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TOPIC | Server Modifications PART DEUX
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*comes in v. late to the party*

I know you're on it and have more info than we do on what is and is not a problem, but in case it might be useful, two areas I've seen where the page loads slow things down from a user's perspective:

- opening chests (click on chest, click yes I want to open it, click accept, then the whole page has to load again - honestly, I think that enabling an "open multiple" option would help both the server and the users at this point)

- bonding with familiars (why not let people do this from the dragon lair page, by clicking on each dragon's little "I have a familiar" icon?)

Also, the user above took the words out of my mouth: why not close the site to new signups temporarily, or institute a capped invite system? Just until the code and the servers are at a point where they can accept a significant increase in user activity without lag?
*comes in v. late to the party*

I know you're on it and have more info than we do on what is and is not a problem, but in case it might be useful, two areas I've seen where the page loads slow things down from a user's perspective:

- opening chests (click on chest, click yes I want to open it, click accept, then the whole page has to load again - honestly, I think that enabling an "open multiple" option would help both the server and the users at this point)

- bonding with familiars (why not let people do this from the dragon lair page, by clicking on each dragon's little "I have a familiar" icon?)

Also, the user above took the words out of my mouth: why not close the site to new signups temporarily, or institute a capped invite system? Just until the code and the servers are at a point where they can accept a significant increase in user activity without lag?
Forum, inbox and alerts still seem like laggiest parts of the site.
If something needs to be disabled... I could easily live without the forums. And I definitely wouldn't miss the alerts; I'm not even sure why we're getting both mail and alert for AH transactions.

By the way... The previous lag hit during the Light festival. And now we're suffering of the same during the dominance. I'm a bit peeved by this timing.
Forum, inbox and alerts still seem like laggiest parts of the site.
If something needs to be disabled... I could easily live without the forums. And I definitely wouldn't miss the alerts; I'm not even sure why we're getting both mail and alert for AH transactions.

By the way... The previous lag hit during the Light festival. And now we're suffering of the same during the dominance. I'm a bit peeved by this timing.
Thanks for all the updates and hardwork, your dev team is wonderful!
Thanks for all the updates and hardwork, your dev team is wonderful!
perhaps do a mass deletion of all the locked/ old threads in the forums? there are so many dead threads now, especially in the sales areas and bug forums. would that free up any memory? I'm not a programmer so i don't know, but maybe it would help?

Also, I see several users suggesting to turn off new player registration. I don't know how I feel about that. It would be nice for us if it helped the lag, but it's pretty unfair to any new users who want to play too, especially with how long we are going to be experiencing this lag.

are we going to need yet another server? lol

edit: Also I was thinking, do we really need to go through so many clicky windows to do things like trade with crim and bond with familiars? can't we just hit the button once, and have the screen go back to the familiar or to crim right away? like skip that window that makes you hit continue. at least with crim could we skip it? we already know the treasure amount we are getting from her. we don't really need the message. as cute as the courier messages are, we don't need them to tell us when dragon auctions expire either. we get 2 alerts for when auctions expire? one from messages and one from the notifications? is that necessary? the couriers are adorable, but i've always wondered what the point of the item delivery is. it seems like just extra clicks to get the item into your hoard when you could just buy something, have it be there right away, and there would be less clicky clicky and waiting. maybe there's a good reason for the couriers i dunno, but at the moment it feels like a detour. same with the "are you sure you wanna open this" message for chests. not really necessary i think. i clicked it, of course i wanna open it lol. i dont know if this stuff affects the lag, but if it does maybe it can be revamped :O less clicks means less harassing the server right?
perhaps do a mass deletion of all the locked/ old threads in the forums? there are so many dead threads now, especially in the sales areas and bug forums. would that free up any memory? I'm not a programmer so i don't know, but maybe it would help?

Also, I see several users suggesting to turn off new player registration. I don't know how I feel about that. It would be nice for us if it helped the lag, but it's pretty unfair to any new users who want to play too, especially with how long we are going to be experiencing this lag.

are we going to need yet another server? lol

edit: Also I was thinking, do we really need to go through so many clicky windows to do things like trade with crim and bond with familiars? can't we just hit the button once, and have the screen go back to the familiar or to crim right away? like skip that window that makes you hit continue. at least with crim could we skip it? we already know the treasure amount we are getting from her. we don't really need the message. as cute as the courier messages are, we don't need them to tell us when dragon auctions expire either. we get 2 alerts for when auctions expire? one from messages and one from the notifications? is that necessary? the couriers are adorable, but i've always wondered what the point of the item delivery is. it seems like just extra clicks to get the item into your hoard when you could just buy something, have it be there right away, and there would be less clicky clicky and waiting. maybe there's a good reason for the couriers i dunno, but at the moment it feels like a detour. same with the "are you sure you wanna open this" message for chests. not really necessary i think. i clicked it, of course i wanna open it lol. i dont know if this stuff affects the lag, but if it does maybe it can be revamped :O less clicks means less harassing the server right?
@Dracamari Interesting as that sounds, an invite system takes time to implement and would detract from actually fixing the site.

@Undel Thanks for the update! I'm glad to see there's finally going to be some optimization around the site.
@Dracamari Interesting as that sounds, an invite system takes time to implement and would detract from actually fixing the site.

@Undel Thanks for the update! I'm glad to see there's finally going to be some optimization around the site.
jeGlfdJ.gif__ Volunteer Moderator: If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation please feel free to use the Contact Us form. These submissions are viewed solely by the Flight Rising team, not the volunteer moderator group. (+0 FR Time)

Many people have suggested a shut-down, I suggest an alternative of this. Make a registration limit per day. This won't discourage players from registering as much as a complete shutdown because they can try again next day.
Many people have suggested a shut-down, I suggest an alternative of this. Make a registration limit per day. This won't discourage players from registering as much as a complete shutdown because they can try again next day.
I can't play at all. It's taking 5-10 minutes for anything to load. It's almost impossible to incubate my nests or feed my dragons.
Wouldn't it be best to shut down the site for a day and fix everything than have it up and barely working?
Or at least auto feed/auto incubate peoples dragons and eggs so they don't die due to laggy-ness. :\
I can't play at all. It's taking 5-10 minutes for anything to load. It's almost impossible to incubate my nests or feed my dragons.
Wouldn't it be best to shut down the site for a day and fix everything than have it up and barely working?
Or at least auto feed/auto incubate peoples dragons and eggs so they don't die due to laggy-ness. :\
I think if you reserve the alerts function for special announcements instead of using it as an extra, redundant announcement of Mail, you could probably make an improvement right there. Dunno why you've got two separate mail announcements anyway.
I think if you reserve the alerts function for special announcements instead of using it as an extra, redundant announcement of Mail, you could probably make an improvement right there. Dunno why you've got two separate mail announcements anyway.
I was born in the Year of the Dragon and my Dragon is an Emerging Wood Dragon. Closest I can get to Wood Dragon here is Nature....
Thanks for all of your hard work. Really appreciated. <3
Thanks for all of your hard work. Really appreciated. <3
((Animated signature by Veyzkerif))
Why don&#039;t you guys close the registration for new members? Flight Rising is a new and amazing site so new people want to join everyday

This may sound harsh but i believe it will help to prevent more and more lag.

When you guys fix everything and have the servers stabilized, open registration again.
Why don&#039;t you guys close the registration for new members? Flight Rising is a new and amazing site so new people want to join everyday

This may sound harsh but i believe it will help to prevent more and more lag.

When you guys fix everything and have the servers stabilized, open registration again.
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