TOPIC | Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2022

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and Annole
really enjoy their new skins!
Y'know, although the aura is orange and can definitely be read as firey, I think it can still definitely work with past Rockbreaker's items. And that drill actually goes really nicely with the fossil facsimile
Edit: Items used in order are [gamedb item=932] [gamedb item=47894] [gamedb item=36751] [gamedb item=47895] [gamedb item=42344]
Y'know, although the aura is orange and can definitely be read as firey, I think it can still definitely work with past Rockbreaker's items. And that drill actually goes really nicely with the fossil facsimile

Edit: Items used in order are Stonekeeper Emblem Earth Aura Gemologist's Discovery Stoneshatter Drill Fossil Facsimile

Edit: Items used in order are Stonekeeper Emblem Earth Aura Gemologist's Discovery Stoneshatter Drill Fossil Facsimile
Happy Rockbreaker's Ceremony!
Happy Rockbreaker's Ceremony!
Morte | he/him/his | FR+0 Let's return to the beginning together. Avatar | Wishlist | [/column] |
[quote name="SovereignFives" date="2022-11-28 08:58:44" ]
I love the fossilback slink, I generally don't like fest fams but this one is gorgeous!
The aura is pretty disappointing, though, the molted lava gives off major fire vibes and it just doesn't feel like an earth flight thing, I could see it working if the firey colors were changed to more pink/blue crystally colors.
The drill isn't bad It just feels like there could have been a lot more to it, as it is now it's kind of bland and doesn't really have a big "this is a fest item" feel to it, it looks like it could be a drop in the golem workshop or smth.
Love the joxar recolor! one of my new favorites ^^
The skin selections tho!! They're all so good omg!! I love.
I agree. When I first saw the Earth Aura I thought I had miss remembered what festival it was. The drill is really cool, but it doesn't seem like a festival item, and you're right it seems like it would fit better in the golem workshop. The slink is growing on me, but when I first saw it "I thought what is this weird teddy bear thing? I thought Earth was supposed to be stone, not fur that's ice!" No hate on the artist. They did a great job; I just wish the items gave off more earth festival vibes.
The skins are absolutely gorgeous and are reminding me why I wish we could layer skins and accents.
SovereignFives wrote on 2022-11-28 08:58:44:
I love the fossilback slink, I generally don't like fest fams but this one is gorgeous!
The aura is pretty disappointing, though, the molted lava gives off major fire vibes and it just doesn't feel like an earth flight thing, I could see it working if the firey colors were changed to more pink/blue crystally colors.
The drill isn't bad It just feels like there could have been a lot more to it, as it is now it's kind of bland and doesn't really have a big "this is a fest item" feel to it, it looks like it could be a drop in the golem workshop or smth.
Love the joxar recolor! one of my new favorites ^^
The skin selections tho!! They're all so good omg!! I love.
The aura is pretty disappointing, though, the molted lava gives off major fire vibes and it just doesn't feel like an earth flight thing, I could see it working if the firey colors were changed to more pink/blue crystally colors.
The drill isn't bad It just feels like there could have been a lot more to it, as it is now it's kind of bland and doesn't really have a big "this is a fest item" feel to it, it looks like it could be a drop in the golem workshop or smth.
Love the joxar recolor! one of my new favorites ^^
The skin selections tho!! They're all so good omg!! I love.
The skins are absolutely gorgeous and are reminding me why I wish we could layer skins and accents.
[center][b]Happy Rockbreaker's Ceremony![/b]
I swear every holiday this year has made me wish I had more time to grind for treasure so I could buy all the accents/skins.
Love Snakeskin Opalescence, props to the guy who designed it.

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