

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [Hiatus]Valiant Frontier - a MonHun ARPG
@Dawkosaur [i]The Tropical Escape, once peaceful and placid, now runs wild with horrid scavengers far from their home. Smaller Girros threaten to tear you to pieces as another Royal Ludroth yells in the distance, taking on two of the beasts himself. He catches your presence in the corner of his vision. "I'm assuming my message was delivered fairly!' He bellows, clocking two of the Girros's heads together, stunning them. "Welcome to the hive! Bit of a recent addition to the locale, but--" he freezes as a much larger figure shuffles in from the undergrowth: the Girros's pack leader, a Great Girros--feral, snarling, fangs dripping in paralyzing fluid, the works. The Ludroth shoots you a nervous grin. "Think you can take that joker on? I'll keep these little guys off of us!" [rule] [center][size=7][font=Times New Roman]! Encounter ![/font][/size] [rule] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Great Girros[/b][/size] [i]Level 1[/i] [b]30[/b] Health | [b]5[/b] Attack | [b]0[/b] Defense | [b]0[/b] Int. Bonus [rule] [i]Rolling Initiative...[/i] Great Girros: [b]1[/b] | Spongy: [b]2(+1)[/b] [b][i]Combat Start![/i][/b] Spongy rolls 7! Spongy attacks! Great Girros takes 13 damage! (Health 30 -> 17) Great Girros rolls 10! Great Girros attacks! Spongy takes 4 damage! (Health 30 -> 26) Spongy rolls 19! Spongy attacks! Critical hit! Great Girros takes 19 damage! (Health 17 -> 0) [i][b]Great Girros is defeated![/b][/i] [b]Spongy receives:[/b] [i]Great Girros Hide x1, Great Girros Scale x2, Great Girros Tail x1, Great Girros Fang x1[/i] [b]Gained 50 XP![/b] [i](50/200 to next level)[/i] [rule] [/center] [i]As the scavenger falls to the dirt, the smaller Girros freeze in shock, fearful at what had appeared to just have befallen their leader. They suddenly all begin to scamper off, back into the direction of the slimy swamps they crawled out of. A small object [b]thunks[/b] you in the head. You catch it in your hands as it falls: a shiny, reddish coin that glitters oddly in the light. The Ludroth approaches, slapping a hand on your shoulder. "Excellent work, friend. You've saved many innocent lives today. I expected no less from noble volunteers such as yourself." He taps at the object in your palm. "Keep that. A token of my gratitude. May it give you the strength you need to do more good for others."[/i] [center][b]Received one "Rage I" Skill Token! [i]Double Rewards![/i] Received one more "Rage I" Skill Token and 50 more XP! [i](100/200 to next level)[/i][/b][/center] [rule] sorry this took a minute xP;; The drawing you did is so incredibly cute!! I'm in love!! <3

The Tropical Escape, once peaceful and placid, now runs wild with horrid scavengers far from their home. Smaller Girros threaten to tear you to pieces as another Royal Ludroth yells in the distance, taking on two of the beasts himself. He catches your presence in the corner of his vision.

"I'm assuming my message was delivered fairly!' He bellows, clocking two of the Girros's heads together, stunning them. "Welcome to the hive! Bit of a recent addition to the locale, but--" he freezes as a much larger figure shuffles in from the undergrowth: the Girros's pack leader, a Great Girros--feral, snarling, fangs dripping in paralyzing fluid, the works.

The Ludroth shoots you a nervous grin. "Think you can take that joker on? I'll keep these little guys off of us!"

! Encounter !

Great Girros
Level 1
30 Health | 5 Attack | 0 Defense | 0 Int. Bonus
Rolling Initiative...

Great Girros: 1 | Spongy: 2(+1)

Combat Start!

Spongy rolls 7!
Spongy attacks!
Great Girros takes 13 damage! (Health 30 -> 17)

Great Girros rolls 10!
Great Girros attacks!
Spongy takes 4 damage! (Health 30 -> 26)

Spongy rolls 19!
Spongy attacks! Critical hit!
Great Girros takes 19 damage! (Health 17 -> 0)

Great Girros is defeated!

Spongy receives:
Great Girros Hide x1, Great Girros Scale x2, Great Girros Tail x1, Great Girros Fang x1

Gained 50 XP!
(50/200 to next level)

As the scavenger falls to the dirt, the smaller Girros freeze in shock, fearful at what had appeared to just have befallen their leader. They suddenly all begin to scamper off, back into the direction of the slimy swamps they crawled out of.

A small object thunks you in the head. You catch it in your hands as it falls: a shiny, reddish coin that glitters oddly in the light.

The Ludroth approaches, slapping a hand on your shoulder. "Excellent work, friend. You've saved many innocent lives today. I expected no less from noble volunteers such as yourself." He taps at the object in your palm. "Keep that. A token of my gratitude. May it give you the strength you need to do more good for others."

Received one "Rage I" Skill Token!
Double Rewards! Received one more "Rage I" Skill Token and 50 more XP! (100/200 to next level)

sorry this took a minute xP;; The drawing you did is so incredibly cute!! I'm in love!! <3
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As you pull the pin from the message, a small, juvenile Maccao approaches your side. They seemed to be waiting around this entire time. "Oh, you're going to find him? You're going to find my friend?!" They chatter, a nervous quaver in their voice and inching closer and closer with every subsequent question.

You nod, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic, and they immediately back off and hop into the air. "Yay! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!!" They shake your hand, looking much more relieved and jovial. "He said he was going to the Shoreline Oasis. I want to go with you so bad, but Mama says it's too dangerous... I wish you only the safest of travels, friend! Please bring him--and, yourself--back safe!"

Quest accepted! I'm eager to see what kind of story you create with your art! :D

As you pull the pin from the message, a small, juvenile Maccao approaches your side. They seemed to be waiting around this entire time. "Oh, you're going to find him? You're going to find my friend?!" They chatter, a nervous quaver in their voice and inching closer and closer with every subsequent question.

You nod, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic, and they immediately back off and hop into the air. "Yay! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!!" They shake your hand, looking much more relieved and jovial. "He said he was going to the Shoreline Oasis. I want to go with you so bad, but Mama says it's too dangerous... I wish you only the safest of travels, friend! Please bring him--and, yourself--back safe!"

Quest accepted! I'm eager to see what kind of story you create with your art! :D
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Couple starter deliveries!~ @chorderaos One golden lad for you: [img][/img] @Gumbald and one deep blue fella for you :] [img][/img] Very glad to have you both! Welcome! :D
Couple starter deliveries!~

One golden lad for you:


and one deep blue fella for you :]


Very glad to have you both! Welcome! :D
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@Malzykins Leondra nods letting the Maccao she'll bring their friend back as safe as possible and goes to Shoreline Oasis and looks around not finding a little Jagras. After a few hours as she talks to some of the merchants she's hears a distant shout "GOTCHA!!! FINALLY!!" A small jagras says as they hold a fluffy calf high in the air "Boy you run so fast..." The jagras mumbles as Leondra goes up to them and she's asks why they were chasing a calf and the jagras looks up "Oh!! I was helping my uncle with his stall but then his prized baby cow ran away!! so I HAD to get them back!!" the jagras says going :DD Leondra raises an eyebrow "....for 6 days straight??" the jagras nods "Yeah!! for-wait...IT HAS BEEN SIX DAYS ALREADY?!?!?" Leondra nods with a simple nod "oh...then can you come with me back home??? I don't want to go alone." the jagras says and Leondra nods saying she'll tag along since their friend was so worried. Now the jagras gives back the runaway calf to the uncle and off the jagras and Leondra go back to the jagras home safe and sound (Drawing of where the jagras was found) [img][/img]
Leondra nods letting the Maccao she'll bring their friend back as safe as possible and goes to Shoreline Oasis and looks around not finding a little Jagras. After a few hours as she talks to some of the merchants she's hears a distant shout

A small jagras says as they hold a fluffy calf high in the air
"Boy you run so fast..."
The jagras mumbles as Leondra goes up to them and she's asks why they were chasing a calf and the jagras looks up

"Oh!! I was helping my uncle with his stall but then his prized baby cow ran away!! so I HAD to get them back!!"
the jagras says going :DD

Leondra raises an eyebrow
"....for 6 days straight??"

the jagras nods
"Yeah!! for-wait...IT HAS BEEN SIX DAYS ALREADY?!?!?"

Leondra nods with a simple nod

"oh...then can you come with me back home??? I don't want to go alone."
the jagras says and Leondra nods saying she'll tag along since their friend was so worried.
Now the jagras gives back the runaway calf to the uncle and off the jagras and Leondra go back to the jagras home safe and sound

(Drawing of where the jagras was found)
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Writing Prompt for Rathian Slaying Quest

Himmel wrinkles her nose approaching the destroyed wagon, halfheartedly making an attempt to fan some of the smoky air away from her face. She stops next to the wreckage to look around for any traces of the Rathian; there's no way it could be lurking in the cart at least. The tang of blood draws her attention to the butchered Moofah and she shuffles closer, hesitantly reaching out a claw to brush through what remained of its fur. Admittedly Himmel had a soft spot for the fluffy beasts of burden and death had not been kind to this one... Hopefully the others had escaped and found a safer place to huddle until their owner could return.

She jerks from her musing at the sudden realization that the sun was not warming her fur like it should be- oh no. Spinning on her heel Himmel finds herself staring directly into the bloodied face of a feral Rathian, heart skipping a beat at how close the monster had gotten. She must have missed the scent. They stare at each other in complete stillness, nothing moving but the Rathian's eyes as it looks over Himmel. A moment later the feral monster rears back and fans its wings wide enough to block out the sun, loosing an earsplitting roar.

Reacting to the battle cry just a split second too late Himmel tumbles backwards, swatted by a heavy wing. She rolls to her feet in a fluid movement to dodge the next strike and lash out herself, dragging a hooked claw through a portion of the Rathian's underbelly- this only seems to make her foe angrier. The fight quickly becomes quickly-exchanged blows, Himmel attempting to outspeed the much larger monster for an opening to strike with her tail. She baits the Rathian towards the ruined wagon, leaping up to balance on the creaking timbers until it rushes forward and promptly trips over a splintered wheel jutting from the wreckage. Taking advantage of its fall Himmel jumps onto its back and slices the bladelike end of her tail across its throat, clinging to the Rathian's scales as it furiously tries to shake her off. With its last breath the beast hurls itself backwards to slam Himmel into the dirt; but the fight is won, and the light seeps from its eyes whilst life seeps from its wounds.

Himmel struggles to free herself from under the Rathian, foreclaws scrabbling in the dust until she can propel herself out with a series of kicks. She eyes the defeated monster warily, not wanting to take her eyes off of it quite yet. If it had the strength to make a last-ditch attempt on her life...

Rapidly approaching footsteps take priority, and she steels herself for yet another fight. The ache in her bones from being squished would definitely complicate things (gods help her if anything was broken) but she would NOT perish here today.

"Thank you! Oh, thank you so much, I thought I was going to be wyvern chow!" Ah. Himmel lets out a heavy sigh of relief when the approaching monster steps in front of her; this must be the Tzitzi who had sent out a request for help. She bites back a curse when the rescued soul clasps Himmel's hands in hers and shakes exaggeratedly, her right shoulder all but burning. Good thing she'd picked up health potions before heading out. This handshake definitely reminded her of Kiki's... Maybe it was a merchant thing? "You have no idea how much I appreciate your help--I'm so delighted my message got through!" The Tzitzi releases Himmel's hands and bows quickly.

"Don't mention it, I'm glad I got here in time to be sure you were safe." Himmel returns the bow with a weary smile. The Tzitzi smiles in return and presses a shining coin into Himmel's palm; she accepts the reward with her own (less vigorous) handshake, softly muttering an apology for not being as energetic. After helping the Tzitzi round up her surviving Moofah Himmel begins the long trek back towards the Peacelands. It's been quite a day.


Alright cool! Finally had the time to get a proper writing portion finished, been very busy for obvious reasons. Merry (late) Christmas and happy holidays!! x)
Using 1x health potion and the Bulwark I Skill Token! She's earned a third skill and I can't leave the poor girl hanging on 9 health. Also let's spare a moment to acknowledge how gorgeous that Rathian was because WOW that was a nice color combo.

Double rewards just auto included on social quests sounds good for the next round since that's a given for how you complete them! Could also leave a note on those saying "rewards shown are already doubled due to art/writing being necessary for completion" just so no one gets confused ^^
Writing Prompt for Rathian Slaying Quest

Himmel wrinkles her nose approaching the destroyed wagon, halfheartedly making an attempt to fan some of the smoky air away from her face. She stops next to the wreckage to look around for any traces of the Rathian; there's no way it could be lurking in the cart at least. The tang of blood draws her attention to the butchered Moofah and she shuffles closer, hesitantly reaching out a claw to brush through what remained of its fur. Admittedly Himmel had a soft spot for the fluffy beasts of burden and death had not been kind to this one... Hopefully the others had escaped and found a safer place to huddle until their owner could return.

She jerks from her musing at the sudden realization that the sun was not warming her fur like it should be- oh no. Spinning on her heel Himmel finds herself staring directly into the bloodied face of a feral Rathian, heart skipping a beat at how close the monster had gotten. She must have missed the scent. They stare at each other in complete stillness, nothing moving but the Rathian's eyes as it looks over Himmel. A moment later the feral monster rears back and fans its wings wide enough to block out the sun, loosing an earsplitting roar.

Reacting to the battle cry just a split second too late Himmel tumbles backwards, swatted by a heavy wing. She rolls to her feet in a fluid movement to dodge the next strike and lash out herself, dragging a hooked claw through a portion of the Rathian's underbelly- this only seems to make her foe angrier. The fight quickly becomes quickly-exchanged blows, Himmel attempting to outspeed the much larger monster for an opening to strike with her tail. She baits the Rathian towards the ruined wagon, leaping up to balance on the creaking timbers until it rushes forward and promptly trips over a splintered wheel jutting from the wreckage. Taking advantage of its fall Himmel jumps onto its back and slices the bladelike end of her tail across its throat, clinging to the Rathian's scales as it furiously tries to shake her off. With its last breath the beast hurls itself backwards to slam Himmel into the dirt; but the fight is won, and the light seeps from its eyes whilst life seeps from its wounds.

Himmel struggles to free herself from under the Rathian, foreclaws scrabbling in the dust until she can propel herself out with a series of kicks. She eyes the defeated monster warily, not wanting to take her eyes off of it quite yet. If it had the strength to make a last-ditch attempt on her life...

Rapidly approaching footsteps take priority, and she steels herself for yet another fight. The ache in her bones from being squished would definitely complicate things (gods help her if anything was broken) but she would NOT perish here today.

"Thank you! Oh, thank you so much, I thought I was going to be wyvern chow!" Ah. Himmel lets out a heavy sigh of relief when the approaching monster steps in front of her; this must be the Tzitzi who had sent out a request for help. She bites back a curse when the rescued soul clasps Himmel's hands in hers and shakes exaggeratedly, her right shoulder all but burning. Good thing she'd picked up health potions before heading out. This handshake definitely reminded her of Kiki's... Maybe it was a merchant thing? "You have no idea how much I appreciate your help--I'm so delighted my message got through!" The Tzitzi releases Himmel's hands and bows quickly.

"Don't mention it, I'm glad I got here in time to be sure you were safe." Himmel returns the bow with a weary smile. The Tzitzi smiles in return and presses a shining coin into Himmel's palm; she accepts the reward with her own (less vigorous) handshake, softly muttering an apology for not being as energetic. After helping the Tzitzi round up her surviving Moofah Himmel begins the long trek back towards the Peacelands. It's been quite a day.


Alright cool! Finally had the time to get a proper writing portion finished, been very busy for obvious reasons. Merry (late) Christmas and happy holidays!! x)
Using 1x health potion and the Bulwark I Skill Token! She's earned a third skill and I can't leave the poor girl hanging on 9 health. Also let's spare a moment to acknowledge how gorgeous that Rathian was because WOW that was a nice color combo.

Double rewards just auto included on social quests sounds good for the next round since that's a given for how you complete them! Could also leave a note on those saying "rewards shown are already doubled due to art/writing being necessary for completion" just so no one gets confused ^^

Cattle!!” The Maccao belts, giving their Jagras friend a whallop on the head with their tail. He recoils, rubbing the area with his hands, looking sheepish. “You were gone for a week, because you wanted to play with livestock!

“I’m sorry,” he relents, a toothy grin worming its way onto his features. “They were just so cute...”

The Maccao folds their arms and sighs, turning to you and offering a genuine smile. They didn’t seem to actually be upset, given the slack in their shoulders and how easily they were to pacify. “Thank you so much. I’m sorry I worked all of this up over something that ended up being so menial. I have your reward right here, mint condition and all. Seriously—thank you.”

Received one “Plated I” Skill Token and 50 XP! (50/200 to next level)

And, while realistically the quest needed art/writing to even complete, I’ll go ahead and give you the double rewards and just up the total reward count on future social quests ^^

Cattle!!” The Maccao belts, giving their Jagras friend a whallop on the head with their tail. He recoils, rubbing the area with his hands, looking sheepish. “You were gone for a week, because you wanted to play with livestock!

“I’m sorry,” he relents, a toothy grin worming its way onto his features. “They were just so cute...”

The Maccao folds their arms and sighs, turning to you and offering a genuine smile. They didn’t seem to actually be upset, given the slack in their shoulders and how easily they were to pacify. “Thank you so much. I’m sorry I worked all of this up over something that ended up being so menial. I have your reward right here, mint condition and all. Seriously—thank you.”

Received one “Plated I” Skill Token and 50 XP! (50/200 to next level)

And, while realistically the quest needed art/writing to even complete, I’ll go ahead and give you the double rewards and just up the total reward count on future social quests ^^
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This was such a lovely read! I really enjoy how you do action scenes, super tasty!
Merry late Christmas to you too! I’ll go ahead and apply the potion and the new skill and mark down the double rewards: another “Bulwark I” token and 50 more XP! Halfway to 4! ^^
This was such a lovely read! I really enjoy how you do action scenes, super tasty!
Merry late Christmas to you too! I’ll go ahead and apply the potion and the new skill and mark down the double rewards: another “Bulwark I” token and 50 more XP! Halfway to 4! ^^
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i would like to:
buy 4 health potions
equip a Rage I token on Spongy
and send Spongy #006 on a quest to slay a Rathian
i would like to:
buy 4 health potions
equip a Rage I token on Spongy
and send Spongy #006 on a quest to slay a Rathian
@Dawkosaur Certainly! I'll add those to your inventory and pop that on there, and thennnnn... [rule] [center][size=7][font=Times New Roman]! Encounter ![/font][/size] [rule] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Rathian[/b][/size] [i]Level 1[/i] [b]35[/b] Health | [b]7[/b] Attack | [b]1[/b] Defense | [b]1[/b] Int. Bonus [size=2]Man, everybody's been getting lucky with level 1s haha[/size] [rule] [i]Rolling Initiative...[/i] Rathian: [b]2(+1)[/b] | Spongy: [b]1(+1)[/b] [i][b]Combat Start![/b][/i] Rathian rolls 3! Rathian misses! Spongy rolls 5! Spongy attacks! Rathian takes 15 damage! [i](Health 35 -> 20)[/i] Rathian rolls 2! Rathian misses! Spongy rolls 9! Spongy attacks! Rathian takes 15 damage! [i](Health 20 -> 5)[/i] Rathian rolls 6! Rathian attacks! Spongy takes 6 damage! [i](Health 26 -> 20)[/i] Spongy rolls 12! Spongy attacks! Rathian takes 15 damage! [i](Health 5 -> 0)[/i] [i][b]Rathian is defeated![/b][/i] [b]Spongy receives:[/b] [i]Rathian Scale x2, Rathian Wingtalon x1, Rathian Webbing x1, Rathian Spike x1[/i] [b]Gained 50 XP![/b] [i](150/200 to next level)[/i] [b]Received one "Bulwark I" Skill Token![/b]
Certainly! I'll add those to your inventory and pop that on there, and thennnnn...

! Encounter !

Level 1
35 Health | 7 Attack | 1 Defense | 1 Int. Bonus
Man, everybody's been getting lucky with level 1s haha

Rolling Initiative...

Rathian: 2(+1) | Spongy: 1(+1)

Combat Start!

Rathian rolls 3!
Rathian misses!

Spongy rolls 5!
Spongy attacks!
Rathian takes 15 damage! (Health 35 -> 20)

Rathian rolls 2!
Rathian misses!

Spongy rolls 9!
Spongy attacks!
Rathian takes 15 damage! (Health 20 -> 5)

Rathian rolls 6!
Rathian attacks!
Spongy takes 6 damage! (Health 26 -> 20)

Spongy rolls 12!
Spongy attacks!
Rathian takes 15 damage! (Health 5 -> 0)

Rathian is defeated!

Spongy receives:
Rathian Scale x2, Rathian Wingtalon x1, Rathian Webbing x1, Rathian Spike x1

Gained 50 XP!
(150/200 to next level)

Received one "Bulwark I" Skill Token!
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oh man those misses are rough LOL
i would like to craft 1 Earth Queen's Cuffs and equip it on Spongy instead of the Sawtooth Necklace
oh man those misses are rough LOL
i would like to craft 1 Earth Queen's Cuffs and equip it on Spongy instead of the Sawtooth Necklace