

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Afamiliars: Breedable Familiar Adopts

@Kattata @Myndris

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13304
Payment method:gems
Which discount (if any):discord
*Discord name (if applicable):shadowbattle

@Kattata @Myndris

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13304
Payment method:gems
Which discount (if any):discord
*Discord name (if applicable):shadowbattle

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13345
Payment method: gems
Which discount (if any): discord
*Discord name (if applicable): bunnerfly

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13345
Payment method: gems
Which discount (if any): discord
*Discord name (if applicable): bunnerfly
[center]@elduwen Your total is 380 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @WifeStealer6969 Your total is 380 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @elysifish Your total is 142,500 Treasure! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @Kothra Your total is 142,500 Treasure! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @RisenWolf Your total is 380 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @Jeevas Your total is 332,500 Treasure! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @FireBattle Your total is 143 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @erevainsgirl Your total is 142,500 Treasure! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @shadowbattle Your total is 143 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata @Bunnerfly Your total is 95 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata [emoji=cat 3 size=1]
@elduwen Your total is 380 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@WifeStealer6969 Your total is 380 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@elysifish Your total is 142,500 Treasure! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@Kothra Your total is 142,500 Treasure! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@RisenWolf Your total is 380 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@Jeevas Your total is 332,500 Treasure! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@FireBattle Your total is 143 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@erevainsgirl Your total is 142,500 Treasure! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@shadowbattle Your total is 143 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

@Bunnerfly Your total is 95 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

0vKbO0g.png ... ..jsdqWwF.png ... ...23f9f17750ec9255a270f24d9cfdf550ba2ef9cf.gif

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13279
Payment method: gems
Which discount (if any): discord
*Discord name (if applicable): Cats #6857

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13279
Payment method: gems
Which discount (if any): discord
*Discord name (if applicable): Cats #6857
[center]@Catsdragon18 Your total is 95 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata [emoji=cat 3 size=1]
@Catsdragon18 Your total is 95 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

0vKbO0g.png ... ..jsdqWwF.png ... ...23f9f17750ec9255a270f24d9cfdf550ba2ef9cf.gif
@Zodiakey x2
Breeding Request Form

Owner of each Afamiliar: KaichouKai and RosharanNoivern
Who will be the offspring's owner? Kothra
Afamiliar IDs: 12182 and 12082
Afamiliar Species: Fanrat
How many parents have the "Complex" tag? (Please answer 0, 1, or 2!): 2
Are you ordering this Afamiliar with the express purpose of MMM'ing it?: No
Payment: Gems with discord discount for two offspring

New form for the updated pairing since both were girls before, oops!
@Zodiakey x2
Breeding Request Form

Owner of each Afamiliar: KaichouKai and RosharanNoivern
Who will be the offspring's owner? Kothra
Afamiliar IDs: 12182 and 12082
Afamiliar Species: Fanrat
How many parents have the "Complex" tag? (Please answer 0, 1, or 2!): 2
Are you ordering this Afamiliar with the express purpose of MMM'ing it?: No
Payment: Gems with discord discount for two offspring

New form for the updated pairing since both were girls before, oops!
w8o0xW1.pngSaronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.t4yhov0.pngb51b8d57a0310441b56e0a4d0547e8f82cea9bd8.png
@Kattata @Myndris

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13278
Payment method: Gems!
Which discount (if any): Discord
*Discord name (if applicable): kattata
@Kattata @Myndris

I would like to purchase an Afamiliar!

Familiar ID: 13278
Payment method: Gems!
Which discount (if any): Discord
*Discord name (if applicable): kattata
0vKbO0g.png ... ..jsdqWwF.png ... ...23f9f17750ec9255a270f24d9cfdf550ba2ef9cf.gif
[center]@Kattata Your total is 95 Gems! Please send payment [b]by PM[/b] to @Kattata [emoji=cat 3 size=1]
@Kattata Your total is 95 Gems! Please send payment by PM to @Kattata

0vKbO0g.png ... ..jsdqWwF.png ... ...23f9f17750ec9255a270f24d9cfdf550ba2ef9cf.gif
[center][size=4][b]PAYMENT GOES TO THE ARTIST[/b][/size][/center] @shadowbattle Your total is 570 Gems! Please send payment to @Zodiakey [b]by PM[/b] [center][emoji=raven size=1][/center]

@shadowbattle Your total is 570 Gems! Please send payment to @Zodiakey by PM