/size][/b] [rule] [rule] [rule] [rule] [rule] [rule] [s] Hello! I'd love to draw your dragons for you!! My specialty is colors, swirls, and gijinkas, but I'll draw just about anything. This round is opened for TWO SLOTS of ANY CURRENCY. If you'd like to be added to the reopening pinglist, just let me know. Also - I post early opening notices on my tumblr! [b]To-do:[/b] [i][u][b]update prices on example images[/b][/u][/i], treasure/gem ratio, bribe list, add clan-emblem and painted tier, move pinglist [rule] [rule] [b]Commissions Queue:[/b] [LIST=1] [*] none!! [/LIST] [b]pinglist when reopening[/b]: [size=1]!pokerobin !Reinbre !Parsnips !Stephen !Liesmith !Takenaka !battledog !Heresy !pooses !sleepersharks !Sinfirmitas !Enoch !CeruleanBlue !Zelai !Lamentations !zeushatches !Vedis !Bloodbag !SeamusHarper !spikenard !Spectralink !LanguageVirus !Cherri !Cynareae !Ceylon !BaraBear !Azure !Weathering !Nyctea !Ambitious !Toriel !Mirsheb !Banjo !Noxeryrs !Yaevinn !ryou !Velander !Iodine !ashenhartkrie !Needtoscribble !tybaltcatulet !GalacticCannibal !Exeidur !BlackWinter !Mellifera !Endro !creepsheeps !bcrush !Hikumi !Zedling !Cryptic !Shocklee !Ecaflip !Fletcher !Frillshark !Dela !CanisMajoris !Imani !Mature !BritishDinosaur [/size] [rule] [rule] [size=4][b]Rules:[/b][/size] [LIST] [*]USD comms take priority over on-site currency. [*]I reserve the right to turn down any commission request for any reason whatsoever. [*]if you plan on using this art anywhere online, [b]you must credit me.[/b] a hyperlink is preferred! [*] [i]please[/i] provide me with references. [*]I won't draw anything against the TOS (nudity, heavy gore, other offensive content.) [/LIST] please don't be afraid to ask questions! Either PM me here or find me on tumblr at [url=][u]zweis-fr[/u][/url] [rule] [rule] [size=4][b]Prices and Styles:[/b][/size] { [url=]more examples found here[/url] } The conversion rate I use is 1g:1000t. USD prices are discounted, in comparison to on-site currency prices, so USD commissioners get a little more bang for their buck. base prices for each type of work are as follows: [b]BUSTS / HEADS[/b] [indent] painterly/inky: ..................................16 USD / 1.7mT/ 1700g rendered: ........................................17 USD / 1.8mT / 1800g lineless: ..........................................18 USD / 1.9mT / 1900g [/indent] In addition to treasures/gems/USD, items can sometimes be used as payment on a case-by-case basis. - [b]Half- and full-body commissions are still available[/b]!! However, the ease of drawing them varies from dragon breeds to humans, so please ask for a price quote! - Each commission comes with a flat background. More detailed backgrounds cost extra depending on what you want. If you'd rather have a transparent image (busts work best for this) just mention that. [b]***** IMPORTANT STUFF HERE DON'T IGNORE THIS *****[/b] [i]these prices are base estimates[/i]. If your dragon has a lot of details (skins, accents, certain genes, and apparel), I will adjust the price to accommodate the extra time and effort needed to render them. [rule] [rule] [size=4][b]Order Form:[/b][/size] Please fill out the appropriate list and post in this thread, thanks! for dragons: [quote] @zweis [ put an image of dragon/link to dragon here] [list] [*]accents or skins: (yes/no) [*]apparel: (yes/no) [*]commission size: (bust, half body, full, etc.) [*]commission style: (sketch, lineless, flat colors, etc.) [*]method of payment: [*]special requests: (details about dragon, animation, transparent background, etc) [/list] [/quote] for gijinkas: [quote] @zweis [ put an image of dragon/link to dragon here] [list] [*]include accents or skins: (yes/no) [*]include apparel: (yes/no) color scheme: (skin tone - primary color of dragon or something human?) appearance: (facial features, hair styles, clothing, include/don't include antenna or horns or frills, etc.) [*]commission size: (bust, half body, full, etc.) [*]commission style: (sketch, lineless, flat colors, etc.) [*]method of payment: [*]special requests: (details about dragon, animation, transparent background, etc) [/list] [/quote] for anything else: [quote] @zweis [LIST] [*]commission size: (bust, half body, full, etc.) [*]commission style: (sketch, lineless, flat colors, etc.) [*]method of payment: [*]special requests: [*]references: [/LIST] [/quote] I'm not too strict about these lists, just know that the more detail, the better. Thank you! [rule] [rule] Thanks for stopping by! And again, all of these examples plus many more can be found on my [url=]FR tumblr[/url] or my [url=]art tumblr[/url]. [b][/b][/s]
HELLO!!!! For updated commission info please stop by my new thread, >>>>>>>>>HERE!!

Hello! I'd love to draw your dragons for you!! My specialty is colors, swirls, and gijinkas, but I'll draw just about anything. This round is opened for TWO SLOTS of ANY CURRENCY. If you'd like to be added to the reopening pinglist, just let me know. Also - I post early opening notices on my tumblr!

To-do: update prices on example images, treasure/gem ratio, bribe list, add clan-emblem and painted tier, move pinglist

Commissions Queue:

  1. none!!

pinglist when reopening:
!pokerobin !Reinbre !Parsnips !Stephen !Liesmith !Takenaka !battledog !Heresy !pooses !sleepersharks !Sinfirmitas !Enoch !CeruleanBlue !Zelai !Lamentations !zeushatches !Vedis !Bloodbag !SeamusHarper !spikenard !Spectralink !LanguageVirus !Cherri !Cynareae !Ceylon !BaraBear !Azure !Weathering !Nyctea !Ambitious !Toriel !Mirsheb !Banjo !Noxeryrs !Yaevinn !ryou !Velander !Iodine !ashenhartkrie !Needtoscribble !tybaltcatulet !GalacticCannibal !Exeidur !BlackWinter !Mellifera !Endro !creepsheeps !bcrush !Hikumi !Zedling !Cryptic !Shocklee !Ecaflip !Fletcher !Frillshark !Dela !CanisMajoris !Imani !Mature !BritishDinosaur


  • USD comms take priority over on-site currency.
  • I reserve the right to turn down any commission request for any reason whatsoever.
  • if you plan on using this art anywhere online, you must credit me. a hyperlink is preferred!
  • please provide me with references.
  • I won't draw anything against the TOS (nudity, heavy gore, other offensive content.)

please don't be afraid to ask questions! Either PM me here or find me on tumblr at zweis-fr

Prices and Styles:

{ more examples found here }

The conversion rate I use is 1g:1000t. USD prices are discounted, in comparison to on-site currency prices, so USD commissioners get a little more bang for their buck.

base prices for each type of work are as follows:

painterly/inky: ..................................16 USD / 1.7mT/ 1700g
rendered: ........................................17 USD / 1.8mT / 1800g
lineless: ..........................................18 USD / 1.9mT / 1900g

In addition to treasures/gems/USD, items can sometimes be used as payment on a case-by-case basis.

- Half- and full-body commissions are still available!! However, the ease of drawing them varies from dragon breeds to humans, so please ask for a price quote!

- Each commission comes with a flat background. More detailed backgrounds cost extra depending on what you want. If you'd rather have a transparent image (busts work best for this) just mention that.

these prices are base estimates. If your dragon has a lot of details (skins, accents, certain genes, and apparel), I will adjust the price to accommodate the extra time and effort needed to render them.

Order Form:

Please fill out the appropriate list and post in this thread, thanks!

for dragons:

[ put an image of dragon/link to dragon here]

  • accents or skins: (yes/no)
  • apparel: (yes/no)
  • commission size: (bust, half body, full, etc.)
  • commission style: (sketch, lineless, flat colors, etc.)
  • method of payment:
  • special requests: (details about dragon, animation, transparent background, etc)

for gijinkas:

[ put an image of dragon/link to dragon here]

  • include accents or skins: (yes/no)
  • include apparel: (yes/no)
    color scheme: (skin tone - primary color of dragon or something human?)
    appearance: (facial features, hair styles, clothing, include/don't include antenna or horns or frills, etc.)
  • commission size: (bust, half body, full, etc.)
  • commission style: (sketch, lineless, flat colors, etc.)
  • method of payment:
  • special requests: (details about dragon, animation, transparent background, etc)

for anything else:

  • commission size: (bust, half body, full, etc.)
  • commission style: (sketch, lineless, flat colors, etc.)
  • method of payment:
  • special requests:
  • references:

I'm not too strict about these lists, just know that the more detail, the better.

Thank you!

Thanks for stopping by! And again, all of these examples plus many more can be found on my FR tumblr or my art tumblr.
@zweis Sorry about the unorginized post. I must have posted when you didn't have the form up. Silly me. AAAA. [b]ID#[/b]: 129750 [b]breed[/b]: Guardian [b]color scheme[/b]: Black, Blue [b]accents or skins[/b]: Crystals underneath broken scales / rock-like features. [b]apparel[/b]: Twice-dye Mantle, Blue Nail Polish [b]commission size[/b]: Fullbody [b]commission style[/b]: Render [b]method of payment[/b]: Treasure-- 1.9+ M [b]special requests[/b]: Only request I have is to have him a bit shiny. Have the crystals inside glow perhaps? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Sorry about the unorginized post. I must have posted when you didn't have the form up. Silly me. AAAA.

ID#: 129750
breed: Guardian
color scheme: Black, Blue
accents or skins: Crystals underneath broken scales / rock-like features.
apparel: Twice-dye Mantle, Blue Nail Polish
commission size: Fullbody
commission style: Render
method of payment: Treasure-- 1.9+ M
special requests: Only request I have is to have him a bit shiny. Have the crystals inside glow perhaps?

[quote name="Itsy" date=2015-11-24 23:48:01] [s]@zweis I really love your art! AAAAA @_@ Would be at all possible to get a fullbody render of this guy here for treasure? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Of course, he has a good deal of detail to him so the original price is ought to be upped. c: I'm willing to pay any extra! Also, if you're just not inspired or interested in drawing him, I can pick other dragons or you're free to choose whatever one you'd like from my lair! [/quote] [s]Yeah!! He's entirely possible for me to do!! I'd love to draw either him or Armen, but I'll leave the final decision up to you!! (Armen would be slightly cheaper, but that's neither here nor there.) (I tried posting this super quick so you'd see it before the rollover, but yeah!! I can do this!)[/s] [/s]aaaah, just saw this before rollover. I'll add you to the waiting list!! sorry for the communication issues :c
Itsy wrote on 2015-11-24:

I really love your art! AAAAA @_@ Would be at all possible to get a fullbody render of this guy here for treasure?


Of course, he has a good deal of detail to him so the original price is ought to be upped. c: I'm willing to pay any extra! Also, if you're just not inspired or interested in drawing him, I can pick other dragons or you're free to choose whatever one you'd like from my lair!

Yeah!! He's entirely possible for me to do!! I'd love to draw either him or Armen, but I'll leave the final decision up to you!! (Armen would be slightly cheaper, but that's neither here nor there.)
(I tried posting this super quick so you'd see it before the rollover, but yeah!! I can do this!)

aaaah, just saw this before rollover. I'll add you to the waiting list!! sorry for the communication issues :c

Nonono, you're fine! I knew you'd be added a form and wasn't sure if a form'd be required or not. I've edited the post with the form there, but if you'd like to do Armen, you're free to! :) Either would be absolutely fine. One or the other, I'd like it to be a fullbody render. c: No other details with Armen though. Just do your thing! (If you choose him~)

Nonono, you're fine! I knew you'd be added a form and wasn't sure if a form'd be required or not. I've edited the post with the form there, but if you'd like to do Armen, you're free to! :) Either would be absolutely fine. One or the other, I'd like it to be a fullbody render. c: No other details with Armen though. Just do your thing! (If you choose him~)

Okay, great! I added the form later, so thanks for your patience! I can certainly do Croman with a shiny, glowy look. I'll PM you the final price and put you on the list!! Thank you so much for getting a commission <3

Okay, great! I added the form later, so thanks for your patience! I can certainly do Croman with a shiny, glowy look. I'll PM you the final price and put you on the list!! Thank you so much for getting a commission <3

ID#: #11502681
breed: one nocturne male
color scheme: aqua iridescent / caribbean facet / caribbean smoke
accents or skins: none
apparel: just his marvelous sweater :)
commission size: half body
commission style: cleaned lines + flat colors
method of payment: Can I do 500g and 10$ USD? (Or 10$ USD and make up the remainder in gems.)
special requests: His personality is basically: always very happy and loves to sing, especially showtunes! So smiling/happy is A+! Otherwise no special requests.

ID#: #11502681
breed: one nocturne male
color scheme: aqua iridescent / caribbean facet / caribbean smoke
accents or skins: none
apparel: just his marvelous sweater :)
commission size: half body
commission style: cleaned lines + flat colors
method of payment: Can I do 500g and 10$ USD? (Or 10$ USD and make up the remainder in gems.)
special requests: His personality is basically: always very happy and loves to sing, especially showtunes! So smiling/happy is A+! Otherwise no special requests.
@pchkan added you to the list & sending you a PM!
@pchkan added you to the list & sending you a PM!
@Lovecrafty Your commission is done!! I've also PM'd you :D
@Lovecrafty Your commission is done!! I've also PM'd you :D
@pchkan your commission is done! I've PM'd you as well.
@pchkan your commission is done! I've PM'd you as well.