
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Pride Emotes+Extras, Busts 5of5 Closed
[center][center][size=6][b] ~ Whirlwind Dragon Busts ~ [/b][/size][/center] [center][b] ~ CLOSED ~ [/b][/center] [center][b]!!!Notice!!![/b] [center]Hello! Welcome to my art shop. Please read the rules first! If you have questions, ask me! Also please boost this even if you can't commission me! I have lots of projects to get done![/center] [url=]PRICING[/url] || [url=]COMMISSION LIST[/url] || [url=]PING LIST[/url] || [url=]FAQ[/url] [center][size=4][b] ~ Rules ~ [/b][/size][/center] [left][LIST=1] [*] Be respectful to me and others. [*] If I don't get it done within a few days and do not contact you, please contact me about your commission! [*] You have to pay before I can draw you anything. [*] Please read the Notices! They are in the same place as the FAQ! [*] Link back to my profile or this shop if you use my art please! [*] Do not claim as your own! Do not remove my signature! Do not alter my art! [/LIST][/left] [center][size=5][b] ~ Examples ~ [/b][/size][/center] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][b] ~ Emotes ~ [/b][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
~ Whirlwind Dragon Busts ~

Hello! Welcome to my art shop. Please read the rules first!
If you have questions, ask me! Also please boost this even if you can't commission me! I have lots of projects to get done!


~ Rules ~
  1. Be respectful to me and others.
  2. If I don't get it done within a few days and do not contact you, please contact me about your commission!
  3. You have to pay before I can draw you anything.
  4. Please read the Notices! They are in the same place as the FAQ!
  5. Link back to my profile or this shop if you use my art please!
  6. Do not claim as your own! Do not remove my signature! Do not alter my art!

~ Examples ~

tumblr_inline_nszukdQTQW1t9bbnk_540.pngtumblr_inline_nszukqctVW1t9bbnk_540.pngtumblr_inline_nukg00DsW11t9bbnk_540.pngtumblr_o3le8oFIIZ1u93l1no2_250.pngtumblr_o2b297kfyI1u93l1no2_250.pngtumblr_o2b45oD1lZ1u93l1no2_250.pngtumblr_pfu5yx3zjq1u93l1no1_250.png tumblr_pg73bjU69Q1u93l1no1_250.png tumblr_pgexeh19h81u93l1no1_250.png tumblr_ph9x2aOP3y1u93l1no1_250.png tumblr_phe2iiy6Jm1u93l1no1_100.png tumblr_inline_phe2v7sEb41t9bbnk_540.png tumblr_phsqora6B21u93l1no1_100.png tumblr_inline_preg65Sfrc1t9bbnk_540.png tumblr_inline_psxtdwrAVH1t9bbnk_540.png tumblr_ptio5aUnfn1u93l1no4_250.png a4264929d00f92e524604beca7a8f80e629f092c.png 988ddfbc16eeb7fc1ccd35bc31febf942c9f49d8.png 7da9a64c61dfc1f63035cc67b78f870b63790a12.png 8a9d49642e45ad6fda88afb95fe5dfe457691b49.png
~ Emotes ~
|| EST || SO TIRED ||
~ Pricing ~
All prices are for a single bust. Paypal option is $1 per dragon. Perma-babies follow the same pricing as everything else! Ancient breeds follow the same pricing as everything else!

40kT / 40g per bust

+10,000t / 10g
Primary: Crystal, Iridescent, Metallic, Wasp, Starmap, Lionfish, Marble, Slime, Flaunt, Boulder, Orb, Fern, Tide
Secondary: Shimmer, Alloy, Facet, Sludge, Flare, Myrid, Sarcophagus, Foam, Paisley
Tertiary: Opal, Ghost, Gembond, Gnarlhorn, Skeletal, Wraith, Branches, Diaphanous, Koi, Flecks, Fangs, Frills, Jewels, Mucous, Polypore, Soap, Featherbeard, Plating, Pufferfish, Remora, Sailfin
Eyes: Multi-gaze, Primal, Innocent
Breed: Ridgeback, Banescale, Gaoler, Veilspun, Obelisk, Aberration

Apparel: +5,000t / 5g per item
Accent/Skincent: +10,000t / 10g
Emotes: +3,000t / 3g
Extras: +1,000t / 2g
~ Pricing ~
All prices are for a single bust. Paypal option is $1 per dragon. Perma-babies follow the same pricing as everything else! Ancient breeds follow the same pricing as everything else!

40kT / 40g per bust

+10,000t / 10g
Primary: Crystal, Iridescent, Metallic, Wasp, Starmap, Lionfish, Marble, Slime, Flaunt, Boulder, Orb, Fern, Tide
Secondary: Shimmer, Alloy, Facet, Sludge, Flare, Myrid, Sarcophagus, Foam, Paisley
Tertiary: Opal, Ghost, Gembond, Gnarlhorn, Skeletal, Wraith, Branches, Diaphanous, Koi, Flecks, Fangs, Frills, Jewels, Mucous, Polypore, Soap, Featherbeard, Plating, Pufferfish, Remora, Sailfin
Eyes: Multi-gaze, Primal, Innocent
Breed: Ridgeback, Banescale, Gaoler, Veilspun, Obelisk, Aberration

Apparel: +5,000t / 5g per item
Accent/Skincent: +10,000t / 10g
Emotes: +3,000t / 3g
Extras: +1,000t / 2g
|| EST || SO TIRED ||
~ Commission List ~

  1. None
  2. None
  3. None
  4. None
  5. None
~ Commission List ~

  1. None
  2. None
  3. None
  4. None
  5. None
|| EST || SO TIRED ||
~ Ping List ~

  1. Shiromori?

  1. Yemoja
~ Ping List ~

  1. Shiromori?

  1. Yemoja
|| EST || SO TIRED ||
Notes to Self - Notices - FAQ

Note(s) to self
  1. Go over genes/breeds. Your art skill has impoved.

  1. Older posts for commissions are for the old pricing style I had, they do not go with the new pricing style that is used now.
  2. I have taken down some of my posts from the older commissions before I redid the shop. Please pay no attention to those posts.

  1. How many dragons can I get drawn at once?
    Two at most, but one if Aberration.
  2. What is "extras" in the pricing?
    Extra eyes and extra scars outside the normal accent/apparel.
    Extra designs: Starry eyes, missing teeth, notches in feathers, horns, fins, or ears.
    Extra or Altered markings. Specific horn shaping, fangs, and ears.
  3. Do you draw perma-babies?
    Yes I do!
  4. Can I request apparel/extras for perma-babies?
    Yes you can!
  5. Can I request apparel/extras for ancient breeds?
    Yes you can, for now its simple things like jewelry and earings! The more commissions I get the more I'll be able to do!
  6. Does Glowtail get counted as a gene here?
    No, since Glowtail only affects the tail.
  7. Do I have to pay twice for Abberations?
    Yes, as each head is different. You only have to pay the base price, nothing more.
Notes to Self - Notices - FAQ

Note(s) to self
  1. Go over genes/breeds. Your art skill has impoved.

  1. Older posts for commissions are for the old pricing style I had, they do not go with the new pricing style that is used now.
  2. I have taken down some of my posts from the older commissions before I redid the shop. Please pay no attention to those posts.

  1. How many dragons can I get drawn at once?
    Two at most, but one if Aberration.
  2. What is "extras" in the pricing?
    Extra eyes and extra scars outside the normal accent/apparel.
    Extra designs: Starry eyes, missing teeth, notches in feathers, horns, fins, or ears.
    Extra or Altered markings. Specific horn shaping, fangs, and ears.
  3. Do you draw perma-babies?
    Yes I do!
  4. Can I request apparel/extras for perma-babies?
    Yes you can!
  5. Can I request apparel/extras for ancient breeds?
    Yes you can, for now its simple things like jewelry and earings! The more commissions I get the more I'll be able to do!
  6. Does Glowtail get counted as a gene here?
    No, since Glowtail only affects the tail.
  7. Do I have to pay twice for Abberations?
    Yes, as each head is different. You only have to pay the base price, nothing more.
|| EST || SO TIRED ||
@HyperHero12 HELLO YES I'D LIKE ONE OR TWO OR FOUR Simple style for all these: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url]


Simple style for all these:






Wouldn't it be more than that though at 7.5k each? o:

Wouldn't it be more than that though at 7.5k each? o:

Haha no worries, I just wanted to make sure you were getting the right payment! Sending over right now ;3

Haha no worries, I just wanted to make sure you were getting the right payment! Sending over right now ;3

Oh gosh I forgot about her tert 'cause it looks so much like the secondary I thought they were one xD You can just leave it off.

Oh gosh I forgot about her tert 'cause it looks so much like the secondary I thought they were one xD You can just leave it off.
@HyperHero12 Hello friend! I want two of these! The first in simple style, and the second in basic because she has no genes xD [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Want me to send over the 12,500 treasure right now? ^w^

Hello friend! I want two of these! The first in simple style, and the second in basic because she has no genes xD



Want me to send over the 12,500 treasure right now? ^w^