
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | ÏŸ Lightning Empire Graphics ÏŸ
[center][img][/img] [size=6][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] W E L C O M E[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][/font][/size][/center] [indent]You've stumbled upon my graphics thread! [b]THE THREAD IS CURRENTLY CLOSED.[/b] However, you may ask to be pinged when I reopen. [indent][b]ÏŸ[/b] [color=#60A693]buttons[/color] - 3k [b]ÏŸ[/b] [color=#60A693]signature banners[/color] - 5k [b]ÏŸ[/b] [color=#60A693]thread banners[/color] - 7k [b]ÏŸ[/b] [color=#60A693]pair graphics[/color] - 5k per pair, 3k for each additional pair in the same style If you want something that isn't on the list, feel free to ask, and we can discuss it! Make sure you save your images after I finish your order, as I may not hold onto them indefinitely. I can accept gems as payment at a 1:400 ratio, but I prefer treasure.[/indent][/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [indent][size=5][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] H O W . T O . O R D E R[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2]If there is an open slot, post in this thread and ping me (@traumlos) with your filled-out order form. Please note that if you post up an order form while the slots are full, your post will be ignored (though I may ping you when slots open up again). As real life sometimes interferes with my ability to complete things online, I do not accept payment until after I have completed your order. Once I've finished it, I'll ping you asking you to send me the treasure. Once you have, I'll post your graphics in the thread, and if there's anything you're dissatisfied with I will make the necessary edits.[/size][/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [indent][size=5][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] S A L E S[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2]I will occasionally post special/sale offers here! Additionally, all Lightning Flight members receive a [color=#60A693]20% discount[/color] off of the listed price! Please remember to mention if you're in Lightning Flight when ordering, as I may forget to check, and miss the discount for you.[/size] [indent][size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]C U R R E N T . S A L E[/color][/font][/size] [size=2]Get a 1k discount by bumping my [url=]raffle topic[/url]! [color=#42998D]Old Sale Slots:[/color] ÏŸ [s]kaybay[/s] ÏŸ [s]Circade[/s] ÏŸ [s]Amulet[/s] ÏŸ [s]Zekaryu[/s] ÏŸ Verdammt[/size][/indent][/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [indent][size=5][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] T I P . J A R[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][/font][/size] [size=2]A list of people who have tipped me! This may give you special access to slots/rewards in the future.[/size][/indent] [center][img][/img][/center]

ÏŸ - - W E L C O M E - - ÏŸ
You've stumbled upon my graphics thread!
THE THREAD IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. However, you may ask to be pinged when I reopen.

ÏŸ buttons - 3k
ÏŸ signature banners - 5k
ÏŸ thread banners - 7k
ÏŸ pair graphics - 5k per pair,
3k for each additional pair in the same style

If you want something that isn't on the list, feel free to ask,
and we can discuss it! Make sure you save your images after
I finish your order, as I may not hold onto them indefinitely.

I can accept gems as payment at a 1:400 ratio, but I prefer treasure.


ÏŸ - - H O W . T O . O R D E R - - ÏŸ

If there is an open slot, post in this thread and ping me (@traumlos) with your filled-out order form. Please note that if you post up an order form while the slots are full, your post will be ignored (though I may ping you when slots open up again).

As real life sometimes interferes with my ability to complete things online, I do not accept payment until after I have completed your order. Once I've finished it, I'll ping you asking you to send me the treasure. Once you have, I'll post your graphics in the thread, and if there's anything you're dissatisfied with I will make the necessary edits.


ÏŸ - - S A L E S - - ÏŸ

I will occasionally post special/sale offers here! Additionally, all Lightning Flight members receive a 20% discount off of the listed price! Please remember to mention if you're in Lightning Flight when ordering, as I may forget to check, and miss the discount for you.

C U R R E N T . S A L E

Get a 1k discount by bumping my raffle topic!

Old Sale Slots:

ÏŸ kaybay
ÏŸ Circade
ÏŸ Amulet
ÏŸ Zekaryu
ÏŸ Verdammt


ÏŸ - - T I P . J A R - - ÏŸ
A list of people who have tipped me! This may give you special access to slots/rewards in the future.

[center][size=6][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] B U T T O N S[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color] [color=white] - -[/color][ 3k ][/font][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [indent][size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]O R D E R . F O R M[/color][/font][/size] -- post this form here once you've decided what you want! [indent][b]buttons! @traumlos size:[/b] [standard size is 150x50; buttons may not exceed 300x100] [b]images:[/b] [the images you want in the foreground of the button. I can only use images that have a [i]transparent background[/i]. dragon/familiar images work very nicely for this.] [b]background:[/b] [the image you want in the background.] [b]text:[/b] [the text you want on the button.] [b]font:[/b] [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at [url=]dafont[/url]. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.] [b]rounded corners?:[/b] [yes or no] [b]special requests:[/b] [any other information I need to fill your order.][/indent] [size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]B U T T O N . S L O T S[/color][/font][/size] ÏŸ SakuraDryad ÏŸ ÏŸ[/indent]
ÏŸ - - B U T T O N S - - ÏŸ - -[ 3k ]

sjrwZJD.png 3zZO9zu.png

O R D E R . F O R M -- post this form here once you've decided what you want!

buttons! @traumlos
[standard size is 150x50; buttons may not exceed 300x100]
images: [the images you want in the foreground of the button. I can only use images that have a transparent background. dragon/familiar images work very nicely for this.]
background: [the image you want in the background.]
text: [the text you want on the button.]
font: [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at dafont. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.]
rounded corners?: [yes or no]
special requests: [any other information I need to fill your order.]

B U T T O N . S L O T S

ÏŸ SakuraDryad
[center][size=6][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] S I G N A T U R E . B A N N E R S[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color] [color=white] - -[/color][ 5k ][/font][/size] [color=#60A693]samples[/color] -- [url=][x][/url] [url=][x][/url] [url=][x][/url] [url=][x][/url][url=][x][/url] [url=][x][/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [indent][size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]O R D E R . F O R M[/color][/font][/size] -- post this form here once you've decided what you want! [indent][b]signatures! @traumlos size:[/b] [signatures may not exceed 500x90] [b]images:[/b] [the images you want in the foreground of the signature. I can only use images that have a [i]transparent background[/i]. dragon/familiar images work very nicely for this.] [b]background:[/b] [the image you want in the background.] [b]text:[/b] [the text you want on the signature.] [b]font:[/b] [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at [url=]dafont[/url]. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.] [b]rounded corners?:[/b] [yes or no] [b]special requests:[/b] [any other information I need to fill your order.][/indent] [size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]S I G N A T U R E . S L O T S[/color][/font][/size] ÏŸ Spunkin ÏŸ [/indent]
ÏŸ - - S I G N A T U R E . B A N N E R S - - ÏŸ - -[ 5k ]
samples -- [x] [x] [x] [x][x] [x]



O R D E R . F O R M -- post this form here once you've decided what you want!

signatures! @traumlos
[signatures may not exceed 500x90]
images: [the images you want in the foreground of the signature. I can only use images that have a transparent background. dragon/familiar images work very nicely for this.]
background: [the image you want in the background.]
text: [the text you want on the signature.]
font: [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at dafont. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.]
rounded corners?: [yes or no]
special requests: [any other information I need to fill your order.]

S I G N A T U R E . S L O T S

ÏŸ Spunkin
ÏŸ - - T H R E A D . B A N N E R S - - ÏŸ - -[ 7k ]
samples -- [x] [x]

O R D E R . F O R M -- post this form here once you've decided what you want!

banners! @traumlos
[banners may not exceed 500x375]
images: [the images you want in the foreground of the signature. I can only use images that have a transparent background. dragon/familiar images work very nicely for this.]
background: [the image you want in the background.]
text: [the text you want on the button.]
font: [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at dafont. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.]
rounded corners?: [yes or no]
special requests: [any other information I need to fill your order.]

B A N N E R . S L O T S

ÏŸ - - T H R E A D . B A N N E R S - - ÏŸ - -[ 7k ]
samples -- [x] [x]

O R D E R . F O R M -- post this form here once you've decided what you want!

banners! @traumlos
[banners may not exceed 500x375]
images: [the images you want in the foreground of the signature. I can only use images that have a transparent background. dragon/familiar images work very nicely for this.]
background: [the image you want in the background.]
text: [the text you want on the button.]
font: [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at dafont. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.]
rounded corners?: [yes or no]
special requests: [any other information I need to fill your order.]

B A N N E R . S L O T S

[center][size=6][font=monotype corsiva][color=#578F7F][b]ÏŸ[/b][/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#42998D] P A I R . G R A P H I C S[/color][color=white] - -[/color][color=#578F7F] [b]ÏŸ[/b][/color] [color=white] - -[/color][ 7k ][/font][/size] [color=#60A693]samples[/color] -- [url=][x][/url] [url=][x][/url] [img][/img][/center] [indent][size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]O R D E R . F O R M[/color][/font][/size] -- post this form here once you've decided what you want! [indent][b]pairings! @traumlos size:[/b] [pairing graphics may not exceed 500 pixels in width] [b]dragons:[/b] [please link me to the dragons you want in the graphic!] [b]background:[/b] [the image you want in the background: OPTIONAL] [b]text:[/b] [the text you want. typically these include [b]genes[/b], [b]color labels[/b] (primary, secondary, tertiary), and either [b]dragon[/b] or [b]pairing names[/b]] [b]font:[/b] [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at []dafont[/url]. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.] [b]rounded corners?:[/b] [yes or no] [b]special requests:[/b] [any other information I need to fill your order.][/indent] [size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]B U L K . O R D E R . F O R M[/color][/font][/size] -- use this form if you're ordering more than one pair graphic! [indent][b]pairings! @traumlos size:[/b] [b]background:[/b] [the image you want in the background: OPTIONAL] [b]text:[/b] [the text you want. typically these include [b]genes[/b], [b]color labels[/b] (primary, secondary, tertiary), and either [b]dragon[/b] or [b]pairing names[/b]] [b]font:[/b] [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at [url=]dafont[/url]. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.] [b]rounded corners?:[/b] [yes or no] [b]special requests:[/b] [any other information I need to fill your order.] [b]pair 1 [5k]:[/b] [link to your dragons here!] [b]pair 2 [3k]:[/b] [link to your dragons here!] [b]pair 3 [3k]:[/b] [link to your dragons here!] and so on.[/indent] [size=4][font=monotype corsiva][color=#42998D]P A I R I N G . S L O T S[/color][/font][/size] ÏŸ[/indent]
ÏŸ - - P A I R . G R A P H I C S - - ÏŸ - -[ 7k ]
samples -- [x] [x]


O R D E R . F O R M -- post this form here once you've decided what you want!

pairings! @traumlos
[pairing graphics may not exceed 500 pixels in width]
dragons: [please link me to the dragons you want in the graphic!]
background: [the image you want in the background: OPTIONAL]
text: [the text you want. typically these include genes, color labels (primary, secondary, tertiary), and either dragon or pairing names]
font: [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at dafont. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.]
rounded corners?: [yes or no]
special requests: [any other information I need to fill your order.]

B U L K . O R D E R . F O R M -- use this form if you're ordering more than one pair graphic!

pairings! @traumlos

background: [the image you want in the background: OPTIONAL]
text: [the text you want. typically these include genes, color labels (primary, secondary, tertiary), and either dragon or pairing names]
font: [have a specific font request? i can use all standard fonts & any of the free fonts available at dafont. you can put N/A if you'd rather I choose the font type.]
rounded corners?: [yes or no]
special requests: [any other information I need to fill your order.]

pair 1 [5k]: [link to your dragons here!]
pair 2 [3k]: [link to your dragons here!]
pair 3 [3k]: [link to your dragons here!]
and so on.

P A I R I N G . S L O T S

Aaaand we're open!
Aaaand we're open!
Come get your free stuff! :u
Come get your free stuff! :u