
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Tears' Fancy Chibis!
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Nah it's cool
It's pwyw so however much is fine haha
I'm totally semi collecting familiars rn so it's nice heheheheh

Also omg I wouldn't say I'm rich. Just 0 sense of saving on this site????
Idk I spend currency like I use water omg.

Oh yeah sometimes. It's usually at night though schedules change when I get to uni again
Nah it's cool
It's pwyw so however much is fine haha
I'm totally semi collecting familiars rn so it's nice heheheheh

Also omg I wouldn't say I'm rich. Just 0 sense of saving on this site????
Idk I spend currency like I use water omg.

Oh yeah sometimes. It's usually at night though schedules change when I get to uni again
I took a 4 year hiatus and now I’m lost
hngggg, thankssssssss....<33
oh nice! :DD i'll toss you extras when i get them. ^u^

I have 0 sense of saving too.....i see art and go "I MUST HAVE DAT". D: and "poof" all gone.

oh! :D
can you just ping me or message me if you ever stream? :3 if i can' make it, oh well (T__T), but i'd definitely show up at ur streams if you ever do them. OwO
hngggg, thankssssssss....<33
oh nice! :DD i'll toss you extras when i get them. ^u^

I have 0 sense of saving too.....i see art and go "I MUST HAVE DAT". D: and "poof" all gone.

oh! :D
can you just ping me or message me if you ever stream? :3 if i can' make it, oh well (T__T), but i'd definitely show up at ur streams if you ever do them. OwO
Pixelssss Art Shop ; v ; ddlqjmp-629c8233-47d2-4777-b934-b0d4dd58516d.png
@EMT this ok? :o first time drawing actual boobs on a chibi...>_>; lemme know if it's bad. D: [img][/img]
this ok? :o
first time drawing actual boobs on a chibi...>_>;
lemme know if it's bad. D:

Pixelssss Art Shop ; v ; ddlqjmp-629c8233-47d2-4777-b934-b0d4dd58516d.png
aaaaaaaaaah that's rly sweet of you omg ;u; <3
you don't have to though

Oh yeah sure i can try to remember LOL
if not i can uh make a second stream pinglist or something idk
aaaaaaaaaah that's rly sweet of you omg ;u; <3
you don't have to though

Oh yeah sure i can try to remember LOL
if not i can uh make a second stream pinglist or something idk
I took a 4 year hiatus and now I’m lost

No that's awesome! But omg let me pay you xDD How much do I owe you in gems!

No that's awesome! But omg let me pay you xDD How much do I owe you in gems!
The Manticore invented death
And all things that are bad
He'll kill your sister just for fun
And make out with your dad
@Extrics yassssssss, that'd be awesome! owo //follows around like lost puppy.... <3 lemme know if you collect anything else! ;) @EMT 250-300g. ^u^ i leave wiggle room for your opinion of the chibi. ^u^ <3 finished a thing for Toothiana...o3o [img][/img]
yassssssss, that'd be awesome! owo
//follows around like lost puppy....
<3 lemme know if you collect anything else! ;)

250-300g. ^u^ i leave wiggle room for your opinion of the chibi. ^u^ <3

finished a thing for Toothiana...o3o
Pixelssss Art Shop ; v ; ddlqjmp-629c8233-47d2-4777-b934-b0d4dd58516d.png
uh the little rabbit drops from jackalopes are the only other thing rn
the lil icons are rly cute ok >.>;

but ive been at coli for so long today omg getting the festive tokens im so cry
uh the little rabbit drops from jackalopes are the only other thing rn
the lil icons are rly cute ok >.>;

but ive been at coli for so long today omg getting the festive tokens im so cry
I took a 4 year hiatus and now I’m lost
@EMT [img][/img] let me know if you want a border! <3 @Extrics lol, i'll see what i have after i go grinding too. LOL, i collect the hedgehogs....cuz...omg... [img][/img] SEE DIS? DIS IS CUUTEENEESSS. owo hahaha! it must be hard work with lvl 12ish dragons...D:

let me know if you want a border! <3

lol, i'll see what i have after i go grinding too. LOL, i collect the hedgehogs....cuz...omg...


hahaha! it must be hard work with lvl 12ish dragons...D:
Pixelssss Art Shop ; v ; ddlqjmp-629c8233-47d2-4777-b934-b0d4dd58516d.png
i think jackalopes only pop up in uh scorched forest rn
i haven't seen any anywhere else

and nah nah im kinda in lower level areas so i can still one shot a lot of things
ive been working on getting festival tokens c:
i think jackalopes only pop up in uh scorched forest rn
i haven't seen any anywhere else

and nah nah im kinda in lower level areas so i can still one shot a lot of things
ive been working on getting festival tokens c:
I took a 4 year hiatus and now I’m lost
i know. xDD i'm only grinding in the Scorched Forest...cuz....all the currency is there....basically. XD

oh, that's good! ;u; i hate it the most when my Eliminate misses....;-;
//rolls around
painting is hard work....D: i'm like...bored to death, and i'm so slowwwwwwwwww
i know. xDD i'm only grinding in the Scorched Forest...cuz....all the currency is there....basically. XD

oh, that's good! ;u; i hate it the most when my Eliminate misses....;-;
//rolls around
painting is hard work....D: i'm like...bored to death, and i'm so slowwwwwwwwww
Pixelssss Art Shop ; v ; ddlqjmp-629c8233-47d2-4777-b934-b0d4dd58516d.png
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