[b][size=7][emoji=gust size=1]Welcome to Beet and Boot’s Breezy Badge Booth![emoji=gust size=1][/size][/b]
A mouthful, I know! But, dear visitors, welcome once again! Looking for some shiny new badges, but at the same time help a flight out? Well here, you can accomplish both those things, and purchase a few of the badges that my dear friends Beet and Boot have set up down below! [b]All the funds collected from here will be sent to the Wind Flight Donation Bank[/b] for our general needs! No fodder or anything needed - just some of your hard earned shinies and occasionally a few items!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]Rules![/b][emoji=gust size=1]
•Please don’t use badges you didn’t buy! C’mon guys, be fair.
•Once you buy a badge, you can use it however many times you want! Signatures, bio’s, clan profiles, go wild!
•You can totally buy more than one badge at a time! Feel free to buy the whole stock!
•[b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/msgs/new?to=Recordzz&subject=BreezeBadges]PM[/url] me the funds, please! You don’t have to wait for me to respond, just send an order, send the funds, and bam it’s yours![/b]
•I record all purchases on a spreadsheet! So no cheating, hehe >:3
•Lost the badge code? Don’t worry! Beet has all of the badges in his bio, just right click and copy the image link, and shove it in between the image code! Like this:
[code][img]image link here (right click and copy it)[img][/code]
•Be nice! Manners always light up my day!
[size=5][b][emoji=gust size=1]Order Form[emoji=gust size=1][/b][/size]
[size=6][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12PRc48BBU6yEfr8wmfXbTMY4E24wa9w7HNmH2tZcyMU/edit][b]BREEZY BADGES TRACKING SHEET V2.2![/size][/url][/b]
[size=5][b][emoji=gust size=1]New badges each week![emoji=gust size=1][/b][/size]
Well, hopefully! My schedule is a tight one, but there’ll be weekly badges you can buy! However, these badges come with a certain stock limit (usually around 15) and expire after 3 weeks, so get em while you can! ^^
Ohoho, but do you want to be alerted for when to said weekly badges are released?
There’s a ping list for new badges!
[size=6][b][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10nBj3kgxgM9S8WttsUXYkt1vPDYMIiOK0LITpGNWjRY/edit]SELF-EDITING PINGLIST! V0.1[/url][/b][/size]
[b]Beet carries all the badges, so if you forgot the code or can’t find the code of a badge you purchased, he’s here for you![/b]
[size=5][b][emoji=gust size=1]Feel free to ask any questions! No need to ping, I’m subscribed! (But I won’t get mad if you do!)[emoji=gust size=1][/b][/size]
[center][b][size=5][emoji=gust size=1]AFFILIATES[emoji=gust size=1][/size][/b][/center]
[b][size=4]Wispwillow Badges [Shadow’s Badge Fundraiser][/size][/b]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2840159/1#post_42744827] [img]https://i.ibb.co/FhHyfrt/C66-E616-B-9-C54-414-B-9-DEC-518-D22-F3-F6-DA.jpg[/img][/url]
[i]A Shadow flight badge fundraising program! There’s a lot of cute, fun, Shadow-themed badges to pick from! Go check them out![/i]
[b][size=4]Pladge (Revamped!) [Plague’s Badge Fundraiser][/size][/b]
[i]A plague-themed badge shop, selling dozens of adorable and high quality badges! Go check them out![/i]
[b][size=4]Bottled Boat Badges [Water’s Badge Fundraiser][/b][/size]
[i]The water flight badge fundraiser! Check them out, they’ve got amazing and cute boat and water-themed badges![/i]
[b][size=4][Breezy Badges Affiliate Banner!][/b][/size]
credits to Voratte for the dividers and Pladge for overall theme and idea! ^^
Welcome to Beet and Boot’s Breezy Badge Booth!
A mouthful, I know! But, dear visitors, welcome once again! Looking for some shiny new badges, but at the same time help a flight out? Well here, you can accomplish both those things, and purchase a few of the badges that my dear friends Beet and Boot have set up down below!
All the funds collected from here will be sent to the Wind Flight Donation Bank for our general needs! No fodder or anything needed - just some of your hard earned shinies and occasionally a few items!
•Please don’t use badges you didn’t buy! C’mon guys, be fair.
•Once you buy a badge, you can use it however many times you want! Signatures, bio’s, clan profiles, go wild!
•You can totally buy more than one badge at a time! Feel free to buy the whole stock!
PM me the funds, please! You don’t have to wait for me to respond, just send an order, send the funds, and bam it’s yours!
•I record all purchases on a spreadsheet! So no cheating, hehe >:3
•Lost the badge code? Don’t worry! Beet has all of the badges in his bio, just right click and copy the image link, and shove it in between the image code! Like this:
[img]image link here (right click and copy it)[img]
•Be nice! Manners always light up my day!
Order Form
New badges each week!
Well, hopefully! My schedule is a tight one, but there’ll be weekly badges you can buy! However, these badges come with a certain stock limit (usually around 15) and expire after 3 weeks, so get em while you can! ^^
Ohoho, but do you want to be alerted for when to said weekly badges are released?
There’s a ping list for new badges!
Beet carries all the badges, so if you forgot the code or can’t find the code of a badge you purchased, he’s here for you!

Feel free to ask any questions! No need to ping, I’m subscribed! (But I won’t get mad if you do!)
Wispwillow Badges [Shadow’s Badge Fundraiser]
A Shadow flight badge fundraising program! There’s a lot of cute, fun, Shadow-themed badges to pick from! Go check them out!
Pladge (Revamped!) [Plague’s Badge Fundraiser]
A plague-themed badge shop, selling dozens of adorable and high quality badges! Go check them out!
Bottled Boat Badges [Water’s Badge Fundraiser]
The water flight badge fundraiser! Check them out, they’ve got amazing and cute boat and water-themed badges!
[Breezy Badges Affiliate Banner!]

credits to Voratte for the dividers and Pladge for overall theme and idea! ^^
[emoji=gust size=1][b][size=4]NOODLE DAD[/size][/b][emoji=gust size=1]
[i]Mmm, nothing like a good cup of wind deity- wait a minute[/i]
[b]Expires:[/b] Never! If only I could say the same about real noodles...
[b]Price:[/b] 10kt or 10g
[code] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154][img]https://i.ibb.co/xLZdCrV/B62353-DE-4-FEC-49-E0-B135-D850-D3-B597-EC.png[/img][/url][/code]
[emoji=gust size=1][b][size=4]BAD APPLE[/size][/b][emoji=gust size=1]
[i]Maybe pick a different fruit to eat...[/i]
[b]Expires:[/b] September 15th
[b]Price:[/b] 20kt or 20g
[code] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154] [img]https://i.ibb.co/6NQcGZL/79-E06533-2-E7-E-4-EF0-8466-4757-D0-CA9-B0-F.png[/img][/url][/code]
[url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154/1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/TRfkPhs/FAD178-DD-5-ED8-412-A-8-DD0-27250-C843911.png[/img][/url]
[emoji=gust size=1][b][size=4]FIT FOR A PRINCE[/size][/b][emoji=gust size=1]
[i]A popular gift between young Imperial couples[/i]
[b]Expires:[/b] September 15th
[b]Price:[/b] 20kt or 20g
[code] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154] [img]https://i.ibb.co/TRfkPhs/FAD178-DD-5-ED8-412-A-8-DD0-27250-C843911.png[/img][/url][/code]
[url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154/1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/nsDP08V/25-FC8979-FCB7-4-C23-83-AC-4-BBEE964-A17-B.png[/img][/url]
[emoji=gust size=1][b][size=4]EYE SPY[/size][/b][emoji=gust size=1]
[i]Unlike most plants, this bloom is carnivorous, and seeks out its meal...[/i]
[b]Expires:[/b] September 15th
[b]Price:[/b] [b] 10 [gamedb item=3480][/b]
[code][url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154] [img]https://i.ibb.co/nsDP08V/25-FC8979-FCB7-4-C23-83-AC-4-BBEE964-A17-B.png[/img][/url][/code]
credits to Voratte for dividers, and Pladge for overall theme and idea! ^^
Mmm, nothing like a good cup of wind deity- wait a minute
Expires: Never! If only I could say the same about real noodles...
Price: 10kt or 10g
Maybe pick a different fruit to eat...
Expires: September 15th
Price: 20kt or 20g
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154] [img]https://i.ibb.co/6NQcGZL/79-E06533-2-E7-E-4-EF0-8466-4757-D0-CA9-B0-F.png[/img][/url]
A popular gift between young Imperial couples
Expires: September 15th
Price: 20kt or 20g
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154] [img]https://i.ibb.co/TRfkPhs/FAD178-DD-5-ED8-412-A-8-DD0-27250-C843911.png[/img][/url]
Unlike most plants, this bloom is carnivorous, and seeks out its meal...
Expires: September 15th
Price: 10 Tattered Interloper Scrap
[url= https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2835154] [img]https://i.ibb.co/nsDP08V/25-FC8979-FCB7-4-C23-83-AC-4-BBEE964-A17-B.png[/img][/url]
credits to Voratte for dividers, and Pladge for overall theme and idea! ^^
[center][b][size=7][emoji=gust size=7][color=darkgreen]FAQ[emoji=gust size=7][b][/size][/color]
[emoji=gust size=1][b]Short Intro About Myself and BB[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
Hello everyone! I run Breezy Badges! I draw all the badges, arrange the thread, sort out the tracker, and run through orders! This is a solo-run shop, and [b]is not an official Wind Flight program![/b] Meaning I’ve chosen to make a badge shop to help support wind by donating all funds I receive from this shop to the wind bank, but Breezy Badges is not an official program part of the wind flight, but rather a fun shop I chose to run in support of my Home Flight! I’m a minor with highschool to tend to, so I’m awfully busy, and have a history of a few stress/anxiety issues, which are thankfully slowly being solved by some time with myself! This shop has helped me in more ways than one, and everyone is so kind and encouraging! I plan to keep running Breezy Badges as long as I can, and help support Wind!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]What do I do if I lose my badge code?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
[b]You can visit either the tracker or [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/59181247]Beet’s bio[/url] for all the badges and their codes![/b] However the codes are tracker only! Don’t forget to play fair and only use badges you own!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]Can I send multiple orders?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
You can!! However, I work through my PM’s from oldest to newest, so if you’ve sent two orders in two PM’s, I may respond twice to you! Note that I do have a copy & paste message sent back to you that is occasionally changed up, so don’t be freaked if I’ve sent the exact same message back to you twice!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]When do badges expire?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
If you check the ‘Expiry’ of the badge, you can get the date that it leaves the shelves! [b]Badges will always expire at the end of the rollover on the date under the expiration[/b]! Meaning if a badge is set to expire on the 25th, I will wake up as early in the morning as possible on the 26th to set up the new badges! You can still buy the badges as long as you can still see them!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]What art program do you use?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
I use a combination of IbisPaint and Autodesk Sketchbook to make my badges! Autodesk is used for the initial art of the badge, and IbisPaint is used for resizing/final touches! Then I use imgbb to get the bbcode of the badges!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]What time zone are you in?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
FR Time + 3 and a half hours! Or at least around that!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]Can we edit badges?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
Other than flipping it around in bio’s, that’s a big no-no. Never claim an artist’s work that isn’t yours! Link the badge back to Breezy Badges please!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]The tracker isn’t working![/b][emoji=gust size=1]
Try making a new copy of the tracker, otherwise PM me! If a badge isn’t listed, send a screenshot of the order with the currency so I have proof of purchase and can list it down for you!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]How do badges work?[/b][emoji=gust size=1]
Badges are basically decorations earned through t/g/items/completing tasks/favours! Some people enjoy collecting badges to form a collection, or simply buying them for aesthetic looks and decoration for their dragon bio’s or profiles or signatures! Once you buy a badge, you can use it as many times as you’d like!
[emoji=gust size=1][b]My question wasn’t answered here![/b][emoji=gust size=1]
Don’t worry, just send me a PM or just ask on the thread with a ping @ me! I’d be happy to answer any of your questions!
[color=darkgreen][size=5][b]Thank you all and have a wonderful day![/b][/size][/color]
Short Intro About Myself and BB
Hello everyone! I run Breezy Badges! I draw all the badges, arrange the thread, sort out the tracker, and run through orders! This is a solo-run shop, and
is not an official Wind Flight program! Meaning I’ve chosen to make a badge shop to help support wind by donating all funds I receive from this shop to the wind bank, but Breezy Badges is not an official program part of the wind flight, but rather a fun shop I chose to run in support of my Home Flight! I’m a minor with highschool to tend to, so I’m awfully busy, and have a history of a few stress/anxiety issues, which are thankfully slowly being solved by some time with myself! This shop has helped me in more ways than one, and everyone is so kind and encouraging! I plan to keep running Breezy Badges as long as I can, and help support Wind!
What do I do if I lose my badge code?
You can visit either the tracker or Beet’s bio for all the badges and their codes! However the codes are tracker only! Don’t forget to play fair and only use badges you own!
Can I send multiple orders?
You can!! However, I work through my PM’s from oldest to newest, so if you’ve sent two orders in two PM’s, I may respond twice to you! Note that I do have a copy & paste message sent back to you that is occasionally changed up, so don’t be freaked if I’ve sent the exact same message back to you twice!
When do badges expire?
If you check the ‘Expiry’ of the badge, you can get the date that it leaves the shelves!
Badges will always expire at the end of the rollover on the date under the expiration! Meaning if a badge is set to expire on the 25th, I will wake up as early in the morning as possible on the 26th to set up the new badges! You can still buy the badges as long as you can still see them!
What art program do you use?
I use a combination of IbisPaint and Autodesk Sketchbook to make my badges! Autodesk is used for the initial art of the badge, and IbisPaint is used for resizing/final touches! Then I use imgbb to get the bbcode of the badges!
What time zone are you in?
FR Time + 3 and a half hours! Or at least around that!
Can we edit badges?
Other than flipping it around in bio’s, that’s a big no-no. Never claim an artist’s work that isn’t yours! Link the badge back to Breezy Badges please!
The tracker isn’t working!
Try making a new copy of the tracker, otherwise PM me! If a badge isn’t listed, send a screenshot of the order with the currency so I have proof of purchase and can list it down for you!
How do badges work?
Badges are basically decorations earned through t/g/items/completing tasks/favours! Some people enjoy collecting badges to form a collection, or simply buying them for aesthetic looks and decoration for their dragon bio’s or profiles or signatures! Once you buy a badge, you can use it as many times as you’d like!
My question wasn’t answered here!
Don’t worry, just send me a PM or just ask on the thread with a ping @ me! I’d be happy to answer any of your questions!
Thank you all and have a wonderful day!
Username: Taytenn
ID: 339149
Badge(s): Noodledad, Flock of Feathers, Skycat Slumber, Slither In, Bamboo Bonanza, Coin Cloud
Notes: PINGLIST PLEASE! These are amazing and I want every one ;v;
Username: Taytenn
ID: 339149
Badge(s): Noodledad, Flock of Feathers, Skycat Slumber, Slither In, Bamboo Bonanza, Coin Cloud
Notes: PINGLIST PLEASE! These are amazing and I want every one ;v;